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Neo-Terran Front
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- This is an unofficial player group.
The Neo-Terran Front | |
Origin | ![]() |
Affiliation | Unaffiliated |
Alignment | Unlawful |
Profile | |
Date of founding | April 24, 815 A.S. |
Founder(s) | Ian Bosch |
Current leader(s) | NTF High Command |
Base of operations | NTBS Belisarius, mobile |
Identification | |
Primary ID | Freelancer ID |
IFF | Freelancer |
Tag(s) | ]NTF[- |
Primary role | |
The construction of one or more Sleeper Ships to escape Sirius. | |
Secondary role | |
Preventing any one faction from gaining dominance in Sirius while the Sleeper Ship project is still ongoing | |
Table of contents | |
The Neo-Terran Front is a radicalized, unlawful offshoot of the LSF dedicated to building at least one ship (more if possible) capable of escaping Sirius altogether and building a utopian civilization at their destination.
History of the Front
815 - 816 A.S.
The organization that would become the NTF held its origins in Liberty, a quiet project of the LSF following the Nomad War.
The goal of this project: Escape Sirius.
The department name: Neo-Liberty.
The project was greenlighted despite the general feeling of relief following the Nomad defeat. A strain of pessimism among certain LSF officers saw the Nomads as a threat that would eventually eclipse any human resistance.
A clash of politics blighted the project however, and in the manoeuvres of LSF titans, the project met its tragic end. The project was running far over budget, and there were noises among the LSF's leadership to convert the unfinished hull of the sleeper ship Freedom into a massive warship, thus (in their eyes) justifying the horrendous expense. The members of the Neo-Liberty project were dead-set against this, to the point of continuing the project in defiance of the inevitable cancellation order.
With department set against department, the sixteen years spent in development and construction of the Sleeper Ship Freedom were reduced to cooling wreckage and the frozen bodies of scientists and LSF officers alike. Although the destruction of the Freedom was in fact an accident, both sides blamed each other. This became a short, bloody, covert war, won by traditionalists keen to take advantage of their opponent’s great hope and fatal distraction.
The traditionalists were not successful in murdering every member of the Neo-Liberty department. An LSF gunboat, the Undaunted, escaped the net with the Commanders of the Neo-Liberty department aboard. Hundreds of brave souls assured this retreat with their lives, and the last transmissions of these heroes were etched in their Commanders' minds. The last insult given to the dead was in the official LSF statement to the news service: That it had isolated and destroyed "an enclave of rebel LSF personnel engaged in anti-Liberty activities".
The lone gunboat, pursued by LSF operatives keen to hide the blood on their superiors' hands, chose a difficult route; one to make their determined pursuers blanch. Omicron Minor proved an effective deterrent but the crew of the gunboat, which was damaged and low on supplies, were in no state to celebrate. For three days the Undaunted drifted in the Edge Nebula, eking out rations as morale sank to new depths. At 0300 New Manhattan Time on the fourth day, Nomads discovered their ship.
With half the turrets inoperable, the gunboat put up little resistance and before long the shields were down and the hull was punished by the alien weapons. Expecting death but not giving in easily, and at the urging of their commanding officers, the gunners took down one of the Nomad fighters.
It was at this point that an Order patrol sighted the firefight and proceeded to assist the stricken gunboat, mopping up the remaining Nomads with an efficiency that did their organisation proud. Crippled as the gunboat was, the patrol offered to transport the crew back to Toledo in their fighter’s cargo holds. Reluctant to leave the ship that sheltered them for so long, the crew organised tethers instead and the Order fighters towed the gunboat to Toledo.
Planet-side, a furious exchange of information ensued. The crew of the Undaunted were, after all, high-ranking members of the LSF before their blandishment and exile, and were able to update the Order tactical division on Liberty Navy positions and operating procedures, as well as some of the covert operations engaged in by LSF forces against the Order. Thankful for the information, a small number of mechanics were assigned by Order command to repair the gunboat. Even after the efforts of the Toledo mechanics, the gunboat did not look the same. The scars of lasers and welds formed a mapwork across the hull that even a thick paintjob could not disguise.
While the crew of the Neo-Liberty division gunboat were grateful for the Order’s help in their time of need, they could not give up on their dream and join the Order’s war. After a vote, it was decided that the gunboat would leave for civilised space, and a course was set through Corsair territory. As Toledo shrunk behind the gunboat, the crew mourned two of their fellows who had elected to remain on that planet. But they were determined in their goal, laid out by their surviving leader, Ian Bosch, to build that Sleeper Ship; to create a new Eden in another system, or if they dared to hope, another galaxy.
