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Timeline of Bretonia history

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1st century

A.S. is an abbreviation for "After Settlement."

Year (A.S.) Event
19 The Bretonia lands on Planet New London. The Bretonia's starboard engine array was destroyed during the Exodus. Therefore, it had to travel slower than the other ships and arrived later than them.
20 Prince Harry IX, great-great grandson and last surviving descendant of Queen Elizabeth III, last Queen of Britain back on Earth, takes control of the formative Bretonian Government in a coup, making himself head of the Principality of Bretonia.
31 Royal Bretonian Manufacturing is formed under Prince Harry X to lead the establishment of the colonial heavy industry
66 A small commercial group called Bretonia Exploration & Trading Co. forms to scout mineral fields in the New London system and ship resources back to the Planet
78 Southampton Shipyard is constructed by RBM and begins mass production of the Bee-One fighter, used for exploration of neighbouring systems by BE&T
84 Leeds system is surveyed
86 Manchester system is surveyed
90 A new company, Bretonia Mining Corporation, is founded by pioneers starting to mine the resource rich fields of Leeds and Manchester.
95 Royal Bretonian Manufacturing is given free license to develop the Leeds system into an industrial power base. Forced relocation of colonists from New London to Planet Leeds commences by order of Prince Harry XII, nicknamed Harry the Cruel.

2nd century

Year (A.S.) Event
106 The LCC Edison arrives in Bretonia; shortly thereafter, Valhalla's improved engine systems are exchanged for Bretonian advances in materials technology.
112 Cambridge system is surveyed
120 Planetary docking ring technology licensed to Bretonia
129 Food shortages in Leeds and New London lead to colonisation of Cambridge as a primary food producing planet.
143 Newcastle system is surveyed
169 RBM constructs first Gunboat class vessel in Sirius at Southampton - HHS Glorious
192 Stokes Smelter constructed in Leeds

3rd century

Year (A.S.) Event
206 New London resource fields exhausted. Bretonia Mining Corporation near to bankruptcy
207 Prince Harry XVIII takes the Bretonia Mining Corporation into state ownership and begins heavy subsidies to encourage the development of resources in Leeds and Manchester.
211 First Bretonian jump gate opened between New London and Leeds
245 Dublin system discovered, but initial surveys fail to uncover the substantial gold reserves, leading politicians to consider the system of no value.
263 Omega 3 system discovered, opening the first route between Bretonia and Rheinland
282 Second Bretonian food crisis - a team of top New London scientists led by a group dubbed The Cambridge 20 are dispatched to Cambridge by Princess Harriet III to help increase crop yields.
283-295 Green revolution on Cambridge - food output increases 8 fold over 12 years
299 The Cambridge 20 found the Cambridge Research Institute to pioneer research into theoretical science and advanced technology

4th century

Year (A.S.) Event
300 Bretonia Mining Corporation buys up Royal Bretonian Manufacturing, forming a single company - Bretonian Mining and Manufacturing - entirely under state ownership.
310 Prince Harry XXI grants Border Worlds Exports its first Royal Charter, and it begins to dominate trade between Bretonia and Rheinland
312 Construction of a New London to Manhattan trade lane route begins as a joint BMM - Interspace Commerce project
317 Rioting amongst unemployed workers on Leeds sparks a rebellion against the oppression of Prince Harry XXI in Leeds. Some power hungry aristocrats from New London side with the rebels. The Bretonian Civil War begins.
319 Bretonian Royal Fleet defeated by rebel forces. Prince Harry XXI is executed for treason and a Commonwealth of Bretonia is declared under Lord Protector Alfred Nelson.
334 Following the death of Nelson, the Royal family is returned to power and a Kingdom of Bretonia is established under Harry XXI's nephew, who is declared King George I, with a Parliament including a House of Commons allowing for popular representation.
351 Tau 31 system is surveyed
377 LD-14 begins MOX production in Leeds, providing the fuel to power the capital fleet of the new Bretonian Armed Forces.
380-400 Pollution levels in Leeds rising to critical levels

