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Michael Jay Feury

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Michael Jay Feury
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Origin Flag-bretonia.png Bretonia
Occupation Independent Trader
Affiliation None
Born 791 A.S., Planet New London
Died Still alive

Michael Jay Feury (23rd December 791 AS - Present) is an independent trade pilot dealing with legal goods distribution across the Sirius Sector.


  • Name: Michael Jay Feury
    • Common Aliases: None
  • Age: 29
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance:
    • Complexion: Caucasian
    • Hair: Brown
    • Eyes: Brown
    • Height: 6' (~1.83m)
    • Weight: 69kg (~152lbs)
  • Previous Employment:
  • Known Relatives:
    • Father: Tell "Tuscan" Feury (761 AS - Present, age 59), Bounty Hunters Guild operative in active service within the Tau Borderworlds. Son of Charles Feury, Cambridge-born owner of a small Bretonian shipping faction long since bought out by BMM following Tell's refusal to take up his fathers' position.
    • Sister: Leah Marisa Feury (800 AS - Present, age 20), A student within Rush Green University on Planet New London.


Michael - or, as he's more commonly referred to, just Feury - is the sort of man who always likes to know what situation he's getting himself into. While not technically doing things exactly "by-the-book", he almost always co-ordinates his shipping routes and contract details long before actually undertaking them as to avoid unnecessary encounters and hassle - although, as almost any freight pilot can relate, it rarely actually works. Although young and a little rash, he is resolute and determined in his work. He is, however, painfully aware that his actions can so often dictate the fate of his crew (and, if applicable, cargo) and places their lives and trust beyond any other calling - monetary or otherwise. Unlike his parents, he prefers the steady and profitable career of shipping over the raw edge-of-the-seat combat action found within fighter craft.

He often opts out of conflict entirely, avoiding trouble to save unnecessary danger to his crew. He jokingly clashes with his shipmates often, but when things are going well he is a fun and energetic man. When relaxed he is quite sociable and easy-going, but is a thorough hard worker.


Childhood: 791-806 AS - Ages 0-15

Born on Planet New London to the somewhat-infamous Bounty Hunter "Tuscan" Feury and his wife Diane, Michael led a fairly secluded and protected early life with few friends and fewer relatives. The only non-immediate family he knew of was his grandfather on his fathers side, Charles Feury, who's connection to the three was patchy at best due to Tell's choice of the Guild over the family shipping business. While generally quite the loner, he found a strong friend in Vale Waters, a child from his neighborhood and school and the two spent much of their early lives together.

In 798 AS, when Michael was seven, his father returned to active service within the Guild, often spending a few months stationed off-planet followed by an equal time back with his family. Two years later his younger sister Leah was born, and despite the nine-year gap in age they became very close - Michael of course taking the role of the protective older brother. Gradually Tell began working longer and further afield, slowly but surely returning to the life he'd put behind him when he and Diane had settled down a decade prior. By the time Michael was fifteen his father would only be seen returning home a few select times a year during holiday seasons, sometimes remaining totally out of contact with his family for months at a time. Such distance had quite the effect on Leah, although she would never admit any sense of discontent to her parents.

Spacebound: 807-813 AS - Ages 16-22

At sixteen, Michael began working within one of New London's larger spaceports. At first the work was menial - overseeing cargo trailers and guiding maintenance drones - but as he grew accustomed to the system and earned popularity with the regular traders he began working with shipping contracts themselves. Working amongst interstellar transports, their cargoes and patrons, he found himself chasing a passion - to own one himself. He dedicated himself to saving enough credits to earn himself a license and ship, and achieved the former at nineteen. Another three years passed before he was able to invest in his first ship, a second-hand B-27-E Clydesdale Bretonian Freighter. He christened the ship the 'Calchas' and pulled a few strings with local contacts to arrange his first few hauls within the business.

From there, there was only one way to go - up.