817 A.S.
Now styling themselves the Neo-Terran Front, the organisation began to grow as they moved from Freeport to Freeport, and later the House stations and planets. Recruiting agents were left in their wake to spread the hastily drawn propaganda, appealing to the disgruntled civilians, the poor and forgotten, even the hopelessly criminal. There was one restricting factor; Cardamine. The Commanders of the Neo-Terran Front, with knowledge from their earlier time as LSF officers, saw Cardamine as a great threat to humanity and one factor they would not tolerate in plans for extra-Sirius colonisation. Instead they strove for a cure, establishing a number of research labs aboard ships as their influence grew. Slavery, too, was an evil to be avoided and stopped whenever possible.
The NTF attempted diplomacy with a number of factions, including Bretonia and Rheinland, but found that they had been blacklisted by Liberty and were regarded by the public as little more than common pirates. Nonetheless, the faction attracted a number of supporters; some out of genuine support for Bosch's ideology; others, like the exiled Outcast battleship Cassus Belli, because they had nowhere else to turn.
Trapped in Hudson by Liberty fleet movements, the bulk of the NTF's combat arm was forced to run a Navy blockade in a desperate attempt to link up with the rest of their number in the western Independent Worlds. In California, they were greeted with the news that the NTF's founder and leader, Ian Bosch, had been assassinated by LSF operatives. On top of that, there was also a second Liberty battlegroup facing off against ships of the Hellfire Legion. Lacking any sane alternatives, the beleaguered Neo-Terrans joined forces with the Legionnaires and broke through the Navy blockade.
In recent months the disparate members of the Neo-Terran Front have begun to draw their assets to a central position in a remote system and display their colours as a signal to their hidden agents. Despite many setbacks, Bosch's cause lives on, embodied by the NTF's flagship, the Belisarius, and by the dedication in the hearts of every member of the NTF.
Neo-Terrans attempted (with some success) to repressurize and inhabit the Junction Wreck in Kansas and retrofit the station to a semblance of working order. Additionally, the NTF operated a small hunting outpost on Planet Wichita to provide fresh food for themselves. Despite having to deal with the occasional lunatic rambling about a "Shrine", and the very occasional run-in with Nomads, the NTF operated relatively unmolested in Kansas for a while. After many months, the Liberty Navy and LSF were able to spare a sufficient amount of military assets to rout the Front from the system, and Liberty, for good. In a desperate act of survivability, the Front retreated to the distant Omega systems, where they traveled as a single, nomadic entity, surrounding their crowned jewel, the Belisarius.
The NTF's time in the Omegas was eventful. The NTF's presence near Freeport 1 was one of the unintended catalysts for the chaotic Battle of Omega-3. Much to the chagrin of the Neo-Terrans, this led to the Corsair-Zoner War, the breakup of the Zoner Alliance, and the tensions and hostility that linger in the Omicrons and Omegas to this day.
The Front took advantage of the chaos to break into Omicron-74 and squatted on Livadia Shipyard to repair the Belisarius. As the conflict neared its end, the NTF made its way out of the Omegas, returning to their old stomping grounds in the western Independent Worlds.
Present Day
The Front has more or less faded into the shadows, with only the occasional sighting here and there. No one has seen hide nor hair of the Front's nominal leader, Greg Matthews, for several years. Neo-Terran propaganda has been seen among those fleeing the Munich system, though it is unknown whether the Front itself is actively distributing it.
Goals and Activities
The Neo-Terran Front exists for the purpose of, eventually, building one or more sleeper ships and escaping Sirius altogether. The idea is that at least a part of humanity will survive and thrive if disaster strikes Sirius. The NTF's ideology touts the concept of Neo-Terra, a new homeworld that would echo the lost grandeur of Earth and become the new cultural and economic center of humanity.
However, in the short term the NTF's goals run more along the lines of basic survival. With few allies to speak of, and no shipyard facilities of their own with which to begin their project or even replace their losses, the NTF only exists as a coherent faction due to the pull of its ideology and various defections from other groups.
NTF forces make occasional raids on Liberty military targets and patrols, and cooperate with other unlawful forces to do so -- particularly those of the Hellfire Legion. However, NTF forces will not fire upon civilians of any House unless attacked, or unless said civilians are intruding on what the NTF considers their "turf".
