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Cloaking Devices

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Cloaking Devices

Cloaking Devices bend EM radiation to render a ship invisible to most sensors. It does require taking the shields offline, and there is a short period (see below) before the cloaking device takes effect. During this window of opportunity, a quick-thinking pilot can continue firing at the ship's known location while the shields are off-line. Furthermore, mass-seeking projectile weapons such as cruise disruptors, mines, missiles and torpedoes will also continue to seek the ship until another target is actively selected.

Cloaking devices, like jump drives, have an integrated multi-mode fusion power plant capable of generating power from a specialized type of munition called Cloaking Batteries.

Cloaking devices are mounted on a ship's Countermeasure hard-point. If a ship does not have a Countermeasure hard-point, then it cannot mount a cloaking device. Furthermore, the use of a cloak precludes the use of Countermeasures as decoys for mass-seeking projectiles, unless the ship has more than one such hard-point (such as the Democritus).

Cloaking Devices

Hold Limit is the maximum cargo hold size that the cloak can be mounted to. If your vessel has a cargo hold larger than what is noted, you cannot equip that cloak on your vessel.

Name Hold
Light Cloaking Device 120 3 250 25 100,000 1 Min
Cloaking Device Mk2 900 20 4,000 200 100,000 3 Min
Cloaking Device Mk2 Advanced 60 40,000 450 1,000,000 5 Min

Fuel Consumption (Units per second)

Name Cloak Batteries
Light Cloaking Device 8
Cloaking Device Mk2 4
Cloaking Device Mk2 Advanced 1
Cloaking Device Mk3 1