Synth Foods, Inc.

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Synth Foods, Inc.
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Alignment Corporation


Liberty Authorities, Liberty Corporations




Farmers Alliance, Unioners, Lane Hackers, Liberty Rogues, Gaians, Red Hessians

Synth Foods is the Liberty firm responsible for the revolutionary food product Synth Paste, and a highly successful line of food-producing biodomes. Many outworld organisations like the Zoners rely on Synth Foods biodomes to provide sustenance far from civilization. Synth is one of Liberty's largest and most influential corporations, owning the majority of the land on Planet Stuttgart in Rheinland. Synth is subject to terrorist attacks by farmers rights group in both Rheinland and Kusari.

Ships used

Ship Class
Base Construction Platform Transport
Repair Ship Repair Ship
Starblazer Very Heavy Fighter
Grizzly Freighter
Large Transport Transport
Hawk Light Fighter
Armored Transport Transport
Large Train Train
Liberty Transport Transport
Falcon Heavy Fighter
Train Transport
Liberty Heavy Transport Heavy Transport
Eagle Very Heavy Fighter
Liberty Supertransport Super Train
Civilian Gunboat Gunboat

Bases owned

Base Owner System Region
Supply Station Neckar Synth Foods, Inc. Stuttgart Rheinland
Riverside Station Synth Foods, Inc. California Liberty


Base Owner System Region
Oder Shipyard Daumann Heavy Construction New Berlin Rheinland
Battleship Westfalen Rheinland Military Stuttgart Rheinland
Ulm Border Station Rheinland Federal Police Stuttgart Rheinland
Planet Los Angeles Liberty Police, Inc. California Liberty
Planet Baden Baden Orbital Spa & Cruise Stuttgart Rheinland
Newark Station Interspace Commerce New York Liberty
Brandenburg Station Rheinland Federal Police New Berlin Rheinland
Planet Erie Liberty Police, Inc. Pennsylvania Liberty
Alster Shipyard Imperial Shipping Hamburg Rheinland
Vierlande Prison Unioners Hamburg Rheinland
LPI Huntsville Liberty Police, Inc. Texas Liberty
Deshima Station Bounty Hunters Guild Shikoku Kusari
West Point Military Academy Liberty Navy New York Liberty
Battleship Missouri Liberty Navy New York Liberty
Battleship Altenburg Rheinland Military Cologne Alsace Passage
Bonn Station Interspace Commerce New Berlin Rheinland
LPI Sugarland Liberty Police, Inc. Texas Liberty
The Ring Daumann Heavy Construction New Berlin Rheinland
Planet California Minor Planetform, Inc. California Liberty
Planet Houston Liberty Police, Inc. Texas Liberty
Akita Border Station Kusari State Police Honshu Kusari
Fort Bush Liberty Police, Inc. New York Liberty
Trenton Outpost Universal Shipping New York Liberty
Detroit Munitions Ageira Technologies New York Liberty
Narita Outpost Kusari State Police New Tokyo Kusari
Riverside Station Synth Foods, Inc. California Liberty
Battlecruiser Yellowstone Liberty Navy California Liberty
Cold Bay Depot Planetform, Inc. Hudson Independent
Planet Hamburg Rheinland Federal Police Hamburg Rheinland
Roppongi Wreck Interspace Commerce New Tokyo Kusari
Planet New Berlin Rheinland Federal Police New Berlin Rheinland
Lübeck Border Station Rheinland Federal Police Hamburg Rheinland
Freiburg Station Imperial Shipping Stuttgart Rheinland
San Diego Border Station Liberty Police, Inc. California Liberty
Ames Research Station Zoners Kepler Independent
Planet Manhattan Liberty Police, Inc. New York Liberty
Pueblo Station Ageira Technologies Colorado Liberty
Essen Station Kruger Minerals New Berlin Rheinland
Altona Station Imperial Shipping Hamburg Rheinland
Norfolk Shipyard Liberty Navy New York Liberty
Baltimore Shipyard Deep Space Engineering New York Liberty
Syracuse Station Cryer Pharmaceuticals Colorado Liberty
Planet Denver Liberty Police, Inc. Colorado Liberty
Planet Pittsburgh Deep Space Engineering New York Liberty
Battleship Arkansas Liberty Navy Texas Liberty
Bristol Bay Station Bristol Constructions & Manufacturing Bering Independent
Yokohama Shipyard Samura Industries New Tokyo Kusari
Supply Station Neckar Synth Foods, Inc. Stuttgart Rheinland
Planet Honshu Kusari State Police Honshu Kusari
Valley Forge Flight School Interspace Commerce Pennsylvania Liberty
Lewes Shipping Platform Gateway Shipping Tau-31 Tau Border Worlds
Planet Stuttgart Rheinland Federal Police Stuttgart Rheinland
Planet New Tokyo Kusari State Police New Tokyo Kusari


