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Omicron Sigma

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Omicron Sigma System

No Data available

System Navmaps

System Overview

Local factions

None known


None known

Planet Palmyra

None known


None known

Areas of Interest

Kadesh Rift

A vast asteroid field locked in an embrace around the titanic black hole slowly drawing in the system's stellar matter. The most likely culprit for the scattered rocks are ancient and long-dormant remains of destroyed planets or moons.

House Intelligence agencies local to the area heavily caution against lingering, as the terrorist organization known as The Order is believed to have vested interests in the region.

Damascus Cloud


An outcropping of the Edge Nebula, of unknown internal composition. Visiting xenoarcheologists and scientists believe that some kind of gravitational satellite at the center of the system's nebulae keeps the Black Hole from tearing them apart. In Damascus' case, the "anchor" is believed to be a Jump Hole.

Lebanon Cloud


Lebanon is a cloud of Crow Nebula gases, the composition within being unknown and nigh-impossible to permeate with scanners; a trait shared with many similar nebulae in the Sigmas. Hostile life-forms are believed to inhabit the interior and entry is heavily inadvisable.

Notable events

Jump Gates/Holes

See also

The Order