5th century

Year (A.S.) Event
411 Planetform Incorporated is founded with the intention of developing new worlds to compensate for Bretonia's comparative lack of habitable planets
437 Disgruntled ex-BMM employees form the Independent Miners Guild, winning a landmark legal case in the Royal Court that grants them ownership of the ex-BMM facilities of Cardiff and South Shields.
442 In a cunning move Queen Anne I refuses to renew the Royal Charter for Border World Exports, driving down the share price to an extent that the Crown is able to acquire control over the company, thus putting both the largest companies in Bretonia under state ownership. The ensuing controversy forces Queen Anne to cede the power of issuing Royal Charters to Parliament.
450 After extensive surveys PFI initiates terraforming of Planet Harris. The project encounters problems almost immediately and will be delayed time and again for the next 350 years
453 A group of space pirates known as the Bretonian Brigands begin to cause considerable concern
494 King John I signs Omega Trade Pact with Rheinland, to protect trade against growing numbers of corsairs

6th century

Year (A.S.) Event
528 Cortez system charted by Bretonian explorers, opening an alternative route between Bretonia and Liberty
547 In a parliamentary crisis part of the governing Leeds Party splits away to form the Populist Party under Prime Minister Jonathan Blake, with the remainder joining with the Court Party of New London to form the Crown Royalists
565 The Bretonian Brigands destroy the Royal Liner of King William I, killing the King and sparking political chaos
566 William's daughter, Queen Eleanor I, launches a huge military campaign to crush the Bretonian Brigands
573 Bretonian Brigands destroy 2 Nessie Class Battleships in a battle near Southampton, but are forced to abandon their base in the debris field
589 The last of the Bretonian Brigand bases, Sherwood Station in Leeds, is annihilated by a BAF Fleet led by Admiral Sir Thomas Scott. The majority of criminal elements in Bretonia are arrested and executed, leading to over 100 years of relative lack of crime

7th century

Year (A.S.) Event
643 King William III The Great ascends to the Throne of Bretonia, and will preside over the greatest period of economic expansion in the House's history
648 William the Great institutes a reform of the Bretonian Armed Forces, establishing the Admiralty Board and selecting the strategic Salisbury system in which to train and base his Royal Fleet
652 Surveys of the Tau 23 system reveal substantial mineral deposits. The IMG begin to expand out of Bretonia into the Taus, shortly followed by BMM. Renewed rivalry between the two groups.
656 With Kusari's attention distracted by the climax of the 80 Years War in Sigma, William the Great crowns himself Emperor of Tau claiming Tau 31, 23 and 29 for his greater empire with hopes of gaining Harris and the rich resources of 23 for Bretonia. In return for William dropping the claims on Tau 29, Kusari tacitly accepts a degree of Bretonian control in Tau 31, but tensions remain that will resurface in later conflicts.
664 William the Great orders the construction of the Cambridge Line to defend Bretonia against increasing corsair attacks
674 With Rheinland crippled after the 80 years war, William the Great increases Bretonian power in Omega 3 with a view to annexation. He dies later the same year, before his plans can be completed.
685 Edinburgh system is surveyed - Planet Gaia is seen for the first time
687 A team from the Cambridge Research Institute is dispatched to Gaia to study the planet's incredible ecosystem
690 The first Orbital Spa and Cruise liner, the OSC Barbados, arrives in orbit of Gaia with tourists from Liberty. The Green Front party is founded and campaigns for Edinburgh to be declared a protected system.

