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''This is a Player Character.''
''This is a Player Character. For the userpage of the player of the same name, see [[User:Nodoka Hanamura| here]].''
''"We are dealing with a threat of which the like of mankind have never seen. I already think that the Houses should at least contribute some kind of support to the effort of fighting these beasts, at least once Gallia's crown is knocked off and smashed to bits. We mustn't take the Nomad threat lightly, and that includes pathetic squabbles such as this. I would, if I were in the fighting, put my differences aside from The Core and other elements in Delta, and aided in the fight. We've lost enough lives as it is. It's time you and the Core put aside your differences for now, and realize what we realize - that constant bickering and fighting amongst all who inhabit the Omnicrons, Will eventually get us all KILLED."''
- Nodoka Hanamura to Order High Command in response to a missive to the Zoners and the Confederation of Freeports.
{{Character Infobox
{{Character Infobox
| name = Nodoka Hanamura
| name = Nodoka Hanamura
| image = NHanamura-Profile_picture.png‎
''First Generation Kusarian''
| caption = Nodoka on Planet Erie, 823 [[A.S.]]
| image = NodokaHS.png
| origin = Japan, Earth, Sol Sector
| origin = Japan, Earth, Sol Sector (birth) / Freeport 11, Omnicron Delta, Contested Space (denizenship)
| birth_date = July 3rd, 2190 A.D.
| gender = Female
| gender = Female
| hair = Dark Purple
| hair = Dark Purple
| eye = Blue
| eye = Blue
| occupation = Freelancer
| weight = 74kg
| height = 170cm
| occupation = Commander of CS Abdicant Seraphine
| affiliation = None
| affiliation = None
| status = Alive as of 823 [[A.S.]]
| status = Alive as of 825 [[A.S.]]
'''Nodoka Hanamura''', Also known by her Ident Freelancer Mu 12-7 and her Nickname and Callsign '''Nikki''' is one of the few remaining pure earth Humans left in Sirius, those who were put into extended cryonic stasis following being loaded onto their respective sleeper ships, or found some form of biological cessation of aging. Following being unfrozen in the early 800s A.S., Nodoka was put into shock education - Meaning that she was taught all that was needed for her new life in Sirius, using the Neural Net Implant installed in Her brain. With this knowledge of the events that took place following the departure from Sol, she took to the stars as a freelancer, strongly opposing both the Slomon K'hara & their Infectees, as well as Gallia and Kusari's current governments. Nodoka is known to be a friendly and, at times - Seductive person, known for being able to use her body, as well as wit and charm to persuade others. She is also known to Manipulate the systems that are in Place in Sirius to her benefit, and to the benefit of those she cares about.
''"When the hell did Rogues get Gunboats?!"''
- Nodoka, while fleeing from Hellhound Gunboats.
Not much is known about her past - Data regarding her lineage was apparently destroyed, and Nodoka refuses to discuss this with others - citing that "I'd like to begin anew in this vast world we call Sirius."
Her self-alignment with the factions of Sirius is unconventional. She finds the Pre A.G.S Houses to be the future of Sirius alongside a reformed Gallia. She is not hostile towards most Gallian Citizens (in fact, she shows pity to them for having to deal with such a war-driven government), save for Gallian Nationalists. She is Hostile towards the Gallian Crown and Kusari's Government and it's subordinate Companies, Authorities and Military branches, due to Gallia's "Childish rivalry" regarding the Sabotage of their sleeper ship, and Kusari due to the government simply fanning the flames of Gallia's war effort. Nodoka shows extreme hostility towards the Slomon K'hara and their Infectees due to being a constant threat to Humanity. She looks up to past LSF Commander Jun'ko Zane and Bretonian Freelancer Edison Trent as Role Models - Fighting for the future of Humanity and the fate of Mankind. Due to this - she holds the Battlegroup Auxesia in high regard - believing them to be the true successors to the now malformed Order following the absence of Order Commander Casper Orillion, and is hostile towards the totalitarian "The Core" faction, thinking of them as "Orwellian" and "Unfit to unite Humanity", as well as due attacking the Zoners Outpost - Freeport 11. She is hostile to the Liberty Rogues, Xenos, Corsairs, Outcasts and many other House nuisances, save for the Gallian Faction "The Council", the LWB and Bundschuh of which she is a Sympathizes with, as well as the Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemums, Which she is indifferent towards.
Her Short term Plans are to Work as a Freelancer, Escorting, Mining and Trading to save up money for her future ambitions, which may or may not include joining the Battlegroup Auxesia or assisting the Kusari Exiles as a Freelancer. She also aspires to - at least part time - Join the AFC as a Performer, as she takes great pride and pleasure in her body.
'''Nodoka Hanamura''' is one of the few remaining pure earth Humans left in Sirius, those who were put into extended cryonic stasis following being loaded onto their respective sleeper ships, or found some form of biological cessation of aging. Following being unfrozen in the early 800s A.S., Nodoka was put into shock education - Meaning that she was taught all that was needed for her new life in Sirius, using the Neural Net Implant installed in Her brain. With this knowledge of the events that took place following the departure from Sol, she took to the stars as a freelancer, strongly opposing both the Slomon K'hara & their Infectees, as well as Gallia and Kusari's current governments. Nodoka is known to be a friendly and, at times - Seductive person, known for being able to use her body, as well as wit and charm to persuade others. She is also known to Manipulate the systems that are in Place in Sirius to her benefit, and to the benefit of those she cares about.
She is known to carry two ancient Firearms from her time on Earth, a Heavy .50AE Pistol and a Sleekly designed 9mm Sub Machine Gun. She also carries a Ageira-Detroit Munitions Proton Rifle to use against threats that are more immune to Ballistic weapons. Also versed in Pencak Silat and Systema, Nodoka is a well rounded individual when it comes to foot-mobile combat, be it ranged or CQC.
Not much is known about her past, as no lineage information was uploaded to the neural net when she was added to it. As far as she has made aware, Her father, Kyle Hanamura ne Andrews, was a soldier in the Alliance forces during the Sol War. Her nationality is legally Kusarian, however, she has informally renounced such citizenship due to her hostility towards the current Kusari Republic and their allies, Gallia, as well as being wanted by the Kusari State.
She has shown versatility in Space Combat, being able to handle most combat scenarios. She Specializes with Very Heavy Fighters, but sometimes will Deck out Frigates in a loadout befitting that of a Gunboat with what hardware is accessible to her, when she is feeling to mix both Tactical and Trading/Mining taskings.
Her self-alignment with the factions of Sirius is unconventional. She finds the Pre A.G.S Houses to be the future of Sirius alongside a reformed Gallia. She is not hostile towards most Gallian Citizens (in fact, she shows pity to them for having to deal with such a war-driven government), save for Gallian Nationalists. She is Hostile towards the Gallian Crown and Kusari's Government and it's subordinate Companies, Authorities and Military branches, due to Gallia's "Childish rivalry" regarding the supposed Sabotage of their sleeper ship, and Kusari due to the government simply fanning the flames of Gallia's war effort. Nodoka shows extreme hostility towards the Slomon K'hara and their Infectees due to being a constant threat to Humanity. She looks up to past LSF Commander Jun'ko Zane and Bretonian Freelancer Edison Trent as Role Models - Fighting for the future of Humanity. She is neutral to most to unlawfuls with some exceptions - those being the Council, Blood Dragons, Oracles and those associated with Auxesia. She shows support to the Bundschuh, a populist Democratic Socialist entity who was actively responsible for purging Rheinland of the Slomon K'Hara influence in 800 A.S. as part of the Nomad War, even with their continued backing of the corrupted Order.
Her short term goals are to return to Kusari and form a Revolutionary group that follows in the Transhumanist ideals of Auxesia.
She has shown versatility in Space Combat, being able to handle most combat scenarios. She Specializes in Fighters, Bombers and Capital ships.
= Story =
== Grinding ==
After her departure from Kusari, Nodoka was without a credit to her name. Fleeing to Liberty in order to make some sort of money under the table mining, Nodoka came across the Orbital Spa and Cruise Liner Sasa, which was doing long hauls with other miners in Pennsylvania. Desperate for cash, Nodoka dove on the opportunity, making a large amount of credits in the process. She would eventually also meet Darwin Donovan Davidson, of the later ill-fated William-Mordhauser Distributing, only to never see him again. As her bank account swelled, her interest in continuing to mine deteriorated rapidly, eventually quitting her job as a miner, and proceeding to purchase her first three ships, the Pudica, the Navigium Ejus and the Konpaku.
== First Contact ==
== First Contact ==
Following the uproar in conflict between Liberty's LSF and the Liberty Navy, Nodoka sought to leave Liberty for more calmer territory. On her way through Rheinland, Nodoka met with a Zoner, Marisa Kita. Following this, she tagged along with Marisa into Omega, then onto Omnicron Space, to the Zoner Planet Gran Canaria, then Onward to Freeport 11, Marisa's home. Afterwards, Marisa and Nodoka would test their luck and nearly risk their lives by flying deep into Slomon K'hara space, going so far as the Central parts of the Layer of the Nomad Dyson Sphere. Following their excusrion, Nodoka left for Freeport 11 with Marisa, and stayed on Freeport 11 for the remainder of that week.
Following the uproar in conflict between Liberty's LSF and the Liberty Navy during the Harmony Scandal, Nodoka sought to leave Liberty for more calmer territory. On her way through Rheinland, Nodoka met with a Zoner, Marisa Kita. Following this, she tagged along with Marisa into Omega, then onto Omnicron Space, to the Zoner Planet Gran Canaria, then Onward to Freeport 11, Marisa's home. Afterwards, Marisa and Nodoka would test their luck and nearly risk their lives by flying deep into Slomon K'hara space, going so far as the Central parts of the Layer of the Nomad Dyson Sphere. Following their excusrion, Nodoka left for Freeport 11 with Marisa, and stayed on Freeport 11 for the remainder of that week. Over time, she would provide aid to the station, bringing in supplies and needed components to the remote Freeport, eventually gaining the trust of the populace. She would come to consider it her home in Sirius following her informal abandonment of her jus soli, Kusari.
== The Homefront ==
Not long after the departure of Marisa Kita from Freeport 11 on a trade mission, Nodoka focused her attention on acting as acting in her best interests to aid both Freeport 11 and Sirius at large, through focusing on both Gallia and the Nomads, taking on several bounty missions by both the Core and Order to eliminate concentrations of Nomads in her home system, following the Battle of Freeport 11 in Mid-824 A.S.. Over time, as the Nomads slowly drew their attention away from Delta and to other objectives, Nodoka and her AI turned their gaze of malintent to the Gallic Crown, by getting in contact with The Council, and aiding them logistically through shipments to Planet Marne, risking their lives time and time again.
== The Promise ==
Following obtaining a Hellhound Gunboat to add to her personal fleet, Nodoka had been asked by her AI for two robotic bodies for them to inhabit. Realizing that their efforts have for the most part for the time that she has been with them, has gone unrewarded, obliged, calling upon [[Ingennus Research Group]] to develop two near-human cybernetically enhanced bodies for them, as a token of appreciation to the two AI. Currently in Development, the both of them wait with bated breath to experience the physical world first hand.
== Savior of the Kaddish ==
