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Manchester System

The Manchester system since it's colonisation has served to protect the route linking the houses of Liberty and Bretonia. Being the first two houses to reunite after the colonisation of Sirius, the Bretonians' paranoia of communist terrorism forced them to closely protect it's new found connection to Liberty. Although vessels with piratical intent did not become a problem for another 100 years, the Kingdom of Bretonia have keenly policed Manchester space ever since and have thus kept a keen grip upon the system as a result.

Kingston Border Station was the first of the police bases to be constructed in the system; fortifying the trade routes headed through the newly constructed Cortez jump gate. After the establishment of a second route through the Magellan system, it was not long before Bretonian forces installed Liverpool Border Station at the Magellan jump gate too.

It was only when the Bretonian industry began to flourish that Manchester caught the attention of mining and manufacturing corporations across the house. Manchester had few extractable resources worth pursuing but the system offered a discreet location for undesirable industrial operations. The BMM base Birmingham Station was erected soon after as a Toxic Waste reprocessing plant, producing MOX as a fuel for large vessels and interplanetary installations. Seeing the advantage of a discreet location away from the public eye, the Bretonian government soon began the construction of BPA Newgate. The largest prison station in existence at the time of it's completion, BPA Newgate was installed some way away from the trade routes passing through the system and is still believed to be one of the securest locations in all of Sirius.

In recent years the Manchester system has been made host to an array of piratical factions picking off the occasional trade vessel at weaker points along the route. Although many unlawful pilots will tell you it is much easier to wait until such vessels enter the border worlds to mount a raid. This brought on the attention of the Bounty Hunters Guild seeking to place base of operations for the contracts in and around Bretonia. Sheffield Station is the latest addition to the system's many bases and stands to reinforce the Liberty trade route further. The system is now believed to be host to a collective of Gaians that are said to originate from a depot somewhere in the Birmingham Asteroid Field. They are likely refugees from the Gallic conflict in Edinburgh which is said to have been hard on the eco-terrorist faction.

System Navmaps

System Overview

Local factions

None known

Planet Wight.jpg
Planet Wight
Planet Jersey.jpg
Planet Jersey

None known

Areas of Interest

Asteroid Fields

Birmingham Ice Field

The Birmingham Ice Field contains large quantities of frozen Terraforming Gases and Hydrocarbons. The Hydrocarbons are processed into Polymers by the facilities aboard the Birmingham Station, owned and operated by Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing (BMM).

Sheffield North Ice Field

A large field of ice asteroids. The North Sheffield Field has been a favorite haunt of Lane Hackers who find it a convenient location to lurk prior to attacking any of the several nearby Trade Lanes.

Sheffield South Ice Field

A large field of ice asteroids. As the crackdown on Molly terrorists has continued and the population of nearby Newgate Prison swells with their numbers, the South Sheffield Field has been used by the Mollys as cover from which to stage prison breaks.

Artificial Formations

Newgate Minefield


There is only one safe route through the Newgate minefield, protected by automated defense platforms. Ships are advised to follow the navigational buoys and not to stray from the indicated course. Any ships that deviate from these directives will be considered hostile and fired upon immediately.

Notable events

Jump Gates/Holes

See also