8th century

Year (A.S.) Event
701 First sightings of Outcasts in Bretonia
705 A BMM vessel surveying a remote area of Newcastle gets lost in an ancient minefield and stumbles across a huge city of alien ruins. The CRI establishes Sunderland Research Station under BAF protection to study the site.
740 BMM petitions the Government to open Gaia to development. The measure fails, but it is enough to provoke the environmentalist fringe of the Green Party into founding the Gaian extremist movement.
742 With recruits from the lower classes of Leeds and Cambridge, the Gaians begin a campaign of terror aimed at dissuading tourism in Edinburgh
745 The Lewis and Orkney systems are chartered by the great Bretonian explorer Michael Grantham and claimed for the Crown of Bretonia by Queen Mary II, but the passage is soon lost as the remote region is overrun with Gaians.
747 Gaians destroy the Luxury Liner Barbados in a stunning attack. A new BAF fleet under the Battleship Derby is deployed to Edinburgh to defend against further attacks. The Barbados is eventually replaced with the OSC Liner Shetland
748 Michael Grantham leads a survey team that finally uncovers the gold reserves in Dublin. BMM begins a great rush to exploit the system
  • PFI constructs Perth Station and begins the first stage of Planet Ayr terraforming, funded by the Bretonian Government
  • In Dublin, Founders Day Revolt - BMM workers rise up and murder Sir Edward Graves and senior BMM executives on Graves station.
754 The HMS Hood is crippled as the 12th Fleet of the BAF fails in its attempt to subdue the Dublin system. Admiral Sir James Howe commits suicide following his defeat. Molly nationalists publish their declaration of independence for Dublin
760 With crime rising sharply across Bretonia after almost 200 years of tranquillity, Prime Minister Lord Walter Brinkley orders the construction of Newgate Prison, and invites the Bounty Hunters Guild to take over Sheffield Station from the BPA
786 Queen Carina I ascends to the Throne of Bretonia following the death of her father, George V
795-797 Populist Party gains control over both Houses of Parliament, and Trevor Gladstone becomes Prime Minister, instituting a two year program of radical social reform designed to raise living standards on Leeds and end BMM's abuse of its workforce. Both measures are only partially successful

9th century

Year (A.S.) Event
800 The Nomad War begins. Rheinland fleets attack Bretonia, but are successfully repelled by Bretonian defences in New London.
801 The Nomad War ends. Alone of the 4 Houses not to have suffered significant nomad infestation, BAF fleets are used during the 801 occupation of Rheinland whilst a peaceful Rheinland government is restored to power and the nomad purge conducted.
802 Corsairs launch a thermonuclear attack that devastates Planet Cork
809 BMM begins a second period of expansion into Tau, launching the construction of a Jump Gate to Tau 23
810 BMM expansion leads to disputes over mining rights in Tau 23 with the IMG. Disputes escalate into military skirmishes on the ground whilst the IMG leadership begins a long legal case against the Bretonian Government
812 Kusari government begins to take an interest in the IMG-BMM dispute, taking up the IMG cause, seeing an opportunity to finally end the centuries old claims of the Bretonian Monarchy over Tau and reverse their humiliation of 656 A.S.
747 Kusari fleets deployed into Tau 29. Queen Carina orders the occupation of Tau 31 to enforce her claims. KNF and BAF begin full mobilisation for war.
  • The war between Bretonia and Kusari begins with a full Kusari assault on Tau 31
  • Phantoms MOX bomb Planet Cambridge, killing millions and causing the loss of billions of credits of crops
816 The Kusari Tau-31 offensive is mired at Harris, but fighting continues.
  • A path in the Orkney minefield is cleared by The Council allowing ships of any size to pass in and out of Gallia for the first time in centuries. Bretonian Government renews their old claims on Orkney, leading to a diplomatic crisis
  • The Kusari Naval Forces break through into Leeds by a surprise attack, capturing Glasgow Station, and Stokes Mining Station. The Battleship Derby retreats to Planet Leeds orbit. A second KNF assault on LD14 fails, and the BAF re-take much of Dundee
  • Prime Minister Worthington is overthrown and replaced by the dynamic leadership of Lord George Mountbatten and his progressive Royalist government
  • Queen Carina signs the Treaty of Curacao with Liberty President Powell