Faction Relationship
Blood Dragons
Gallic Brigands
Farmers Alliance
Independent Pirates
Golden Chrysanthemums
Sirius Coalition
Lane Hackers
Liberty Rogues
The Maquis
Red Hessians
Unione Corse
Bretonia Mining & Manufacturing
Bretonia Armed Forces
Bretonia Police
Kishiro Technologies
Gateway Shipping
Planetform, Inc.
Bretonia Intelligence Service
Bounty Hunters Guild
Kusari Naval Forces
Kusari State Police
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Interspace Commerce
Deep Space Engineering
Orbital Spa & Cruise
Universal Shipping
Ageira Technologies
Liberty Security Force
Liberty Navy
Alaska Security Forces
Liberty Police, Inc.
Synth Foods, Inc.


Bristol Bay Station
  • This is a good place to hunker down when we run paste or biodome parts into Rheinland. The Unioners sure don't like to see us passing through, but they typically have their hands full with all the Xenos that are out to get them. No idea what that's about, but they're technically helping me stay in one piece. Sometimes I buy their pilots a round of drinks when I'm here.

Cold Bay Depot
  • Synth Foods is eager to see if the filtration techniques developed here can be applied to soil filtration. Toxic spills can really harm agriculture on a regional scale. If a bacteriological filter can be released into the soil to neutralise any toxins, that could allow us to rapidly revitalise areas that have been spoiled, either by government neglect or terrorist actions. Can you imagine what something like that could do for Houston, or Leeds?

  • While Cryer, Planetform and Synth Foods all have their individual strengths as companies, they also each have unique weaknesses. Cryer is so focused on innovative science that they sometimes forget that the point of research is to create a profitable product, 'though I must admit, Stabiline is likely to change that. Synth is so concerned with undercutting competitor's prices that they can forget the value of a superior product. Paste remains paste, no matter the flavor. Synth Paste and Synth Gel lack texture, which makes them unappealing as a Luxuary Food. Planetform only runs projects at such a long timetable that it is hard for anyone without an extremely long term vision to do business with them.

  • Planetform is so used to thinking in time scales of decades and centuries that they miss the advantage of a consumable product over a durable one. A filter than never wears out, you can sell just once to a customer. A filter that has a shelf-life can be sold over and over and over again. The bacteria we cultivate for the Xenobiotic Filters absorb toxins and pollutants from the atmosphere, but they only have a limited capacity to do so. Eventually, the bacteria will die, leaving the filter ineffective and in need of replacement with a fresh one.

Planet New Tokyo
  • We will prevail in our battle with Samura. Their farmers are using outdated methods and seeds to grow crops. More importantly, we are not reliant on planets. Plans are underway on Deshima to build an expansion wing of 50 biodomes. Soon we will crush the farmers of Kyushu.

  • Synth Foods is now shipping directly to Honshu from the Deshima facility. Kishiro is far more accepting of Synth Foods. They accept the change as inevitable, as Kusari simply does not have the arable land to increase Food production on its own.

  • That damned Farmers Alliance attacked us just as we left the Shikoku Gate. The State Police is not pursuing those Samura henchmen like they should. Yea, they've opened up their Food market, but they looked the other way when we lost a ship.

Roppongi Wreck
  • Synth Foods uses Roppongi as a distribution point. The Farmers Alliance will most likely be waiting whichever way we go in Kusari.

  • 70% of the New Tokyo population under the age of 30 prefers Synth Paste to Kyushu grown food. But the Farmers have opened up a whole new planet for agriculture. Synth is up for serious competition in the Kusari market now. it's funny, now the playing field is more level than ever, and still the odds are against us.

  • Synth Foods is certain that Samura funds the Farmers Alliance movement. The Kusari government has been unwilling so far to open an investigation, which is not surprising, given that many government officals are still on Samura's bribe list. The new government is all about free markets and competition, and yet the Farmers now have a whole new planet opened up for them in Tottori -- how convenient.

Deshima Station
  • We know that Samura is behind the Farmers Alliance. Our sources tell us that they have been funding them for some time now, yet the only way we can stop the farmers is by hiring Bounty Hunters. The government has deaf ears when it comes to anything Samura related.

  • The Deshima Food operation is a crucial part of our plan to penetrate the Kusari Food market. We bring in the Flora-Gro we need from California Minor, since Samura would never sell us any.

  • We send Food produced at this base to the New Tokyo system where it can be enjoyed in the heart of the Kusari Shogunate. Too bad those Farmers Alliance pirates keep attacking our convoys. That just means higher prices for the children of Kusari.

Planet Honshu
  • It looks like Samura alerted the Farmers Alliance to our presence here. They've started attacking our transports in recent weeks on the Trade Lanes to the Tokyo Gate. They just never give up. One day we'll have them cornered in Kyushu; I relish the thought.

