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Liberty Rogues
Liberty Rogues | |
Origin | |
Alignment | {{{alignment}}} |
Profile | |
Date of founding | 600 A.S. A.S. |
Date of dissolution | still active A.S. |
Founder(s) | unknown |
Current leader(s) | unknown |
Base of operations | New York |
Primary role | |
Fighting the Liberty government | |
Secondary role | |
Pirating trade convoys,Cardamine smuggling |
The Rogues are notoriously the least organized and developed crime society all over Sirius - the reality is, that the Rogues have more hidden outposts and have more advanced ships than anyone would expect. The group officially fights for the freedom of Liberty, but LSF officials disseminate that most of them fight and rob trade convoys because this is the only way for them to survive - however, no one, except the Liberty Rogues themselves know their true goal.
The Rogues are a product of over two centuries of systematic lower-class cleansing that occurred on the Liberty planets of Manhattan, Denver, and Los Angeles. Relocated to the Texas prison system, many of them ended up planetside on Houston upon release. Some stayed straight and joined the population scratching out a living. The rest returned to their life of crime, often ending up vaporized by a pursuing Liberty Police patrol or back in prison for longer stretches, manning the prison factories that are the economic lifeblood of the Texas system. Some say the massive LPI roundups of even minor offenders in Liberty have more to do with staffing these plants cheaply than reducing crime. Fresh out of the incubator of the Texas prison system, they have limited choices. Either they work in the factories of Houston for a pittance, join the Bounty Hunters and hunt down their former brethren, go radical and hook up with the Xenos, or rejoin their former partners in crime. The latter path is the obvious one for most. Simply put, these are not-too-quick opportunists, people willing to do whatever it takes to make a buck and get by until tomorrow. Usually they end up taking the fall for anything illegal that occurs in Liberty, whether they were involved or not. The Rogues are generally a disorganized lot. They are responsible for most of the Trade Lane attacks in Liberty space and the adjacent Independent Worlds, usually operating in groups of only two or three ships, without much grasp of advanced tactics. They also provide shelter for the Outcasts in exchange for Cardamine. Recently they have become the smugglers for much of the Cardamine in Liberty space, supplementing or even replacing the Outcasts on certain high-risk routes. This has made them accomplices to the most persecuted criminal group in Liberty space. They admire the Outcasts, wishing they could be as smart and careful as the Edge World faction. But they regard the LPI as their ultimate foes, perhaps aware that soon they will probably be under the LPI's thumb once again. The primary Rogue base is Buffalo, deep within the confines of the Badlands of New York System. Secondary bases are in the Whitney Asteroid Field in California, the Reppu Cloud in Galileo, the Corcovado Field in Cortez, and the Wrangell Field in Hudson. Rogues are frequent visitors to Junker and Lane Hacker bases.
Allies |
Outcasts |
Lane Hackers |
Mollys |
Enemies |
Corsairs |
Xenos |
Bounty Hunters Guild |
House police, corporations |
Known Bases
- Buffalo Base - New York
- Alcatraz Depot - California
- Montezuma Base - Cortez
- Dawson Base - Hudson
- Padua Base - Galileo
Player Factions
LR - Liberty Rogues
>> As the largest of Liberty’s unlawful crowd, it seems wise that I should cover these guys, they are our biggest competition and of course traffickers in the Outcast filthy commodity. I got a young lady that’s been helping us over the years to write this as she’s got some rather interesting information for all of Liberty. >>Fastjack
The Liberty Rogues
By Fisherwoman
Well when an old friend came and asked me what I knew about the Liberty Rogues, I told him that I had a lot of information on them and their operations. I also told him I knew a secret about the Rogues that they probably don’t want anyone to know. I’ll get to that info later but for now I’ll just stick to the general facts.
The Liberty Rogues are the Outcasts route for Cardamine into Liberty, with their connections to the Junkers of Rochester and Beaumont, However that chain is precarious as it’s just as easy for Outcast smugglers to miss out the Rogues and go straight to the Junkers. The Rogues therefore exist on a knife edge between useful and useless, without the Cardamine trade the Rogues would become a lot less than they are right now.
Recently a new group within the Rogues has emerged from the darkness, bringing propaganda and scare tactics to try and get things done. Kind of like the Xenos only with less isolationism and more insanity. The Democratic Peoples of Liberty sprung up around the time of the Manhattan Protest Massacre in which perennial whiner Simon Reynolds was reputedly killed, along with a few other folks including three children. The timing of their arrival is somewhat suspect, but more on that later.
Without further ado let’s see who’s who in the madhouse.