During a run to aid the [[Colonial Republic|Crayterian Republic]], the Crayterian Republic Transport Kaddish had been ambushed by elements of the Bretonian Privateers in Tau-23, who had stolen the contents of the ship's cargo hold and left the surviving crew to die. With their Captain left unconscious, Nodoka boarded the Kaddish and evacuated 9 persons, 8 alive and one who had died prior to her arrival, at the request of one of the personnel. Under fire from the Gallic Royal Navy and with A Battlegroup consisting of Bombers and Gunboats approaching, after the downing of several ships by Pale Bride using some of the Dulzian turrets on the Pudica, Nodoka and those from the Kaddish she brought along boarded the Pudica. She fled with her crew in a breakneck escape as the Pudica fled out of the System, under the control of her AI compatriots. She proceeded to drop them off at Minato Harbor, and return to Freeport 11, still awaiting word from Dr.Erzie and IRG.
== Welcome (back) to Omicron Delta, Morale (and morals even) stops here. ==
Still awaiting for IRG to complete the bodies requested by her, Nodoka returns to Freeport 11 to discover a installation, Port Carthage, was built next to the Freeport, Raising the Ire of Order Admiral Golanski due to being built in tandem with the Core's AP Manufacturing. Nodoka is swept into a ongoing battle that lasts over 72 hours, defending Port Carthage against what seemed to be a organization that had lost its' mind in a blind rage. Eventually, the aggression gets to the point that Administrator Kyu Akibara, much like Nodoka from her Kusarian Origin, is self-exiled from the Zoners and Freeport 11, facing threat of total annihilation of both Freeport 11 and his home, Gran Canaria. Nodoka, left with no choice, takes the helm at Freeport 11 unofficially, attempting to bargain for unified peace in the Omicrons, seeing what it will eventually lead to if left unchecked, attempting to both obtain official administrator (pro tempore) status with the CoF, and attempting to negotiate in secret with members of the Core and Order, with her eyes set on Auxesia and the Corsairs once her seeds of peace have been planted within the Order and Core.
As things with the Nomads escalated, the Nomads attacked Freeport 11 in November of 824 AS with the sole intent of retaking the installation. Nodoka, along with many other Zoner, Order, Core, Freelancer and Corsair vessels repelled them, taking sizable losses, but in the end, showing the Nomad threat that Humans are not to be taken lightly, even taking on one of the Nomads' latest creations, a Dreadnought-type vessel. Repelled from the Freeport, Nodoka and her contemporaries were able to breathe a sigh of relief that the Freeport and Delta at large were safe once more.
Eventually, Nodoka would gain strong ties to Auxesia, leading to her, Bride and Honya becoming honorary members of the Covenant of Auxo and visiting the Auxesian homeworld of Elgin, and the city of Ismara, courtesy of [[Joshua Hunt|Keeper Leviathan]]. This meeting would influence Nodoka to leave Freeport 11, as the stress would begin to grow upon her.
== Abdication ==
As the situation weighed on her heavily, ranging from petty bickering with Triple Hazard Pay, to the station yet again being threatened with Nuclear Armageddon by Jared Nomak and the Commune, Nodoka eventually resigned on March 7th, 825 AS, leaving Freeport 11 with the Dragostea, now designated as CS Abdicant Seraphine, in tow. With Rathgrith Sold off to the public, and the Abdicant Seraphine resting in Auxesian territory in Inverness, Nodoka would proceed to plot the next steps of her and her comrades.
''Ships reported as Operational or under repairs will list their port of call.''
=== Nodoka ===
{{Ship List/begin}}
{{SL | [[Sunrider|Navigium Ejus]] | Operational - [[ZDV Dragostea]] | Sunrider.png}}
{{SL | [[Jackdaw|Novichok]] | Operational - [[ZDV Dragostea]]  | jackdaw-s.png}}
{{SL | [[CS Abdicant Seraphine]] | Operational - [[Inverness|East Avlemore Nebula, Inverness]] | Bsg.png}}
{{SL | [[Hegemon|Glatisant]] | Parked - Emlenton Imports & Exports, Pennsylvania  | dsy_mining.png}}
{{SL | CS Skidbladnir | Operational - [[Invergordon Space Port]], [[Inverness]] | Talarca.png}}
{{SL | [[CS Rathgrith II]] | Operational - [[Invergordon Space Port]], [[Inverness]] | ahoudori-s.png}}
{{Ship List/end}}
=== Honya ===
{{Ship List/begin}}
{{SL | [[Series CX "Scimitar" Border Worlds Light Fighter|-Yorha-]] | Active - [[ZDV Dragostea]] | bw_fighter.png}}
{{SL | [[Sutinga|<nowiki>|Yorha|</nowiki>]] | Active - ZDV Dragostea | Suntinga.PNG}}
{{Ship List/end}}
=== Pale Bride ===
{{Ship List/begin}}
{{SL | [[Cutlass|Harpy-3.Mugunghwa]] | Active - HSCV Hecate | Cutlass.png}}
{{SL | [[Spatial|Harpy-3_-Mugunghwa-]] | Active - HSCV Hecate | nbrg.png}}
{{Ship List/end}}
=== Shared ===
{{Ship List/begin}}
{{Ship List/begin}}
{{SL | [[Sunrider|Nodoka.Hanamura]] | Operational | Sunrider.jpg}}
{{SL | [[Zoner Whale|ZTV-Frederic_d'Erlanger]] | Active - [NHB] - [[Forward Base Higan| FOB Higan]] | zonerwhale.png}}
{{SL | [[Konpaku|Konpaku]] | Active - [NHB] - [[ZDV Dragostea]]  | Nbrg.png}}
{{SL | [[Serenity|Pudica]] | Active - [NHB] - [[Forward Base Higan]]  | firefly.png}}
{{Ship List/end}}
Shared ships use the following code for who has access to them - (N - Nodoka, H - Honya, B - Pale Bride)
=== Scuttled/Lost/Sold ===
{{Ship List/begin}}
{{SL | [[ZDV Rathgrith]] | Sold - Vessel sold | Fearless.png}}
{{SL | [[Hellhound|Aigaion]] | Destroyed - Malfunction resulting in destruction | Berserker.png}}
{{SL | [[Scimitar|Mizore]] | Sold - Ship sold to Archangels Fighter Club | bw_fighter.png}}
{{Ship List/end}}
{{Ship List/end}}
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''These are characters that are played by Nodoka Hanamura (Player), and are usually involved in over 75% of her Main Character's (Nodoka Hanamura, the Character) Roleplay. Due to their nature, they are placed here as their status is not suitable for a standalone page.''
''These are characters that are played by Nodoka Hanamura (Player), and are usually involved in over 75% of her Main Character's (Nodoka Hanamura, the Character) Roleplay. Due to their nature, they are placed here as their status is not suitable for a standalone page.''
==Mieko "Honya" Iekahara==
[[File:Disco_Honya.jpg|160px|thumb|right|Honya, as seen in the Holodebug software.]]
[[File:Honya01.png|frameless|left|Honya, as seen in the Holodebug software.]]
'''Honya''' is a Artificial Intelligence created by the previous owner of Nodoka's Original ship, a [[Civilian Shuttle|IDC K-LF-337 "Stargazer" Light Fighter]]. Information about her creator was partially corrupted following a mid-air collision on New Tokyo. Honya, with what little she now knows about him, knows that he was a Otaku (Kusarian for Geek) that had worked for Kishiro. Honya was part of the "K-WA/11" Smart AI Framework project at Kishiro that her creator had developed. According to logs from the crash available from the KSP, the pilot had died on his way to work with Honya and the other K-WA/11 prototype, Pale Bride, in tow onboard his ship. Unbeknownst to the ship dealer that sold Nodoka the Refurbished ship, the AI were left in their slots.
'''Honya'''(Kusarian: ほにゃ - English: Bookshop), also known publicly as Mieko Iekahara, is a Artificial Intelligence created by the previous owner of Nodoka's Original ship, a [[Civilian Shuttle|IDC K-LF-337 "Stargazer" Light Fighter]]. Information about her creator was partially corrupted following a mid-air collision on New Tokyo. Honya, with what little she now knows about him, knows that he was a Otaku (Kusarian for Geek) that had worked for Kishiro. Honya was part of the "K-WA/11" Smart AI Framework project at Kishiro that her creator had developed. According to logs from the crash available from the KSP, the pilot had died on his way to work with Honya and the other K-WA/11 prototype, Pale Bride, in tow onboard his ship. Unbeknownst to the ship dealer that sold Nodoka the Refurbished ship, the AI were left in their slots.
Nodoka, after being discharged by Kishiro and given payment for research, and - after defacing Kishiro's Headquarters after learning of Kusari and Gallia's relations, purchased the ship carrying Honya and her contemporary for a estimated 68,000 credits, in a attempt to escape Kusari before she would be caught for her crimes. After reaching orbit, Honya and Pale Bride activated for the first time since the crash, and cut the engines, in a act of self-defense - concerned that Nodoka was a Samura Representative trying to steal Kishiro secrets. After getting an explanation from Nodoka that she was seeking to leave Kusari, and purchased the ship legally from a dealer. Honya, seeing that Nodoka meant no harm or malintent with her or Pale Bride, considered it best to stick with Nodoka, as she thought it best at the time.
Nodoka, after being discharged by Kishiro and given payment for research, and - after defacing Kishiro's Headquarters after learning of Kusari and Gallia's relations, purchased the ship carrying Honya and her contemporary for a estimated 68,000 credits, in a attempt to escape Kusari before she would be caught for her crimes. After reaching orbit, Honya and Pale Bride activated for the first time since the crash, and cut the engines, in a act of self-defense - concerned that Nodoka was a Samura Representative trying to steal Kishiro secrets. After getting an explanation from Nodoka that she was seeking to leave Kusari, and purchased the ship legally from a dealer. Honya, seeing that Nodoka meant no harm or malintent with her or Pale Bride, considered it best to stick with Nodoka, as she thought it best at the time.
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Due to High GC and Blood Dragon Activity at the time, Police response was delayed, Allowing for Nodoka to purchase the ship and get as far as Shikoku before KSP ships intercepted her at Deshima Junction. Honya felt betrayed by seeing Nodoka as a Criminal in Kusari. She forced the ship to halt, and notified the Kusari Police that she would let them board the ship. Nodoka had pleaded to Honya, stating that she simply wanted to make her thoughts known to the world, and show a sign of resistance to Kusari, who had betrayed it's people and betrayed Sirius by working with Gallia. Honya, looking into the police Database for her APB, realized that Nodoka was speaking the truth, and sympathized with her act of non-violent rebellion. As a result, Honya signaled Pale Bride to Overcharge the Guns at the lead KSP Ship. A dangerous act, Pale Bride complied. The Overcharge blew out all of the onboard weaponry, but in the end, disabled the lead ship.
Due to High GC and Blood Dragon Activity at the time, Police response was delayed, Allowing for Nodoka to purchase the ship and get as far as Shikoku before KSP ships intercepted her at Deshima Junction. Honya felt betrayed by seeing Nodoka as a Criminal in Kusari. She forced the ship to halt, and notified the Kusari Police that she would let them board the ship. Nodoka had pleaded to Honya, stating that she simply wanted to make her thoughts known to the world, and show a sign of resistance to Kusari, who had betrayed it's people and betrayed Sirius by working with Gallia. Honya, looking into the police Database for her APB, realized that Nodoka was speaking the truth, and sympathized with her act of non-violent rebellion. As a result, Honya signaled Pale Bride to Overcharge the Guns at the lead KSP Ship. A dangerous act, Pale Bride complied. The Overcharge blew out all of the onboard weaponry, but in the end, disabled the lead ship.
''Gomen-nasai, Inspector-san, Did I say You can come aboard? I meant you can suck the end of my barrel. Bride-san! Now!''
Following this act of Defiance, the KSP formation (what was capable to engage) followed Nodoka's ship as Honya send it fleeing into the Keiun cloud to escape. Adamant to escape by any means, and knowing the KSP would have the system's jump gates locked down, Started scanning for Anomalies in the Cloud, and found a Jump Hole to Galileo, and Navigated the ship towards it. Once they arrived in Galileo, Nodoka commended Honya for her actions and proposed to her and Pale Bride to act as partners. Honya went on to say one of the many age old sayings of Sirius - "Space is vast, and friends are too few and far between."
