Zoey Sakura

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Zoey Sakura
Codename: Purinsesu
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Origin Flag-kusari.png Kusari
Occupation Undercover Kempeitai Agent
Affiliation Kusari
Born April 16th, 792 A.S. (Age 26)

Zoey Sakura (born April 16th, 792) is an Undercover Agent for the Kempeitai, Kusari Intelligence Agency. In 812 Zoey joined the Farmers Alliance using an old Griffin she had fixed up from scrap, by early 818, she chose to leave the Alliance to support the Gaians in Bretonia.

By August of 818, she was offered a position in the Kusari State Police, with a bright future. By November 818, she was recruited by the Kempeitai. She is a strong Kusari patriot, with a vast knowledge of Bretonia and the Taus.


Early Life

Zoey was born in mid-April of 792 A.S, Fukuoka Island, Planet Kyushu, and is the daughter of a Kusari farmer, Takara Sakura and his Bretonian wife Emily Sakura (née Johnson). She is of mixed Kusari and Bretonian descent. Her mother chose to name her after Zoey Glass, a famous Bretonian actress, musician and singer-songwriter. She is an only child, and didn't want to grow up in the footsteps of either of her parents.

Fukuoka Island, Planet Kyushu, where Zoey grew up

Zoey spent most of her time living on Fukuoka island, despite her hatred of the secluded farmland around her. She attended a private school on the island until the age of eleven, where she left the island to study at Tsukuba Preparatory, and soon after Tsukuba University.

Due to her refusal to accept the traditional role of women in Kusari, she often found herself alienated. She made few friends, due to either Xenophobia of her mixed blood, or her rejection of social norms. Zoey was often bullied for her choices, to which he refused to subject, fighting back and standing up for herself.

She supported the Constitutional monarchy of Kusari, fascinated by the history of her house, she took courses in the History of Kusari. She was found to be angry at the movement of Synth Foods on Planet Kyushu, wanting to support the Farmers against the poison of foreign corporations.

Zoey also took a large number of flight theory classes and mechanical workshops, taking a keen interest in the way ships worked, building her own working impulse engine to replace the old broken one on her father's tractor.

By her mid-812 A.S, while in her early twenties, she finished work on an old wreck of a Griffin, piecing it together from old parts of scrap and machinery. She eventually managed to get the old thing spaceworthy, after almost three years of work. Later that month, she signed up to the Farmers Alliance movement in Kusari, with her newly built Griffin Light Fighter.

Zoey moved her residence from her parent's farm on Planet Kyushu to a private quarters on Kagoshima Depot.

Work with the Farmers Alliance

Between mid-812 A.S and early 818 A.S, Zoey served in the Farmers Alliance, piloting her custom built Griffin. It was in this line of work that taught her the majority of her combat abilities.

She learned to fly small, lighter ships exceptionally well, constant battles with Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemums training her aim and piloting skills.

In this time she spent most of her time as a supporting pilot, re-supplying vessels in combat or assisting with hunting targets. She showed promise in pirating various foreign traders who passed through Kyushu and New Tokyo, although alone her ship was rather useless.

Within the Farmers Alliance, the members had split opinions of her. Some were old fashioned traditionalists, hating her for stepping out of her place as a woman, despising her Bretonian blood. Others respected her charm and attitude towards helping the people of Kusari. This split attitude often gave the same alienation she got as a child, some Farmers would go as far as taking pot-shots at her out in space.

Moving to Bretonia

Zoey took a break from her work in the Farmers Alliance, planning to take her Griffin to Bretonia to assist Kusari and the Gaians on the front line. Due to a mishap with a Blood Dragon shooting off the wing of her Griffin, she was unable to continue using her ship.

She put in a request for a Black Dragon with the Black Dragon Society, aspiring to travel to Bretonia. When the request was approved, she made arrangements with her contacts on Islay Base, vowing to assist the Gaians against the Bretonians and Outcasts.

For a month she battled against the Bretonian Armed Forces and Mollys, robbing countless Corporate Transports and Miners. With the introduction of the Sirius Mercenary Network, Zoey figured out a method of pirating Corporate ships, and using her excess money to pay for bounties on her targets, making her work more efficient overall.

Zoey spent alot of time planning strikes against important personnel within the Bretonian structure, and has been known for the assassinations of executives working with Bowex and the BMM aswell as a few ranking members of the Bretonian Armed Forces.

Service in the Kusari State Police

In late July of 818 A.S, Sakura Kai, a Keishi of the Kusari State Police, visited Zoey at her home on Planet Kyushu. Kai warned Zoey that if she continued her operations, the Police would eventually have to take actions to stop her. With this warning, she offered Zoey a stable career in the Police, stating that her skills and adventures had reached her superiors, and Zoey would make a valuable addition to the Kusari State Police

Zoey slept on the offer, and within the week, put in her application. She served for three months before being recruited into the Kempeitai.

Undercover work for the Kempeitai

As of November 818 A.S, Zoey transfered from the Kusari State Police to the Kempeitai. Under the cover of a Freelancer Mercenary, Zoey took on work for the Corsairs, Kusari and Liberty. Zoey files her reports directly through Commander Yamakazi of the Kempeitai Dragon's Tooth Delta Squadron.