Naiad Dreams: 813 - 819 AS - Ages 22-28

After the initial wonderment of space flight had run it's course, Michael found himself aiming higher and higher. He found himself becoming more and more daring with his destinations, several times running supplies into the distant Freeports of the Omicron systems without escort - trusting only in the (relative) nimbleness of his small ship to avoid trouble. It was on the final leg of one of these trips - leading him to land on Planet California Minor - that he met Jane Harmann, a libertonian woman and able navigator. Harmann, like Feury, was a beginning merchant, but had lost her ship in recent rogue activity. She had found herself stranded on the planet with a full consignment of cargo bound for Bretonia, but without ship to haul with. The two cut a deal, Feury taking up Harmann's contract and delivering both her and her consignment to it's destination in return for a split of profits. Upon arriving, Harmann decided to remain with Michael as a co-pilot temporarily until she could afford another ship. That time quickly came and passed as the pair found little trouble earning themselves a tidy living with some skillfully-devised routes and back-to-back contracts. Eventually, with a substantial backlog of credits, Feury decided to sell on the Calchas in favor of a larger ship to speed the arrival of his dream.

He named his new Large Transport the 'Ilion' and returned to the skies with a hold many times more cavernous than before. Unfortunately, such a large ship made him a prime target for common piracy and left him unable to escape in the same way as with the Calchas. Although this put a considerable strain on their profits (and lives), his trading routes remained much the same. On a particularly dangerous stint out to Freeport 9 in Omicron Theta, the pair met their third crew member, Dea Hays. Dea, a Hispanian girl of fifteen with little known history, instantly took to the duo and begged them to take her with them, but was denied each and every time on account of her age and vulnerability. Hays refused to accept their denials and smuggled herself aboard the vessel, emerging only when the ship was long departed. Despite Feury's insistence that they return the child, Harmann convinced him to allow her to stay (after all, returning to the Omicron sector was another considerable danger and loss of money). By the time the group next made station the three were good friends, with Harmann and Feury finally overlooking Dea's age in favor of her cheery attitude and determination. She was also an astonishingly good mechanic and gunner thanks to a childhood spent among the machinery and ports of Freeport 9.

Finally, in 818 AS, Michael achieved his dream of obtaining the Naiad, a Series-DL Border Worlds Transport. Unlike his previous vessels he wanted to purchase the ship as new - skyrocketing the price but also the achievement. After placing an order and arranging the sale of the Ilion, he secured a refugee-evacuation contract from Planet Leeds to Freeport 9 and, less than a day later, departed in his new, dream, vessel.

Present: 819 - 820 AS - Age 29

Sadly, his fortunes with the Naiad were not favorable. A year after the vessels' christening, she was struck by tenacious pirates in the Omega-3 system. Unable to satisfy demands, Feury gave the order to abandon the crippled vessel and watched from an escape pod as his pride and joy erupted in the flames of pirate bomber assault. Reunited with Harmann abroad Freeport 1, the two realised that Hays, while thought to have escaped the exploding transport, had not returned, and the pair have not heard from their friend and colleague since. Undeterred from plying his trade, however, Feury has since joined Border World Exports and has returned to the skies in the newly christened BES-Penrose, a Shetland class Bretonian Train.


The 'Calchas', Feury's first ship.

The 'Calchas', Bretonian Clydesdale Freighter:

After six years of saving, Michael purchased a Bretonian Clydesdale from a second-hand dealer and registered the vessel with the name 'Calchas'. Although the ship was small and it's cargo capacity equally minimal, it's relative agility and stature provided a significant advantage against common pirates and other hostile vessels. Despite it's size Feury made a significant amount of credits in a short time with the assistance of Jane Harmann, and ended up selling the vessel in favor of a newer, larger transport ship.

The 'Ilion', Feury's former Large Transport.

