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Unofficial Player Groups

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This page contains information about unofficial player groups. For official ones, see Player Factions.

If you wish to add your player group to this list, make sure that ALL fields are filled out properly; please also add either a wiki page or a link to your player group's forum thread. Entries which do not supply the reader with enough information will be deleted.

Also, please do not add nationality-based factions here.

Un-official factions waiting for approval

Name Tag Affiliation Leader (forum name) Description
Neo-Terran Front ]NTF[- Unaffiliated Executive Commander Enrico Rossini (Tycho) The Neo-Terran Front is a radicalized, unlawful offshoot of the LSF dedicated to building at least one ship (more if possible) capable of escaping Sirius altogether, and building a utopian civilization at their destination.

Unofficial player groups

Faction Name Tag Affiliation Leader(Forum Name) Description
410th Black Nile Squadron BNS The Order Liuetenant Jorge Numark (Aznremix416) The Black Nile Squadron is a newly founded strike force that was based out of Battleship Isis. It’s goals are the same as the Primary Fleet and the squadron is known for their efficiency in combat. The BNS is one of the smallest squadrons in the entire Order Fleet, and while it is a dispatchment of the Order Fleet, BNS pilots are known to go off in other important missions.
42nd Order Recon The Order Meredith Savoy More information:
Ables Aces Professional Mercenaries [Ables_Aces]- None [Ables_Aces]-Aiden.Able (Aiden.Able), [Ables_Aces]-Chris.Able (Chris.Able) Highly Professional Mercenary Group designed with a Chain of Command and a very rigid structure to accomplish success above all others.
Ageira Technologies |Ageira| Ageira Technologies Deaxy Within Ageira exists an inner board reverently known as the Great Planners. They are the blood descendants or chosen inheritors of the scientists, philanthropists, executives, and great intellectuals responsible for the planning and construction of the Sleeper Ships.
Ageira Technologies Transportation ATT- Ageira Technologies Captain Taylor Brown ATT is the Transportation department of Ageira focusing on Transportation of Construction and Lane parts where they are needed.
AP Manufacturing APM- Interspace Commerce Edward James Harland (Athenian), Jeff Phelps (Agmen of Eladesor) Manufacturing and trading company owned by The Search/Destroy Agency. More information:
Children of Conviction -[CoC]- Freelancer Jacob Keller (Leonardo) A group of mercenaries for hire that work for the unlawful forces in Sirius by terminating lawful military officers and members of lawful corporations, as well as escorting smugglers and assisting pirates.
Consortium \CS\ None \CS\-Noboru Sprommel (Sprolf) Elite paramilitary force assisting Kusari revolutionary factions in the overthrowing of the Kusari government.
Deep Trading Consortium Deep_ Junkers Deep_Blue The Deep Trading Consortium is a group of traders and escorts. They share one opinion which makes them one group;

"Traders decide what and when they trade" They formed a group based on this principle and kept together, hoping that one day, they'd have more freedom.

EFL Oil and Machinery EFL) EFL Oil and Machinery Entrepreneur Will be added later.
Gallic Royal Police GRP] Gallic Royal Police Mikeyh The Gallic Royal Police is the primary internal law enforcement agency

in the Kingdom of Gallia.

