Orbital Spa & Cruise

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Orbital Spa & Cruise
Co os grp.png
Alignment Lawful


Liberty Authorities, Liberty Corporations




Gaians, Golden C., Lane Hackers, Liberty Rogues, Outcasts

Orbital Spa and Cruise operates an array of resorts and luxury liners throughout the Sirius Sector. Headquartered on the idyllic resort planet Curacao, OS&C goes to great lengths to ensure that their customers receive the all-star experience they deserve, as they happen to host many of the richest and most powerful people in Sirius at any one time.

Ships used

Ship Class
Tsuyo Light Fighter
Kin Freighter
Dorado Freighter
Taurus Bomber
Armored Transport Transport
Luxury Yacht Liner
Luxury Liner Liner
Shihai Very Heavy Fighter
Civilian Gunboat Gunboat

Bases owned


Base Owner System Region
LPI Sugarland Liberty Police, Inc. Texas Liberty
Halifax Freeport Freelancers Leeds Bretonia
Ohashi Border Station Kusari State Police Shikoku Kusari
LPI Huntsville Liberty Police, Inc. Texas Liberty
Vierlande Prison Unioners Hamburg Rheinland
Detroit Munitions Ageira Technologies New York Liberty
Battleship Altenburg Rheinland Military Cologne Alsace Passage
Luxury Liner Hawaii Orbital Spa & Cruise Sigma-19 Sigma Border Worlds
Altona Station Imperial Shipping Hamburg Rheinland
Planet Denver Liberty Police, Inc. Colorado Liberty
Newark Station Interspace Commerce New York Liberty
Valley Forge Flight School Interspace Commerce Pennsylvania Liberty
Norfolk Shipyard Liberty Navy New York Liberty
Luxury Liner Shetland Orbital Spa & Cruise Newcastle Bretonia
Waterloo Station Interspace Commerce New London Bretonia
Portsmouth Shipyard Bretonia Mining & Manufacturing Cambridge Bretonia
Pueblo Station Ageira Technologies Colorado Liberty
Lübeck Border Station Rheinland Federal Police Hamburg Rheinland
Luxury Liner Barbados Orbital Spa & Cruise Vespucci Independent
Fort Bush Liberty Police, Inc. New York Liberty
Battleship Missouri Liberty Navy New York Liberty
Planet New London Bretonia Police New London Bretonia
Freiburg Station Imperial Shipping Stuttgart Rheinland
Brandenburg Station Rheinland Federal Police New Berlin Rheinland
Cold Bay Depot Planetform, Inc. Hudson Independent
Planet Stuttgart Rheinland Federal Police Stuttgart Rheinland
Alster Shipyard Imperial Shipping Hamburg Rheinland
Planet New Tokyo Kusari State Police New Tokyo Kusari
Roppongi Wreck Interspace Commerce New Tokyo Kusari
Lewes Shipping Platform Gateway Shipping Tau-31 Tau Border Worlds
Akita Border Station Kusari State Police Honshu Kusari
Planet Curacao Orbital Spa & Cruise Cortez Independent
Narita Outpost Kusari State Police New Tokyo Kusari
Planet Honshu Kusari State Police Honshu Kusari
Noshima Freeport Freelancers Shikoku Kusari
Planet New Berlin Rheinland Federal Police New Berlin Rheinland
Planet Manhattan Liberty Police, Inc. New York Liberty
Planet Houston Liberty Police, Inc. Texas Liberty
Battleship Westfalen Rheinland Military Stuttgart Rheinland
Baltimore Shipyard Deep Space Engineering New York Liberty
Planet Pittsburgh Deep Space Engineering New York Liberty
Planet Baden Baden Orbital Spa & Cruise Stuttgart Rheinland
Freeport 1 Zoners Omega-3 Omega Border Worlds
Fuchu Prison Kusari State Police Shikoku Kusari
Kamakura Base Hogosha Sigma-59 Sigma Border Worlds
Deshima Station Bounty Hunters Guild Shikoku Kusari
Ulm Border Station Rheinland Federal Police Stuttgart Rheinland
Bonn Station Interspace Commerce New Berlin Rheinland
Planet Hamburg Rheinland Federal Police Hamburg Rheinland



Planet New London
  • I don't understand how we became enemies of the Gaians. We are only engaged in tourism, not in the ecological change of planets like Planetform. The same New London elites that secretly support the Gaians enjoy the facilities on our cruise ships. I would say that is a bit hypocritical.