  • This was quite a coup, getting access to Honshu and all. We negotiated with Kishiro for months. It took a special real estate arrangement on Deshima to finally close the deal. Soon all the youth of Honshu will be converted to our cheaper products, much as New Tokyo has.

  • We have not been able to crack the Kusari Luxury Food market yet. Part of the problem is Kusari's particular tastes, which lean heavily towards seafood. Stuttgart's geography and climate is still not optimal for that kind of farming.

Planet Manhattan
  • We produce Tobacco on Stuttgart and ship them here for the privileged few who can afford them.The rich elite prefer their Tobacco in the form of hand rolled Cigars from Augsburg, but the regular folks make do with less expensive forms of Tobacco.

  • Synth Foods delivers its best in synthetic Food Pastes to Roppongi and Deshima Stations in Kusari from its Los Angeles biodomes. From there we head into the Taus and Sigmas -- there's a hungry person everywhere, and our goal is to put a tube of Food Paste in their hands.

Trenton Outpost
  • One thing is for sure: Floragro is going to be a hugely successful product. Some at Synth question the wisdom of selling a product to biodomes that can compete with us for food production. But, the way I look at it, those biodomes are producing food even though Synth Paste is better already. We might as well make some money off of their continued stubbornness.

  • Our Floragro facilities on California Minor need regular shipments of Industrial Materials to stay functional. The harsh climate on Cali Minor wrecks a lot of machinery. I can't imagine how anyone thought that planet was ready for industry yet. Wait, don't repeat that to my superiors. I'm sure things have been planned out very extensively. What do I know? Can I buy you a drink?

  • I'm here to purchase Industrial Materials for our agricultural operations on Los Angeles. Part of what makes Synth Paste so cheap is that we use the latest technology to grow and process our product. That cuts down on expensive manual labor.

Newark Station
  • Synth Foods representatives are often found here on Newark. Even though our product is very cheap, we still purchase a great deal of insurance. We also use Interspace's conference facilities to meet with representatives from other Houses who are here on business.

  • The pilots who make the shipping runs within Liberty and Bretonia have it best. Sure there are lots of criminals in this House and in Bretonia, but we have dire enemies in Rheinland and Kusari.

  • Soon every planet and station in Sirius will have a biodome. Our farms will supply Food to every mouth in the galaxy. The farmers in Stuttgart just don't realize the noble work they are doing, but they will soon understand.

Fort Bush
  • Our biodomes are flowering up all over Sirius. Our experts are growing and cultivating the finest Tobacco in Stuttgart.

  • This is the halfway point on my route from Los Angeles to Denver. We usually bring a little extra for the bases in this area of Liberty. I'm so sick of Synth Paste. You get it at a discount working for them. Of course, the execs get free Luxury Food from Cambridge shipped right to their doorstep. That's what I call service.

  • Hey, what's tastier than a barrel of Paste? That's right, nothing in Sirius that won't cost you half a month's pay. When you want Food Paste and you want it bad, you know who to come to.

Planet Los Angeles
  • This is Synth Foods' home base. We still produce a fair amount of Food here, although not as cheaply as Stuttgart. Our plan is to eventually phase out growing operations on Los Angeles. The soil and climate just can't support the sustainable production levels that we need.

  • We bring in Fertilizers from Shinkaku Station, then ship out Synth Paste to LD-14 or Roppongi Station in New Tokyo. Synth Foods is the future. I wish the farmers of Kusari and Rheinland could see that.

  • We are committed to enhancing Food production throughout the Sirius Sector, whether it is through increased use of biodomes in the Independent and Border Worlds, or the introduction of more efficient use of technology to traditional growing areas like Stuttgart and Kyushu. We will prevail.

Planet Denver
  • The corporate plan is to eventually handle Food production for all the colonies. We got Rheinland in the bag. Right now, Kusari is proving a bit more of a challenge, mainly Samura and their Farmers Alliance henchmen. Bretonia will have to wait.

  • I ran a load of Food, Consumer Goods, and Basic Alloy up here last week from Manhattan.

  • I'm running a load of Synth Paste up from Los Angeles to the biodome operation on Deshima, and then on to Roppongi. I'll sure be sorry to leave Liberty. Gets pretty hostile up there in Kusari space, especially with that Farmers Alliance.

Planet Houston
  • I'm here to try to set up supply contracts to introduce Synth Paste into the food supply here on Planet Houston. Even with the high food prices, it's no easy task.

  • Everyone needs Synth Paste, even Kusari. That's why we ship it from Los Angeles to Roppongi. We just have to do something about those crazy Kusari farmers.

  • Synth Paste produced at Los Angeles is imported into Texas to cheaply feed the burgeoning prison populations there.