Honya's personality is Kind and friendly, but she is not afraid to be stern, even with her superiors, sometimes defying orders to do what she believes is best, something unbecoming of most civilized AI. She is known to have vast amounts of knowledge available to her, which garners her the nickname "bookworm" from Pale Bride. She considers Nodoka a Confidant and close friend, and is usually friendly towards humans that show kindness back to her or her owner. She shows concern to those who put themselves in danger, and puts herself before others, even other AI. Her behavior at times can be childlike, mainly around close friends. Honya has been tasked as the Navigation, Intelligence and Tactical Advice AI for Nodoka's ship.
In November 824 AS, Honya and her "sister", Pale Bride, were donated experimental bodies by Nodoka, with the assistance of Ingennus Research Group. The bodies effectively allowed them to live a more human life. Following this, as well as meeting formally with Auxesia, Honya became a Auxesian Affiliate, and has begun operations, going under the codename Yorha.
Honya, surpisingly, in her Holographic, and now physical form, is similar to Nodoka in regards to body shape (except smaller, her chest smaller and body as a whole, less curved) and hair, although her hair is a darker purple, rather than a pale purple. Her face has a slightly Innocent connotation to it, and seems to be younger than Nodoka, Around 18 years old from the looks of her preferred body design.
==Jae-un "Pale Bride" Song==
[[File:Palebride01.png|frameless|right|Pale Bride, as seen in the Holodebug software.]]
'''Pale Bride''' (Kusarian: 淡い花嫁 - ''Awai hanayome''), also known publicly as  '''Jae-un Song''' is Nodoka's Second AI. She was created by a Kishiro AI technician who died in a accident onboard Nodoka's old Civilian Shuttle.
Pale Bride acts as a Fire Control System (FCS) AI for Nodoka's ships. Her Personality is friendly and comical, yet laced with cynicism in times of doubt. She enjoys a fierce battle, and is ready at a minute's notice to protect her Owner. Her Body is slender, with blue eyes and Long, jet black hair. She is commonly seen wearing a Blue and white Blazer and shirt and leather pants. Sometimes, she is even seen wearing a Earth Korean Hanbok.
She takes interest in warfare, as it is her specialty, however - She has slowly shown slightly less interest as time has gone on, mainly due to the fact that she seems tired of being cooped up inside of a ship, and it seems to be the only thing she does. She doesn't seem to care much for finding out about her creator, as it's the least of her concerns, as opposed to Honya, where it is a sometimes lingering thought. She cares a lot for her owner, and, although she is prone to argue with her at times, Honya as well.
Pale Bride does know her limits, as evidenced in a skirmish with Liberty Rogue Gunboats that nearly podded the three of them, as well as a LCI pilot going by the callsign of Iota. Furthermore, she is prone to insult her enemies, one time calling a GRN Fighter pilot a "Cheese Eating Monkey", as well as flinging insult after insult at Nomads, due to, for reasons unknown, being able to recieve Nomadic telepathy through the brain in her shell.
She is mainly tasked in combat with operating the more advanced parts of the fire control systems, such as Missile and Torpedo guidance, mine dispersal, turret fire control and Electronic Warfare, and most of the time, aiding Nodoka in adjusting fire on her ships' guns. Her personal favorite weapons are Anti-matter Cannons such as the Razor and Nova, infamous for blasting apart smaller ships and some weaker capships in one hit.
She confides in Nodoka, just like her contemporary, as she has no one else but the two of them to rely on. She holds deep mistrust of the Order due to their treatment of Nodoka and the Zoners of Freeport 11 and Port Carthage. Resistant to the idea that Nodoka's plan of peace in the Omicrons, not out of spite, but concern that her friend's plans will not work, Pale Bride is hesitant to play nice with the Order or Core, but has accepted that she doesn't have much choice in the matter. She doesn't take kindly to those who insult or mock her or her friends, going to the point of even assaulting or threatening to kill them if they persist.
<nowiki>-Honya, before Pale Bride disabled the KSP Inspector's ship.</nowiki>
With her donning a body to call her own, She soon became the 3rd pilot of Harpy Squadron, a element founded by Ex-core pilots Seline Magnus and Markus Conway, the latter of which she has fallen in love with. She aims to aid Harpy Squadron and their abettors in turning the tide of the War in Bretonia against Gallia by raiding New Paris.
Following this act of Defiance, the KSP formation (what was capable to engage) followed Nodoka's ship as Honya send it fleeing into the Keiun cloud to escape. Adamant to escape by any means, and knowing the KSP would have the system's jump gates locked down, Started scanning for Anomalies in the Cloud, and found a Jump Hole to Galileo, and Navigated the ship towards it. Once they arrived in Galileo, Nodoka commended Honya for her actions and proposed to her and Pale Bride to act as partners. Honya went on to say one of the many age old sayings of Sirius - "Space is vast, and friends are too few and far between."
Although aggressive towards Nomads, she seems to have a soft spot for those who are lesser and not active combatants, as evidenced by an encounter with a Irra that was wounded and afraid. Part of her seems to favor the concept of Humans and Nomads being at peace.
Her goal is to be one of the best gunners/pilots in Sirius. She spends her free time either sleeping or posting messages on the neural net, mostly on anonymous imageboards, as well as socializing.
Although times have drastically changed, the views that Nodoka's father implaced in her as a child regarding ballistic weapons still rings true, as she and her friends utilize replicas of old earth guns and even some energy weapons.
==Nodoka Hanamura==
=== Fabrique Nationale d'Herstal Project 90 (FN Herstal P90) ===
Originally developed and Manufactured by FN Herstal in 1990 AD, the Project 90 or P90 was designed to be a sleek, portable and concealable Personal Defense Weapon. Manufactured by Detroit Munitions in Liberty and Dunbar Armory in Gallia, the P90 survives to this day as a favorite of historical weapons collectors who want to blend in with those who carry more modern firearms. Using the FN 5.7x28mm Round, and boasting a rate of fire of 900 RPM, the P90 spews lead like nothing else, and is the closest man-portable equivalent to the Maxim Chaingun used on some fighters and bombers.
Nodoka's variant is stylized with a two tone Teal-Purple paint scheme, carrying strap, and peace sign keychain attached to the clasp for the strap. As for attachments, Nodoka's P90 uses a Detroit Munitions SCOG 4x sight, a green laser and flashlight combo, and, when warranted, a Gefakt S-1 Audible Suppressor System, effectively reducing sound of firing by 50%, compared to suppressors of the time, which usually reduced it by 30% at best.
=== Mateba Unica 6 Autorevolver ===
Developed in 1997 AD by Emilio Ghisoni, the Mateba Unica 6 Autorevolver was a unique revolver that was known for a unique feature, utilizing the recoil of the gun's firing to allow for the firing hammer of the gun to be cocked automatically, making it a rare sight amongst revolvers. The use of the .357 Magnum round provides stopping power that can take down a unarmored threat in a single shot, and armored threats with at least 2, if done properly.
Nodoka's variant is stock, sans a polymer hand grip and Matte finish.
=== Ageira-Detroit Munitions Corporation MR-10K Molecular Rifle ===
Needing a modern solution to the deployment of man-portable shield systems by their enemies, the Liberty Navy called upon Detroit Munitions and Ageira to work together on a project to develop a man-portable rifle that would operate equivalent to the guns used on most fighters. The MR-10K Molecular rifle was the answer - a Semi-automatic, yet High power rifle. The weapon fires a bolt of Molecular energy, mainly consisting of Free radicals that combust upon impact, burning the target. The bolt disables the shields of a target and penetrates armor, leaving a penetrating and cauterizing wound. Headshots, and shots to vital organs are fatal, killing in seconds. The rifle is especially useful against killing infectees, as if shot at center mass, the Nomad incubus attached to the host's spine will die with the host. Its' popularity with factions dedicated to the eradication of groups such as Aoi Isejin and Das Wilde made the rifle abundant in 820 AS, when Ageira and Detroit Munitions was given approval by the Liberty Navy to release the weapon to the public, amidst fears over nomad infestation.
== Honya ==
=== Glock 18C ===
The Glock 18C, developed by Glock GmbH in 1985 and now manufactured by Sturmwehr Corporation in Rheinland, is a bog-standard pistol from the 20th century, albeit with a slight twist on the formula that was rare at the time - the Glock 18 and the C variant that Honya uses, was designed to fire both semi-automatically and automatically. Used by Honya alongside her AR-57, the pistol serves as a simple self defense weapon, capable of firing rounds reliably and providing effective stopping power.
Honya's Glock 18C carries a built-in compensator to reduce recoil, as well as being modified extensively to fire the more powerful .45 ACP round. The top recieve frame for the Glock 18C has been replaced with a stainless steel frame as to allow for additional reduction in recoil, as well as allowing Honya to use the top of the gun, as well as the butt of the gun to melee a threat in CQC.
=== Colt/AR57 LLC AR-57 PDW ===
Using the same magazine as Nodoka's P90, the Colt/AR57 LLC AR-57 PDW was a small side note in human firearms history. Redeveloped by Zoner Defense Arms Inc of Gran Canaria in 822 AS in cooperation with Detroit Munitions of Liberty, the AR-57 combines the lower and upper reciever of the legendary Colt M16/M4 family of assault rifles with the upper reciever mechanisms of the FN Herstal P90. Boasting the same rate of fire as the P90, the AR57 is a powerful PDW that provides range and firing speed.
Honya's AR-57 uses a folding grip, NATO STANAG magazine casing catch, MCOG sights a collapsible stock, and is stylized in a two tone Purple and Blue stripe scheme. The gun was a gift to Honya by Nodoka following her attainment of a physical body.
== Pale Bride ==
=== Izhmash Saiga-12K ===
Built by the Russian Federation's Izhmash Corporation prior to the rise of the Coalition in the 21st century, the Saiga-12K is a selective fire shotgun that fires 12 gauge shotgun rounds. As with all 12 gauge shotguns, variables such as range, stopping power and accuracy rely on the round used. The Saiga-12K is manufactured by the SCRA in this day and age, however, defectors have sold the design to numerous ballistic arms companies, such as Detroit Munitions and Zoner Defense Arms Inc.
Honya's personality is Kind and friendly, but she is not afraid to be stern, even with her superiors, sometimes defying orders to do what she believes is best, something unbecoming of most civilized AI. She is known to have vast amounts of knowledge available to her, which garners her the nickname "bookworm" from Pale Bride. She considers Nodoka a Confidant and close friend, and is usually friendly towards humans that show kindness back to her or her owner, Nodoka. She shows concern to those who put themselves in danger, and puts herself before others, even other AI. Honya has been tasked as the Navigation, Intelligence and Tactical Advice AI for Nodoka's ship.
Pale Bride's Saiga-12K uses a replica of the Kobra collimator sight that was used commonly with the Saiga back on earth, as well as switching between smoothbore (when using Slug rounds) and a tight choke barrel (when using buckshot and flechette rounds). Bride mainly uses 00 Buckshot, but in situations which require accuracy (such as in sensitive areas and small space stations and ships), she will use Slug rounds.
=== Heckler & Koch MP5A3 ===
The standard for which all Sub-machine guns of the 20th and early 21st century were held to, the H&K MP5 is infamous for popularizing the use of the once pistol-only 9mm Parabellum round. Although with a smaller rate of fire than the P90, the stopping power is on par with its' Belgian cousin. The A3 variant features a built in collapsing stock and as a result is smaller than most other MP5 variants.