  • The Shetland was presumed lost after the Gallic invasion - but miraculously turned up at the edge of the Dublin system with her cruise engines disabled and stores severely depleted. It turns out the ship had to flee to deep space after Gallic forces tried to board her. They failed but left the ship crippled. It took almost a year for it to cross the vast interstellar space between the systems. It was sheer luck that her captain had a keen interest in early Sirian colonial space travel - before the Jump Gates existed. He knew how to navigate between the stars. Over 1200 souls owe their life to that.

  • We ship various Commodities and Luxuary Goods to our resort planet in Cortez, Curacao. Luxuary Foods produced at Cambridge are in strong demand there.

Luxury Liner Shetland
  • It's a major change for us, to switch from catering to the rich and famous to tending injured soldiers and war tourists. Still, we can be glad to be alive. The Gallic Navy would have finished us off if they had the chance.

  • Home. Finally home again. You have no idea what it was like, travelling from Edinburgh to Dublin by conventional engines only. These liners aren't built for interstellar travel without the aid of Jump Gates. Our engines are designed for slow runs around a starsystem. It is amazing that our captain managed to pilot us across!

  • Official word is, the Shetland is taking care of forces wounded in the fighting with Gallia. While we do that, we also still receive guests from all over Bretonia who want to see the damage the Gallic forces left on us. But I think the company is trying to capitalize on the skill of our captain, and turn the Shetland in some kind of war hero attraction. "Shetlands Survival", I suppose there's worse ways to serve Bretonia. It's a major morale boost for the soldiers and people, one they desperately needed after Leeds was lost.

  • We receive many shipments of medication from Cryer. The Gaians have been attacking some of them. Makes me wonder if those ecoterrorists have become Gallic lapdogs now. Wouldn't surprise me.

  • So far the number of wounded we're treating has been mild. I'm not sure why we're even here. Space combat doesn't usually create a whole lot of wounded. Just people who had a working escape pod - and casualties. That or they expect large ship crews to become injured - which means capital ships will be getting involved in the fighting ahead. I just hope it won't be in Newcastle.

  • The Shetland was heavily damaged when Gallia attacked her. Attacking a civilian liner... There is no excuse for that! After the crew and passengers were rescued in Dublin, the ship was ferried to Southampton for repairs. It is fully spaceworthy again, but will require a much more extensive overhaul before it's suitable for luxuary cruises. There's no room in Southampton for that right now.

Freeport 1
  • The Luxury Liner Shetland went missing for a few months after the Gallic invasion. It was eventually found drifting into Dublin, out of fuel and looking damaged. She's been patched up and sent out to Newcastle now. I think they've got her working as a rear-lines R&R site for Bretonian pilots, and a resort for particularly morbid adreneline junkies. There's talk about turning the Shetland's story into a Manhattan blockbuster holofilm. I've heard they'll be casting Donovan Jenners as the brave helmsman who saved the ship! OS&C will probably fund it, providing they get editing rights over the script.

  • All the tourism is likely to increase Bretonia's desire to enforce a claim of sovereignty on Omega-3. That will probably be worse for the Zoners than the for IMG at Aland, who already have a working relationship with Bretonia's government due to Cardiff. The Zoners' business dealings with criminals in the Omegas is the worst kept secret on Freeport 1. No doubt the Bretonian government would crack down hard on that.

  • It's easy to imagine how this would play out. First some fancy Bretonian lady gets her sensibilities offended by Corsair riffraff on the Freeport, or a shuttle of tourists almost goes for an unplanned spacewalk. Next the BAF or BPA start escorting civilian passenger liners and shuttles. Then they arrange for berths on Freeport 1 to conveniently refuel. Next thing you know, they'll uncover a big Zoner-criminal scandal going on, and the public pressure will "force" the government to increase "security" on and around the Freeport. Power always works the same way, you know. Once it finds a crack, it wedges it wide open sooner or later. I wonder if the Zoners see what's likely coming?

Luxury Liner Hawaii
  • Many guests are drawn here because they enjoy carousing with dangerous criminals like Hogosha and Corsairs. Besides, wouldn't you like to sit down at one of our bars and have a drink sitting next to a dangerous killer, knowing all the while that he is there to enjoy himself just as you are?

  • Truth be told, it makes Orbital Spa a little uneasy to have Hogosha and Corsairs conducting their Artifact business deals here aboard our vessel. But they do pay handsomely to be aboard and their presence is exciting for our guests, even if occasionally one of our esteemed clientele says the wrong thing to a Corsair and gets shot for it. Still, having an agreement with the Corsairs means we can coexist with them here, which makes operating here a lot safer for us.

