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Sevastopol Division
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This page is currently being developed by one or more editors being led by Kaiwren. Please refer to the talk page to learn about and/or contribute to the completion of this page. You can also contact the leader on their discussion page. |
- This is an unofficial player group. For the affiliated NPC faction, see Sirius Coalition.
{{Faction Infobox
| name = Sevastopol Division
| image = ICMGlogo.png
| origin = Kingdom of Bretonia
| alignment = Coalition
| founding_date = 819 [[A.S.]
| leader = Alfred Strauss
| founder = Colonial Task Force Tau-Chi-Rho
| primary_role = Maintenance of Sevastopol Depot
| secondary_role = Assisting all friendly forces
| base = Sevastopol Depot, Omega-52
The Independent Communist Miner’s Guild is a branch-off of IMG, which consists of a small network of miners' communes, based around Dounby Station and a number of large colony ships throughout the far corners of the Taus. They actively strive for independence, equality and peace, yet in recent years have been involved in a number of wars such as the Omega-7 Conflict and the Gallic invasion of Orkney and the Taus.
ICMG draw inspiration from a wide variety of left-wing ideologies. However, unlike many other socialist movements, their philosophy centres on gradual progression via reforms, communal action and democracy rather than revolutionary means. As such, ICMG's social and economic structures are a delicate arrangement of various Marx-like ideologies and the old, yet to be reformed, capitalist structures.
ICMG's ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist utopia, away from the harsh and oppressive social structures of Sirius.
Mack Holt and Roger Sterling came upon the ideas of Communism while traveling through the remote Omega Systems. Upon moving through a particular dense asteroid field they came upon a transmission. It relayed the teachings and the ways of communism. They checked the signal source and tracked back to a rock with a metal plate with a hammer and sickle on it.
Mack and Roger discussed the idea of a perfect Utopian communist mining society. They agreed it was a good idea and set out and gathered loyal miners and other supporters. They gathered all the people and funds they could and rented space on Dounby Station in Orkney.
The ICMG quickly gathered popularity and the population grew, their mining became streamlined and they had made enough profit to buy their first colony ship the Lazurite. They moved most of the population to the Lazurite and began buying fighters, bombers and even some gunboats. The citizens were taught how to fight and fly most of the ships that were now aboard the Lazurite.
At this point the ICMG began running convoys of mining ships and transports. During one of the convoys there was an attack by the Hogosha. They quickly targeted the large Hegemon Class mining ships and destroyed them. The other ships were quick to pick up the crew of the mining vessels and scare away the Hogosha. After that incident the ICMG encouraged the use of smaller mining ships with transports to deliver the ore along with a stronger and better equipped escort.
The ICMG, once a flourishing movement throughout Sirius, is experiencing a resurgence in recent years; the workers unite to realise their utopian future. There are five ranks within the ICMG. Each comrade attains rank through hard work and dedication to their commune.
[D] Director
The Rank of Director is reserved for the active leaders of the ICMG. All Directors have an equal say in matters affecting the ICMG and make choices affecting the ICMG's future. Together they make up the Board of Directors.
Current Directors:
- Comrade-Director David Grigori (Kaiwren) - Director of Commerce
- Comrade-Director Jack Selkner (Twisp) - Director of Defense
- Comrade-Director Roger Sterling (Lobster_Lord) - Director of Foreign Affairs, Co-founder
- Comrade-Director Mack Holt (Feldspar) - Co-founder
[S] Secretary
This rank represents the cream of the ICMG. These men and women have attained this rank though hard work, tireless toil, and sweat. They are the direct representatives for their respective Directors possessing all the authority of the aforementioned in their absence.
Current Secretaries:
- Comrade Elrica 'Elly' O'Connell, SL26 (Elly) - Secretary of Commerce
- Comrade Jenkins, SL88 (Aeqvinox) - Secretary of Defense
- #### - Secretary of Foreign Affairs
[M] Manager
These are members of the guild who have proven competent in command. These men and women act as organizers of mining operations and/or act as flight leaders in combat situations.
Current Managers:
- Jenkins Family: Comrades Leeroy, Brandon, Amis, Lew and Karl, SL88 (Aeqvinox)
- Comrade Lily Selkner, SL83 (Twisp)
- Comrade Jeff Parker, SL69 (Helo)
[G] Guild Member
Long-time members who have proven themselves trustworthy and active. These people make up the backbone of the ICMG.
Current Guild Members:
- Comrade Zaine Erylian, SL18 (Yo)
- Comrade Conn Ashford, SL19 (Domjan)
- SL73 (Duncan)
- SL17 (Meowshi)
[A] Apprentice
New members of the guild, this is the starting rank for those who enter the ICMG.
Current Apprentices:
- Comrade "Rocksplitter" Red, SL13 (BlackWidow)
- Comrade Hiro Tsukino, SL90 (hiro)
- SL44 (Nick)
[P] Peon
These members of the Guild have gotten on the wrong side of one of the directors one time too many. Only used for disciplinary purposes.
Current Peons:
- None currently.
The ICMG uses many ships in their endeavours. They usually stick to IMG and Civilian ships except for occasional oddities.