IFF: Freelancer IFF for most ships
ID: Freelancer ID for standard vessels Spec ops ID for the Belisarius
Naming Conventions: For fighters and bombers: ]NTF[-Callsign E.g. ]NTF[-Spleenmaster For larger ships: ]NTF[-SHIPTYPE-ship.name E.g. ]NTF[-NTC-Refute
Ranking Structure
The NTF uses a military ranking structure, loosely based on the Maltese Navy and the LSF. The Neo Terrans give ranks based on contribution and effort, favoring those who further their goals and protect their interests.
Colonist -- Colonists are the base of the organization. All NTF members that haven't joined its military rank are considered to be part of this group, along with new recruits in the Neo-Terran Navy. Any and all in this rank are allowed to use civilian Heavy and Very Heavy fighters, along with civilian weapons. Along with this, logistic vessels, transports, and repair ships are allowed. Non combat ships are protected by the rest of the NTF, and kept to back-of-the-line duty.
Ensign -- Proved to be contributive to the military branch of the NTF, Ensigns are the first step up from the regular colonists. Piloting civilian Heavy and Very Heavy Fighters, they carry out basic tasks such as the protection and security of NTF assets, or escort duty for transport and logistic ships. Ensigns are allowed the same technology as the Colonists, with the addition of Purple Goddess and Fury weapons.
Lieutenant -- After further military service, Lieutenant is the first 'real' military rank bestowed upon an NTF officer. At the discretion of the Executive Commander, Lieutenants can be granted bombers, and with special request, Hellflurries and Bayonet fighters. Lieutenants are given an expanded arsenal, sporting Class Nine missiles, fighter torpedoes, and the much vaunted "Mini Razor" tachyon accelerator. Along with this privilege comes responsibility. Lieutenants are looked upon to be the first ring in the military ladder, and are expected to be ready to give their lives for the Neo-Terran cause.
Lieutenant Commander -- After further inductions into the Neo Terran military, hardened Lieutenants are elevated to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Given more tech privileges, Lt. Cmdrs. are given the command over lesser units, and often the heads of small squadrons. Previously restricted ships and weapons such as Hellflurries and Bayonets are freely allowed to Lt. Cmdrs., along with free use of civilian bombers. The high tech Broadsword Lane Hacker bomber has also been seen piloted by officers of this rank, although the process of obtaining one has been deemed arduous by some.
Commander, Air Group -- Abreviated "CAG", the Commander, Air Group is the head commander responsible for all fighter operations in the NTF. Deemed with the task of commanding on the front lines, the CAG is allowed to openly use any fighter or bomber available to the NTF. Codename weaponry is also allowed.
Captain -- Deemed the "Meat and potatoes" of the Neo Terran fleet, Captains are given heavier and more delicate command, being placed in control of up to Gunboat class vessels. The Exec Commander personally chooses the ship each captain will be commanding, making sure that each ship is matched to the Captains skill and talents as a leader. Captains are allowed capital ship technology.
Commander -- Given reign over Captains, Commanders carry a heavy weight on their shoulders. They are the vertebrae to the backbone of the NTF's capital fleet. Only those who have showed exemplary service as well as complete loyalty are bestowed the rank of Commander. Commanders use the same technology as Captains, using Gunboats and Destroyers per the Executive Commander's discretion.
Commodore -- Commodore is considered to be the second most important role in the Neo Terran Navy. With firm control over all below them, with the exception of the CAG, Commodores ensure that the navy remains a well-oiled machine, keeping all pilots and regulations in check. Becoming a Commodore is one of the hardest tasks an NTF officer can attempt. Commodores are only given their rank through staunch loyalty and an expert grasp on military tactics, and the science of modern naval warfare.
Executive Commander -- Head of the Neo Terran navy, the Exec Commander personally oversees all operations in and around Kansas. The Exec Commander has the ability to overrule any command or decision from CAG and above, even though the Exec expects to never need to. The Exec Commander focuses more on long term military goals and strategies, keeping the day-to-day duties of command to Commodores and the CAG. When in battle, the Exec advises the Commodores and Commanders on strategy while watching the maneuvers of the Neo Terran Navy as a whole.
As the Neo-Terran Front consists of former LSF, Maltese exiles, inducted civilians, and recruits from other factions, the ships used by the NTF are an eclectic hodge-podge from all over Sirius. As such they operate a variety of craft, but many of them are in poor repair. The only fighters or bombers they can purchase in any quantity (and only surreptitiously at that) are civilian ships, such as the Griffin and Eagle -- though a few pilots are also seen in Legion-manufactured fighters and bombers.