  • One of our pleasure skiffs near the Donryu Cloud was attacked and destroyed this morning by Outcasts. It is an unfortunate occurrence, but the allure of danger is one of the many things that draws the crowds from Kusari. Our guests are fully aware of the risks of Sigma space.

  • This ship is lavishly furnished with works of art and the finest quality appointments. Orbital Spa and Cruise is dedicated to supplying our guests the finest that life has to offer. Luxury Goods are brought here all the way from Manhattan. More recently, the opening of the Gallic market has allowed us access to some fine Holo Sculptures as well.

  • Security caught a thief among our guests. Thankfully, all the stolen items have been returned to their rightful owners. The unfortunate criminal will be delivered to the proper authorities in Honshu tomorrow. Within a few weeks she will be working the Hydrocarbon mines of the Fuchu Ring. That thief was lucky he didn't steal from any of our Hogosha or Corsair guests - he'd not have made it off the ship if he had. Not alive anyway.

  • Have you ever seen the fiery blooming "blossoms" of the Kikka Dust Cloud? They are quite extraordinary, yet no one knows where they come from or how they form. I can book you for one of our pleasure skiff runs to that area if you'd like to see them.

  • The passengers aboard this ship are the crème de la crème of Kusari society. They expect this liner to be appointed with the finest foods, and it is. We offer some of the finest foods Sirius can offer. From the fisheries of Junyo to the customized-to-desire flavors produced by Synth Foods at Stuttgart, whichever the client prefers, we can offer.

  • The convergence of the Crow and Edge Nebula in this system makes for one of the most incredible space vistas in all of Sirius. Have you been to our observation deck? It is truly a magnificent sight. Every once in a while we are treated to a small skirmish between opposing factions in this sector - quite marvelous.

  • This ship is outside of House space, so the things that go on here might not be completely legal. The Sigma systems are claimed by the Gas Miners Guild, but they usually keep to themselves and their H-Fuel producing business. Government morality can be quite bothersome at times. We provide relief from the burdens of society. Whatever your desire, we will provide it here - no questions asked.

Planet Curacao
  • There is no appreciable landmass on this planet. Outside of the hotel platform there is a vast, shallow sea covering the planet. Various water sports are the preferred activity. We also offer submersible expeditions for more adventurous travelers who want to experience the exotic undersea life.

  • Orbital will normally accept any guest that can pay their way, even a Bounty Hunter. On our Hawaiian ship you can spot Hogosha and even the odd Corsair or two. The Lane Hackers have expressed interest in staying here, but we feel their piracy against our ships is too severe to ignore.

  • We ship Luxury Food from Cambridge. It's perishable, so we have to be fast. Only the finest Cambridge organic produce for our discriminating customers.

  • The unusually high oxygen content of Curacao's atmosphere has a rejuvenating effect on most of our patrons, which primarily include the Liberty wealthy. They can hop a special transport and be here in a matter of days via the Jump Gates and Trade Lanes.

  • Curacao wasn't discovered until 465 because of its obscured position in the heart of the Barrier. The Tantulus, a Liberty survey ship, accidentally stumbled into the system while researching a new Jump Gate route between Liberty and Bretonia.

  • We bring in Luxury Goods from Manhattan so that our clients can shop in addition to their daily regime of water sports and gambling. The armored transports tend to get attacked quite a bit in the Paloma Cloud.

  • We export our pure Tea to Cambridge, which always needs more than it can get.

  • We send patrols out into the eastern fields to keep the considerable criminal population in check. Fortunately, there is a substantial Bounty Hunter contingent based here to provide some sense of security. Unfortunately, their rather crude behavior and offensive odor has been a problem with our regular guests.

  • This is the original home of Orbital Spa and Cruise, founded in 475 by Tony Cortez. This was the first planet in the Sirius Sector devoted solely to the pursuit of pleasure. There is now a second in Stuttgart, and several cruise ships in the far reaches of civilized space.

Planet New Tokyo
  • I'm the Orbital rep here in Tokyo. It's my job to coordinate the delivery of supplies to the Hawaii cruise ship in Sigma-19. I also do the local marketing, trying to get the wealthy and upwardly mobile Tokyo clientele to come out to our little ship and see the magnificent view of the Edge.

  • Your best bet at making good money here with Orbital is the Consumer Goods runs to the Hawaii. Everyone needs the essentials, and even more so when you are light years from civilization.

