Imperial Shipping

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Imperial Shipping
Co rs grp.png
Alignment Lawful


Rheinland Authorities, Daumann, Kruger


ALG, Bowex, Gateway, IDF, Universal


Unioners, Xenos, Criminals

Imperial Shipping is the premier shipping corporation in Rheinland, responsible for the vast majority of all domestic cargo transport within the Empire's borders. While also historically involved in many shipbuilding enterprises both civilian and military, in recent years Imperial's shipbuilding section has struggled to compete with foreign firms offering lower prices and larger volumes of product.

Ships used

Ship Class
Base Construction Platform Transport
Repair Ship Repair Ship
Tiger Shark Light Fighter
Rheinland Armored Transport Transport
Large Transport Transport
Armored Transport Transport
Large Train Train
Rheinland Transport Transport
Falcon Heavy Fighter
Train Transport
Rheinland Heavy Transport Heavy Transport
Eagle Very Heavy Fighter
Rheinland Train Super Train
Passenger Liner Liner
Civilian Gunboat Gunboat

Bases owned

Base Owner System Region
Alster Shipyard Imperial Shipping Hamburg Rheinland
Altona Station Imperial Shipping Hamburg Rheinland
Freiburg Station Imperial Shipping Stuttgart Rheinland
Mainz Storage Facility Imperial Shipping Frankfurt Rheinland


Base Owner System Region
Oder Shipyard Daumann Heavy Construction New Berlin Rheinland
Battleship Westfalen Rheinland Military Stuttgart Rheinland
Ulm Border Station Rheinland Federal Police Stuttgart Rheinland
Planet New London Bretonia Police New London Bretonia
Planet Baden Baden Orbital Spa & Cruise Stuttgart Rheinland
Planet Orleans Gallic Navy Orleanais Gallia
Newark Station Interspace Commerce New York Liberty
Brandenburg Station Rheinland Federal Police New Berlin Rheinland
Mainz Storage Facility Imperial Shipping Frankfurt Rheinland
Alster Shipyard Imperial Shipping Hamburg Rheinland
Vierlande Prison Unioners Hamburg Rheinland
LPI Huntsville Liberty Police, Inc. Texas Liberty
Planet Cambridge Bretonia Police Cambridge Bretonia
Elbich Mining Facility Kruger Minerals Omega-7 Omega Border Worlds
Rugen Station Daumann Heavy Construction Omega-3 Omega Border Worlds
Battleship Altenburg Rheinland Military Cologne Alsace Passage
Bonn Station Interspace Commerce New Berlin Rheinland
Reims Station EFL Oil & Machinery Champagne Gallia
LPI Sugarland Liberty Police, Inc. Texas Liberty
The Ring Daumann Heavy Construction New Berlin Rheinland
Planet Houston Liberty Police, Inc. Texas Liberty
Wuppertal Refinery ALG Waste Disposal Cologne Alsace Passage
Yukawa Shipyard Kishiro Technologies Honshu Kusari
Fort Bush Liberty Police, Inc. New York Liberty
Trenton Outpost Universal Shipping New York Liberty
Solarius Station Daumann Heavy Construction Omega-11 Omega Border Worlds
Narita Outpost Kusari State Police New Tokyo Kusari
Carrier Soltau Rheinland Military Hamburg Rheinland
Detroit Munitions Ageira Technologies New York Liberty
Planet Hamburg Rheinland Federal Police Hamburg Rheinland
Mannheim Station Kruger Minerals Frankfurt Rheinland
Fulda Border Station Rheinland Federal Police Frankfurt Rheinland
Roppongi Wreck Interspace Commerce New Tokyo Kusari
Planet New Berlin Rheinland Federal Police New Berlin Rheinland
Lübeck Border Station Rheinland Federal Police Hamburg Rheinland
Helgoland Station Gas Miners Guild Sigma-13 Sigma Border Worlds
Freiburg Station Imperial Shipping Stuttgart Rheinland
Briesen Mining Facility Daumann Heavy Construction Omega-7 Omega Border Worlds
Planet Holstein Daumann Heavy Construction Frankfurt Rheinland
Pueblo Station Ageira Technologies Colorado Liberty
Freeport 1 Zoners Omega-3 Omega Border Worlds
Planet Manhattan Liberty Police, Inc. New York Liberty
Essen Station Kruger Minerals New Berlin Rheinland
Altona Station Imperial Shipping Hamburg Rheinland
Norfolk Shipyard Liberty Navy New York Liberty
Baltimore Shipyard Deep Space Engineering New York Liberty
Planet Denver Liberty Police, Inc. Colorado Liberty
Battleship Arkansas Liberty Navy Texas Liberty
Portsmouth Shipyard Bretonia Mining & Manufacturing Cambridge Bretonia
Battleship Norfolk Bretonia Armed Forces Cambridge Bretonia
Bristol Bay Station Bristol Constructions & Manufacturing Bering Independent
Planet Honshu Kusari State Police Honshu Kusari
Planet Stuttgart Rheinland Federal Police Stuttgart Rheinland
Planet New Tokyo Kusari State Police New Tokyo Kusari
Gas Miner Naha Gas Miners Guild Sigma-13 Sigma Border Worlds
Versailles Station IDF Shipping Ile-de-France Gallia
Oerlikon Observatory EFL Oil & Machinery Zurich Alsace Passage


