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Red Hessians

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Red Hessians
Alignment {{{alignment}}}
Date of founding 700 A.S. A.S.
Date of dissolution still active A.S.
Founder(s) Former Daumann miners
Current leader(s) unknown
Base of operations Vogtland Base, Dresden
Primary role
Terrorism, Piracy
Secondary role
Expanding influence, halting Corsair advance

The Red Hessians are a large organised group mostly comprised of disillusioned miners and political dissidents, primarily dedicated to the elimination of corporations Daumann and Kruger and their government cronies for the exploitation they had to endure for centuries.


Red Hessians are the third largest unlawful group in Sirius, outnumbered only by the two warring Hispanian factions in the Omicron systems (Outcasts and Corsairs). They operate mostly in Rheinland and the Omega sector, although raids sometimes take them as far as the Cambridge system in Bretonia. The group is known to attack corporate shipping all across Rheinland, looting and dealing in stolen goods as well as smuggling diamonds to fund their extensive operations. Their large umbrella of influence almost completely encompasses the Dresden and Omega-11 systems, with roaming packs of fighters a frequent sight to any passers by. Dresden is expected to fall under complete Hessian control as soon as the corporate mining stations there finally run out of concentrated mining areas.

However the most likely reason for their notoriety in the criminal underworld would be their endless conflict with the Corsairs, notably manifested in the visibly split system of Omega-5. Divided into two sides, the no mans land in the middle is frequently host to savage battles between both factions.

The Hessians are a part of the Outcast alliance against Corsairs.


Further information: History of Rheinland#Popular Revolution (672 A.S.)

The formation of the Hessian movement

The Hessians are recorded to have formed in 700 A.S. They originated from a group of miners disillusioned at the result of the Popular Revolution of 672 A.S. and the lackluster treatment of Daumann and Kruger worker abuse. Despite the push by the Bundschuh opposition in the government to investigate any and all actions of the two companies during the last few years, the majority had decided to settle on ratifying a Workers' Rights Convention and placing reparations on the two companies in order to gain the support of the wealthy Rheinland industrialists in charge. Enraged at this decision, many Dresden miners abandoned their stations in an attempt to restart the revolution. With far less general support this time around, they were eventually forced to leave their posts and retreat into the asteroid fields from which they would later stage attacks on transports in the area in an attempt to halt the diamond mining industry once again.

With the political fiasco of 700 A.S. which forced the Bundschuh movement back underground, the Red Hessians began their campaign of widespread raids on corporate shipping, no longer just for the ideological principle but to build up their own power base, facilities and power in Dresden as well as it's adjacent systems. With the number of disillusioned individuals in Rheinland rising every day, their ranks quickly swelled from a small group of vigilantes into an extensive rebellion controlling most of Dresden space.


In an effort to secure more ground, expansion soon followed. Conducting their usual recon of Dresden, Red Hessian patrols stumbled upon a conveniently placed jump hole to Omega-11 around the year 709 A.S. It didn't take long for raiders to pour into the Daumann controlled system. The unprepared Daumann shippers were taken completely by surprise, with rumours following that the Hessians managed to shut down the diamond shipping from Omega-11 for a full month, before the corporates gathered enough security force to at least push the rebels out of the trade route.

Construction of new bases soon followed. By 712 A.S. Freital base was in full operation, and attracting many people to it by the prospect of quick wealth and hard retribution. With the discovery of the Omega-5 system, first contact with the Corsairs was established. Neither of the factions cared much about the other, up until Hessians started to converge on Corsair raiding grounds.

Hessian-Corsair War (740 A.S.)

The Trenches of Omega-5

The first recorded conflict between Hessian and Corsair units occured in the year 731 A.S. The Hessian raiders participating in the event had reported the fight had been initiated over the contents of their cargo holds, which were liberated from a Bretonian diamond transport in Omega-3. Many other minor fights over stolen goods were reported during the next five years, although no official military action was taken by either side. Hessian fighters were instructed to avoid Corsair patrols if possible. This state of passive hostility was a prelude to the beginning of the actual war, which would begin in earnest in nine years.

At the start of the year 740 A.S. a large Corsair fleet moved into Omega-5 from their Leon base in Omega-41, quickly advancing to Ronneburg where the first battle took place with the Hessians pressed into a desperate defense. While the initial Corsair assault was unsuccessful, the attackers preserved their initiative for an entire year, until a large Hessian force defeated the Corsair advance during the final siege of Ronneburg, and pushed them back towards Cadiz.

This successful Hessian defense marked the start of the long stalemate, where for the next seventy years large forces from both sides would engage in a string of battles that would eventually obliterate the central area of the system inbetween the Hessian and Corsair bases. That area, cleared of all asteroids and littered with wrecks, would become known as the Hammen Hole.

