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{{Player faction|Daumann Heavy Construction}}
{{Player Faction|Daumann Heavy Construction}}
{{Faction Infobox
{{Faction Infobox
| name = Daumann Heavy Construction
| name = Daumann Heavy Construction
| image = Flag-daumann.gif
| image = Fin_Daumann.png.png
| origin = {{House Link | Rheinland}}
| origin = {{House Link | Rheinland}}
| alignment = CORPORATION
| affiliation = [[Daumann Heavy Construction]]
| founding_date =  
| alignment = Corporation
| founding_date = 54 A.S
| dissolution_date =  
| dissolution_date =  
| leader =  
| leader = Rebecca Daumann
| founder =  
| founder = Alexander Daumann
| primary_role =  
| primary_role = Heavy Industries and manufacture
| secondary_role =  
| secondary_role = Take over Sirius Sector
| base = [[The Ring]], [[New Berlin]]
| base = [[The Ring]], [[New Berlin]]
'''Daumann Heavy Construction''' is the largest mining and manufacturing firm in [[Rheinland]] Producing both military and civillian ships, as well as weapons.
'''Daumann Heavy Construction''' is the largest mining and manufacturing firm in [[Rheinland]] Producing both military and civillian ships, personal weapons, equipment and processed products.
Daumann Heavy Construction is the largest mining and manufacturing firm in Rheinland. We used to be the only approved vendor for the military and police, we built their ships and we produced their equipment. During the 80-Years War, we enjoyed a position of utmost supremacy in the Rheinland corporate world. We were unchallenged for military contracts and controlled a fair portion of civil ones as well. However, the events at the end of the war splintered the entire infrastructure. Alongside internal troubles, Republican Shipping took an iron hold of the transport market, and Kruger shifted its operations to compete with us in the Omegas. While Kruger would never recover from its losses in the 80-Years War, they still remain a solid competitor. We went from a monopoly to a company struggling to retain previously unchallenged markets.
DHC was founded in year 54 A.S by Alexander Daumann, and has since then been the leading manufacturing and indsutrial firm in Rheinland. Today the corporation is led by Rebecca Daumann, and covers a very wide market, including mining and processing of industrial ore, construction of civilian and military ships, weaponry research and production and even processing industrial waste into fertilizers. Together with Republican Shipping as our main corporate ally, DHC still holds dominancy in most of Rheinland's industrial markets, and everyday looks to expand and increase the well being of Rheinland population.
On its eraly years, DHC was the sole researcher and producer of ships, from surveyors and the first Hegemon vessels, DHC was known for its production capabilities, quickly filling up the colonies warehouses with materials. The most famous explorers like Von-Rohe, came from Daumann and it was thanks to the combined efforts of the explorers and the corporation that Rheinland quickly developed a powerful fleet.
When Liberty was discovered, DHC was in charge of designing and producing the military warships, the first gunboat models and the first cruicers were Daumann's invention. Soon DHC turned its minerals into strong alloys to build ships, and developed weaponry and systems for the Imperial Fleet.
DHC has acquired several minor corporations to expand its market, an the members of the Daumann family have merged their own enterprises into the corporation. One of the big mergers came in the 7th century, when Henrik Daumann took ovr the corporation, merging his personal weapons company into what is known today as Daumann Arms Division. DHC quickly became the biggest arms manufacturing company in Rheinland.
While challenges present themselves at every turn, all is not lost. We will expand into new markets, and begin retaking businesses previously ours. We will reduce our reliance on Republican’s price-gouging, and make sure they do not run unchecked in the Rheinland trade market. As resources dwindle, we will continue to search for new mining fields. We will brave the dangers of the far Omegas and even the Omicrons if we must. We will retake our place as the only corporation Rheinland needs.
'''Our Goals:'''<br>
'''Our Goals:'''<br>
As the most powerful and important firm in Rheinland, it is our duty to maintain Rheinland's place in the Sirius economy. We will ensure that there is a constant supply of our products to be used at home and exported throughout the colonies, and to this end we will continue to expand into new mining fields. We will make jobs for the Rheinland people, and we will produce only the best products. We will never stop growing, and we will never stop providing our customers with the finest ships and weapons in all of Sirius.
As the most powerful and important firm in Rheinland, it is our duty to maintain Rheinland's place in the Sirius economy. We will ensure that there is a constant supply of our products to be used at home and exported throughout the colonies, and to this end we will continue to expand into new mining fields. We will make jobs for the Rheinland people, and we will produce only the best products. We will never stop growing, and we will never stop providing our customers with the finest ships and weapons in all of Sirius.