  • It's always raining here -- worse than New London. At least you can get Synth Paste here. That was a major coup by Synth Foods. Word on the street is that the government couldn't pay for that Jump Gate in Hokkaido and asked for a price break. Manhattan made a deal by offering a free loan in exchange for access to the Kusari Food market. It worked like a charm in Rheinland.

Planet Manhattan
  • All of our cruise ships require constant resupply of Luxury Goods for our clientele. I used to ship Luxury Goods from here at Newark to the Mackinac in the Tottori system, but those girls of the Golden Chrysanthemums blew her to bits. Kusari is a crazy place. Hogosha, mad Farmers, drugged out GC babes, Blood Dragons, Outcasts... Now they send me to Poole, that Molly-ridden hellhole. I really should demand a raise. Bartender, where's my drink?! I'm about to launch and I need three or four stiff ones!

  • We offer the finest in luxury vacations and stellar tourism. Our spas and resorts are the finest in the galaxy. If there is a beautiful spot in Sirius you're dying to take the family to, or if you're dying to get away from the family, Orbital Spa and Cruise has what you're looking for.

  • Ever hear of the LWB? They are some kind of militant Rheinland farmers who have turned to piracy. The Luxury Goods we ship from here in Manhattan to our resort on planet Baden-Baden in the Stuttgart system have been falling under their attacks.

  • We ship Luxury Goods from here at Newark to Curacao in the Cortez system. We strive to provide our guests with the absolute best of all things, so when they think luxury, they think Orbital. It's quite a commitment since these shipments are often attacked by Rogues and Lane Hackers.

  • Orbital has whatever you're looking for to meet your vacationing needs. Take a trip on the Shetland to the forests of Gaia, visit the hot springs of Baden-Baden, maybe dip in the cool waters of Curacao, or if adventure is what you seek, how about Hawaii?

  • A lot of the Luxury Goods produced here in Manhattan are headed to the luxury liner Hawaii in the Sigma-19 system. I just got assigned the route a few months ago. So far I've had nine escorts come and go courtesy of the Outcasts.

Planet Stuttgart
  • The Foods and Luxury Foods that the clientele aboard our luxuriant resort enjoys, come exclusively from Stuttgart. We wouldn't think of bringing food in from another locale, though the quality of the Luxury Food has diminished recently, which may cause things to change in the future.

  • I can appreciate nationalism and pride, but I'd say these Rheinlanders are a bit over sensitive. They should welcome the influx of money and jobs that Liberty corporations bring with them into the system. All I ever hear from these people are complaints about Liberty scum this, and foreign money that, they are worse than the Kusari.

  • Orbital Spa's resort on Baden-Baden needs basic supplies like any other station in Sirius. We get the majority of our goods from this planet. Too bad Synth Foods has despoiled Stuttgart in so many ways, but perhaps that will force more people to use Orbital Spa's facilities.

Planet Baden Baden
  • The finest foods in all of Sirius are brought in from Stuttgart and hand-delivered to our exclusive clientele. Luxury Foods make a luxury vacation.

  • The Babylon was finishing a routine Luxury Goods run from Manhattan to Baden-Baden when it was attacked on the final leg by the LWB. The freighter feigned surrender, then made a run for it, but was cut off before reaching the planet. It then fled towards the southern end of the Ostnebel, with the LWB in hot pursuit. The Babylon was never found.

  • This planet's oceans and landmasses are lifeless. At first we believed this would be a detriment to tourist activities, but it actually works out quite well; no bothersome insects or man-eating carnivores. Just human beings and the animals they wish to bring here.

  • The LWB are reasonable people. Their attacks on Baden-Baden will become less frequent, but gradually, so as to not arouse suspicion. A little money in their coffers helps us all profit. They may need a little extra funding to help them blow up the vacation villas on Stuttgart.

  • Any basic supplies we need here are either produced here or shipped in from Stuttgart by our own Commodity transports.

  • Because of the financial troubles Rheinland is in, we haven't been making as much profit at this resort as our others. We may be forced to bring in Liberty vacationers. Not the quality types either -- they can go to Hawaii or Curacao. We've had to bring in the econoclass vacationers to fill the rooms.

  • Many of Rheinland's elite used to build in Stuttgart when they wanted a summer home or were thinking about retiring. But now, with Synth Foods moved in and the LWB attacks and fires, many are finding Baden-Baden to be their choice for premium relaxation.

NOTE: Page generated on the 20/12/2024 at 17:48:55 UTC