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Omicron Minor

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Omicron Minor System

Omicron Minor was the home system of The Order. The system is almost entire covered by an asteroid field similar to the Omicron Beta field. In 818 AS, the Nomads launched a full scale invasion of Minor, destroying the planet and annihilating the Order forces.

Now the Imperium Omicronis's Core have taken the major owner ship about larger parts of the system, while Junkers are going to search for valueable tech left behind from the Order.

System Navmaps

System Overview

Local factions
Planet Toledo

None known


None known

Areas of Interest

Omicron Minor Edge Nebula

micron Minor Edge Nebula

The Edge nebula is an immense looming cloud that occupies almost half of the Omicron Minor system. Once used as a screen by the secretive organisation known as the Order to protect their adopted homeworld, it now serves as a mass graveyard for all those lost during the Battle of Omicron Minor and the devastation of Planet Toledo.

Tarancon Derbis Field

A small derbis field around the Tarancon Base, where Junkers are working.

Tarancon Derbis Field


A lot of wrecks from the Battle for Minor from Core & Order side can be found; mostly around Planet Toledo. Most notable is the wreck of the former Order flagship Battleship Isis in Toledo's orbit.

The wreck of the Battleship Isis in the orbit of Planet Toledo.

Notable events

In 818 AS, the Nomads launched a full scale invasion while The Order were under attack by Guild Core forces. Their objective was, it seems, the destruction of The Order. Against all odds, they fought the invaders with bravery.

During the Battle for Minor, the Battleship Isis was destroyed and the ground batteries silenced by Nomad bombardments. The strikes were directed at fault lines along the planet's surface. The bombardment destroyed the thin crust at those lines, letting the latent magma flow through multiple fissures in the crust. The process was repeated all along the planet, which became mostly overrun by lava flows.

It would appear the Order had neither enough time to stage an evacuation nor the resources, so it is believed that most of the population died in the underground bunkers - either due to the bombardments, or the lava flows that followed. It is estimated that close to one million people perished.

The few that managed to escape - either fighters that fled during the attack, or the transports that weren't at Toledo - went to the newly discovered jump-hole that lead to Omicron Zeta in an attempt to recoup their losses and rebuild their lives.

Jump Gates/Holes

See also