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EFL Oil & Machinery (player faction)

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EFL Oil & Machinery
Origin Flag-gallia.png Gallia
Alignment Lawful/Corporation
Recruitment Click to join
Date of founding 234 AGS A.S.
Founder(s) The Christophe Family
Current leader(s) Chief Executive Officer Xavier Christophe
Base of operations Chartres Space Colony
Primary ID EFL Oil & Machinery ID
Tag(s) EFL |
Primary role
The extraction and distribution of resources

Maintaining of Gallic infrastructures

Technological Development.
Secondary role
Crippling Foreign Industries Considered At War With Gallia & Aiding Associates

Corporate Expansion Through Civilian and Military Projects

Assisting Royal Navy & Police Forces Against Enemies Considered Corporate Threats

Unlike the other colonies in Sirius, the planets of Ile-de-France and other core systems of Gallia proved to have abundant supplies of oil. Utilizing nearly limitless oil deposits was more efficient for building up the new House than using other types of fuel and alternative means of generating energy. In 234 A.G.S., a giant corporation named EFL Oil, of which the Crown owned a majority share, was formed to control all extraction, transportation, and processing of oil throughout Gallia. In 440 A.G.S., when space colonization was on the rise, EFL absorbed several large shipbuilding and engineering companies, becoming EFL Oil & Machinery. In its new state, the corporation was responsible for building many of the currently operating Gallic space station, including several shipyards and space colonies. EFL, in cooperation with Ile-de-France Shipping, had also built the entire rapid space transportation system of Gallia that includes numerous jump gates and trade lanes. When the invasion of Sirius by Gallic forces began, further manufacturing of EFL'€™s jump gate and trade lane component technology was licensed to Solar Engineering, so that EFL could focus on supporting the invasion forces. This decision remains highly controversial within EFL'€™s management, but the Crown'€™s involvement in EFL serves as a guarantee against Solar being able to supplant EFL'€™s ownership of the technology. Nowadays, EFL is the largest corporation in Gallia, with the total value of its enterprises estimated to be five hundred billion credits, and the number of employees counting as high as six million. It is operating in virtually every field of the Gallic economy, both planet side and in space. In addition to building stations, the corporation is also one of the largest station operators in Gallic space. Despite the enormous damage caused by the Second Gallic War, EFL had sizeable reserves that were used to compensate the losses. Yet, reserves are easily depleted, and the war is not yet over. Moreover, the Sirius invasion is now under way, which also puts the company under considerable strain due to its contracts with defence agencies and with the Royal Navy in particular. Other corporations operating in Gallic space are either smaller, like IDF or Solar, or are less dependent on the government, like GMS. EFL is often considered the symbol of the excessive involvement by the Crown in Gallia'€™s economy, which makes the corporation favoured target for terrorist groups like the Maquis. All these factors combined are expected to cause serious problems for the corporations long term finances unless it undertakes significant restructuring.


Though it goes often unseen from media eyes. EFL has outstanding relationships with local small businesses all across Gallia. Spending billions on electricians, carpenters, and mechanics, for contractor work that, in turn, supports various projects. The relationship is mutually beneficial. Making it often a more favourable partner for younger businesses to establish themselves in Gallia's economy. EFL's obligation to aiding citizens of Gallia can often be shown through its dedication in by offering guest presenters and free advanced instruction tools to work with local schools. Insuring the company is one of the most charitable corporation in terms of sponsoring good causes and giving back to the community. Most newly surfacing employees have attended areas where EFL's influence dominants. Resulting in a corporate boom during 445 A.G.S. shortly after taking over smaller companies. Secretly to keep the company at the forefront of technology in the Energy Industry, consultants in EFL business development group seek out researchers and technology start-ups that are about to push breakthrough energy technologies into the market. Which often results in purchasing companies before their new product reaches the market. With the Crown heavily invested. It is often EFL constructs a new facility in systems designated by the Crown. Opening larger trade routes for companies such as IDF to benefit accordingly with expansion.


