Cruise Disruptor

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Projectiles designed to throw ships out of cruise mode are called cruise disruptors. They deliver a very specifically tuned electromagnetic field that overloads the onboard ion engines of the affected ship, resulting with a power loss. Modern ships automatically reroute power to auxiliary engines, allowing the ship to manuever at impulse speed before full energy is restored.

This has two major consequences:

  • A ship travelling in cruise mode will be automatically thrown out of it and reduced to impulse speed.
  • A drifting ship will stop it's drift and return to impulse speed due to automatic auxiliary engine deployment.

The automated engine systems of the ship will automatically switch to auxiliary engines until power is restored. The ship will be unable to power up cruise for approximately five seconds after being hit with the disruptor. The disrupting field does not affect thrusters, allowing ships some degree of manueverability after being hit.

The electromagnetic blast of the disruptor is also able to set off proximity sensors on mines, missiles and torpedoes, instantly detonating them before they reach their target. This can be used to great advantage against enemies relying on ammo based weaponry.

Name Hull Damage Shield Damage Explosion Range Launcher Price Ammo Price
Wasp Cruise Disruptor 37 18 50m 2,980c 50c
Hornet Cruise Disruptor 159 79 50m 92,460c
Train Cruise Disruptor 140 70 400m 194,000c 2,000c
Mosquito Cruise Disruptor 256 127 50m 222,000c 2,000c
Reinforced Cruise Disruptor 210 105 50m 920,000c 2,000c