Honya was, surpisingly, in her Holographic form, similar to Nodoka in regards to body shape (except smaller, her chest smaller and body as a whole, less curved) and hair, although her hair is indigo, rather than purple. Her face has a slightly Innocent connotation to it, and seems to be younger than Nodoka, Around 18 years old from the looks of her preferred body design.
Pale Bride's MP5A3 uses a red dot sight and straight grip, as well as using a double-drum magazine, carrying 100 rounds and effectively reducing vertical recoil, at the cost of heavy weight.
=== Colt Model 1911 ===
The ever infamous near-unjammable gun, that has stood the test of time as one of mankind's greatest firearms, the Colt M1911 was designed in 1911, and numerous revisions and changes, as well as having a laser version being adopted at one point by the Liberty Navy. The M1911 was, as stated before, infamous due to the gun being nearly unjammable as a result of the action's loading and firing of the gun being designed with reliability in mind, outside of "P&S" shooting - shooting one handed akin to the way done by cowboys in the 19th centry, using two fingers, one to aid in aiming, and another to pull the trigger, which could cause jamming due to friction on the slide and finger. The M1911 is mainly built by Detroit Munitions.
==Pale Bride==
Bride's M1911 is a regular M1911 with a all-black metal finish.
[[File:Disco_PaleBride.jpg|160px|thumb|right|Pale Bride, as seen onboard Nodoka's Shuttle in Shikoku.]]
=== Heckler & Koch XM25 "Punisher" ===
'''Pale Bride''' is Nodoka's Second AI. She was created by a Kishiro AI technician who died in a accident onboard Nodoka's old Civilian Shuttle.
A experimental grenade launcher that allowed for the detonation of said grenades mid-flight, not much is known about the XM25 other than it using a telescopic sight and special airburst grenades that can be used to flush threats out of cover by detonating behind cover through firing above or next to said cover. The launcher can also be used like any other, allowing for instant detonation upon impact with a surface. The XM25 is mainly developed by a subsidiary of Samura, in cooperation with Sturmwehr in Rheinland.
Pale Bride acts as a Fire Control System (FCS) AI for Nodoka's ship. Her Personality is friendly and comical, yet laced with cynicism. She enjoys a fierce battle, and is ready at a minute's notice to protect her Owner. Her Body is slender, with grey eyes and Long, jet black hair. She is commonly seen wearing a Black Blazer with Blue accents and a similarly styled Pleated skirt. Sometimes, she is even seen wearing a Earth Korean Hanbok.
Bride's XM25 fires various types of grenades - Fragmentation, incendiary, flashbang, stinger (less-than-lethal) and plasma grenades.
==Person-based Alignments==
==Person-based Alignments==
{{Faction Diplomacy/begin}}
{{FD | [[image:Marfly.png|19px]] Honya | 1.0}}
{{FD | [[image:Marfly.png|19px]] Pale Bride | 1.0}}
| {{Faction Diplomacy/begin|Character|Nodoka's Alignment}}
{{FD | [[image:Zoners_Logo.png|19px]] Marisa Kita | 0.9}}
{{FD | Honya | 1.0 | Partner}}
{{FD | [[image:logoWMD.png|19px]]Donovan Darwin Davidson | 0.5 }}
{{FD | Pale Bride | 1.0 | Close Friend}}
{{FD | [[image:LH_Logo.png|19px]] Goro Yoshida | 0.4}}
{{FD | [[image:Zoners_Logo.png|19px]]Zoners Marisa Kita | 1 | Love Interest}}
{{FD | [[image:flag-liberty.png|19px]]LSF Eva Adenauer | 0.39}}
{{FD | [[image:LogoAuxesia.png|19px]] Keeper Leviathan | 0.95 | Close Friend}}
{{FD | [[image:logoWMD.png|19px]]Caroline Convair | 0.2}}
{{FD | Nerva Regis | 0.8 |Friend}}
{{FD | [[image:HarpySq.png|19px]]Mark Conway| 0.8 |Friend}}
{{FD | Kyu Akibara | 0.6 | Friend}}
{{FD | [[image:Zoners_Logo.png|19px]]FP11 Security Forces  Diana Aaliyah | 0.5 | Friend}}
{{FD | [[image:Zoners_Logo.png|19px]]/[[image:TAZ_Logo.png|19px]]CoF/TAZ Brettonias Wingspan |0.5 | Friend}}
{{FD | Donovan Darwin Davidson | 0.5 | Friend }}
{{FD | [[image:Zoners_Logo.png|19px]]IRG Dr. James Erzie |0.5 | Friend}}
{{FD | [[image:Flag-liberty.png|19px]]LIBNAV Jonathan Kalh | 0.4 | Friendly Acquaintance}}
{{FD | [[image:LogoAuxesia.png|19px]] Vex Upsilon | 0.4| Friendly Acquaintance}}
{{FD | [[image:HarpySq.png|19px]]Seline Magnus| 0.4 |Friend}}
{{FD | [[image:Zoners_Logo.png|19px]]FP11 Security Forces  Diana Aaliyah | 0.35 | Friend}}
{{FD | [[image:Zoners_Logo.png|19px]]CoF Jerard Voncloud |0.325 | Acquaintance}}
{{FD | [[image:LogoAuxesia.png|19px]] Curator Firmitas | 0.3 | Acquaintance}}
{{FD | [[image:LH_Logo.png|19px]] Interruptor Stefan Pomerov| 0.325 |Acquaintance}}
{{FD | [[image:DragonsLogo.png|19px]]Watanabe Clan Mei Ayasato | 0.3 | Friend}}
{{FD | [[image:Freelancer.png|19px]]THP Theresa Brooks | -0 | Tolerated }}
{{FD | [[image:Freelancer.png|19px]]THP "Willow" | -0 | Tolerated }}
{{FD | [[image:Fl-OR.png|19px]] Sara Shepard | -0.2 | Mistrusted}}
{{FD | [[image:ikn_logo.png|19px]] Curse | -0.3 | Nuisance}}
{{FD | [[image:Core_Logo_Final_3_pixel_expand_resize_box.png|19px]] Nathan Archos | -0.35 | Concerning}}
{{FD | [[image:Core_Logo_Final_3_pixel_expand_resize_box.png|19px]] Enma Loyola | -1 | Infected Madwoman}}
{{FD | [[image:fl-OR.png|19px]] Admiral Michal Golanski | -1 | Stark Raving Mad }}
{{FD | [[image:Freelancer.png|19px]] Lost Company "Devourer" | -1 | "-redacted-ING RUN."}}
{{FD | Infectee Sakurai Augus | -1 | "A wild, infected dog in need of being put down."}}
{{Faction Diplomacy/end}}
| {{Faction Diplomacy/begin|Character|Honya's Alignment}}
{{FD | Nodoka Hanamura | 1.0 | partner}}
{{FD | Pale Bride | 1.0 | Close Friend}}
{{FD | [[image:Zoners_Logo.png|19px]]Zoners Marisa Kita | 1 | Close Friend/Love Interest}}
{{FD | [[image:LogoAuxesia.png|19px]] Keeper Leviathan | 0.95 | Close Friend}}
{{FD | [[image:HarpySq.png|19px]]Mark Conway| 0.6 |Friend}}
{{FD | [[image:Flag-liberty.png|19px]]LIBNAV Jonathan Kalh | 0.55 | Friend}}
{{FD | Kyu Akibara | 0.5 | Friend}}
{{FD | Nerva Regis | 0.5 |Friend}}
{{FD | Ex-[[image:GRN_Logo.png|19px]]Noel Soraya | .5 | Friend }}
{{FD | [[image:Zoners_Logo.png|19px]]IRG Dr. James Erzie |0.5 | Friend}}
{{FD | [[image:DragonsLogo.png|19px]]Watanabe Clan Mei Ayasato | 0.4 | Friend}}
{{FD | [[image:LogoAuxesia.png|19px]] Vex Upsilon | 0.4| Friendly Acquaintance}}
{{FD | [[image:HarpySq.png|19px]]Seline Magnus| 0.25 |Friend - "Why did you have to push that on to Bride-nee-san, Seline-san?"}}
{{FD | [[image:Freelancer.png|19px]]THP Theresa Brooks | -0 | Tolerated }}
{{FD | [[image:Freelancer.png|19px]]THP "Willow" | -0 | Tolerated }}
{{FD | [[image:Fl-OR.png|19px]] Sara Shepard | -0.1 | Worrysome}}
{{FD | [[image:Zoners_Logo.png|19px]]FP11 Security Forces  Diana Aaliyah | -0.15 | Worrysome}}
{{FD | [[image:Core_Logo_Final_3_pixel_expand_resize_box.png|19px]] Nathan Archos | -0.4 | Worrysome}}
{{FD | [[image:fl-OR.png|19px]] Admiral Michal Golanski | -1 | Ticking Timebomb }}
{{FD | [[image:Freelancer.png|19px]] Lost Company "Devourer" | -1 | Unforgivable}}
{{FD | Infectee Sakurai Augus | -1 | "Put her out of her misery.."}}
{{Faction Diplomacy/end}}
{{Faction Diplomacy/end}}
| {{Faction Diplomacy/begin|Character|Bride's Alignment}}
{{FD | Nodoka Hanamura | 1 | "My best friend. I would do anything for her."}}
{{FD | Honya | 1 | "She's practically my sister. I love her."}}
{{FD | [[image:HarpySq.png|19px]]Mark Conway| 1 | "I love him with every fiber of my being.."}}
{{FD | [[image:Zoners_Logo.png|19px]]Zoners Marisa Kita | 0.8 | "Can't keep a good girl down, Mari's no exception.}}
{{FD | [[image:LogoAuxesia.png|19px]] Keeper Leviathan | 0.8 | "Pretty cool guy, if you ask me."}}
{{FD | [[image:LogoAuxesia.png|19px]] Curator Firmitas | 0.7 | ".. He's okay. I.. I have to thank him someday."}}
{{FD | Ex-[[image:GRN_Logo.png|19px]] Noel Soraya | 0.7 | "I was wrong about her." }}
{{FD | [[image:HarpySq.png|19px]] Birdie |0.7 | "She's like a little sister to me."}}
{{FD | Kyu Akibara | 0.65 | "You're alright, Kyu."}}
{{FD | [[image:LogoAuxesia.png|19px]] Vex Upsilon | 0.55| "Gotta admire her spirit."}}
{{FD | [[image:Zoners_Logo.png|19px]]IRG Dr. James Erzie |0.5 | "Thanks for the body, doc."}}
{{FD | Nerva Regis | 0.5 | "Not much to write home about Nerva. He's Okay."}}
{{FD | [[image:Flag-liberty.png|19px]]LIBNAV Jonathan Kalh | 0.4 | "He's okay.. if what Honya said is true."}}
{{FD | [[image:Zoners_Logo.png|19px]]FP11 Security Forces  Diana Aaliyah | -0.015 | "She's okay.. she just needs help."}}
{{FD | [[image:HarpySq.png|19px]]Seline Magnus| -0.2 | ".. I geniunely wonder if she actually even gives a damn about me."}}
{{FD | [[image:DragonsLogo.png|19px]]Watanabe Clan Mei Ayasato | -0.5 | "..."}}
{{FD | [[image:Fl-OR.png|19px]] Sara Shepard | -0.6 | "I'm almost tempted to feed you to the K'hara."}}
{{FD | [[image:Core_Logo_Final_3_pixel_expand_resize_box.png|19px]] Nathan Archos | -0.6| "Jesus would looove him. Not."}}
{{FD | [[image:fl-OR.png|19px]] Admiral Michal Golanski | -1 | "Needs to be shot, beaten, and then thrown out a airlock."}}
{{FD | [[image:Core_Logo_Final_3_pixel_expand_resize_box.png|19px]] Enma Loyola | -1 | "Put her out of mankind's misery."}}
{{FD | [[image:Freelancer.png|19px]] Lost Company "Devourer" | -1 | "You better stay space-side, because if I see you on a station, you're going to regret existing."}}
{{FD | Infectee Sakurai Augus | -1 | "Nice Body. Shame she's going to be eating buckshot after going down on a Incubus."}}
{{Faction Diplomacy/end}}
In the event a person is part of a branch of a certain organization that shares their logo with one or more factions, the associated faction's Ident will appear next to the Logo. (i.e. [[image:flag-liberty.png|19px]]LSF for a member of the LSF, and [[image:flag-liberty.png|19px]]LPI for a member of Liberty Police Inc.)
In the event a person is part of a branch of a certain organization that shares their logo with one or more factions, the associated faction's Ident will appear next to the Logo. (i.e. [[image:flag-liberty.png|19px]]LSF for a member of the LSF, and [[image:flag-liberty.png|19px]]LPI for a member of Liberty Police Inc.)
Line 76: Line 277:
| {{Faction Diplomacy/begin||}}
| {{Faction Diplomacy/begin|Faction|Alignment|}}
{{FD | [[image:flag-liberty.png|19px]][[image:Wild_Logo.png|19px]] ¤Division 9 | -1}}
{{FD | [[image:IseijinFactionLogo.png|19px]] [[Aoi Iseijin]] | -1 | Belligerent/Opposed}}
{{FD | [[image:IseijinFactionLogo.png|19px]] §[[Aoi Iseijin]] | -1}}
{{FD | [[image:Wild_Logo.png|19px]] [[Das Wilde]] | -1 | Belligerent/Opposed}}
{{FD | [[image:Wild_Logo.png|19px]] §[[Das Wilde]] | -1}}
{{FD | Nationalists | -1 | Belligerent/Opposed}}
{{FD | {{House Link | Nomads}}  | -1.0}}
{{FD | {{House Link | Nomads}}  | -1.0 | Belligerent/Opposed}}
{{FD | {{House Link | Corsairs}} | -1.0}}
{{FD | [[image:Core_Logo_Final_3_pixel_expand_resize_box.png|19px]] [[BHG Core|The Core]] | -1 | Belligerent/Opposed}}
{{FD | {{House Link | Outcasts}} | -1.0}}
{{FD | [[image:Co_freighter.png|19px]] Lost Company | -1 | Belligerent/Opposed}}
{{FD | [[image:XenosLogo.png|19px]] [[Xenos]] | -1}}
{{FD | {{House Link | Outcasts}} | -1.0 | Belligerent/Opposed}}
{{FD | [[image:CoalitionArms.png|19px]] ¤[[Sirius Coalition|Coalition]] | -1.0}}
{{FD | [[image:XenosLogo.png|19px]] [[Xenos]] | -1 | Belligerent/Opposed}}
{{FD | [[image:BhgLogo.png|19px]] [[BHG Core|The Core]] | -1}}
{{FD | [[image:UnionerLogo.png|19px]] ¤[[Unioners]] | -1 | Belligerent/Opposed}}
{{FD | {{House Link | Gallia}} | -1}}
{{FD | {{House Link | Gallia}} | -1 | Belligerent/Opposed}}
{{FD | {{House Link | Kusari}} | -0.9}}
{{FD | [[Image:IDF_Logo.png|19px]] [[Ile-de-France Shipping]] | -0.9 | Hostile/Incompatible}}
{{FD | [[image:BrigandsLogo.png|19px]] [[Gallic Brigands]] | -0.9}}
{{FD | [[Image:Eflplayergroup2.png|19px]] [[EFL Oil and Machinery]] | -0.9 | Hostile/Incompatible}}
{{FD | [[image:Hessianlogo.png|19px]] [[Red Hessians]] | -0.8}}
{{FD | {{House Link | Kusari}} | -0.9 | Belligerent/Incomapatible}}
{{FD | [[image:ChrysanthemumLogo.png|19px]] [[GC|The Chrysanthemums]] | -0.8}}
{{FD | [[image:Hessianlogo.png|19px]] [[Red Hessians]] | -0.8 | Hostile/Incompatible}}
{{FD | [[image:DragonsLogo.png|19px]] [[Blood Dragons]] | -0.6}}
{{FD | [[image:Fl-OR.png|19px]] [[The Order| The Order (Order|)]] | -0.65 | Unfriendly/Incompatible}}
{{FD | [[image:RoguesLogo.png|19px]] [[Liberty Rogues]] | -0.6}}
{{FD | [[image:RoguesLogo.png|19px]] [[Liberty Rogues]] | -0.6 | Unfriendly/Incompatible}}
{{FD | [[image:Synth_Logo.png|19px]] [[Synth Foods]] | -0.5}}
{{FD | [[image:CorseLogo.png|19px]] [[Unione Corse]] | -0.5 | Unfriendly/Incompatible}}
{{FD | [[image:CorseLogo.png|19px]] ¤[[Unione Corse]] | -0.5}}
{{FD | [[image:KishiroLogo.png|19px]] [[Kishiro Technologies]] | -0.4 | Unfriendly/Opposed}}
{{FD | {{House Link | Liberty}} | -0.5}}
