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The Canaan Project

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Talk Page

The Canaan Project
Guard logo big.png
Origin Omicron-74
Affiliation Zoners
Alignment Independent
Recruitment Canaan Recruitment Page
Date of founding 815 A.S.
Founder(s) James el Harady
Current leader(s) Bacchus Beleth, James el Harady
Base of operations unknown
Primary ID Zoner ID
IFF Zoners
Tag(s) Canaan|
Primary role
1. Following the conversative zoner culture

2. Regaining own independence of laws

3. Researching the Artificial Intelligence

4. Improving biological and social situation

5. Colonizing a new home


The Canaan Project was a Zoner researching group that one day were sent off on an assigment on the Planet Gammu in Omicron Kappa to investigate the strange signals that were picked of from Freeport 11 from Omicron Kappa. Deep inside Gammu's artificial tunnels , after 3 years they've made the first contgact with the AIs wich seemed to bee self-aware and autonomus, like humans.


The Group that later on became known as the Canaan Project had its origins in Omicron 74. The Canaan Project consisted of a group of Zoner scientists that were sent off to explore the strange signal that was emitting from Omicron Kappa’s Planet Gammu in 815 AS. The leading scientist of the exploration program was James el Harady, who has earned his name as a researcher for his former explorations on which he discovered valuable artifacts. After an intense period of preparation, the “Kauket”, an “Aquilon” class carrier that was built into a research ship was launched, accompanied by armed security ships in addition to multiple freighters and transports fully loaded with research and excavation equipment. Upon arrival on Planet Gammu multiple research facilities were set up. Because of the radiation density, research was hampered during the first two weeks and excavations to find the source of the signal from below the surface eventually began. As the excavation progressed, mechanical haulage and transport systems were installed to speed the exploration and supplementary arterial tunnels were sent out to assist the main drive, until the day a giant security door was discovered. After a gigantic physical effort, they managed to work themselves through to the other side of the door, to discover a mysterious structure jammed with computers, wires and all kinds of strange technical instruments. At this point they had to make a decision: Either they informed their home base about their discovery and risk being withdrawn, or else they could continue their investigation into the unknown….The decision was made and the base camp moved to the interior. As a safety measure the present radiation on Planet Gammu was increased with assistance of the equipment on the “Kauket”. Connecting their computers to the ones they found in the rooms, they got to work right away. The coding was complex and there was no sign of how they got there and who built the structure they were currently standing in, but everyone was giving their best to decode what was saved on the computers. After they worked for some hours something unexpected happened. In one large, dome-like room which was located far outside of the structure, lights started to appear behind a thick ice wall. The lights started to grow in numbers and as the lights started appearing, a loud humming tone became louder. . When the brightness of the lights and the volume of the tone reached levels that were close to being unbearable they suddenly stopped. After those strange occurrences James el Harady decided to concentrate their research on the object they found in the large room. A frame was set up and they started to melt away the ice around the object. The research continued for two more rather uneventful years and even the scientists were growing impatient, but then Dr. Freya Sampson, the leading researcher of the computer and programming division made a staggering discovery. A small part of the saved data on the computers was encoded multiple times with rather simple codes like binary and hexadecimal. With that they found out that they had an easy time decoding the data and gained access to the vast collection of different texts, images, videos and sound data that was stored on the computers. While working through all the material and filtering the data for two more months they discovered multiple logs, set up like to-do-lists or trails of thoughts. By then everybody was already getting uncomfortable, but just when they worked themselves deeper into the computer system, it started to establish contact to them - it started talking. After a short talk it was quickly established that they were in fact talking to some sort of artificial intelligence, and a quite advanced one at that. On further conversations with the Artificial Intelligence, it was established that the main frame of the AI’s computer got damaged by the ice - limiting its access to the memory system - and that it needed hardware parts to be activated in order to function properly and James and his exploration team should be the ones to