Faction Relationship
Blood Dragons
Gallic Brigands
Farmers Alliance
Kusari Office of Intelligence
Independent Pirates
Golden Chrysanthemums
Sirius Coalition
Lane Hackers
Liberty Rogues
The Maquis
Red Hessians
Unione Corse
Gas Miners Guild
Bretonia Mining & Manufacturing
Bretonia Armed Forces
Bretonia Police
Kishiro Technologies
Gateway Shipping
Samura Industries
Planetform, Inc.
Bretonia Intelligence Service
Bounty Hunters Guild
Kusari Naval Forces
Kusari State Police
Daumann Heavy Construction
Kruger Minerals
Rheinland Military
Rheinland Federal Police
Imperial Shipping


Planet New London
  • Most of our business in Bretonia is with Southampton and Scarborough. We bring various raw materials mined in Rheinland to those stations, such as Cobalt and Copper. At least New London is a more civilized stop than those grossly polluted sites. Bretonia should learn from Rheinland and clean up its industrial waste.

  • The Engine Components business has become very difficult. We used to be the exclusive supplier to Bretonia. Kishiro has become a strong adversary since the 80-Years War. I guess we'll have to cut our costs to remain competitive.

  • It's a very difficult journey between here and Rheinland, especially when you are transporting something as alluring as Bretonian Gold. The Red Hessians and Corsairs will be waiting for us in Omega-3 and Omega-7 - you can be sure of that. And before that, you'll have the Mollys to deal with.

Planet Cambridge
  • The highest value cargoes shipped between Rheinland and Bretonia are Diamonds, Super Alloy and Gold. Corsairs and Red Hessians plague us the entire way. House space isn't so bad, but for the leg through the Omegas, you'd better hire security. Lots of it.

  • This is Republican's main terminating point in Bretonia. We deliver Engine Components and High-Temperature Alloys from Berlin and Dresden. The rise of the Corsairs in Bretonia has persuaded us to let the locals handle the cargo for the last leg to New London and Newcastle. We get enough of those Hispanic pirates in the Omegas.

  • We only do business with established, reliable shippers like Bowex. Gateway is a brash upstart company that has unwisely chosen to partner with the renegade IMG.

Carrier Soltau
  • Although our company policy forbids it, some of my escort fighters have been chomping at the bit to get some shots into the Gauls. One time two of them broke away from me and joined in a fight that looked even. One of them bit it, the other one was fired the day after. Funny thing is, he's now flying a Crusader rather then his old Eagle, so I guess it worked out allright for him.

  • Bowex supplies the Stirling out of Newcastle. We use the jumphole to speed things up. Sometimes that means having to get away from a few Mollys, but that's nothing we can't handle. The run from Carlisle isn't too long.

Gas Miner Naha
  • Sigma-13 is more dangerous now than at any time since it was reopened after the 80-Years War. The Outcasts and Corsairs grow stronger everyday. They cannot be bribed or negotiated with like most criminal organizations. Republican ships that make the short hop from Mainz to Naha still have to run with a heavy escort as a result. The nebula blinds sensors, which makes an ambush hard to spot.

  • Republican runs many goods to and past this station. Naha sits on one of the busiest trade routes in all of Sirius, between Rheinland and Kusari. Kusari has a lot of high quality, high-tech goods. Rheinland has a lot of raw minerals which Kusari is severely lacking in. The potential for trade isn't lost on a shipping company like ours.

  • You may see Zoners here on occasion. They are a strange breed that one sees at the edge of civilized space. I hear that they have established bases within the Edge Worlds, very close to the heart of the Corsair empire. With associations like that, I'm glad they stay out of Rheinland, mostly.