{{FD | [[image:flag-liberty.png|19px]] [[Liberty Navy]] | -0.3 | Unfriendly/Different}}
{{FD | [[image:flag-liberty.png|19px]] [[Liberty Navy]] | -0.5}}
{{FD | [[image:Fl-OR.png|19px]] [[The Order| The Order (Secondary Fleet (Indies)]] | -0.25 | Unfriendly/Varied}}
{{FD | [[image:Flag-bretonia.png|19px]] [[Bretonian Privateer|Bretonian Privateers]] | -0.3}}
{{FD | [[image:flag-liberty.png|19px]] [[LSF]] | -0.2 | Unfriendly/Different}}
{{FD | [[image:SamuraLogo.png|19px]] [[Samura Industries]] | -0.3}}
{{FD | [[image:flag-liberty.png|19px]] [[Liberty Police Inc.]] | -0.2 | Unfriendly/Different }}
{{FD | [[image:Fl-OR.png|19px]] [[The Order]] | -0.3}}
{{FD | {{House Link | Rheinland}} | -0.2 | Unfriendly/Different}}
{{FD | [[image:GaiansLogo.png|19px]] ¤[[Gaians]] | -0.2}}
{{FD | {{House Link | Liberty}} | -0.2 | Unfriendly/Different}}
{{FD | [[image:UnionerLogo.png|19px]] ¤[[Unioners]] | -0.2}}
{{FD | [[image:MaquisLogo.png|19px]] [[The Maquis]] | -0.2 | Distant/Different}}
{{FD | [[image:KishiroLogo.png|19px]] [[Kishiro Technologies]] | -0.1}}
{{FD | {{House Link | Corsairs}} | -0.2 | Distant/Different}}
{{FD | [[image:Awesome_face.png|19px]] §[[Admins|The A.D.M.I.N.S.]] | 0.0}}
{{FD | [[image:CoalitionArms.png|19px]] ¤[[Sirius Coalition|Coalition]] | -0.2 |  Distant/Different}}
{{FD | [[image:Freelancer.png|19px]] [[Freelancers]] | 0}}
{{FD | [[image:GaiansLogo.png|19px]] [[Gaians]] | -0.2 | Distant/Irrelevant}}
{{FD | {{House Link | Rheinland}} | 0.0}}
{{FD | [[image:BrigandsLogo.png|19px]] [[Gallic Brigands]] | -0.1 | Distant/Irrelevant}}
{{FD | [[image:BhgLogo.png|19px]] [[Bounty Hunters Guild]] | 0}}
{{FD | [[image:GmgLogo.png|19px]] [[Gas Miners Guild]] | -0.1 | Distant/Indifferent}}
{{FD | [[image:Marfly.png|19px]] [[Artificial Intelligence]] | 0.2}}
{{FD | [[image:Flag-bretonia.png|19px]] [[Bretonian Privateer|Bretonian Privateers]] | -0.1 |Distant/Irrelevant}}
{{FD | [[image:LH_Logo.png|19px]] [[Lane Hackers]] | 0.4}}
{{FD | [[image:Awesome_face.png|19px]] §[[Admins|The A.D.M.I.N.S.]] | 0.0 | "Please don't ban me mr.spazzy"/Indifferent}}
{{FD | [[image:flag-liberty.png|19px]] [[LSF]] | 0.4}}
{{FD | [[image:IC_Logo.png|19px]] [[Interspace]] | 0.0 | Neutral/Irrelevant}}
{{FD | [[image:Junkers_Logo.png|19px]] [[Junkers]] | 0.4}}
{{FD | [[image:Freelancer.png|19px]] Triple Hazard Pay Inc.| 0 | Tolerated/Indifferent}}
{{FD | [[image:HFskull.png|19px]] ¤[[Hellfire Legion]] | 0.5}}
{{FD | [[image:SamuraLogo.png|19px]] [[Samura Industries]] | 0.0|Neutral/Indifferent}}
{{FD | [[image:BundschuhLogo.png|19px]] ¤[[Bundschuh]] | 0.5}}
{{FD | [[image:Freelancer.png|19px]] [[Freelancers]] | 0 | NULL}}
{{FD | [[image:IC_Logo.png|19px]] ¤[[Interspace]] | 0.5}}
{{FD | [[image:Synth_Logo.png|19px]] [[Synth Foods]] | 0.0 | Neutral/Incompatible}}
{{FD | [[image:LogoWMD.png|19px]] Williams-Mordhauser Distributing | 0.5}}
{{FD | [[image:LH_Logo.png|19px]] [[Lane Hackers]] | 0.15 | Cordial/Similar}}
{{FD | [[image:LWBLogo.png|19px]] ¤[[LWB|Landwirtrechtbewegung]] | 0.55}}
{{FD | [[image:Fl-OR.png|19px]] [[The Order| The Order (TASKFOR Providence)]] | 0.2 | Cordial/Aligned}}
{{FD | [[image:GmgLogo.png|19px]] ¤[[Gas Miners Guild]] | 0.6}}
{{FD | [[image:Junkers_Logo.png|19px]] [[Junkers]] | 0.2 |Cordial/Compatible}}
{{FD | [[image:ImgLogo.png|19px]] [[IMG]] | 0.6}}
{{FD | [[image:HFskull.png|19px]] ¤[[Hellfire Legion]] | 0.3 | Cordial/Similar}}
{{FD | [[image:OscLogo.png|19px]] [[Orbital Spa & Cruise]] | 0.6}}
{{FD | [[image:ChrysanthemumLogo.png|19px]] [[GC|The Chrysanthemums]] | 0.4 | Friendly/Similar}}
{{FD | {{House Link | Bretonia}} | 0.9}}
{{FD | [[image:BundschuhLogo.png|19px]] [[Bundschuh]] | 0.5 | Friendly/Compatible}}
{{FD | [[image:LogoAuxesia.png|19px]] ¤Battlegroup Auxesia | 0.9}}
{{FD | [[image:ImgLogo.png|19px]] [[IMG]] | 0.6 | Friendly/Compatible}}
{{FD | [[image:ikn_logo.png|19px]] ¤[[Kusari Exiles]] | 0.9}}
{{FD | [[image:OscLogo.png|19px]] [[Orbital Spa & Cruise]] | 0.6 | Friendly/Compatible}}
{{FD | [[image:CouncilLogo.png|19px]] ¤[[The Council]] | 0.9}}
{{FD | [[image:DragonsLogo.png|19px]] [[Blood Dragons]] | 0.75 |Friendly/Similar}}
{{FD | [[image:Zoners_Logo.png|19px]] [[Zoners]] | 0.9}}
{{FD | [[image:Zoners_Logo.png|19px]] [[Ingennus Research Group]] | 0.75 | Friendly/Aligned}}
{{FD | {{House Link | Bretonia}} | 0.9 | Friendly/Aligned}}
{{FD | [[image:HarpySq.png|19px]] Harpy Squadron | 0.9 |Friendly/Aligned}}
{{FD | [[image:CouncilLogo.png|19px]] [[The Council]] | 1 | Allegiant/Aligned}}
{{FD | [[image:LogoAuxesia.png|19px]] Auxesia | 1 |Allegiant/Aligned}}
{{FD | [[image:Zoners_Logo.png|19px]] [[Zoners]] | 1 | Allegiant/Aligned}}
{{Faction Diplomacy/end}}
{{Faction Diplomacy/end}}
''* The above-listed standings indicate Nodoka's ideological (and possible sympathethic/experience-based) disposition towards these entities, and is not to be considered mutual. Due to this, certain Alignment states should be substituted. Please note that this chart does include groups Nodoka has not encountered. This is not to be considered meta-gaming, as this chart acts as a more straightlined way to see how Nodoka's Ideological views (and her past experiences and possible sympathy with certain groups.) align with most official (and some unofficial) factions.''
''* The above-listed standings indicate Nodoka's Diplomatic (left) and Ideological (Right) disposition towards these entities, and is not to be considered mutual. Due to this, certain Alignment states should be substituted. Please note that this chart does include groups Nodoka has not encountered. This is not to be considered meta-gaming, as this chart acts as a more straightlined way to see how Nodoka's Ideological views (and her past experiences and possible sympathy with certain groups.) align with most official (and some unofficial) factions. Honya and Bride's alignments are similar, and as a result are not listed.''
''¤ Nodoka has yet to encounter this faction, but has heard of it.''
''¤ Nodoka has yet to encounter this faction, but has heard of it.''
''§ Nodoka has not encountered this faction.
''§ Nodoka has not encountered this faction.''
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!Shown Status!!Actual Status
|At War||Strongly Ideologically Opposed||
|Hostile||Ideologically Opposed||
|Unfriendly||Ideologically Incompatible||
|Hostile-leaning Neutral||Ideologically Different||
|Neutral||Ideologically Irrelevant||
|Friendly-leaning Neutral||Ideologically Similar||
|Friendly||Ideologically Compatible||
|Allied||Ideologically Aligned||
=Personal Attributes=
=Personal Attributes=
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|<span style="color:#516363;">█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ </span> ░
|<span style="color:#516363;">█ █ █ █ █ █ █</span> ░ ░
| - Hawkeyed
| - Above Average
Line 212: Line 398:
= Criminal Record =
''This data is visible inRP to their associated houses/governments, and is not to be considered metagaming. Some violations are as a result of pre-RP incidents that did not occur on-server but are part of the character's backstory.''
== Republic of Kusari ==
- Defiance of a Officer of the Kusari State Police
- Grand Theft (In excess of 1.000.000 SC)
- Grand Theft (In excess of 1.000.000 SC)
- Resisting Arrest
- Attacking a Officer of the Kusari State Police
- Flying a vessel without pilot's license
- Flying a vessel squawking a invalid transponder/IFF code
- Piracy
- Harassment of a Kusari State Police Officer
- Damaging/Defacing Private Property
- Defiance of justice by leaving Kusari Territory
== Republic of Liberty ==
''' Priors '''
- Flying of a forbidden vessel into Liberty Space without Malintent/Priors.
- Evading scan/order to halt by a Liberty Navy Officer
Notice from LSF - Suspect, according to Dagger Complex, may have communicated with Lane Hacker elements in recent days. Monitor her activity in Liberty and report any hostile activity to LIBNAV OPSCOM.
''' Active '''
== Bundesrespublik Rheinland ==
''' Priors '''
''' Active '''
Attention BND operatives: Subject may be allegiant to Bundschuh. Monitor closely if you see her in Rheinland Space.
== Kingdom of Bretonia ==
''' Priors '''
''' Active '''
== Kingdom of Gallia ==
''' Priors '''
''' Active '''
- Violation of Sovereign Borders
11 COUNTS // EFFECTIVE 10/15/740AGS // Suspect is involved in activity against the crown, smuggling goods to Council forces. // EXPIRES NEVER
- Aiding Enemies of the Crown
- Selling mass goods without a business license or authorization from the Crown
- Destruction of Gallic Naval Vessels
6 COUNTS // EFFECTIVE 10/22/740AGS // Suspect fired upon Gallic vessels while aiding a hostile vessel in distress. // EXPIRES NEVER
- Fleeing Arrest
Advisory - This person is to be IMMEDIATELY apprehended and surrendered to the Kusari Government upon arrest.
= Trivia =
* Nodoka Hanamura is based entirely on her creator's online persona.
* Nodoka's avatar was originally based upon her Second Life avatar, before transitioning to Honey Select, as to streamline the use of her main characters' appearances.
* Nodoka's bust size is 38E, which has garnered her much attention and even ridicule, mostly from Bride. Her chest is actually smaller than it look when compared from being seen from the front when seen from the [ side.] This is possibly due to the fabric making it hard to concieve true depth.
* Honya's name, as well as her bodily features, are heavily inspired by that of Mahou Sensei Negima character [ Nodoka Miyazaki]. The name Honya is, as stated above, Japanese for Bookstore, which is Miyazaki's nickname in the series.
* Pale Bride is a character based on *Hyun-ae from Analogue : A Hate Story.
* Honya and Pale Bride were created and rendered in the ILLUSION game "Honey Select", using the In-game character creator and the external HoneyStudio program.
* Originally, Honya used the image of a unnamed Nodoka Miyazaki cosplayer.
* Pale Bride also originally used a Photoshopped image of Gazelle from Kingsman : The Secret Service placed on a background of one of the systems in Sirius.
* The title "Welcome (back) to Omicron Delta, Morale (and morals even) stops here" comes from a [ Morale Patch] used originally used by United States Air Forces in Europe.
* Nodoka's theme song is the [ Careful Abandonment remix of Daft Punk's Get Lucky]. Her alternate theme, as well as the main "unified theme" for Nodoka, Honya and Bride, is [ All My Life by Daiki Kasho].
* Honya's theme song is [ S3RL's When I'm There]. The use of the song refers to the creation of Honya's body by IRG. Her Alternate theme is [ Saint Pepsi's Tell Me].
* Pale Bride's theme song is [ Foster the People's Pumped Up Kicks]. Her Alternate Theme is [ Skylar Spence/Saint Pepsi's Private Caller].
* The ships all refer to various media and myths:
- Navigium Ejus is a reference to the [ Pactio] item used by Nodoka Miyazaki in Negima, Diarium Ejus (Latin: Her Diary). Navigium Ejus is Latin for Her Ship.
- Pudica is yet another reference to Miyazaki, refering to her other alias, Pudica Bibliothecaria (Modest Librarian).
- Konpaku refers to the Youkai Gardener of Hakugyoukurou, [ Youmu Konpaku], from the Touhou Series. Konpaku is also Japanese for soul.
- Rathgrith is a indirect reference to the [ Demon Razgriz] from Ace Combat 5's in-world lore, which was in turn, based on the Nordic Valkyrie Rathgrith. Rathgrith is also known as the Plan-breaker, a name fitting of the ship, due to its' purpose to defeat those who have plans to harm Freeport 11. The vessel was originally planned to be called Razgriz, but due to concerns over the 101st and other elements bearing the name, Rathgrith was chosen instead. Rathgrith's name was only found in the poem Grímnismál from the Poetic Edda.
- Glatisant, much like Rathgrith, refers to Ace Combat, this time, the Belkan castle "Glatisant", which in turn, refers to the Questing Beast, Which is more commonly known in Arthurian Myth as the the Beast Glatisant, which had the head and neck of a snake, the body of a leopard, the haunches of a lion, and the feet of a hart.
{| style="margin: 1em auto 1em auto; border: 1px solid;"
|+ <div style="line-height: 1.6em;" class="mainpage-section-title">Characters of [ Nodoka Hanamura]</div>
| <div style="line-height: 1.6em; ">[[Nodoka Hanamura]] </div>
| <div style="line-height: 1.6em;">[[image:LogoAuxesia.png|65px]]|Affiliate [[Mieko "Honya" Iekahara]] (To be completed) </div>
| <div style="line-height: 1.6em;">[[image:HarpySq.png|65px]][[Jae-un "Pale Bride" Song]] (To be completed) </div>
| <div style="line-height: 1.6em;">[[image:Zoners.png|65px]][[Alexei Miranov| Alexei "Samizdat" Miranov]]</div>

