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Cloaking Device Mk2 Advanced

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Revision as of 22:00, 27 October 2012 by Ursus (talk | contribs)
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Cloaking Device Mk2 Advanced
No fighter gun.png
Cloaking Device
Hit-Points 1,000,000
Cargo Space 450
NPC Buy Price 2,200,000

A cloaking device bends EM radiation to render the ship invisible to most sensors. It allows a ship to remain cloaked for a short time but uses significant amounts of fuel when active. This device is suitable for mounting only on capital ships with massive power plants.

Cloak Data

  • Max Ship Size: Unlimited
  • Time to Cloak: 60 seconds
  • Cooldown Time: 120 seconds
  • Power Usage: 40,000u
  • Drop shields on uncloak: True

Fuel Consumption

Buy/Sell Locations

The following bases are known to carry this item, although sales may be restricted to pilots with a high positive reputation.