The Casablanca Campaign

In the year 811 A.S. an intermittent jump hole on the Hessian side of Omega-5 stabilises itself, and opens a way to a system marked as Omega-47. The system itself was discovered by the Corsairs only a few months before, and as such had not seen any major force occupying it at all. The Corsairs, complacent in the unreachability of the system, well in the process of constructing a base and scoping a potential planet to settle were taken completely by surprise by the first enemy raiders pouring in from the northern nebula fragment. The Hessians, recognising a golden opportunity, quickly massed an assault force of fair size and attacked Omega-47 before the defenders could be reinforced. After a period of brief fighting over the surface of planet Tangier, the attackers breached the front line and pushed the Corsairs all the way back to their Casablanca base where the final fight occured, culminating in a troop transport managing to breach the bases' docking bay and unloading a large boarding crew which successfully captured the station.

Although the Corsairs organised a swift counter attack soon afterwards, they were unable to mount a force of sufficient strength to counter the superior Hessian numbers in the Omega-47 system, while still keeping Omega-5 safe. The attack was undertaken either way, with the battlegroup soon mired half way across the system by a large defense. With the offensive taking no progress beyond that point, the Corsairs changed their plan. They pulled their forces back to the eastern nebula fragment, stationing the battleship Fes at the jump hole to prevent that flank from collapsing, and assuming a defensive stance. The majority of the withdrawn forces were then transferred to the Omega-5 flank in order to put more pressure on the Hessians from that direction. The plan was successful, and a lot of the Omega-47 defenders were rallied back to Omega-5, leaving both forces however with a force incapable of making any decisive moves in the Omega-47 system. The Hessian defense, although strong and comprised of seasoned veterans, would now be full of holes - allowing Corsair ships to slip through to the Zoner system of Omega-49, and from there to Dublin to raid and pillage the gold mining business. The Omega-47 system would from that point on be the site of nothing more than small skirmishes between passing forces, with not much real meaning to the actual Hessian - Corsair war.

New allies and enemies

The Nomad War (800-801 A.S.), although crippling for Rheinland did not impact the Hessians much, as the bulk of their forces was engaged on the Omega-5 front, while the infested Rheinland Military ignored the lesser attacks in Dresden, diverting it's forces from the homeland to their war with Kusari. After the destruction of the Dyson sphere base and the subsequent rout of the infested Rheinland forces in Kusari, the Hessians had a major role in further weakening the escaping remnants of the fleet after their defeat at the hands of the legitimate Rheinland Military. Even despite the pursuit however, different parts of the infested fleet managed to escape deep into the uncharted Omega systems.

At the start of 811 A.S. a new enemy rose for the Hessians in their own homeland. The Unioners during that time have established relations with the Corsairs under a new leadership, and have began attacking Hessian forces all across Rheinland in a slew of small, disorganised strikes. This conflict brought about the disruption of the diamond smuggling ring from Rheinland to Liberty (long including the Unioners as it's vital part), thus breaking a massive source of funding for the Red Hessians which was what the Corsairs were opting for. The closing down of this smuggling route however had consequences not just for the Hessians, but also the Unioners themselves, as well as the Liberty Rogues. All of these factions reaped the profits from the trade for as long as it lasted. With the money becoming tight, the Unioner attacks on Hessians soon stopped, and the Unioner leadership was replaced (purportedly due to a successful assassination by the Libertonians). Both factions returned to a status of neutrality after but three years in 814 A.S.

In 814 A.S. the widespread Outcast diplomatic mission against their Corsair enemies reaches Rheinland. Whilst all the other unlawful factions deny any agreements, the Hessians and Bundschuh are willing to listen to the envoys, and see if they can offer them a new edge in the war in the Omega systems. The negotiations, while lengthy, eventually settle the former hostility versus the Hessians and the Maltans with a shaky alliance. The Outcasts reluctantly agree to keep their Cardamine out of Rheinland, while supplying the Hessians with new weapons, ships and designs. The Hessians in turn will attempt to hit the Corsairs even harder in a subsequent push to Omega-15 and Omega-41. While this has been broadcasted far and wide by the Outcasts as a diplomatic success, the arrangement is known to be likely to end the moment the war with the Corsairs is finished.

Present day

In today's Sirius, the forces of the Red Hessians are respected as the third largest unlawful faction in the sector, pressing the Corsairs into a defensive stance in Omega-5 while still maintaining a large share of power in the Rheinland underground. Between their systematic spread into Bretonia and their almost total control of Dresden, the Hessians maintain their status as a force to be reckoned with, while still growing exponentially due to the amount of recruits they receive.


Bounty Hunters
Rheinland Federal Police
Rheinland Military
Daumann Heavy Construction
Kruger Minerals
Bretonia Armed Forces
House Shippers

Known bases