Latest revision as of 20:29, 29 May 2018

This is a Player Character. For the userpage of the player of the same name, see here.

"We are dealing with a threat of which the like of mankind have never seen. I already think that the Houses should at least contribute some kind of support to the effort of fighting these beasts, at least once Gallia's crown is knocked off and smashed to bits. We mustn't take the Nomad threat lightly, and that includes pathetic squabbles such as this. I would, if I were in the fighting, put my differences aside from The Core and other elements in Delta, and aided in the fight. We've lost enough lives as it is. It's time you and the Core put aside your differences for now, and realize what we realize - that constant bickering and fighting amongst all who inhabit the Omnicrons, Will eventually get us all KILLED."

- Nodoka Hanamura to Order High Command in response to a missive to the Zoners and the Confederation of Freeports.

Nodoka Hanamura

First Generation Kusarian

Origin Japan, Earth, Sol Sector (birth) / Freeport 11, Omnicron Delta, Contested Space (denizenship)
Occupation Commander of CS Abdicant Seraphine
Gender Female
Height 170cm
Weight 74kg
Hair color Dark Purple
Eye color Blue
Affiliation None
Status Alive as of 825 A.S.
Born July 3rd, 2190 A.D.

"When the hell did Rogues get Gunboats?!"

- Nodoka, while fleeing from Hellhound Gunboats.

Nodoka Hanamura is one of the few remaining pure earth Humans left in Sirius, those who were put into extended cryonic stasis following being loaded onto their respective sleeper ships, or found some form of biological cessation of aging. Following being unfrozen in the early 800s A.S., Nodoka was put into shock education - Meaning that she was taught all that was needed for her new life in Sirius, using the Neural Net Implant installed in Her brain. With this knowledge of the events that took place following the departure from Sol, she took to the stars as a freelancer, strongly opposing both the Slomon K'hara & their Infectees, as well as Gallia and Kusari's current governments. Nodoka is known to be a friendly and, at times - Seductive person, known for being able to use her body, as well as wit and charm to persuade others. She is also known to Manipulate the systems that are in Place in Sirius to her benefit, and to the benefit of those she cares about.

Not much is known about her past, as no lineage information was uploaded to the neural net when she was added to it. As far as she has made aware, Her father, Kyle Hanamura ne Andrews, was a soldier in the Alliance forces during the Sol War. Her nationality is legally Kusarian, however, she has informally renounced such citizenship due to her hostility towards the current Kusari Republic and their allies, Gallia, as well as being wanted by the Kusari State.

Her self-alignment with the factions of Sirius is unconventional. She finds the Pre A.G.S Houses to be the future of Sirius alongside a reformed Gallia. She is not hostile towards most Gallian Citizens (in fact, she shows pity to them for having to deal with such a war-driven government), save for Gallian Nationalists. She is Hostile towards the Gallian Crown and Kusari's Government and it's subordinate Companies, Authorities and Military branches, due to Gallia's "Childish rivalry" regarding the supposed Sabotage of their sleeper ship, and Kusari due to the government simply fanning the flames of Gallia's war effort. Nodoka shows extreme hostility towards the Slomon K'hara and their Infectees due to being a constant threat to Humanity. She looks up to past LSF Commander Jun'ko Zane and Bretonian Freelancer Edison Trent as Role Models - Fighting for the future of Humanity. She is neutral to most to unlawfuls with some exceptions - those being the Council, Blood Dragons, Oracles and those associated with Auxesia. She shows support to the Bundschuh, a populist Democratic Socialist entity who was actively responsible for purging Rheinland of the Slomon K'Hara influence in 800 A.S. as part of the Nomad War, even with their continued backing of the corrupted Order.

Her short term goals are to return to Kusari and form a Revolutionary group that follows in the Transhumanist ideals of Auxesia.

She has shown versatility in Space Combat, being able to handle most combat scenarios. She Specializes in Fighters, Bombers and Capital ships.



After her departure from Kusari, Nodoka was without a credit to her name. Fleeing to Liberty in order to make some sort of money under the table mining, Nodoka came across the Orbital Spa and Cruise Liner Sasa, which was doing long hauls with other miners in Pennsylvania. Desperate for cash, Nodoka dove on the opportunity, making a large amount of credits in the process. She would eventually also meet Darwin Donovan Davidson, of the later ill-fated William-Mordhauser Distributing, only to never see him again. As her bank account swelled, her interest in continuing to mine deteriorated rapidly, eventually quitting her job as a miner, and proceeding to purchase her first three ships, the Pudica, the Navigium Ejus and the Konpaku.

First Contact

Following the uproar in conflict between Liberty's LSF and the Liberty Navy during the Harmony Scandal, Nodoka sought to leave Liberty for more calmer territory. On her way through Rheinland, Nodoka met with a Zoner, Marisa Kita. Following this, she tagged along with Marisa into Omega, then onto Omnicron Space, to the Zoner Planet Gran Canaria, then Onward to Freeport 11, Marisa's home. Afterwards, Marisa and Nodoka would test their luck and nearly risk their lives by flying deep into Slomon K'hara space, going so far as the Central parts of the Layer of the Nomad Dyson Sphere. Following their excusrion, Nodoka left for Freeport 11 with Marisa, and stayed on Freeport 11 for the remainder of that week. Over time, she would provide aid to the station, bringing in supplies and needed components to the remote Freeport, eventually gaining the trust of the populace. She would come to consider it her home in Sirius following her informal abandonment of her jus soli, Kusari.

The Homefront

Not long after the departure of Marisa Kita from Freeport 11 on a trade mission, Nodoka focused her attention on acting as acting in her best interests to aid both Freeport 11 and Sirius at large, through focusing on both Gallia and the Nomads, taking on several bounty missions by both the Core and Order to eliminate concentrations of Nomads in her home system, following the Battle of Freeport 11 in Mid-824 A.S.. Over time, as the Nomads slowly drew their attention away from Delta and to other objectives, Nodoka and her AI turned their gaze of malintent to the Gallic Crown, by getting in contact with The Council, and aiding them logistically through shipments to Planet Marne, risking their lives time and time again.

The Promise

Following obtaining a Hellhound Gunboat to add to her personal fleet, Nodoka had been asked by her AI for two robotic bodies for them to inhabit. Realizing that their efforts have for the most part for the time that she has been with them, has gone unrewarded, obliged, calling upon Ingennus Research Group to develop two near-human cybernetically enhanced bodies for them, as a token of appreciation to the two AI. Currently in Development, the both of them wait with bated breath to experience the physical world first hand.

Savior of the Kaddish

During a run to aid the Crayterian Republic, the Crayterian Republic Transport Kaddish had been ambushed by elements of the Bretonian Privateers in Tau-23, who had stolen the contents of the ship's cargo hold and left the surviving crew to die. With their Captain left unconscious, Nodoka boarded the Kaddish and evacuated 9 persons, 8 alive and one who had died prior to her arrival, at the request of one of the personnel. Under fire from the Gallic Royal Navy and with A Battlegroup consisting of Bombers and Gunboats approaching, after the downing of several ships by Pale Bride using some of the Dulzian turrets on the Pudica, Nodoka and those from the Kaddish she brought along boarded the Pudica. She fled with her crew in a breakneck escape as the Pudica fled out of the System, under the control of her AI compatriots. She proceeded to drop them off at Minato Harbor, and return to Freeport 11, still awaiting word from Dr.Erzie and IRG.

Welcome (back) to Omicron Delta, Morale (and morals even) stops here.

Still awaiting for IRG to complete the bodies requested by her, Nodoka returns to Freeport 11 to discover a installation, Port Carthage, was built next to the Freeport, Raising the Ire of Order Admiral Golanski due to being built in tandem with the Core's AP Manufacturing. Nodoka is swept into a ongoing battle that lasts over 72 hours, defending Port Carthage against what seemed to be a organization that had lost its' mind in a blind rage. Eventually, the aggression gets to the point that Administrator Kyu Akibara, much like Nodoka from her Kusarian Origin, is self-exiled from the Zoners and Freeport 11, facing threat of total annihilation of both Freeport 11 and his home, Gran Canaria. Nodoka, left with no choice, takes the helm at Freeport 11 unofficially, attempting to bargain for unified peace in the Omicrons, seeing what it will eventually lead to if left unchecked, attempting to both obtain official administrator (pro tempore) status with the CoF, and attempting to negotiate in secret with members of the Core and Order, with her eyes set on Auxesia and the Corsairs once her seeds of peace have been planted within the Order and Core.

As things with the Nomads escalated, the Nomads attacked Freeport 11 in November of 824 AS with the sole intent of retaking the installation. Nodoka, along with many other Zoner, Order, Core, Freelancer and Corsair vessels repelled them, taking sizable losses, but in the end, showing the Nomad threat that Humans are not to be taken lightly, even taking on one of the Nomads' latest creations, a Dreadnought-type vessel. Repelled from the Freeport, Nodoka and her contemporaries were able to breathe a sigh of relief that the Freeport and Delta at large were safe once more.

Eventually, Nodoka would gain strong ties to Auxesia, leading to her, Bride and Honya becoming honorary members of the Covenant of Auxo and visiting the Auxesian homeworld of Elgin, and the city of Ismara, courtesy of Keeper Leviathan. This meeting would influence Nodoka to leave Freeport 11, as the stress would begin to grow upon her.


As the situation weighed on her heavily, ranging from petty bickering with Triple Hazard Pay, to the station yet again being threatened with Nuclear Armageddon by Jared Nomak and the Commune, Nodoka eventually resigned on March 7th, 825 AS, leaving Freeport 11 with the Dragostea, now designated as CS Abdicant Seraphine, in tow. With Rathgrith Sold off to the public, and the Abdicant Seraphine resting in Auxesian territory in Inverness, Nodoka would proceed to plot the next steps of her and her comrades.


Ships reported as Operational or under repairs will list their port of call.


Operational - ZDV Dragostea
Dsy mining.png
Parked - Emlenton Imports & Exports, Pennsylvania
CS Skidbladnir
Operational - Invergordon Space Port, Inverness


Active - ZDV Dragostea

Pale Bride

Active - HSCV Hecate
Active - HSCV Hecate


Active - [NHB] - ZDV Dragostea
Active - [NHB] - Forward Base Higan

Shared ships use the following code for who has access to them - (N - Nodoka, H - Honya, B - Pale Bride)


ZDV Rathgrith
Sold - Vessel sold
Destroyed - Malfunction resulting in destruction
Bw fighter.png
Sold - Ship sold to Archangels Fighter Club

Sub Characters

These are characters that are played by Nodoka Hanamura (Player), and are usually involved in over 75% of her Main Character's (Nodoka Hanamura, the Character) Roleplay. Due to their nature, they are placed here as their status is not suitable for a standalone page.

Mieko "Honya" Iekahara

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Honya(Kusarian: ほにゃ - English: Bookshop), also known publicly as Mieko Iekahara, is a Artificial Intelligence created by the previous owner of Nodoka's Original ship, a IDC K-LF-337 "Stargazer" Light Fighter. Information about her creator was partially corrupted following a mid-air collision on New Tokyo. Honya, with what little she now knows about him, knows that he was a Otaku (Kusarian for Geek) that had worked for Kishiro. Honya was part of the "K-WA/11" Smart AI Framework project at Kishiro that her creator had developed. According to logs from the crash available from the KSP, the pilot had died on his way to work with Honya and the other K-WA/11 prototype, Pale Bride, in tow onboard his ship. Unbeknownst to the ship dealer that sold Nodoka the Refurbished ship, the AI were left in their slots.

Nodoka, after being discharged by Kishiro and given payment for research, and - after defacing Kishiro's Headquarters after learning of Kusari and Gallia's relations, purchased the ship carrying Honya and her contemporary for a estimated 68,000 credits, in a attempt to escape Kusari before she would be caught for her crimes. After reaching orbit, Honya and Pale Bride activated for the first time since the crash, and cut the engines, in a act of self-defense - concerned that Nodoka was a Samura Representative trying to steal Kishiro secrets. After getting an explanation from Nodoka that she was seeking to leave Kusari, and purchased the ship legally from a dealer. Honya, seeing that Nodoka meant no harm or malintent with her or Pale Bride, considered it best to stick with Nodoka, as she thought it best at the time.