Helgoland Station
  • If the GMG do turn this base into a small shipyard, that will be good for us. Rheinland is the logical choice to supply them with most of the goods such a yard needs in volume, such as Basic Alloys and Engine Components.

  • Officially the Rheinland Military were not allowed in the system until recently, but at least the GMG had the respect to make one exception - The Seewinde, a burial ship. Thousands of sailors perished in the Yanagi battle, and many bodies were still sealed inside the wrecks. The Seewinde took these sailors home, and gave them a proper burial.

  • I'm here to pick up a shipment of salvage bound for the Oder Shipyards. It may seem odd to reuse over two centuries old ship parts, but keep in mind that in space virtually nothing decays. Anything the GMG haven't shot up back then is potentially refurbishable, and many parts are still compatible. The Junkers have made off with many small parts, but the market for Rheinland capital ship components isn't that big.

Narita Outpost
  • It seems like the Hogosha always manage to steal shipments from the storage area before they are officially signed over to Samura. This port is too small. If it had proper storage, we wouldn't need to expose our goods to theft. It's probably all part of Samura's grand plan.

  • I'm headed to Roppongi after this. If I'm lucky, maybe some Golden Chrysanthemums will show up at the bar. They've always got extra Cardamine to share.

  • The only reason Samura doesn't buy all of their Industrial Materials from Mainz is to save more of their ships from being lost. The Corsairs and Outcasts have become quite troublesome in that system, and the GMG could not care less about the fate of Samura transports.

Planet New Berlin
  • Berlin is the Diamond-trading center of Sirius. They're mined-out in Dresden and Omega-11. Daumann and Kruger ship them in here, where the initial sorting and cutting takes place. Then we ship them to the far corners of the universe for use in Luxury Goods or Mining Machinery.

  • New Berlin produces most of Rheinland's Consumer Goods. My ship makes the runs to the other home planets on a regular basis. Unioners are always waiting for us in Hamburg. In Stuttgart it depends on the Red Hessian activity level.

  • The Silver that Kruger mines in Omega-7 ends up in the Commodity markets of New Berlin. We then transport it to Kusari and Liberty. It's especially in demand in terraforming operations like the one on California Minor.

Oder Shipyard
  • Republican and Daumann relations have never fully recovered since we've hired away so many of their top ship design engineers over the years. The dissatisfaction among Daumann personnel has become acute since the end of the Eighty-Years War. We can't help it if there's no work for them here.

  • This yard consumes many materials from distant places. Republican transports Superconductors and Super Alloys from Liberty, and Optical Chips from Kusari. Gold is shipped in from Bretonia. The rest of the materials are locally procured.

  • Republican supplies Oder with its basic needs. Berlin is the cheapest place to buy most of those items in the immediate area. You have to be careful of Unioners and the like, even in the shadow of Berlin. They will attack any Republican ship within range.

  • The Unioners are Republican Shipping's biggest problem. There are other pirates out there to fend off, but when we are going up against Unioners it gets personal.

The Ring
  • The Ring is the focal point for Republican-shipping activity within Berlin space. We import superconductors from Liberty and Beryllium from Bretonia via our Freiburg station. Engine Components are exported from here to Liberty and Bretonia on a regular basis.

  • The Ring is a key transfer point for Colorado-bound raw materials like Copper and Cobalt. Daumann ships them here from their mines in Dresden and Omega-7. The security risks are considered too high for Republican to ship directly from those systems.

  • My ship specializes in Side Arms shipments to the various Federal Police locations within Rheinland space. Republican is the exclusive supplier of Arms to government bases within Rheinland. Daumann Side Arms are unfortunately not used in other areas of Sirius in great numbers; Detroit dominates the export market.

  • Kusari shippers are still not allowed into Rheinland space; the only concession from Kusari that Rheinland was able to be granted in the treaty that ended the Eighty-Years War. Samura and Kishiro offload their Optical Chips, Optronics, and H-Fuel at the Mainz Outpost in Frankfurt.

  • Republican has enjoyed a long and fruitful relationship with Daumann. We view the ALG/Gateway/IMG partnership as a serious challenge to the proper way of doing business in Rheinland. After all, two of these companies are of Bretonian origin. It would be a grave mistake for Kruger to join forces with those foreigners.

  • From this base, we supply the Alster Shipyard with some of its key raw materials -- Engine Components and Polymers, to be precise. It is not a hugely profitable run, and the Unioners make it difficult for Republican ships.