Some members of the Neo-Terran Front also have a healthy respect for the shipcrafters of the Renzu Corporation. As such, a few go out of their way to purchase such a fighter (usually a Wasupu) before declaring their allegiance to the NTF formally. Unfortunately, spare parts for these ships are more difficult to come by on the market, and thus such fighters are rare in NTF use.
NTF freighters are rare, but are occasionally needed for supply shipments, which often have to be smuggled to their destination. In these cases, NTF freighters usually use the ubiquitous Dromedary, Border World transports, or the redoubtable Serenity. NTF freighters avoid Liberty most of the time, apart from picking up new recruits.
The Hellfire Legion sold the NTF a small number of Broadsword-class bombers and Bayonet-class heavy fighters while they had access to them, but these have likely long since been rendered unusable due to damage and lack of proper parts.
A smattering of ships have been converted into mobile science labs, in order to test or reverse engineer technologies for eventual use in the sleeper ship. The most prominent of these is the Hinton.
Maureen Folan owned and piloted a Barghest-class heavy bomber. The NTF does not and did not upkeep it; only Folan's relationship with the Mollies allowed her to keep it in flying condition. With her disappearance, the ship's status is unknown.
- Sirius & House Civilian Fighters, Freighters, Transports - Borderworld Fighters, Freighters, Transports
The NTF has access to whatever weaponry can be easily procured through their contacts with the Hellfire Legion and Zoners, as well as the ubiquitous civilian weaponry. Research projects were briefly underway to produce indigenous weapon designs, but these efforts were abandoned after the move to Kansas. There are simply too many other things to do which take higher priority.
- Civilian weaponry - Zoner weaponry (limited) - Hellfire Legion weaponry (limited)
Notable Ships
Active Ships
Following the Second Battle of California Minor, a severely damaged Cassus Belli was given to the Hellfire Legion in return for the Belisarius. Constructed in tandem with the Pandion, the current flagship of the Legion's fleet, the Belisarius is a fully equipped Spyglass hull. While only bearing generic weaponry - including Cerberus heavy plasma cannons and an antimatter mortar - as well as an outdated scanner array, the Belisarius is still not to be trifled with. It serves not only as the pride and joy of the Neo Terran Front, but as a temporary headquarters until a proper base can be secured. |
The NTSV Hinton is a Zoner Conference class gunboat. Once the personal vessel of a Zoner of Rheinland origin, the Hinton was purchased by Robert Crompton, a Bretonian freelancer who later defected to the Front. Used primarily for research and diplomatic missions, the first Hinton was destroyed attempting to protect other NTF vessels fleeing Kansas. The Hinton currently seen in operation is a replacement garnered from the Zoner shipyards in Omicron-74 during the chaos of the Corsair-Zoner War. |
A proof-of-concept vessel, the Kimbilio is an attempt to convert a common, standard Pelican-class Armored Transport into a passable light gunboat. The results were middling at best, but the go-ahead for further refits has been given anyway. |
The Refute was recently purchased in the Sigmas at a bargain price, although it's easy to see why. The only dedicated gunboat in the Neo-Terran fleet, it is effectively vintage having systems mostly unchanged from the late 600s and mid 750s. In line with the Neo-Terran tradition of ship adaptation, extra armor plating was added in an attempt to compensate for these shortcomings although it still suffers technical issues as the oldest ship in the Front. Its most notable engagement in Omicron Delta against Nomad forces ended with the ship being gutted and adrift in need of major repairs. |
Historic Ships
Formerly known as the MNS-Cassus.Belli, this was a Sarissa class Outcast battleship, and the then captain Jacob Ryder's flagship. Exiled from Outcast society, and pursued by the 101st, Nomads, Colonial Remnant, and Vagrant Raiders, the Cassus eventually found a temporary not-so-safe haven within Liberty. After a long and drawn out debate, the Cassus was eventually exiled once more, this time from Liberty space under the guise of a "lack of resources to maintain her". This explanation was merely a cover so as to not cause mass panic in Liberty - the true reason for her exile being the assistance of a lone Rogue Gunboat against two carriers, which Captain Ryder couldn't stand for. Short on supplies and with nowhere to run, Captain Ryder was approached by Executive Commander Rossini, who offered asylum for the Cassus within the barren Inverness system. This was shortlived however, as the BAF were informed by Liberty that the "Neo Terran Terrorists" were harbouring the vessel. With Inverness virtually under siege, the Cassus Belli was smuggled out under the cover of night, as it were. Somehow managing to slip through to Hamburg, the Cassus was once more the target of unwarranted stigma, and was the primary reason the Front was turned away from Rheinland. The series of unfortunate events following in the Cassus' wake did not stop there, however; When the Front attempted to link up with their surviving forces in Magellan and Cortez after being trapped in Hudson, the Cassus was intercepted by a Liberty battlegroup consisting of two Liberty Dreadnoughts and a Carrier. Surviving only due to the timely intervention of the Hellfire Legion, the Cassus was given to their saviours following the aftermath of the battle in return for one of the much vaunted Spyglass warships. The whereabouts of this old ship are unknown, though it's been rumored to have been spotted lurking in the California system... |
The Undaunted was the sole surviving vessel of the Neo Libertonian Front division of the LSF. It carried the handful of dreamers and idealists who would go on to revive the dream of Neo Terra or die trying to their salvation. Rescued by the Order and having undergone patchwork repairs after limping from Alaska, it served as the mobile HQ of the Neo Terran Front for a little over a year, until the Cassus Belli was acquired. Upon the signing of the Front's pact with the Legion, the Undaunted was towed off to be used for spare parts in return for three Bayonet class fighters and three Broadsword class bombers. |
Zones of Operations
Primary: Humboldt, Kansas, Magellan, Cortez, Coronado, Baffin.
