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Omega Pirates Guild

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Omega Pirates Guild is an Corsair still unofficial faction that focuses more on piracy than other goals the Corsair factions push. They are based in Omegas part of Corsairs space.

Omega Pirate Guild

Short summary

The Omega Pirate Guild. The name speaks for it self, we are Corsair pirates operating in the Omegas, in particular Omega-41 and Omega-5, based in Cadiz Base, Omega-5 System. But we venture further out every now and then. We specialize in piracy, and perfecting it in every possible way is our goal. Operating out of Cadiz Base, we strive to tax traders, and pirate their cargo that can be used by Corsairs, or sold on the junkers market to fund our fleet.


The OPG started as a small band of pirates. Assembled by Gentle, known affectionately as the Pirate King. He found the Corsair pirates to be a disorganized, rowdy bunch, that achieved very little. They didn't cooperate with each other, but actually violently fought over spoils, were easily overrun by House authorities, and very little of the proceedings reached any Corsairs. Gentle was disgusted, and imagined a future, a future of united pirates, cooperating smoothly and professionally. Ruthlessly hoarding cargo in an attempt to improve the lives of the people of Planet Crete. After beating a few pirates into submission, he talked reason with them, and the OPG gained it's first members.

And grew it did.

4 years later

Asno hadn't been himself all day. It had hit him hard. He just sat there, staring at his bottle of whiskey, watching the meniscus of the burning liquid getting closer to the bottom with every glass he poured out and subsequently drank... Gentle was like a father to him. Asno had learnt the fine art of piracy and poised use of dirty language from the so called Pirate King Gentle. He had spent the last few months working hard, recruiting and training new pirates, but before he could fully appreciate the labour of Asno's work, the incidenct happened.

The only thing on his mind was when Gentle was rushed into the hospital ward of Cadiz Base. Left and right, wenches were crying, and even the toughest of pirates had waterry eyes...

After a succesful raid in the Cambridge System, on the way back to Cadiz, a stray torpedo, launched by one of the rookies in the OPG ranks out of excitement from his first raid, hit Gentle's Titan. The damn thruster went into overload and exploded, tearing out the fighter from the inside out. Gentle's escape pod was intact, but the sheer force of the explosion had dealt a fair amount of trauma to his head. And the doctors say they don't know when, if he does, he would gain conciousness again...

In a way he envied Ivan, who was also recovering at Cadiz, who got to spend his time with Gentle. But Asno was busy. Someone had to keep these pirates in line. As the only active Scourge, the responsibility fell on him. He swore that by the time Gentle returned, and retook his position as proud leader of the Omega Pirates Guild, Asno would perfect it. Perfect the art of piracy. Form a swarm of able, feisty pirates. And amass a fleet of impressive ships. And to rid Omega of independent traders. Gentle would return to a well oiled machine. Lately the OPG has set it's eyes on Bretonia. Envying, their wealth, while the Corsair people were impoverished, Cambridge's abundance of food while the Corsair people starved. It was only common sense that they would become a steady source of income. Relations with the BPA has worsened ever since.

Today the OPG are some of the most feared pirate bands in Sirius. Brutal and effective tactics have made the OPG infamous among traders. The OPG's work is far from over, and will continue to roam the Omegas, in search of heavily laden cargo ships until every Corsair child is fed.

Faction Details

Faction alignment

Corsair tag Corsair ID


Visited on occasion:

Primarily involving in piracy of traders in the Omega-41 system and traders passing through the Omega-5 system to the Cambridge System.

Ship use

  • All Corsair ships, no other factions' ships (unless RP related event, ie. armored transport for hostages).
  • Fighters, Bombers, Gunboats.
  • Cruisers and Battleships are limited to those holding appropriate ranks.
  • 1 shared Legate, the Torquemada will be shared between the Warlord and Scourges.
  • Scourge's mates and are permitted to own a cruiser if they have proven to be a responsible player and a good RPer, but are still not allowed to take their cruiser outside of our ZOI.

Weapon use


The OPG are pirates through and through, piracy comes first. We leave the diplomacy of the Corsair nation in the able hands of the TBH and Benitez. We do however, support the TBH and Benitez.

OPG relations






  • Lord Arbitrator
    • Gentle (currently inactive)
  • Warlord
    • Asno (leading the faction while Gentle is inactive)
  • Scourges
    • Cap_death
    • Ivan
    • Baltizarr (honorary, only has scourge authority over the RC wing)
  • Scourges mate
    • Each Scourge is to pick 1 Scourge's mate
  • Marauders
    • Juan de Tolosa
    • Horus
    • Sobek
    • Black_dragon
    • Cyborg
    • Melkor
    • Kiwi
  • Dock Rats (inactive/rarely active)
    • Enrico.Sanchez
    • Angelfire
    • -Frostbite
    • Tyrus
    • Sven
    • Mal.F

Recruitment details

A general ability to RP.

  • A roleplaying excercise between a recruit and myself or one of the Scourges will be done, where the recruit 'pirates' the examiner, the recruit needs to show an ability to pirate properly with appropriate RP.
  • A serious desire to engage in piracy, rather than combat. If you want combat, join the Brotherhood or the Benitez, if you want piracy, the OPG is for you.

OORP goals

  • A lot of people complain that Corsair and Outcasts do very little than sit in front of their planet.
  • Omicron Gamma is full of beginner independents.
  • Many beginners see Corsairs as 'cool pirates'.
  • The OPG will welcome in such beginners, and will attempt to instill some discipline into them and teach them how to RP as pirates, moving them into Omegas, instead of Omicron Gamma, and try to eliminate OOC in system chat, beginning with OPG members, and asking/teaching beginners how to do the same.

How we're different

We're different because we're on the front. Stationed on fronts of Corsair borders we are there to give trouble daily to Hessians, Brettonians and any other nations that dare to venture trough the Omegas. We are pirates, made from individuals that have their own and different perspectives, but are still united with the honor and courage of Corsairs. Most of us are not from the rich families but we support both the Brotherhood and Benitez family. And as the Crete itself says, wait no, screams: "Any other basic supplies must be imported or stolen"