Essen Station
  • One day soon we will no longer stop here. Rumor has it that the ALG/Gateway alliance is gaining a new member. That would be a sad end to the proud family company of Kruger, last of the old "Mittlestand."

  • We supply this operation with Optical Chips from Houston. I guess they use them in their Mining Machinery-manufacturing process for control devices. On the return trip to Liberty, we haul the Mining Machinery needed by the Dallas Debris Field prison crews and the Pittsburgh Boron-extraction operation.

  • We must contend with many pirates on our journey to Liberty. The Unioners await our ships in Hamburg and Bering. If we take the alternative route through Hudson, we often encounter Xenos. I'm not sure which are worse. Both groups represent the dregs of humanity.

Brandenburg Station
  • Just dropping off some supplies and Side Arms from Berlin. We don't deliver them as often as we used to, since the government can't afford to pay us. But we can't let the police run out of Water and air now, can we?

  • This is as far as Republican goes. The Trade Lane south of here and the Dresden system are off limits to our ships. Too dangerous out there. Daumann hauls its minerals and alloys to the Ring. We pick up the cargo there for the remainder of the journey to Liberty or the other houses.

  • We don't get the Unioners so bad in this part of the system. They prefer to operate out of the Ruhrfeld. Guess that's where their Jump Hole to Hamburg must be.

Planet Hamburg
  • Hamburg is practically a company town of Republican's. We created this city, and have employed many of its workers over the years. Now they resent us, and blame Republican for all of their problems. We cannot pay workers so much money and give them long vacations yet also remain competitive with Kusari and Liberty.

  • The most lucrative Commodities in Hamburg are Diamonds and Silver. Inbound cargos come in from New Berlin. We often switch to better-armored ships with escorts for the run across the Independent Worlds to Houston.

  • Hamburg planet is the primary distribution point within this system for Consumer Goods, Pharmaceuticals, and Oxygen. We also ship Side Arms in from the Ring for use at Vierlande, or on the Westfalen.

Battleship Westfalen
  • Republican is competing with ALG to win the contract for constructing the next generation of Rheinland battleships. We have a clear advantage in ship design and practical construction experience. But they have a definite strength in alloys and specialized Hull Panel fabrication.

  • It's a quick trip from Hamburg. We run in supplies on a regular basis. Sometimes they can't pay us, but we usually can arrange something. Maybe four dead Unioners for a container of Pharmaceuticals.

  • Although it's not far to Hamburg from here, the Unioners will attack us if given the opportunity. Their preferred method is to disable a Trade Lane ring near the center of the stretch, then flee back into the Nordheide at the first sign of a military patrol.

Alster Shipyard
  • The Alster unions made a fatal error when they supported the Popular Revolution. The new government worsened the already serious economic situation by inflating the currency to pay off external war debts. This backfired and resulted in the common worker in Rheinland suffering terribly.

  • The Alster Shipyard produces Freight Trains, Heavy Lifters, and Rheinland Freighters. It has been in continuous use since 412 AS. We are the only commercial shipyard in operation within Rheinland.

  • Gold is used as a reflective coating on windows for our ships. Ours is delivered by special armored transport from Freiburg periodically. It's a difficult run all the way through Rheinland. Criminals can smell it from across a system.

  • The Unioners are everywhere in Hamburg. They often lurk in the Alsterfeld, waiting for a shipment to arrive. They attack our ships in the Trade Lanes, Altona, or anything else that says Republican on it.

  • A shipyard needs a wide array of raw materials delivered on a regular basis to function smoothly. Liberty provides us with Superconductors and Optical Chips. The Ring, in New Berlin, supplies Engine Components and Construction Machinery.

  • This shipyard was once controlled by the unions, who demanded ever higher wages and longer vacations. Republican could afford their extravagant demands during the Eighty Years War. But when the hard times hit, we had to make adjustments in order to remain profitable.

  • Privately, Republican committed some management blunders in the early days of Alster. There were many ongoing safety lapses that eventually led to major industrial accidents. The unions would never have become as strong as they did without those galvanizing events.

  • Every week, we run a transport in from Mainz, in the Frankfurt system. It either carries Boron from the Holstein extraction facility, or Optronics from Kusari.

  • The Alster Shipyard workers are proud of our tradition. Unfortunately, there is a group of malcontents that wishes to destroy everything we have created after almost 400 years in Hamburg. The Unioners are a pestilence that must be eliminated.