The 'Ilion', Large Transport:

Michael's second ship, the 'Ilion', was a Large Transport. He bought the ship as a decommissioned BMM vessel and spent a little extra time and money in having it retrofitted before christening it. With the addition of Dea Hays to his crew as a skilled gunner and mechanic, he frequently pushed the ship to it's limits with runs through the dangerous border and edge-world systems in a continued attempt to upgrade again to a Border Worlds Transport.

The 'Naiad', Feury's former Border Worlds Transport.

The 'Naiad', Border Worlds Transport:

Finally, almost five years after first sitting at the helm of the Calchas, Feury succeeded in obtaining a brand new ship of his own - The Naiad, his goal ever since he first laid eyes on a similar hauler in the New London spaceports. Although it boasted many more turrets and extra armor over the Ilion, he and his crew still opted to follow the relative security of inter-house trade, slowly earning their fortunes across the Sirius Sector until the vessel met its demise in Omega-3 in 819 AS.

The BES-Penrose, a Bretonian super-transport flown under Bowex colors.

The BES-Penrose, Shetland-Class Bretonian Super Transport:

In early 820 AS, Feury entered into official contract with Border World Exports, and was granted the helm of the newly-commissioned BES-Penrose. A marvel of Bretonian engineering and perseverance, the Shetland train is a sign of Bretonia's continued commercial and industrial ability despite the troubled times. Manned by a crew of twenty, including Feury and Harmannn, it shall surely test the new captains' ability in command.

Crew Profiles

Jane Harmann, co-pilot, navigator and foreign relations.

Jane Harmann:

Although her name implies a Rheinlandic descent, Jane hails from a large Libertonian family mostly living on Planet Los Angeles. By occupation she is registered as an independent freight pilot much like Feury, but instead works alongside him as a co-pilot and navigator. She also has a passing knowledge of foreign languages (bar Gallic) which makes her invaluable within the borders of Kusari and Rheinland. In her mid-twenties she boasts a fiery and often reckless personality, but rarely gets a chance to show it - after several incidents resulting in a heavily damaged Ilion and an unconscious captain, Feury tends to keep her as far as possible from the helm when in unsafe space. Although she clashes often with the captain, the two are firm friends. She cares deeply for Dea Hays, the final crew member, often concerned about her being aboard the ship at all.

She encountered Michael during one of his first contracts to Liberty space in the Calchas. Her own ship, a Rhino class freighter, had been crippled by rogue attacks and was deemed irreparable after an emergency landing on Planet California Minor. With a hold full of Optical Chips and a lucrative buyer already determined, she bargained a deal with Feury, present after delivering Alien Organisms from the edgeworlds, to take on her contract and deliver her and her shipment to Cambridge. Upon arrival Michael confessed he was impressed with her navigation ability and knowledge of the market and suggested they remain partners temporarily until she could afford another ship of her own - that time has long since passed and they remain in business, crewing first the Ilion, then Naiad.

Dea Hays, mechanic and gunner.

Dea Hays:

An eighteen-year-old girl of Hispanic descent, Michael and Jane encountered Dea on Freeport 9 in the Omicron Theta system. Deserted on the Zoner station many years ago she knows not her parents or actual origin. Never content with life on the station she attempted countless times to bargain her way on a transport to House space, but without luck. After taking a liking to the crew of the Ilion she snuck abroad as a stowaway and only revealed herself after the ship had returned beyond the Omega systems, by which time it was safer for her to remain rather than return. Despite the uninvited appearance she quickly earned a strong bond with Jane and Feury and continually argues her way into remaining on the crew as opposed to a safer life on a planet or station. In truth, growing up on Freeport 9 made her a natural mechanic and an odd attraction to plasma granted her the position of gunner abroad the vessel. She has a lively and childish personality, seemingly innocent and ignorant to most things happening around her, and holds on to a "little sister"-esque bond between the two other crew. In late 819 AS, contact with Dea was lost following the destruction of the Naiad. Her status and whereabouts are unknown.