Due to High GC and Blood Dragon Activity at the time, Police response was delayed, Allowing for Nodoka to purchase the ship and get as far as Shikoku before KSP ships intercepted her at Deshima Junction. Honya felt betrayed by seeing Nodoka as a Criminal in Kusari. She forced the ship to halt, and notified the Kusari Police that she would let them board the ship. Nodoka had pleaded to Honya, stating that she simply wanted to make her thoughts known to the world, and show a sign of resistance to Kusari, who had betrayed it's people and betrayed Sirius by working with Gallia. Honya, looking into the police Database for her APB, realized that Nodoka was speaking the truth, and sympathized with her act of non-violent rebellion. As a result, Honya signaled Pale Bride to Overcharge the Guns at the lead KSP Ship. A dangerous act, Pale Bride complied. The Overcharge blew out all of the onboard weaponry, but in the end, disabled the lead ship.

Following this act of Defiance, the KSP formation (what was capable to engage) followed Nodoka's ship as Honya send it fleeing into the Keiun cloud to escape. Adamant to escape by any means, and knowing the KSP would have the system's jump gates locked down, Started scanning for Anomalies in the Cloud, and found a Jump Hole to Galileo, and Navigated the ship towards it. Once they arrived in Galileo, Nodoka commended Honya for her actions and proposed to her and Pale Bride to act as partners. Honya went on to say one of the many age old sayings of Sirius - "Space is vast, and friends are too few and far between."

Honya's personality is Kind and friendly, but she is not afraid to be stern, even with her superiors, sometimes defying orders to do what she believes is best, something unbecoming of most civilized AI. She is known to have vast amounts of knowledge available to her, which garners her the nickname "bookworm" from Pale Bride. She considers Nodoka a Confidant and close friend, and is usually friendly towards humans that show kindness back to her or her owner. She shows concern to those who put themselves in danger, and puts herself before others, even other AI. Her behavior at times can be childlike, mainly around close friends. Honya has been tasked as the Navigation, Intelligence and Tactical Advice AI for Nodoka's ship.

In November 824 AS, Honya and her "sister", Pale Bride, were donated experimental bodies by Nodoka, with the assistance of Ingennus Research Group. The bodies effectively allowed them to live a more human life. Following this, as well as meeting formally with Auxesia, Honya became a Auxesian Affiliate, and has begun operations, going under the codename Yorha.

Honya, surpisingly, in her Holographic, and now physical form, is similar to Nodoka in regards to body shape (except smaller, her chest smaller and body as a whole, less curved) and hair, although her hair is a darker purple, rather than a pale purple. Her face has a slightly Innocent connotation to it, and seems to be younger than Nodoka, Around 18 years old from the looks of her preferred body design.

Jae-un "Pale Bride" Song

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Pale Bride (Kusarian: 淡い花嫁 - Awai hanayome), also known publicly as Jae-un Song is Nodoka's Second AI. She was created by a Kishiro AI technician who died in a accident onboard Nodoka's old Civilian Shuttle.

Pale Bride acts as a Fire Control System (FCS) AI for Nodoka's ships. Her Personality is friendly and comical, yet laced with cynicism in times of doubt. She enjoys a fierce battle, and is ready at a minute's notice to protect her Owner. Her Body is slender, with blue eyes and Long, jet black hair. She is commonly seen wearing a Blue and white Blazer and shirt and leather pants. Sometimes, she is even seen wearing a Earth Korean Hanbok.

She takes interest in warfare, as it is her specialty, however - She has slowly shown slightly less interest as time has gone on, mainly due to the fact that she seems tired of being cooped up inside of a ship, and it seems to be the only thing she does. She doesn't seem to care much for finding out about her creator, as it's the least of her concerns, as opposed to Honya, where it is a sometimes lingering thought. She cares a lot for her owner, and, although she is prone to argue with her at times, Honya as well.

Pale Bride does know her limits, as evidenced in a skirmish with Liberty Rogue Gunboats that nearly podded the three of them, as well as a LCI pilot going by the callsign of Iota. Furthermore, she is prone to insult her enemies, one time calling a GRN Fighter pilot a "Cheese Eating Monkey", as well as flinging insult after insult at Nomads, due to, for reasons unknown, being able to recieve Nomadic telepathy through the brain in her shell.

She is mainly tasked in combat with operating the more advanced parts of the fire control systems, such as Missile and Torpedo guidance, mine dispersal, turret fire control and Electronic Warfare, and most of the time, aiding Nodoka in adjusting fire on her ships' guns. Her personal favorite weapons are Anti-matter Cannons such as the Razor and Nova, infamous for blasting apart smaller ships and some weaker capships in one hit.

She confides in Nodoka, just like her contemporary, as she has no one else but the two of them to rely on. She holds deep mistrust of the Order due to their treatment of Nodoka and the Zoners of Freeport 11 and Port Carthage. Resistant to the idea that Nodoka's plan of peace in the Omicrons, not out of spite, but concern that her friend's plans will not work, Pale Bride is hesitant to play nice with the Order or Core, but has accepted that she doesn't have much choice in the matter. She doesn't take kindly to those who insult or mock her or her friends, going to the point of even assaulting or threatening to kill them if they persist.

With her donning a body to call her own, She soon became the 3rd pilot of Harpy Squadron, a element founded by Ex-core pilots Seline Magnus and Markus Conway, the latter of which she has fallen in love with. She aims to aid Harpy Squadron and their abettors in turning the tide of the War in Bretonia against Gallia by raiding New Paris.

Although aggressive towards Nomads, she seems to have a soft spot for those who are lesser and not active combatants, as evidenced by an encounter with a Irra that was wounded and afraid. Part of her seems to favor the concept of Humans and Nomads being at peace.

Her goal is to be one of the best gunners/pilots in Sirius. She spends her free time either sleeping or posting messages on the neural net, mostly on anonymous imageboards, as well as socializing.


Although times have drastically changed, the views that Nodoka's father implaced in her as a child regarding ballistic weapons still rings true, as she and her friends utilize replicas of old earth guns and even some energy weapons.

Nodoka Hanamura

Fabrique Nationale d'Herstal Project 90 (FN Herstal P90)

Originally developed and Manufactured by FN Herstal in 1990 AD, the Project 90 or P90 was designed to be a sleek, portable and concealable Personal Defense Weapon. Manufactured by Detroit Munitions in Liberty and Dunbar Armory in Gallia, the P90 survives to this day as a favorite of historical weapons collectors who want to blend in with those who carry more modern firearms. Using the FN 5.7x28mm Round, and boasting a rate of fire of 900 RPM, the P90 spews lead like nothing else, and is the closest man-portable equivalent to the Maxim Chaingun used on some fighters and bombers.

Nodoka's variant is stylized with a two tone Teal-Purple paint scheme, carrying strap, and peace sign keychain attached to the clasp for the strap. As for attachments, Nodoka's P90 uses a Detroit Munitions SCOG 4x sight, a green laser and flashlight combo, and, when warranted, a Gefakt S-1 Audible Suppressor System, effectively reducing sound of firing by 50%, compared to suppressors of the time, which usually reduced it by 30% at best.

Mateba Unica 6 Autorevolver

Developed in 1997 AD by Emilio Ghisoni, the Mateba Unica 6 Autorevolver was a unique revolver that was known for a unique feature, utilizing the recoil of the gun's firing to allow for the firing hammer of the gun to be cocked automatically, making it a rare sight amongst revolvers. The use of the .357 Magnum round provides stopping power that can take down a unarmored threat in a single shot, and armored threats with at least 2, if done properly.

Nodoka's variant is stock, sans a polymer hand grip and Matte finish.

Ageira-Detroit Munitions Corporation MR-10K Molecular Rifle

Needing a modern solution to the deployment of man-portable shield systems by their enemies, the Liberty Navy called upon Detroit Munitions and Ageira to work together on a project to develop a man-portable rifle that would operate equivalent to the guns used on most fighters. The MR-10K Molecular rifle was the answer - a Semi-automatic, yet High power rifle. The weapon fires a bolt of Molecular energy, mainly consisting of Free radicals that combust upon impact, burning the target. The bolt disables the shields of a target and penetrates armor, leaving a penetrating and cauterizing wound. Headshots, and shots to vital organs are fatal, killing in seconds. The rifle is especially useful against killing infectees, as if shot at center mass, the Nomad incubus attached to the host's spine will die with the host. Its' popularity with factions dedicated to the eradication of groups such as Aoi Isejin and Das Wilde made the rifle abundant in 820 AS, when Ageira and Detroit Munitions was given approval by the Liberty Navy to release the weapon to the public, amidst fears over nomad infestation.


Glock 18C

The Glock 18C, developed by Glock GmbH in 1985 and now manufactured by Sturmwehr Corporation in Rheinland, is a bog-standard pistol from the 20th century, albeit with a slight twist on the formula that was rare at the time - the Glock 18 and the C variant that Honya uses, was designed to fire both semi-automatically and automatically. Used by Honya alongside her AR-57, the pistol serves as a simple self defense weapon, capable of firing rounds reliably and providing effective stopping power.

Honya's Glock 18C carries a built-in compensator to reduce recoil, as well as being modified extensively to fire the more powerful .45 ACP round. The top recieve frame for the Glock 18C has been replaced with a stainless steel frame as to allow for additional reduction in recoil, as well as allowing Honya to use the top of the gun, as well as the butt of the gun to melee a threat in CQC.

Colt/AR57 LLC AR-57 PDW

Using the same magazine as Nodoka's P90, the Colt/AR57 LLC AR-57 PDW was a small side note in human firearms history. Redeveloped by Zoner Defense Arms Inc of Gran Canaria in 822 AS in cooperation with Detroit Munitions of Liberty, the AR-57 combines the lower and upper reciever of the legendary Colt M16/M4 family of assault rifles with the upper reciever mechanisms of the FN Herstal P90. Boasting the same rate of fire as the P90, the AR57 is a powerful PDW that provides range and firing speed.

Honya's AR-57 uses a folding grip, NATO STANAG magazine casing catch, MCOG sights a collapsible stock, and is stylized in a two tone Purple and Blue stripe scheme. The gun was a gift to Honya by Nodoka following her attainment of a physical body.

Pale Bride

Izhmash Saiga-12K

Built by the Russian Federation's Izhmash Corporation prior to the rise of the Coalition in the 21st century, the Saiga-12K is a selective fire shotgun that fires 12 gauge shotgun rounds. As with all 12 gauge shotguns, variables such as range, stopping power and accuracy rely on the round used. The Saiga-12K is manufactured by the SCRA in this day and age, however, defectors have sold the design to numerous ballistic arms companies, such as Detroit Munitions and Zoner Defense Arms Inc.

Pale Bride's Saiga-12K uses a replica of the Kobra collimator sight that was used commonly with the Saiga back on earth, as well as switching between smoothbore (when using Slug rounds) and a tight choke barrel (when using buckshot and flechette rounds). Bride mainly uses 00 Buckshot, but in situations which require accuracy (such as in sensitive areas and small space stations and ships), she will use Slug rounds.

Heckler & Koch MP5A3

The standard for which all Sub-machine guns of the 20th and early 21st century were held to, the H&K MP5 is infamous for popularizing the use of the once pistol-only 9mm Parabellum round. Although with a smaller rate of fire than the P90, the stopping power is on par with its' Belgian cousin. The A3 variant features a built in collapsing stock and as a result is smaller than most other MP5 variants.

Pale Bride's MP5A3 uses a red dot sight and straight grip, as well as using a double-drum magazine, carrying 100 rounds and effectively reducing vertical recoil, at the cost of heavy weight.

Colt Model 1911

The ever infamous near-unjammable gun, that has stood the test of time as one of mankind's greatest firearms, the Colt M1911 was designed in 1911, and numerous revisions and changes, as well as having a laser version being adopted at one point by the Liberty Navy. The M1911 was, as stated before, infamous due to the gun being nearly unjammable as a result of the action's loading and firing of the gun being designed with reliability in mind, outside of "P&S" shooting - shooting one handed akin to the way done by cowboys in the 19th centry, using two fingers, one to aid in aiming, and another to pull the trigger, which could cause jamming due to friction on the slide and finger. The M1911 is mainly built by Detroit Munitions.

Bride's M1911 is a regular M1911 with a all-black metal finish.

Heckler & Koch XM25 "Punisher"

A experimental grenade launcher that allowed for the detonation of said grenades mid-flight, not much is known about the XM25 other than it using a telescopic sight and special airburst grenades that can be used to flush threats out of cover by detonating behind cover through firing above or next to said cover. The launcher can also be used like any other, allowing for instant detonation upon impact with a surface. The XM25 is mainly developed by a subsidiary of Samura, in cooperation with Sturmwehr in Rheinland.

Bride's XM25 fires various types of grenades - Fragmentation, incendiary, flashbang, stinger (less-than-lethal) and plasma grenades.