Altona Station
  • Our main southbound cargo at Altona is Superalloys from Houston. The Oder Shipyard pays a premium price for their supply, the most expensive in the Sirius sector.

  • There are few of the once numerous dock workers left at this station. Automated machinery and declining shipping traffic have both taken their toll. Sadly, many of them have turned to piracy as the solution to their problems.

  • Most of our traffic is northbound out of Altona. Copper and Cobalt are the chief metals being shipped into Liberty. Mining Machinery and High Temperature Alloys make up the remainder. Most of the ships unload in Houston, although some continue to New York or Colorado.

  • We must expend more money every year on the bounty and bribe fund to keep the peace in this system. It is frustrating to have so little support from the government in terms of security forces.

  • Our close proximity to Hamburg and the Docking Ring provides a moderate level of security. Even so, the Unioners will try to steal supplies or attack us whenever they have the chance.

  • Altona was once a bustling place, before the government allowed Liberty ships to bypass us and ship their goods directly to Berlin and Stuttgart after the Eighty Years War. Now it is probably just a matter of time before this outpost is closed and dismantled.

  • The Independent Worlds beyond Hamburg provide different challenges. The Bering system is the homeland of the cursed Unioners, which needs no further explanation. The Hudson system, which is blissfully free of our nemesis, unfortunately harbors a large population of Xenos, who share a hatred of all foreigners.

  • Republican should recognize the Unioners as a legitimate movement and agree to their terms. It would be better for all of Rheinland, especially the shipping business.

  • Hamburg has notified the managers that they will be shutting our station down within a year. Soon the 750 people on this station will be unemployed and join the legions of dispossessed Rheinland workers. No one knows when our misery will end.

Lübeck Border Station
  • The Unioners hit our Water transport coming down from Hamburg yesterday. Usually they don't bother with the small prey like that. Must of been bored or something. The captain dropped their cargo and left it to the pirates, who shortly realized the error they'd made.

  • Hamburg is relatively calm compared to running the Border Worlds. They transferred me here to recuperate after six months of doing the Cambridge-Freiburg route. Omega-7 can be very taxing on the nerves. Anytime you've got Corsairs in the area, watch out.

  • We bring up Sidearm shipments and H-fuel from Berlin. It's cheaper to buy them there than is in Hamburg. Not a big money maker, but it pays the bills.

Planet Stuttgart
  • Next time you go to Hamburg, remember that Republican Shipping makes a good profit taking food to the Alster Shipyards. On your way back it would be easy enough to bring in Pharmaceuticals.

  • From The Ring in New Berlin, Republican ships Sidearms and Construction Machinery to Stuttgart proper. We also bring Consumer Goods from the capitol planet. At Republican, we've got you covered.

  • Republican ships basic supplies to all the other legitimate bases in this system. Whatever anyone needs in Stuttgart, you can bet that Republican is shipping it for them.

Planet Baden Baden
  • Ah, what a wonderful place this is. Have you looked across the black sand beaches at the ocean during sunset? It is truly spectacular. I enjoy using the northern mud bath facilities, That is where the creme de la creme of Rheinland society book their vacations.

  • This resort is nice and relaxed, not like the other Orbital Spa locales that are populated by criminals and deviants. Yes, this is where you go to rub elbows; not just with the rich, but with the genteel.

  • My great-grandfather was on the board of directors for Republican when we changed our name from Imperial Shipping. Seems apt I would see it return. A Neumann has sat upon the board for the past 200 years, and this has always been a favorite vacation spot.

Freiburg Station
  • The Diamonds that come to this base from the Border Worlds are shipped directly to Cambridge on our shipping convoys. It is a dangerous yet lucrative run.

  • New Berlin often needs Gold. It is a valuable Commodity, and we are happy to provide the fine artisans of New Berlin with the supplies they need from this base.

  • Red Hessians and the LWB are our concerns in this system. The Bounty Hunters we hire are competent, only it is a shame we must hire assassins to do what the government collects taxes to accomplish. We lose men every week on our shipping runs. Soon I will be able to retire and not have to worry about these things anymore.

  • Though their presence is heavy in this system compared to others, the Rheinland Federal Police hardly do an adequate job keeping our shipments safe. That is why Republican hires so many Bounty Hunters in Rheinland space; it is a necessary expense.

  • Republican supplies this base with the basic necessities from Stuttgart. Our convoys fall under attack from the Hessians and the LWB, but at least we don't have to worry about the Unioners in this system.