Crime Boss of the Liberty Rogues it’s been reported that he’s never been seen by any outside the Rogues. Well he has been now. I’ve seen him and talked to him and I can tell you one thing for sure, this guy is a few hull plates short of a starflier. Sylpheed cropped up with the DPL, he came with them and insinuated himself into the Rogues higher echelons, when Valdar went away, he took the top spot and now he won’t relinquish it. The timing of Sylpheeds arrival and Reynolds death isn’t a coincidence. It was Sylpheed who arranged for the protest to be hit and it was Sylpheed who organised the DPL, of course this would require Sylpheed to have contacts in the Navy, which he did have up until recently anyway. The Admiral responsible for having Reynolds demobbed was the same guy bribed to send out a black ops team to smash this convoy. These coincidences just keep stacking up.
Personal Vessel: LR-Gunboat.Diplomat-D, a Rogue Gunboat.
Felix Valdar
Felix Valdar was the one time Crime boss of the LR, taking over the role from Richton when he was too past it to do the job properly. It was Valdar who approved the DPL to help the Rogues, and when he left to tend family issues it was he who gave Sylpheed the top spot. Felix is ex LSF, so he has a bit of insider info on them, not much but it’s helped the LR on a few occasions. When Felix found out that the LSF had categorically lied to him about the death of Valdar’s father he turned tot eh Rogues, a fast learner he was able to take charge of the Rogues after only two years, turning them from a petty pirate group into a force to be reckoned with.
Personal Vessel: LR-Valdar, a Guardian Very Heavy Fighter
Roger Havana
Roger Havana is the Underboss of the DPL, and as such he answers directly to Slypheed. He grained power quickly and rose through the ranks of the Rogues until he was given direct control over the DPL when it was ready to be passed on to him by Slypheed. I’ve never met Roger myself, but from what I understand, his reason for hating Liberty’s government so much is the fact that his mother was involved in what was billed as an “accident” at the lab she was working at and Roger never saw her again. The man’s resourceful, as he did some digging and found out that what she was working on was a top secret mixture that was said to produce hallucinations and uncontrollable spasms in enemy pilots—in space. He knows how this stuff works, has a mind for it, so we might try to keep an eye on him for future use. You want to know about how well he flies? Frankly I don’t know. Many people have fought him but few have witnessed him in fighter combat to be able to decipher what his skills are. I’d not want to duke it out though, his official kill count is absurd in that Destroyer he commands.
Personal Vessel: LR-‘Pinky’.Havana-D, A Greyhound Very Heavy fighter
Don Thug
Don Thug is something of an icon in Liberty, the Rogues know him as fanatically loyal, if a little shy of brain cells. His restricted vocabulary has made him a target for the LPI, as they use sound recordings from the man as part of their anti Rogue Propaganda. This hasn’t affected Don though as he continues to protect Valdar and by extension the rest of his wing.
>>Interesting factoid, seems the student populace of Denver and Manhattan have somewhat ignored the LPI and turned Don into something of a student icon.
IPB Image
They've also compiled a dictionary of some of Dons more often used vocab it can be found at this Cortex address
That’s just a little snippet of what’s going on. >>Slacker
Personal Vessel: LR-Don.Thug, a Werewolf Very Heavy fighter
The Democratic Peoples of Liberty
I’ll take a little time to go into these nutcases, because that’s what they are, less Cardamine freaks like the regular LR these guys have managed to find fault with everything that Liberty does, from weapon dealer registration, to dealing with the corrupt LN, there is nothing that Liberty can do right. They bring there derision to the attention of the masses with pointless proselytising and acts of terrorism. Unlike the Xenos these guys don’t really have an ideology so much as a goal. They just want to be in charge of Liberty.
Roger Havana is the current head of the DPL, inheriting the post when Sylpheed moved up in the ranks; however he’s still under the heel of Sylpheed. Why is that? You’d have expected Sylpheed to let the DPL go to Havana once he attained the top spot, but the DPL is Sylpheeds baby, it’s been with him since before the protest and certainly before Liberty even began cracking down. I’d say it’s been with him the last 20 years that I’ve known him, ever since he was discharged from the Navy shipyards at Norfolk. Yeah that’s right I know this old bastard, I’ve known him since I was a small girl helping my mother run a little caf? on the Norfolk promenade. I used to call him Uncle Si, now I just call him that frakking nutter.
The DPL was the brainchild of Simon Reynolds and the old goat is still in charge. He didn’t die at the protest; in fact the whole damn thing was staged so he could fake his own death. The bastard sacrificed god knows how many lives, just to get out of the watchful eye of the Liberty government.
The terrorist acts of the DPL tend to be limited to ground based targets, the fighter jocks, stick to scaring traders and causing a ruckus with the LN and LPI.