Zoey's work finds her almost anywhere in Sirius, save Rheinland and Gallia.

Service in the KNF-GRN war in the Taus


Personal Life

Zoey is violent tempered and serious about her work, when focused on an ememy or in battle. She is loyal to Kusari, pledging her life to protect and serve, even if not in the most conventional ways. Zoey is a firm supporter of the Corsairs, Hogosha and Farmers Alliance influence in Kusari.

She has a weakness for forbidden fruit, such as getting into promiscuous relationships with members of the opposition. Zoey has been known to fraternize pilots from backgrounds such as the Blood Dragons, Bounty Hunters and Bretonian Armed Forces.

Zoey enjoys recreational drug use such as Synthetic Marijuana and a pill known as Lucidia, which has a tendency to induce euphoria, a sense of intimacy with others, and diminished anxiety and depression.

She formally recognised herself as a criminal, although with her new career amongst the lawfuls, her conduct has improved. Zoey doesn't hide her actions behind idealistic goals, and feels apathy towards both politics and religion.

From her early childhood, she was recognised as a talented singer. Zoey enjoys classical music, being one of her only sensible hobbies besides work. Her favourite song is Dream a Little Dream of Me.

Zoey suffers from severe obsessive–compulsive disorder and takes medication to subdue her anxiety. Without medication, she often finds herself counting her footsteps or refusing to step on certain coloured tiles.

Current Ships

Standard issue for pilots of the Kusari Naval Forces, this very heavy fighter is Zoey's newest favourite ship, combining Kusari's agility and speed with her own desire to destroy hostile targets, resulting in a dangerous combination for her enemies.

Rumour has it that Kusari gave Zoey her own Chimaera as a gift, for her years of good service in defending and serving Kusari, in truth, the Kempeitai issued her with it so she may effectively achieve her targets, and still not arouse too much suspicion.

Zoey undertakes a number of Mercenary tasks in this ship, enforcing and securing her cover.

Former Ships

Zoey's first ship, a Griffin she rebuilt herself

Zoey's original fighter, this Griffin served her over her six years in the Farmers Alliance. She rebuilt it up from a wreck over the course of three years, as she was studying mechanical engineering at university.

The Griffin's lack of firepower meant she rarely operated alone, due to her inability to do much damage to her foes, and was often acting merely as a support ship to others.

In early April of 818A.S, her unshielded Griffin collided with a stray EMP mine from a Blood Dragon ship, which caused her port-wing Drake Type D to explode. She often said the ship drifted slightly to the left ever since the wing blew off.

By this time, the Griffin was no longer in a suitable shape to visit Bretonia with, so she put in a request for a Black Dragon from the Hogosha.

Zoey's Black Dragon, formerly her primary ship, a Fighter

Zoey's request for a Black Dragon was approved by the Black Dragon Society, and after collecting enough money from piracy, she could afford to pay off the expenses.

In no time at all, her Black Dragon soon became her signature ship, combining her love of small, agile and light ships with her aggressive nature, she was a force to be reckoned with in this ship.

She used it most often to hunt down and kill hostile Fighter and Bomber-class ships, managing to survive even when outnumbered. Her allies are often lucky to have her on their side, as she fares rather well in group combat.

The ship was perfectly capable of pirating small and medium transports, struggling a little more with the larger kind, which lead to her request for a Mamoru bomber.

Currently this ship is locked up on Planet Kyushu, maintained monthly incase she ever requires it again.

Zoey's Mamoru, her secondary ship, a Bomber

Zoey's Mamoru exists mainly for increasing her effectiveness against foreign corporate transports and enemy capital vessels.

This ship was most often seen in Dublin challenging BMM Miners, her Mamoru cut through those who refused to pay her extortionate taxes, introducing antimatter to their hulls.

The Mamoru is amongst the lightest bombers available in Sirius, able to joust many fighters and not feel the disadvantages.

Thanks to the Artisan Farmers Alliance, Zoey was a deadly opponent to both large and small targets, with her operations in Bretonia, and defending the homefront back in Kusari.

Currently this ship is locked up on Planet Kyushu, maintained monthly incase she ever requires it again.

Zoey's KSP Wyrm, Light Fighter

Standard issue for pilots of the Kusari State Police, this light fighter combines some of Kusari's advanced research and technology into one of the most dangerous Light Fighters in Sirius. The Wyrm is used mainly as a support ship, backing up Kusari Naval Forces against groups of criminals, or attacking in packs.

Zoey showed a displeasure in flying this ship, hating the low amount of protection it offers, and her inability to cause large amounts of damage to hostile fighters.

This was Zoey's first ship issued by the Kusari State Police, and did it's job well, inflicting damage to those foolish enough to underestimate it.

This Wyrm was passed on to another State Police pilot when Zoey left in November of 818 A.S.

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Kusari Naval Forces
Kusari State Police
Kishiro Technologies
Samura Heavy Industries
Farmers Alliance
Independent Miners Guild
Bounty Hunters Guild
Liberty Criminals
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The Order
Bretonian Corporations
Bretonian Lawfuls
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The Phantoms
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Blood Dragons
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Golden Chrysanthemums
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Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
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