  • Gold is brought aboard this station from New London. It is a prosperous run but requires the crossing of the Border Worlds. If you are willing, it could make you plenty of money. Or it could kill you.

  • The Republican freight train Bremerhaven was attempting to evade a Corsair attack along the Trade Lane when it blundered into the Furstenfelde gas pocket and was disabled. Attempts to rescue the crew and its cargo of Engine Components were unsuccessful. The drifting ship serves as a reminder of the dangers of venturing off the safe path in the Walker Nebula.

  • The Alster Shipyards are the root of our troubles with the Unioners. Our Gold shipments headed for Alster often get waylaid by those devilish curs. I shall look forward to the day when the last Unioner lays dead upon the ground. Fortunately, there are none in this system.

  • Republican makes several shipments between this base and the Ring in New Berlin. From Daumann's station, we bring in Engine Components and ship them Beryllium and Niobium.

  • The ships that get built in Alster Shipyards require Gold to be produced. Republican makes sure that they get the Gold they need to do the job.

Ulm Border Station
  • Premium Daumann weapons make their way to the hands of the Rheinland Federal Police via Republican convoys from the Ring in New Berlin.

  • Republican Shipping provides the Ulm Police Base with all of her basic supplies from Stuttgart. It is not incredibly profitable to do this, but relatively safe.

  • The Rheinland government is always several months behind in its payments to the Commodity brokers that keep their bases supplied. It is appalling to see our sovereign nation fall into such terrible times.

Mainz Storage Facility
  • Even in Frankfurt -- the derelict child of Rheinland -- the Unioners come to harass our shipping concerns. There is truly no rest for the weary. We must hire Bounty Hunters and freelancers to protect our convoys out here, as the police presence is minimal.

  • Fertilizers are brought here from Hamburg. They will make their way into the Border Worlds eventually. Zoners need the Fertilizers for their bio-domes.

  • High-value Commodities make their way into this system from New Berlin on Republican shipping convoys. Silver and Diamonds are traded at this base with the Kusari.

  • There isn't much left here in Frankfurt. Most of the population in this system left for better mining grounds or were killed in "the Eighty." After several decisive losses to the GMG, the Imperial Navy began conscripting soldiers from the mining operations. The rate of attrition was horrible; you were a miner one week, a soldier the next, and dead by month's end.

  • All H-Fuel that comes into this system is immediately loaded off the Kusari ships and onto Republican vessels. From here, most of the H-Fuel will be sent to the capitol, where it will be redistributed throughout all of Rheinland.

  • Boron and High-Temperature Alloys will be taken all the way to Narita in the heart of Kusari from this base. It will be Republican shippers that brave the Border Worlds to keep trade running smoothly.

  • Republican will ship Optronics and Optical Chips to the Ring in New Berlin. On the way back, our convoys carry High-Temperature Alloys and Cobalt.

  • This base is necessary; business must go on in Frankfurt even after the devastation it suffered in the Eighty-Years War. We are still the gateway to the Border Worlds and Kusari out here, even if no one wishes to remember that.

  • Basic supplies are brought here from throughout the republic. This station is a supply hub for all of Frankfurt. We also do a fair bit of business in the Border Worlds and Kusari.

Fulda Border Station
  • Premium Daumann Side Arms are shipped here from the Ring in New Berlin. It is one of the more dangerous hauls; there are Unioners, Bundschuh, and Red Hessians looking to get their hands on our cargo.

  • The police in this system are the dregs of the Rheinland Federal Police. They cannot even keep the Bundschuh in check. Of course, that is why they find themselves in the most unfashionable system in all of Rheinland. Ach, I hate coming here.

  • Basic supplies make their way to this base from Mainz. Republican is committed to keeping the brave peace officers of Frankfurt taken care of.

Battleship Altenburg
  • Republican is competing with ALG to win the contract for constructing the next generation of Rheinland battleships. We have a clear advantage in ship design and practical construction experience. But they have a definite strength in alloys and specialized Hull Panel fabrication.

  • It's a quick trip from Hamburg. We run in supplies on a regular basis. Sometimes they can't pay us, but we usually can arrange something. Maybe four dead Unioners for a container of Pharmaceuticals.

  • Although it's not far to Hamburg from here, the Unioners will attack us if given the opportunity. Their preferred method is to disable a Trade Lane ring near the center of the stretch, then flee back into the Nordheide at the first sign of a military patrol.

NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:16:44 UTC