{| style="float: left; margin-bottom: 10px; width: 25%; border: 1px solid #dddddd;" cellpadding="3"
==Daumann Arms Division==
| style="text-align: center; font-size: larger; background: #339900; color: #ffffff;" |'''Allies'''
Daumann Arms is the main producer of personal weaponry, combat equipment, and combat vehicles of the corporation and Rheinland. Among the most famous weapons are the Daumann Shredder and the Solar flare grenade. In Nuremberg, D.A.D works closely with Republican to produce military vehicles.
| style="background: #f6f6f6;" | [[Rheinland Federal Police]]
==Kaufmann Interstellar Freight Company==
Kaufmann Interstellar was a medium freight company operating in Rheinland's core worlds. DHC initially bought them to depend less on Republican supply lines, so they could focus in the shipping of goods while DHC supplied its own bases. Eventually Kaufmann was completely absorbed and the freighters were retagged as DHC. Today Kaufmann the only Kaufmann vessel in existence is a security eagle in the Daumann Museum of Industry
| style="background: #f6f6f6;" | [[Rheinland Military]]
==Adler Private Security==
| style="background: #f6f6f6;" | [[Republican Shipping]]
Another forgotten firm, Adler was initially founded as a mercenary corporation during the turf wars of Omega space. Eventually after the turf wars ended and the mining groups came to agreements, most of the mercenaries were offered a job as DHC security pilots, while others decided to leave and find luck somewhere else in Sirius. Nowadays, Adler remains as a back up force in case of need, and several of the company's warehouses in Stuttgart are filled with Adler combat ships, mothballed and some, even brand new, packed up for an eventual conflict.
==West Rheinland Fleet==
The WRF was a joint project between DHC and Stuttgart local government to increase the security of West Rheinland. While officially the fleet was a provincial army, under the jurisdiction of the Stuttgart government and RMHC, it actually was a private army for the corporation, enforcing rheinland law in Omega space, and created to reinforce the Adler wings. Eventually, with the turf wars over, Adler dismantled and problems between the corporation and the government due to the influence DHC had over the fleet, the fleet was dismantled, and the bases in Stuttgart purchased by DHC and repurposed as warehouses to store the WRF and Adler ships. Today all of the WRF fighters and bombers remain stored, some even new straight from the production line, and the flagships were reassigned to the miltary reserves. Several WRF pilots were offered jobs as security pilots while others retired or joined the reserves.
==Daumann Indsutrial Research Facilities==
Holstein, owned by DHC has seen many independent firms rise just to be later bought by the corporation after most of the hard work is done, one of these firms, was Holstein Energy Corporation. Initially the firm was a conglomerate of energy corporations before DHC acquired Holstein. After the planet was bought, DHC injected investment capital to several corporations, including HEC. When the corporation grew it was acquired by DHC. HEC was not only dedicated to supplying power to the millions of families in the planet, but also research of new energy sources. Quickly the corporation started working on an old filed project, the Fulcrum Generator, which is nowadays, a ongoing project.
Two more victims of the Daumann obsession with market controls, Engel fertilizers, and Holstein Water Services. Engel fertilizers was an agricultural research and production company, who utilized industrial waste to produce fetilizers. It was merged into Daumann, who used Holstein as the dumpster of unusued materials and now instead, used the waste to make more products. Holstein Water services was a major company in Holstein, owning nearly 70% of the water supply business. WHS produced bottled water, processes salt water into fresh water, and supplied most industries and homes with tap water. With so many corporations the board of directors decided to merge all into one, and with so manny acronyms, they had no option but renaming the conglomerate DIRF. Today DIRF supplies the planet with energy and water, but also produces fertilizers, industrial research, industrial use water and processing, and supervises the terraforming project in planet Holstein. Together with the corporate government of Holstein(Being the planet private property, thus governed by DHC under Rheinland Law)are the first succesful corporatocracy in Sirius.
{| style="float: left; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 1em; width: 25%; border: 1px solid #dddddd;" cellpadding="3"
| style="text-align: center; font-size: larger; background: #990000; color: #ffff00;" |'''Enemies'''
| style="background: #f6f6f6;" | [[Unioners]]
| style="background: #f6f6f6;" | [[Corsairs]]
| style="background: #f6f6f6;" | [[Bundschuh]]
| style="background: #f6f6f6;" | [[Red Hessians]]
| style="background: #f6f6f6;" | [[Landwirtrechtbewegung]]
{| style="float: left; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 1em; width: 25%; border: 1px solid #dddddd;" cellpadding="3"
| style="text-align: center; font-size: larger; background: #990000; color: #ffffff;" |'''Hostile (Omegas)'''
| style="background: #f6f6f6;" | [[Independent Miners Guild]]
| style="background: #f6f6f6;" | [[Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing]]
| style="background: #f6f6f6;" | [[Civillian Miners (Miner IDed)]]
<br clear="left">
==Territorial hostilities==
==Department of Development==
The rich mining fields in the Omega systems has attracted an assorted group of workers, leading to territorial engagements between Daumann and what they call "Foreign Intruders". Omega 7 and Omega 11 systems are specially protected by the Patrol Wing; an elite force dedicated to keep the mining fields safe from intruders and allow only Rheinland coorporations to mine, being specially jealous of the Cobalt field near Briesen, some members of the Patrol Wing have been seen destroying IMG, miner IDed civillians, and the rare BMM miners. Even captains of the transport and mining wing and pilots of the standard escort wing attack these enemy miners without mercy. The territorial campaign has been so effective, that many miners prefer to leave the area when a DHC enters the system.