These systems are considered to be our primary "stomping grounds".
Secondary: Bretonia, Liberty.
NTF vessels can be seen operating in these systems.
Tertiary: The Taus, Roussillon, Omicrons, Kusari, Rheinland.
NTF vessels generally do not mount combat missions in these areas, but non-combat vessels may be seen on occasion, picking up supplies or recruits, as well as the occasional diplomatic venture.
Special: Vespucci Docking rights have been granted on America Base for NTF vessels to rearm and resupply, or to offload cargo, but permission should still be sought from a Hellfire officer. NTF vessels may dock on Monterrey Base ONLY to purchase craft from the Hellfire Legion.
The Front has wound up becoming a near-pariah in short order. The Neo-Terran movement maintains a hostile stance towards the armed forces of Liberty and Gallia, having been outright hunted by the LSF in the Independent Worlds and regarding Gallia's expansionism as a threat to the freedom of humanity in Sirius. The NTF is distrusted by the other Houses due to their stated goal of building a sleeper ship, which, in the eyes of many House military analysts, could be a front for building a giant capital ship with which to dominate Sirius -- an ironic conclusion given the group's history. This has not prevented trade however, with occasional sightings of Neo Terran transports in Rheinland and more recently Kusari following the change of government.
The NTF is also distrusted by many of the pirates common in the Independent Worlds due to their outspoken opposition to the trading of slaves. Despite all this, they have tried to maintain at least a cordial relationship with the Junkers, as the ubiquitous scrap-dealers are one of the few factions willing and able to sell the Neo-Terrans the supplies they need, no questions asked. The NTF has maintained somewhat friendly relations with the Mollies in the past, which along with the Corsair-Zoner war are responsible for the strong animosity between the NTF and Corsairs. Their counterparts, the Outcasts are on similarly unfriendly terms as a result of the Front's opposition of slavery and the Cardamine trade, as well as the Cassus Belli's defection.
An incident in Languedoc, stemming from an attempt to locate the lost science vessel Hinton, resulted in a sizable skirmish between Royalist forces and an odd collection of NTF and Council forces (supported by the odd Brigand). These pilots received medals from the Gallic rebels, while earning enmity from the supporters of the Crown. NTF ships have been seen on occasion assisting Ronin and Bretonian forces against Gallic attack squads.
The NTF wound up in an unlikely alliance with the Hellfire Legion after a battle over California Minor, in which the two groups fought against a superior Liberty Navy force. Though the battle was inconclusive, the NTF did succeed in rescuing many crew members of the heavily damaged Legion battleship Incursus. A treaty has cemented the two factions' relationship for some time and NTF forces have collaborated with the Hellfire Legion in raids on targets in Liberty. Whether this treaty will hold indefinitely is up for speculation, as the Legion did not assist the NTF at all during their frantic evacuation of Kansas.
NTF ships are not to fire upon civilians unless provoked, or unless doing so is directly authorized. NTF pilots are to take every action to prevent unnecessary deaths. In the event that civilians are captured, they are not to be harmed, and should be offloaded at the nearest Freeport, or transferred to an intermediary who can return them home. Enemy combatants captured in action should be given the chance to join the NTF. If they refuse, they are to be offloaded at the nearest base on good terms, for ransom. Higher-ranking officers in enemy military or paramilitary structures will be kept for interrogation, but torture and coercion should be avoided except in extraordinary circumstances.