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Liberty Revolutionary Front

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This is an unofficial player group.

Template:TOC Faction Infobox The Liberty Revolutionary Front is devoted to freeing Liberty from it’s “Corrupt Leadership” and implementing a Socialist Government to take control of the Navy and the Corporations, bringing them under strict control of the Government which they feel has gone rampant.



The history of the Libery Revolutionary Front (LRF) starts with the Liberty Worker's Party (LWP), a far left party founded in 805 AS within Liberty's complex republican system. While never attaining any representative seats, they were very much a response to the brutal labor conditions experienced by workers in the Colorado and Texas systems. Especially ones used as prison slave labour, due to the fact that many such people were imprisoned on shaky or false terms. With their political ambitions cut short, many of the LWP started a campaign of civil disobediance, striking out at the corruption of Liberty.

Their main targets were the Big Three corporations whose campaign contributions and outright bribing had bought them many politicians on Manhattan. Through a campaign of protests, graffiti, hunger strikes, and access denial, they were able to bring awareness to their cause. However, the response of the Liberty authorities was swift. Many were arrested, countless others fined and effectively the LWP was broke with legal fees. This was alleviated by donations from sympathizers from all over Liberty due to a series of brilliant public speeches by Lachlan Phoenix, a rising star of the organization.

The civil disobedience campaign continued but to not much avail. Many inside the Party, including Lachlan Phoenix began speaking of more impactful protests including sabotage and simulated detention. The leadership of the LWP was wary of the idea as any more LPI responses could very well be the end of the party. In spite of Phoenix's arguments, the LWP decided against the idea and removed him from his position.

It was at this time that a proposal was brought upon the legislative body to strip the LWP of its offical party status, meaning it could no longer legally accept political donations. Through a series of legal loopholes and procedural irregularities, the LWP was cast out of the political system. Lachlan Phoenix seized this opportunity to start a violent campaign of reprisals.

In response, several members led by Phoenix planted bombs at various sites owned by Ageira, Universal Shipping, and Interspace Commerce. The simultaneous blasts were coordinated with an attack on LPI headquarters on Manhattan, leading to the kidnapping of several junior LPI officers. The ransom demands were not met and two days after the deadline the officers were executed. Believing this to be the work of the LWP, the Liberty Authorities quickly declared them an illegal party. Those who weren't arrested joined Phoenix in his campaign.

The Liberty Revolutionary Front was born.


Following the initial arrests, LRF members and sympathizers organized themselves into underground cells, spread out in the four core Liberty systems. Fearful of their communications being monitored, orders and communiques were being hand-delivered. While this increased their operational safety, it also increased the risk as members would need to move openly. This required massive amounts of ID falsification and record hacking, which was quickly draining the LRF reserves.

The risks never became as obvious as one fateful trip. Lachlan Phoenix was personally delivering orders to a cell on Planet Denver when he was ambushed by a chance LPI patrol. Being outnumbered, his bodyguard was killed and Lachlan barely escaped intact. With cruise engines disabled and impulse power was barely enough to sustain life support and power the main engines. After three days missing, he was recovered by a sympathetic mining ship and smuggled onto Denver.

This turned out to be a turning point in the Front. Terrorist bombings of corporate and government buildings did very little in terms of meaningful impact. Security was very strict and difficult to bypass, and damage inflicted was repaired within days causing very little operational loss. Realizing this, the Front scraped together their funds and outfitted themselves with fighter and bomber craft. They set out to the Texas system, and eventually settled in Freeport 2 in Bering to regroup and re-organize.

At this time, it was critical to gain allies. Phoenix sent out his right-hand man, Ben Warner, to contact the Unioners nearby. The Alster Union was a logical choice; they were one jump away from Liberty and had common goals in Rheinland. The Unioners welcomed their new neighbours, and offered them Pacifica as a base of operations. It was also at this time that the Coalition began to take notice of the LRF, and other Rheinland revolutionary forces, such as the Red Hessians and the Volksfront also recognzied the struggle of the LRF, eventually forming an unwritten alliance.


In a short period of time, the LRF was re-organized into a guerilla fighting force utilizing hit and run style attacks. Concentrating on fighters and bombers and shunning larger capital ships, they began to effectively strike at Liberty government and corporate targets in Texas. However, another problem afflicting the workers of Liberty was starting to become noticed by the LRF. Texas was being used as a corridor by slavers and drug traffickers.

Cardamine and its addictiveness turned the poor and detitute, those most prone to addiction problems, into prime targets for slavers. Either through deception or outright kidnapping, the problem became epidemic. Phoenix and Warner decided to allocate resources into combatting this problem for two reasons: ridding Liberty of the corrupting influence of Cardamine, and as a public relations move as it directly benefitted Liberty society.

With Liberty corporations taking larger precautions and sometimes avoiding Texas altogether, the LRF found itself more and more at the forefront of the battle for the soul of Liberty's workers. Outcasts and independent smugglers became targetted just as often as corporate traders, leading to the rescue of thousands of slaves and the destruction of tonnes of Cardamine and other contraband.

Character Information

Characters are named as follows:

  • For fighters and bombers: LRF|Firstname.Lastname or LRF|Callsign

Characters use a Unioner IFF and Pirate ID.


They fight for the Workers, they are small yet well organized despite what the Navy and LPI think. Goals are and include

  • Overthrowing the Current Government through Guerrilla Warfare
  • Replacing it with a Socialist Government and bringing Liberty Resources and assets under tight control of said Government.
  • Repelling attempts by the Outcasts to transport Cardamine and Slaves freely through and from Liberty Space.

They are fanatical in their beliefs, yet they have not gotten to the point of insanity, for they shall never attack a Civilian or a Free Trader, for they are innocent.

Zone of influence

Liberty Systems

Liberty is the home of the Front, however they are hunted and combat operations are focused directly in these systems, they cannot land on many bases within the house of Liberty, but they tend to find a way to make do with what they have at hand.

They conduct Hit-and-Fade operations on Liberty Corporation Shipping and Naval forces whenever they can, they also attempt to interdict smuggling operations of Cardamine and Slaves running to and from Liberty space.

Independant Systems

They make berth here in the Independant Systems, mostly in the Zoner Bases and the Unioner bases that are positioned in Bering, they return here after their operations are finished and they require supplies that they cannot take from Liberty Transports.

Not much else is known about their operations here, however Navy suspects that they also prey on Liberty Corporation Shipping here in high amounts, forcing traders to drop their cargo in some attempt to slow down the flow of funds to the Navy and Police Forces that are arrayed against them. Owned bases:

  • No Bases owned, Pacifica being loaned by the Alster Union for refuelling and resupply in return for assistance in Combating Fascist oppression.

Other locations

Members of the Front are frequently spotted within other systems as well, though mostly on a passing by basis, for the purpose of cargo interdiction, or for very specific missions. These systems are:

  • Hamburg (Limited Operations)
  • Dresden (Transporting Supplies to Red Hessian bases only)
  • Omega Systems (Transporting Supplies to Red Hessian bases only)


Ships:* Borderworlds line Sabre VHF, Civilian line



Faction Relationship
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Red Hessians
Everyone else
Bretonia Armed Forces and Police
Kusari Naval Forces and Police
Golden Chrysanthemums
The Order
Other corporations
Rheinland corporations
Liberty Criminals
Rheinland Military and Police
Liberty Navy and Police
At War
Bounty Hunters Guild
At War
Aliens and infested forces
At War