ICMG vessels can be easily identified by their unique ship identification markers. All members are required to have a ship licence (demarcated by an SL tag) which has been authorised by a Director. However, ICMG have also authorised 4 prototype mining drone vehicles (demarcated by DV tags) which can be operated either by their rudimentary built-in AI, or controlled remotely by various apprentices on nearby ICMG facilities; this is part of their training.
Defense Division
These craft are the guardians of the ICMG's mining operations and Colony ships. When the call to arms is sounded, these are the craft that answer.
Light Fighters
Heavy Fighters
Very Heavy Fighters
Shipping Division
These are the movers of the ICMG. If something needs to get somewhere, these ships deliver.
Freighter Wing
These are the smaller hauling craft. The Freighter wing of the ICMG is tasked with supplying and maintaining the ICMG's Colony ships, as well as preforming backup duties for the supplying of IMG bases.
Transport Wing
These are the larger ships in the ICMG's Shipping Division. These are mainly used as ore carriers and long range supply vessels.
Mining Division
Movers of earth, these ships are the ICMG's backbone and their reason for existence.
The ICMG, like other groups of miners, are dedicated to the locating, extraction, processing, and shipment of mineral ores. However, they differ slightly, unlike many of the major mining companies, the ICMG employs a very few Hegemon Class mining ships. They prefer smaller mining vessels and a "hauler" to transport the ore. This is effective because if the convoy is attacked, the smaller vessels are more of threat to the attackers then a single huge mining ship. Also it is more effective in moving through asteroid fields, making shipments more smooth.
Colony Ships
In case the ICMG ever finds a planet they would like to keep for their own, these ships would be on the front lines, bringing settlers and initiating the terraforming process. Normally, these ships are found floating around the Orkney and Tau-23 systems acting as homes for the ICMG's miners, support crews, and families. However, the current Gallic invasion has forced much of ICMG's population to seek refuge away from the front lines and all but a handful of these massive vessels have been retrofitted to support the war effort.
Faction Role Play
The Jericho Expedition
ICMG History
The Cartel War
The AFA Agreement Contact With Gallia Making of the Barge Some Darn Good Pizza |
The Omega-7 Conflict
The Gallic Front
The Rot Front |
Honoured Comrades
Comrades of the ICMG may come and go, but they are never forgotten. They reside, resolute, in every strong heart, every astute mind and our collective iron will. They will forever remain the Mind, Honour and Conscience of our epoch.
- Mack Holt (Feldspar) - Ex-Director of Defense, Co-founder, Hero of the Proletariat
- Ben Hunt (Mang109) - Ex-Director of Commerce
- Roger Sterling (Lobster_Lord) - Ex-Director of Foreign Affairs, Co-founder, Hero of the Proletariat
- John Freeman(Bdun9595) - Ex-Secretary of Defense, Hero of the Proletariat
- Kai Scheiffen (Hekatoncheir) - Ex-General Secretary
- "Canis" (SMI-Great_Fox)
- Ichabod (zhenya)
- Jin Stanton (AznSlumHustla)
- Jeremy Walker (Orph)
- Harus S. Byrke (Harus)
- Anne Sterling (Kiori)
- William McDonald (Dejavu)
Guild Members:
- Burke Blackburn (Aegis)
- Martin Drater (Yoshi Snipo)
- 'Storm' (Magnificentness [now Nightfury])
- George Cherios (Cherius)
- David Bane (Chenzo)
- Comrade Jonathan Reardon, SL91 (DarthBindo)
- Comrade Johannes Claus, SL27 (Timo)
- Daniel Sykes (Nightfury)
- Murasa Minamitsu (Meoshi)
- "Alexandria" (Alexandria)
- Bogdan Bogdanovitz (Guszaban)
- Florin Smiley (Florinels)
- Thomas Reech (Spoffy)
- Leroi "Pickman" Jones (ooHartmannoo)
- Andrey Korin (Zakarum)
- Bob Dickings (Beagle23)
- George Petrovich (Ihtyander)
- Gideon Jacobs (Kal-el)
- Richard "Dick" O'Henry (Richard O'Henry)
- Rick Astley (=MC=Maskage)
- Tom "Smash" Feller (CrashTestDummy)
- Tom Kazansky (Khelric)
- Willson Cunningham (Carcass)
- Sy Necro (Rayquaza)
- Jake Stephens (BakaKoneko)
- Nina Starcatcher (Veronee)
- Comrade Jay Ranok, SL23 (Botty.)
- Comrade Finlay Mcleod, SL65 (Kais)
- Comrade Kevin Richards, SL51 (Killer Rose)
- SL47 (Richard Price)
Heroes of the Proletariat
History calls the greatest, those who have ennobled themselves by working for the common good. Let then these Men and Women be known as heroes of the people. Let them be known as icons, the epitomes of all we stand for and above all, comrades, of our most righteous virtues. This is the greatest honour which can be bestowed, and is awarded as an act of remembrance.
"If we have chosen the position in life in which we can most of all work for mankind, no burdens can bow us down, because they are sacrifices for the benefit of all; then we shall experience no petty, limited, selfish joy, but our happiness will belong to millions, our deeds will live on quietly but perpetually at work, and over our ashes will be shed the hot tears of noble people."
- ~ Ancient Communist Proverb