Harvesters Harvester_ Junkers Machines controlled by an Artificial Intelligence, the FTGW (First Thought Giver of Will). Their purpose is to obtain the Alpha Code.
Independent Communist Miners' Guild ICMG Independent Miners Guild Roger Sterling(Lobster_Lord), Mack Holt (Feldspar), Ben Hunt (mang109) A communistic branchoff from the IMG. ICMG values peace and is in no way associated with the "revolutionaries" in the SCRA. ICMG have just found communism to be a profitable business practice.
Jupiter Guild [\JG/] Zoners Zoner group of ex-mercenaries and traders who have chosen to stay independent from the houses, now tasked with the security and support of zoner space, bases and factions.
Kruger Minerals Kruger| Kruger Minerals Ralph
Lancelot Bank LB| Unaffiliated Humphrey Lancelot Financial services firm providing numerous products to the houses of Sirius.
Legacy Corporation Lx Aligned Zoner Mining Group Edsel Kuhn A company dedicated to surveying various portions of space to develop new mining zones.
Legion des Damnes +LE+ Gallic Royal Navy Enzo du Sable (SebyDeeJay) The Legion of the Damned is the elite group of the Royal Navy.
Liberty Customs & Border Organization [LCBO]- [Liberty Police Inc Guard ID] [LCBO]-Dan-Renolds, [LCBO]-Jacob.Jones Highly Professional Separate Police Force Designed to be a Permanent SWAT strike force for the LPI, targeting the biggest and worst criminals and bringing them to justice. Liberty Law is Law. End Of.
Liberty Revolutionary Front LRF| Unaffiliated, Socialist Terrorists (Shryke) A Socialist Terrorist group devoted to freeing Liberty from the "Corrupt rule of the Corporations" and installing a Socialist Government that will bring the Navy, Police and Corporations under very strict control.
NRWS Republican Shipping Northrhine-Westphalia Shipping, a lawful Organisation trade Goods with House Kusari and Rheinland
Orbital Spa and Cruise [OSC] Orbital Spa and Cruise Eriksson More information:
Padua Liberty Rogues PLR: Liberty Rogue Guard WhiteKnight30303 The force responsible for the defense of Cassini and all sensitive Liberty Rogue information and technology.
More info:
Planetform, Inc. PFI| Planetform, Inc. (James [Enko] & Ironwatsas) A large corperation specialising in Terraforming planets for human habitation. Rumored ties to various Kusarian revolutionary factions.
Red Barons [RB] Red Hessians Gottfried Halse (Zig)
RDA - Resource Development and distribution Agency RDA- Independent Miners Guild Jim Young(Geeky), Dylan Hunt, (Remto) A corporate branchoff from the IMG. The RDA value cooperation but only in the way it brings out profit and security needed to get profit.
Renzu Shipwrights Ltd. [Renzu] Interspace Commerce Otis Jethro IND (Zelot) Private Kusari Shipbuilding Company
Sirius Cartel [Cartel] Independant Criminal Organization Don Bendak (Sirslicey) A "Family" of like-minded individuals who organized themselves into something resembling the old Sol Mafia of Italy, they primarily Smuggle goods from one end of Sirius to another or hire themselves out to larger organizations like the Outcasts as Guards or Hitmen
Sirius Robotics [SR] Unaffiliated Unknown (Linkus) Sirius Robotics is a rising star in the field of Robotics. Dedicated to outstanding quality, Sirius Robotics has a long standing history of excellence.
Société Militaire Privée SMP| none Colonel Frank Zacharie (Mao Rinkamo) Private Military Company with roots in Gallia and a very strict military organization.
Stuttgart Landsknechte Lk~ Freelancer Albrecht Koehler (ktayn) Paste-eating Rheinlandic mercenaries
The Council [C]- The Council General Quenneville (Teschy) The Council is a revolutionary movement withing Gallia who's primary objective is to overthrow the ruling monarchy. They have liberated two planets from the monarchies rule and opened passages through the minefields separating Sirius from Gallia.
The Eclipse E~S| Freelancer Oniyuushi Kerrigan (Kerrigan), Adamo Francesca (DarthBindo) The Eclipse Syndicate is a quasi-legal smuggling company, claiming to be a provider for different causes it feels needs support. Thus the motto "Profit for a cause".
The Kaizoku Gang Kaizoku Freelancer Yuka Kaizoku (Heraklion) A criminal group active in piracy and smuggling.
The Lions |Lions| Bretonia Armed Forces |Lions|Damien A group of the military who aim to push back the Kusari and free Dublin from the Mollys influence. The Lions are also involved in researching the outerworlds of sirus. (More info at
The Preservers None The Order Kell Tainer (Vape) Order Black Ops unit
Unione Corse [UC] Unione Corse Joel Orsini (Ghost90) The Unione Corse is a highly organized criminal group that follows traditions of the Corsican mafia of Earth, known for strict secrecy among its members, and access to nearly limitless resources, including support of high-ranked government officials.
Zoners Guardian Administration <(@)> Zoners Super Admiral Guard Mainly escort Zonerstraders, but can also requested from any other lawful player who need assistence by Trading, Mining or Missions.