Ahriman Plasma Cannon

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Ahriman Plasma Cannon

Co proton cooker.png


Owner: The Phantoms
Weapon Class: 10
Energy Type: Plasma
Hull Damage: 1,230
Shield Damage: 615
Range: 666 m
Projectile Speed: 666 m/s
Refire Rate: 2.00
Energy Usage: 230
Price: $112,000

Ahriman Plasma Cannon - This strange plasma weapon appears to be based roughly upon the schematics of a top secret weapon codenamed Iron Hammer, but the actual components used to construct it are truely alien in design. Whether or not they are more advanced is debatable, but the fact that nobody besides the mysterious Phantoms seems to know how it works makes this weapon truly exclusive.

Places Sold

See Also

The ships and equipment of The Phantoms, as well as the Phantom ID, are no longer available for use by any player on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 Server. Players with their ships or ID outside Connecticut should be reported.
* Class 10 Guns