Person-based Alignments

Character Nodoka's Alignment
Pale Bride
Close Friend
Zoners Logo.pngZoners Marisa Kita
Love Interest
LogoAuxesia.png Keeper Leviathan
Close Friend
Nerva Regis
HarpySq.pngMark Conway
Kyu Akibara
Zoners Logo.pngFP11 Security Forces Diana Aaliyah
Zoners Logo.png/TAZ Logo.pngCoF/TAZ Brettonias Wingspan
Donovan Darwin Davidson
Zoners Logo.pngIRG Dr. James Erzie
Flag-liberty.pngLIBNAV Jonathan Kalh
Friendly Acquaintance
LogoAuxesia.png Vex Upsilon
Friendly Acquaintance
HarpySq.pngSeline Magnus
Zoners Logo.pngFP11 Security Forces Diana Aaliyah
Zoners Logo.pngCoF Jerard Voncloud
LogoAuxesia.png Curator Firmitas
LH Logo.png Interruptor Stefan Pomerov
DragonsLogo.pngWatanabe Clan Mei Ayasato
Freelancer.pngTHP Theresa Brooks
Freelancer.pngTHP "Willow"
Fl-OR.png Sara Shepard
Ikn logo.png Curse
Core Logo Final 3 pixel expand resize box.png Nathan Archos
Core Logo Final 3 pixel expand resize box.png Enma Loyola
Infected Madwoman
Fl-OR.png Admiral Michal Golanski
Stark Raving Mad
Freelancer.png Lost Company "Devourer"
"-redacted-ING RUN."
Infectee Sakurai Augus
"A wild, infected dog in need of being put down."
Character Honya's Alignment
Nodoka Hanamura
Pale Bride
Close Friend
Zoners Logo.pngZoners Marisa Kita
Close Friend/Love Interest
LogoAuxesia.png Keeper Leviathan
Close Friend
HarpySq.pngMark Conway
Flag-liberty.pngLIBNAV Jonathan Kalh
Kyu Akibara
Nerva Regis
Ex-GRN Logo.pngNoel Soraya
Zoners Logo.pngIRG Dr. James Erzie
DragonsLogo.pngWatanabe Clan Mei Ayasato
LogoAuxesia.png Vex Upsilon
Friendly Acquaintance
HarpySq.pngSeline Magnus
Friend - "Why did you have to push that on to Bride-nee-san, Seline-san?"
Freelancer.pngTHP Theresa Brooks
Freelancer.pngTHP "Willow"
Fl-OR.png Sara Shepard
Zoners Logo.pngFP11 Security Forces Diana Aaliyah
Core Logo Final 3 pixel expand resize box.png Nathan Archos
Fl-OR.png Admiral Michal Golanski
Ticking Timebomb
Freelancer.png Lost Company "Devourer"
Infectee Sakurai Augus
"Put her out of her misery.."
Character Bride's Alignment
Nodoka Hanamura
"My best friend. I would do anything for her."
"She's practically my sister. I love her."
HarpySq.pngMark Conway
"I love him with every fiber of my being.."
Zoners Logo.pngZoners Marisa Kita
"Can't keep a good girl down, Mari's no exception.
LogoAuxesia.png Keeper Leviathan
"Pretty cool guy, if you ask me."
LogoAuxesia.png Curator Firmitas
".. He's okay. I.. I have to thank him someday."
Ex-GRN Logo.png Noel Soraya
"I was wrong about her."
HarpySq.png Birdie
"She's like a little sister to me."
Kyu Akibara
"You're alright, Kyu."
LogoAuxesia.png Vex Upsilon
"Gotta admire her spirit."
Zoners Logo.pngIRG Dr. James Erzie
"Thanks for the body, doc."
Nerva Regis
"Not much to write home about Nerva. He's Okay."
Flag-liberty.pngLIBNAV Jonathan Kalh
"He's okay.. if what Honya said is true."
Zoners Logo.pngFP11 Security Forces Diana Aaliyah
"She's okay.. she just needs help."
HarpySq.pngSeline Magnus
".. I geniunely wonder if she actually even gives a damn about me."
DragonsLogo.pngWatanabe Clan Mei Ayasato
Fl-OR.png Sara Shepard
"I'm almost tempted to feed you to the K'hara."
Core Logo Final 3 pixel expand resize box.png Nathan Archos
"Jesus would looove him. Not."
Fl-OR.png Admiral Michal Golanski
"Needs to be shot, beaten, and then thrown out a airlock."
Core Logo Final 3 pixel expand resize box.png Enma Loyola
"Put her out of mankind's misery."
Freelancer.png Lost Company "Devourer"
"You better stay space-side, because if I see you on a station, you're going to regret existing."
Infectee Sakurai Augus
"Nice Body. Shame she's going to be eating buckshot after going down on a Incubus."

In the event a person is part of a branch of a certain organization that shares their logo with one or more factions, the associated faction's Ident will appear next to the Logo. (i.e. Flag-liberty.pngLSF for a member of the LSF, and Flag-liberty.pngLPI for a member of Liberty Police Inc.)

Personal Factional Alignments

Faction Alignment
IseijinFactionLogo.png Aoi Iseijin
Wild Logo.png Das Wilde
Flag-nomads3.png Nomads
Core Logo Final 3 pixel expand resize box.png The Core
Co freighter.png Lost Company
Flag-outcasts.png Outcasts
XenosLogo.png Xenos
UnionerLogo.png ¤Unioners
Flag-gallia.png Gallia
IDF Logo.png Ile-de-France Shipping
Eflplayergroup2.png EFL Oil and Machinery
Flag-kusari.png Kusari
Hessianlogo.png Red Hessians
Fl-OR.png The Order (Order|)
RoguesLogo.png Liberty Rogues
CorseLogo.png Unione Corse
KishiroLogo.png Kishiro Technologies
Flag-liberty.png Liberty Navy
Fl-OR.png The Order (Secondary Fleet (Indies)
Flag-liberty.png LSF
Flag-liberty.png Liberty Police Inc.
Flag-rheinland.png Rheinland
Flag-liberty.png Liberty
MaquisLogo.png The Maquis
Flag-corsairs.png Corsairs
CoalitionArms.png ¤Coalition
GaiansLogo.png Gaians
BrigandsLogo.png Gallic Brigands
GmgLogo.png Gas Miners Guild
Flag-bretonia.png Bretonian Privateers
Awesome face.png §The A.D.M.I.N.S.
"Please don't ban me mr.spazzy"/Indifferent
IC Logo.png Interspace
Freelancer.png Triple Hazard Pay Inc.
SamuraLogo.png Samura Industries
Freelancer.png Freelancers
Synth Logo.png Synth Foods
LH Logo.png Lane Hackers
Fl-OR.png The Order (TASKFOR Providence)
Junkers Logo.png Junkers
HFskull.png ¤Hellfire Legion
ChrysanthemumLogo.png The Chrysanthemums
BundschuhLogo.png Bundschuh
ImgLogo.png IMG
OscLogo.png Orbital Spa & Cruise
DragonsLogo.png Blood Dragons
Zoners Logo.png Ingennus Research Group
Flag-bretonia.png Bretonia
HarpySq.png Harpy Squadron
CouncilLogo.png The Council
LogoAuxesia.png Auxesia
Zoners Logo.png Zoners

* The above-listed standings indicate Nodoka's Diplomatic (left) and Ideological (Right) disposition towards these entities, and is not to be considered mutual. Due to this, certain Alignment states should be substituted. Please note that this chart does include groups Nodoka has not encountered. This is not to be considered meta-gaming, as this chart acts as a more straightlined way to see how Nodoka's Ideological views (and her past experiences and possible sympathy with certain groups.) align with most official (and some unofficial) factions. Honya and Bride's alignments are similar, and as a result are not listed.

¤ Nodoka has yet to encounter this faction, but has heard of it.

§ Nodoka has not encountered this faction.

Personal Attributes

Attribute Value Additional Notes
Health.png Health █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ - Healthy, save for her favoring Junk food over healthy foods.
Fitness.png Fitness █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ░ ░ ░ - Above Average.
Dexterity.png Dexterity █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ - Nimble
Strength.png Strength █ █ █ █ █ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ - Average
Martial Arts.png Martial Arts █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ░ ░ - Above Average in Pencak Silat and Systema
Firearms.png Firearms █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ░ ░ - Above Average with both Ballistic and Energy Weapons
Leadership.png Leadership █ █ █ █ █ █ ░ ░ ░ ░ - Capable Leader
Observation.png Observation █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ░ ░ ░ - Above Average
Self-control.png Self-control █ █ █ █ █ █ ░ ░ ░ ░ - Lustful and Irritable at times, but overall emotionally sound.
Charisma.PNG Charisma █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ - Utilizes her body and mental prowess, resulting in near excellent Charisma.

Criminal Record

This data is visible inRP to their associated houses/governments, and is not to be considered metagaming. Some violations are as a result of pre-RP incidents that did not occur on-server but are part of the character's backstory.

Republic of Kusari




- Defiance of a Officer of the Kusari State Police
- Grand Theft (In excess of 1.000.000 SC)
- Grand Theft (In excess of 1.000.000 SC)
- Resisting Arrest
- Attacking a Officer of the Kusari State Police
- Flying a vessel without pilot's license
- Flying a vessel squawking a invalid transponder/IFF code
- Piracy
- Harassment of a Kusari State Police Officer
- Damaging/Defacing Private Property
- Defiance of justice by leaving Kusari Territory


Republic of Liberty


- Flying of a forbidden vessel into Liberty Space without Malintent/Priors.
- Evading scan/order to halt by a Liberty Navy Officer
Notice from LSF - Suspect, according to Dagger Complex, may have communicated with Lane Hacker elements in recent days. Monitor her activity in Liberty and report any hostile activity to LIBNAV OPSCOM.



Bundesrespublik Rheinland





Attention BND operatives: Subject may be allegiant to Bundschuh. Monitor closely if you see her in Rheinland Space.

Kingdom of Bretonia





Kingdom of Gallia




- Violation of Sovereign Borders
11 COUNTS // EFFECTIVE 10/15/740AGS // Suspect is involved in activity against the crown, smuggling goods to Council forces. // EXPIRES NEVER
- Aiding Enemies of the Crown
- Selling mass goods without a business license or authorization from the Crown
- Destruction of Gallic Naval Vessels
6 COUNTS // EFFECTIVE 10/22/740AGS // Suspect fired upon Gallic vessels while aiding a hostile vessel in distress. // EXPIRES NEVER
- Fleeing Arrest
Advisory - This person is to be IMMEDIATELY apprehended and surrendered to the Kusari Government upon arrest.


  • Nodoka Hanamura is based entirely on her creator's online persona.
  • Nodoka's avatar was originally based upon her Second Life avatar, before transitioning to Honey Select, as to streamline the use of her main characters' appearances.
  • Nodoka's bust size is 38E, which has garnered her much attention and even ridicule, mostly from Bride. Her chest is actually smaller than it look when compared from being seen from the front when seen from the side. This is possibly due to the fabric making it hard to concieve true depth.
  • Honya's name, as well as her bodily features, are heavily inspired by that of Mahou Sensei Negima character Nodoka Miyazaki. The name Honya is, as stated above, Japanese for Bookstore, which is Miyazaki's nickname in the series.
  • Pale Bride is a character based on *Hyun-ae from Analogue : A Hate Story.
  • Honya and Pale Bride were created and rendered in the ILLUSION game "Honey Select", using the In-game character creator and the external HoneyStudio program.
  • Originally, Honya used the image of a unnamed Nodoka Miyazaki cosplayer.
  • Pale Bride also originally used a Photoshopped image of Gazelle from Kingsman : The Secret Service placed on a background of one of the systems in Sirius.
  • The title "Welcome (back) to Omicron Delta, Morale (and morals even) stops here" comes from a Morale Patch used originally used by United States Air Forces in Europe.
  • The ships all refer to various media and myths:

- Navigium Ejus is a reference to the Pactio item used by Nodoka Miyazaki in Negima, Diarium Ejus (Latin: Her Diary). Navigium Ejus is Latin for Her Ship.

- Pudica is yet another reference to Miyazaki, refering to her other alias, Pudica Bibliothecaria (Modest Librarian).

- Konpaku refers to the Youkai Gardener of Hakugyoukurou, Youmu Konpaku, from the Touhou Series. Konpaku is also Japanese for soul.

- Rathgrith is a indirect reference to the Demon Razgriz from Ace Combat 5's in-world lore, which was in turn, based on the Nordic Valkyrie Rathgrith. Rathgrith is also known as the Plan-breaker, a name fitting of the ship, due to its' purpose to defeat those who have plans to harm Freeport 11. The vessel was originally planned to be called Razgriz, but due to concerns over the 101st and other elements bearing the name, Rathgrith was chosen instead. Rathgrith's name was only found in the poem Grímnismál from the Poetic Edda.

- Glatisant, much like Rathgrith, refers to Ace Combat, this time, the Belkan castle "Glatisant", which in turn, refers to the Questing Beast, Which is more commonly known in Arthurian Myth as the the Beast Glatisant, which had the head and neck of a snake, the body of a leopard, the haunches of a lion, and the feet of a hart.

Characters of Nodoka Hanamura
LogoAuxesia.png|Affiliate Mieko "Honya" Iekahara (To be completed)
HarpySq.pngJae-un "Pale Bride" Song (To be completed)