fulfill this duty. As most of the Canaan members worked on melting the ice from the machines, Freya Sampson kept most of the conversation with the artificial intelligence and grew a sort of relationship with it, thus naming it ‘Minerva’. After removing roughly a third of the total ice, they were able to connect it to the machines. Followed by the same humming tone they heard before, which was louder than the last time, thousands of lights appeared of different sizes and luminosities. But this time they moved, showing an extraordinary number of vessels, hovering without any signs of engines, in the dome-like structure. It did not take long, until these vessels simply shot an enormous hole into the ice roof, causing then to escape from their icy prison and flying into space with astonishing velocity. Right after this, James El Harady ordered everyone to the meeting hall, planning their next move - setting up a second outpost on the outskirts of Planet Primus, in favor of the whole team, who have already been scarred by the rather inhospitable environment of the levels below Gammu’s surface. After loading everything into the ships, getting everyone ready inside and bursting off the small ice layer on the ‘Kauket’, the sight outside the Planet’s orbit was surprising. The machines, which they freed earlier, were battling the nomads between the rock shards floating in the system’s space. They felt a slight relief, that the nomads were not responsible for these machines and snuck by the brawl, eventually entering Primus’ orbit where they still studied the behaviour and characteristics of the machines. Freya grew closer to Minerva, given the fact, that they basically shared the same desires and Freya could watch her develop. When Minerva offered her to enhance her body with nanotechnology though, she was uncertain and thus discussed it with Bacchus and James. They had a heated discussion, but in the end, Freya made a decision which Bacchus and James - unwillingly - accepted. Soon after, Freya contacted Minerva and they started the procedure, injecting the nanotechnology into her body, thus enhancing every single one of her senses, making it easier to concentrate and react. Then, given the envy of many members of the Canaan team, more people wanted to receive the same procedure, until nearly any of them were ‘modified’. For a while, there was some sort of corrupted code, turning some of the machines against the others, causing a ‘machine war’ around the Omicrons. While all this happened, the Canaan team was still working on the frozen object under Gammu’s surface, hoping for it to fix the miss events. Then, when the message hit, that the object will be free of ice soon, the ‘Kauket’ has been sent to Gammu and James took a small freighter to alight near the Kramer construction site. When arriving at the Kramer construction site - although being slightly hindered by a clashing snowstorm - there were already Bacchus, Eli, Freya and even Minerva awaiting him. When they sent the pulse to activate the object, it started shaking, loud noises increasing in volume and lights going off. Then James noticed Minerva, motionlessly and in absolute silence staring at Freya. The chain of events following were shocking, as Freya agreed with Minerva who did not actually speak. Immediately after, Minerva switched into nanostate, turning into a floating cloud. Right when Freya moved a hand towards the cloud, it rushed at her, surrounding her and slowly disintegrating Freya’s body. Shocked by the horrible disaster, everyone move away from the cloud that formed itself back to Minerva, though slightly different. As Minerva pointed at a big display with cameras, James noticed the absence of the nine workers within the dome. She told them, that Freya saved them and every piece of information had been ‘converted’. Then, Minerva vanished after puzzling statements, James el Harady began to understand. The machines returned to their original state. After they came to the realization that everything they worked for in the past years, all the sweat, all the losses seemed to have vanished. They were in an awful situation: Facts about a destabilized zoner community, nowhere to go to, no allies - they had nothing but the things they brought with them. As everybody was about to abandon all hope captain el Harady once again had one of those ideas that got them into the situation they found themselves in. It was hard for him to earn back the trust of the members of his expedition, but soon everyone came to the realization that there were no other alternatives. They chose to stay, continue their research and to build a new home: a place to return to and where they are welcomed with open arms - Their very own promised land. It was the very moment of this decision in which the Canaan Project was born.


Faction Relationship
Primary Artificial Intelligence
Everyone else
The Order
The Core
At War
At War
At War


Main Exploration Vessel
Dsy rh c trans.png
Main Supply Transport

Dsy zon hf.png
The Snake

The Guardian
Bw vheavy fighter.png
The Interceptor
The Boomer

Dsy miner shf.png
The Peacekeeper

See Also