>>Done some digging on this front and I can’t refute her logic, it’s all watertight. If she’s right then the Rogues are led by a madman, who’ll do anything for his own personal gain. This puts them firmly at the top of the “Bad Guy” list. >> Fastjack
Notable Vessels
Quietly Confident
The Liberty Rogue flagship is reported to be a modified Outcast Battleship; its exact capabilities remain unknown as it’s not yet seen combat.
The flagship for the rogue wing, the Graviton is a fully armed Outcast destroyer, since its last refit it’s seen combat a few times and has been soundly beaten in each engagement, Valdar commands it when he’s not piloting the positron or the Neutron. However it’s been sitting in dry-dock since its last outing waiting for critical systems parts that were damaged to be replaced.
Comm. ID: LR-Graviton-F
Attitude Adjuster
The DPLs flagship, another Outcast destroyer, under the command of Havana, responsible for the destruction of the LNS Anchorage some weeks past this vessel is a high target.
Comm. ID LR-Attitude.Adjuster-DF
Not on the official list of ships, the Drax was a part of the Rogues but Reynolds commanded the de-commission of most of the LR’s fleet, Dravis, however, didn’t agree and paid the techs at Padua to keep the continued existence of the Drax a secret from Reynolds. Currently moored at Malta on attachment, it’s not been seen in Liberty for some time.
Comm. ID: Drax
Diplomatic Details
The Liberty Rogues have it fairly easy when it comes to diplomacy, most of the corps hate them, thee corsairs hate them, the law hates them. Outcasts, Outcast allies and Unioners like them. Everyone else largely ignores them. One notable exception is the other house militaries; what with the Rogues practising their piracy in the Independent worlds they will occasionally butt heads
The Rogues have a few alliances not least with the 101st and the BLS for equipment.
That’s it for the Rogues, I’m sure Fastjack has some additional data for you. Just don’t underestimate them.
>>Well folks that’s the important stuff done, now onto some cold hard facts.
General Information
Tag: Rogue ID: Liberty Rogue ID Naming System: LR-NAME, LR-NAME-D (Please do not use underscores) Home System: None at the moment LR Base of Operations: Alcatraz, California DPL Base of Operations: Padua Base, Galileo
Rules of the Rogues
1. Discovery server rules are to be obeyed at all times, there is no excuse for not being aware of these rules. Failure to adhere to the rules will result in instant dismissal.
2. All members of the faction must be registered with the forums. They must also post regularly in the message dump.
3. RP is paramount in game. Going in with all guns blazing without a hint of RP to back it up will not be tolerated. Punishment is instant dismissal.
4. Your reputation sheet should reflect our diplomacy status. I will have no LR or DPL vessels blithely flying around Liberty without being very hostile to the local law enforcement. Punishment is one week to fix rep sheet, subsequently dismissal.
5. Ship and weapons are to match permitted lists at all times, no excuses. One day to fix, subsequently dismissal.
6. OOC bantering is severely frowned upon. If you’re discussing rules, your mothers cooking or which Power Ranger is your favorite and the text isn’t green or pink, you’re wrong. Repeated offenses will be punished by dismissal.
7. Any sanctions on your LR or DPL character and you're outta here. Simple as that.
8. Real life comes first, you won't be busted out from the Rogues if you've got real life issues.
Ranks from leader to recently joined are as follows...
-Crime Boss
Rank Descriptions
Crime Boss
The leader of the Liberty Rogues. Can fly any allowed ships.
Underboss Those that lead the Rogues and boss them around. They generally have jurisdiction over a full system's worth of criminal activity. Can fly up to Gunboats (with permission).
Ace Those that have excelled at PvP combat. Are brilliant fighters but generally carry not much authority. Can fly up to Bombers. MUST keep an active Bomber at all times.
Veteran Rogues that have proved themselves. Every Veteran is a worth combatant and can RP to a high level. They can order Rogues and Rookies around. Can fly up to Bombers. Must keep one active at all times.
Rogue The rank and file of the Liberty Rogues. Trained in pirating, fighter combat and fleeing. May pilot up to Bombers. Must keep one active at all times.
Very recently joined. These are yet to prove themselves trustworthy and loyal to the Rogues. May fly Greyhound VHF's without armour upgrades until they prove themselves capable.
Ship and Weapons List
Ships Pirate Vessels Rogue Vessels Outcast Vessels (Limited) Lane Hacker Vessels (Limited) Borderworlds Vessels (Limited)
(Limited: Both the LR and DPL operate only one Destroyer each, and one battleship for the entire faction.)
Weapons Outcast Rogue Molly Codename weapons are allowed on Bomber class vessels only Nomad weapons are not allowed on any LR or DPL vessel, (we have no reason to go where those weapons can be found)