  • We promote commerce in Liberty as well as Kusari. We will ship Fertilizers from Shinkaku to Los Angeles, and then ship Synth Paste back to the prison stations from Los Angeles.

Planet Erie
  • I just delivered a load of Synth Gel to Harrisburg. Say what you will, but staying inside Liberty is one of the more healthy assignments for a Synth Foods pilot. In Kusari the Farmers Alliance will kill you quick if they catch you. In Rheinland the LWB will do much the same.

  • I'll be heading back to Riverside with a load of Neon. The gas is used in various cryostatic systems in the Synth Food labs, but those systems do need an occasional refill. Many labs require Neon for this purpose, although it's more commonly known for being used in gas discharge lights.

  • Bretonia never developed a taste for Synth products, despite our best marketers having done agressive campaigns there. I think they took the wrong strategy alltogether personally. Undercutting Cambridge by going straight to BMM, and "arranging" for the Food distribution on Leeds to be handled by us would have been a perfect strategy - and would have given the Green Party the finger in the process. Another lost opportunity I suppose.

Planet New Berlin
  • Synth Foods is proud to be the exclusive supplier of both standard and Luxury Foods to the people of Rheinland. The citizens of New Berlin have grown to love our products, which are considerably cheaper than the food formerly produced by the WVS on Stuttgart.

  • We are concerned by recent reports that the Red Hessians have become sympathetic to the LWB and are planning new strikes focused on Synth Foods convoys. The LWB are an irritating annoyance. The Hessians are an entirely different matter.

  • The LWB has many supporters in New Berlin, so we must spend heavily here to defeat their cause. The Rheinland officials expect ever-larger bribes from us. It's the cost we pay to continue our expansion plans in Stuttgart, unfettered by government interference.

Bonn Station
  • Stuttgart may prove to be the undoing of Synth Foods. Nobody imagined the ferocity with which the LWB would strike back. Nor did we realize how challenging the criminal situation was in Rheinland. Our Fertilizer ships have to be specially armed just to survive the trip from Houston to Bonn. Escorts are required on all runs to and from Stuttgart.

  • The LWB was getting a lot of flack from the Rheinland public for attacking their food supply. So now they've switched to Fertilizers. They figure if our costs get high enough, we'll have to reconsider the current assimilation strategy of Stuttgart. They may have a point.

  • The cursed LWB has teamed up with the Hessians. They must have pleaded their cause to repel the foreign invader or something. Now we have a much-better-armed adversary to contend with. Los Angeles never thought it would escalate to this.

Planet Hamburg
  • I just made the Hudson crossing with a load of Fertilizers. We usually drop off a few containers for Republican here before continuing onto Stuttgart. They ship them off to the Frankfurt system. I hear they end up in bio-domes out in the Edge Worlds.

  • We always make a stop in Hamburg to deliver the weekly food supply from Stuttgart. It's a relatively quiet system for us, with no LWB about. The Unioners couldn't care less about what's happening in that part of Rheinland. Everyone needs to eat, after all.

  • There are two reasons Synth Foods took over Stuttgart: Less expensive Luxury Foods for the Liberty elites, and cheap food for the prisoners of Texas. That about sums up Liberty society.

Planet Stuttgart
  • Several days ago, the Belknap was traversing the Trade Lane from Stuttgart to the Berlin Gate when it was hijacked by LWB pirates. They flew the ship into the Ostnebel, where it is likely stationed for use as a temporary food supply.

  • Synth Foods, pumping paste into the heart of Rheinland. That's right, you can take Foods and Luxury Foods to New Berlin from Stuttgart.

  • Synth Foods brings in our own specially prepared Fertilizers from Houston and Bonn. If you are going to Bonn to pick up Fertilizers, you can take a shipment of paste with you.

  • The Rheinland government is composed entirely of fools. The economy of Stuttgart and of Rheinland for that matter were interwoven with the subsidies they had been pumping into Stuttgart for generations. When the government realized what a drain the subsidies were, they cut them overnight. Immediately the entire economy bottomed out, as bankruptcies and foreclosures skyrocketed. Then we came in and bought almost everyone out.

  • There is a lucrative market for Luxury Foods in Manhattan. If you are willing to make the trip, I'm sure the markets there will pay well for Stuttgart's finest.

  • Damn farmers are cooperating, it was bad enough that Rheinland tried and failed to give us the boot. Now just when business is starting to look up, these desperate imbeciles who couldn't compete show their faces again. Can't they see that our product is just better?

  • Synth Foods earns more money shipping our yummy pastes to the LPI Huntsville and Sugarland in Houston, than supplying all of Frankfurt. The truth is we prefer to ship our pastes to people who will pay what they are worth. These silly Rheinlanders are too poor to deserve our pastes.

NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:16:44 UTC