The Headquarters of EFL is located at Chartres Space Colony where board officials manage EFL assets, and projects using a docking bay sized holodeck often used in ads to display the company's long standing progression. Most recruiting offices with most other Gallic corporations, are located on New Paris where new employees are often sent to the Beauvais Production Facility to study various methods for extracting petrochemicals. Applauded for employee benefits most EFL employees work reasonable hours per day. A vast majority live aboard different space colonies located throughout the forever expanding Gallic territories. With exploration becoming a more interesting hotpot for younger members, these space colonies have become more depended on than ever. Ile-De-France Shipping are often hired to constantly supply the most remote facilities on at a constant rate. Families are often present or are born during decade long stations however some employees working near dangerous locations have been banned from co-worker involvements. EFL movements into particular systems often wake in the development of new Trade Lanes and Jump Gates, so that supplies may arrive at a timely fashion. During EFL Oil'€™s absorption of smaller Gallic corporations in the year 440 A.G.S. it was decided intervention by the Crown'€™s influence was needed. After much debate, determining the corporation's future management became clear. EFL could no longer be managed under the CEO'€™s single authority. The Northern, Southern, and Central operational territories were divided into Corporate Districts each individually managed by Corporate Board Members. With the establishment of the Corporate Board, many EFL assets were reorganized eliminating speculation of collapse due to an inability to properly maintain the various establishments around Gallia.

EFL Corporate Districts

Each District has its own director.

Norther District Central District Southern District
Ile-de-France Orleanais Dauphine
Maine Burgundy Languedoc
Picardy Berry Auvergne
Lyonnais Provence

Resources Distribution Department

The Resource Distribution department properly extracts, process, and distributes all major resources throughout Gallia. Though EFL Oil & Machinery still remains a primary client to IDF Shipping, all critical corporate manufactures are restricted to self handling by local employees. Since invading Bretonia space most shipments are scheduled to far away Border world systems. While most Royal Navy patrols venture nearby most shipping routes. Transports are often escorted by EFL Oil & Machinery's Patrols


Chief Executive Officer [SELECTED]

Owner to all EFL Oil & Machinery assets, leading the corporation into the brightest future possible. As a dear friend to the Royal Family, the Chief Executive Officer is purely diplomatic , supportive, and at times influenced for the Crown's political means.

District Executive Officer [Corporate Board - ASSIGNED]

Similar to those holding the title Director. Representing each District: Northern, Central, and Southern. Are Executive Officers charged with organizing every major corporate operation involving the consolidation of mass assets. These individuals are second only to the Chief Executive Officer working in collaboration to advance EFL's agenda. Great secrecy behind the CEO and Executive Officers often draw attention. District leaders are also corporate diplomats reaching out or responding to political situations.

Director [Corporate Board - ASSIGNED]

Directors are assigned ownership over EFL affiliated space stations declaring the guidelines to their overall functions. Responsible for overseeing base construction personally.

Directors are also members of the EFL Corporate Board. Acting as representatives for each individual station throughout the Northern, Central, and Southern Districts.

Corporate Broker [650 Hours]

The utmost respectful, professional, and decorated employees are authorized to make deals on EFL's behalf. Responsible for negotiating deals with military and government officials. Brokers receive great praise for their unfaltering service to EFL Oil & Machinery.

Deep Transit Operator [400 Hours]

Deep Transit requires a conductor to be an expert navigator. While most occupied systems provide proper navigational system updates. War fronts in undeveloped systems require Deep Transit Conductors to lead convoys into the fray away from space anomalies.Primarily used to locate or discover new construction sites. Covertly acting on the Corporate Board's behalf, operators seekout foreign techology.

Distribution Manager [250 Hours]

Employees considered qualified enough to fly large cargo transports. Are then able to lead convoys skillfully carrying valuable corporate cargo loads. Many managers operate not only in Gallia but in the deep Border worlds outside the Royal Navy's protective zones.

Distribution Specialist [150 Hours]

Conductors excelling in their field are considered Distribution Specialists. Such specialists are expected to ship vital resources to space stations where ever they be present. This includes simple commodities for Life Support, Maintenance, Shield Fuel, and Production.

Conductor [50 Hours]

Conductors have completed their training and are now accepted into EFL Oil & Machinery. At this title will the employee be directly involved in the various Deployments ordered by each district. Despite receiving payment once reaching their destination. Conductors receive a bonus for their endangerment.


Is a new employee undergoing training in either Resource Distribution or Armed Civil Service. During this phase the employee may or may not be accepted into EFL Oil & Machinery. Upon being accepted as a valued employee will the Trainee be automatically receive the title Transit Conductor.

Resource Distribution Authorized Ships

Ga freight.png
Gallic Freighter
Gal trooper.png
Assault Transport
Gallic train.png
Gallic Train

Gallic train adv.png
Advanced Train
Gal liner.png
Gallic Liner

Security & Privateers

With Gallia's onslaught against Bretonia requiring more support than originally anticipated. Valuable resources were diverted to Royal Navy forces deployed within the Tau Region. EFL participation in war efforts began with the establishment of supply routes and the conversion of its shipyards into producing the navy's sophisticated fighter designs. Despite a mass naval presence near its operating areas , EFL began to experience heavy civilian casualties resulting in great financial losses. After developing its own UZ-300 Eclipse Civilian Bomber. EFL began to deploy its own civilian fleet to counter raids by criminals, pirates, and other hostile factions present in the Tau region. While not entirely relieving authorities of their responsibility to protecting nearby civilians from harm. EFL remains praised for its retaliation against foreign industries through acts such as privateering. At times inspiring further aggressiveness by its employees with granting them claim to any recovered cargo. Corporate ranking follows the traditional royalist structure allowing former service officers to adapt quickly.

Corporate Security Ranks

Head Of Security

The highest officer in the Security & Privateering personnel rankings. Colonels are presented with primarily supervising general operations and procedures without micromanaging lower ranking officers. It is not common to see many employees promoted to this rank.

Senior Security Officers

Primary leadership to all operations. Captains hold highest regards to insuring his/her corporate wing is properly directed. Most employees holding this rank are primarily operate EFL installations throughout Gallia as well as contested territory. Improving security to the best standards.

Security Officers

Most frequent in all EFL Security & Privateering employed personnel. Lieutenants are the most youngest courageous individuals in EFL Oil & Machinery's civilian fleet. Many upon first entry attempt to qualify for Privateering Licenses. Despite inexperience on many occasions resulting in corporate losses or death due to foolish decisions. Officers holding this rank are most successful in carrying our privateering operations. Conductors are often requested to aid these junior officers who at times have no supervision

Junior Security Officers

Easiest to achieve. Ensigns are newcomers either to EFL or hostile situations in general. Not authorized to participate in privateering, travel alone, or to fly military grade equipment. Ensigns are to strictly follow each order given by officers appointed above them whether in agreement or not.

Trainee Security Officers

Are new recruits to the corporations. Ready to receive training in any field. Trainees are watched closely during training. Supervisors appointed decided whether or not to accept trainees

Corporate Security Authorized Ships

Ga civ lf.png
UX-256 Light Fighter
Ga civ hf.png
UY-258 Heavy Fighter

Ga civ bomber.png
UZ-300 Bomber
Ga repair.png
Gallic Supply Ship


Escorts are authorized to use equipment sold on Gallic stations.


Faction Relationship
Gallic Royal Navy
Gallic Royal Police
IDF Shipping
Gallic Metal Service
Solar Engineering
All Others
The Council
Unione Corse
Bretonia Lawfuls
At War
Liberty Lawfuls
At War
Colonial Republic
At War

Resources Distribution Department Roster

Name Rank Location Active(Y/N)
Xavier Christophe Chief Executive Officer n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Resources Distribution Department Payroll


Rank Payroll Amount War Time Bonus
n/a sc/month sc/month
n/a sc/month sc/month
n/a sc/month sc/month
n/a sc/month sc/month
n/a sc/month sc/month
n/a sc/month sc/month
n/a sc/month sc/month
sc/month sc/month
sc/month sc/month
n/a sc/month sc/month
n/a sc/month sc/month
n/a sc/month sc/month