Development oversees mining operations, DIRF, DAD, the Nuremberg factorioes and the surveyor crews. It's main job is to ensure the constant advancement of the corporation production and the constant expansion into new territories, and new products to sell. The Mining Fleet  is under direct control of this department.
==Deparmtent of Commerce==
'''Mining Fleet'''
Commerce supervises the entire transport fleet, internal supply lines(Ex-Kaufmann Interstellar), and is in charge of deals with other corporations and the stability of the corporate bases and their constant supply. The transport fleet is under direct control of Commerce.
Dedicated to extract resources from asteroid fields, The mining fleet is is the corner stone for Daumann Heavy Construction, the resources extracted are then processed, refined, and used to build ships and weapons; without the mining fleet none of the products sold by Daumann could be done. Miner captains are highly experienced in the field, they are trained in the New Berlin simulator to withstand the harsh environment of the mining fields, specially the Omega 7 and 11, the jewels of of the coorporation.
DHC Naming convention states that all miners must follow the template "DHC-Miner-Name". The name being of a region or planet from Rheinland or ancient Germany.
==Department of Security==
'''Transport Fleet'''
Security is in charge of Daumann escorts and patrol wings. Aditionally it supervises the mercenary wings, bounty contracts and early warning systems in corporate bases. In the pas Security also oversaw Adler and WRF operations. Security also provides training to new pilots and constant supply of combat equipment.
Dedicated to hauling raw and processed materials alike; half of the fleet is dedicated enitrely to aid mining operations, while the other half is usedfor hauling components, and even completely finished vehicles and products; the fleet has been center of atention from the press due to the accusations of "profitting from war"; aiding both Kusari and Bretonia by delivering military vehicles.
DHC Naming convention states that all transports must follow the template "DHC-Transport-Name". The name being of a region or planet from Rheinland or ancient Germany.
=Daumann Landmarks=
'''Escort wing'''
The corporation takes advantage of its position to produce pro corporate proganda. By turning several of their unused buildings and building new projects, the corporation keeps a positive reputation among general population.
Considered part of the transport fleet, their main job is providing security to transport convoys, however they also escort miners when the patrol wing is not available; The wing uses the civillian line of fighters and bombers with whatever equipment they have in hand; some equipment is presumed to be smuggled from military installations, however this has never been proved, and DHC appeals to the fact that such equipment is produced by them.
==Daumann Mansion==
DHC Naming convention states that all escorts must follow the template "DHC-Escort-Lastname".
Located in New Berlin, the mansion is a landmark of great interest by tourists and residents alike. Centuries ago, it was a magnificent mansion located in a private island just outside the coast in the Government district; nowadays the water was replaced by artificial structures to support planetary expansion, and the island is now part of the mainland. The magnificent mansion is now a heavily fortified fortress, complete with underground bunkers, air defense systems, radars, and an entire regiment of Daumann security personnel stationed permanently inside the reinforced plating fortress. Inside the mansion lives the main branch of the Daumann Family, and a few members of the secondary branches, while most of the remaining family lives in Holstein and a lower number in Nuremberg.
'''Patrol Wing'''
Masked as part of the Mining fleet, the Patrol wing is an elite force of highly skilled pilots, supposedly in charge of defending the mining fields and the miners; however this is just a mask to hide the real intentions of the wing; defending Daumann's interests. This means that the wing keeps a constant patrol on the Omega 7 and 11 systems hunting any IMG, BMM or general miner, acting aggresively to force them out of the system, even if this means destroying them and their crews. The pilots of the wing do not fly under their names, but in codes assigned by the wing command, which are assigned randomly before each mission, this to keep anonimity and avoid personal misunderstandings. Despite being assigned to bases in O7 and O11 and specific mining fields, sometimes this wings are seen in other omegas frequently used by their objectives, prosecuting them and tearing their transports to pieces.
==The Dockports==
The dockports are the great hubs of the transport fleet and the escort wing. The huge privately owned "Airbases" are used for a variety of tasks; each one hosts a series of simulators to train new pilots and captains, and to examine their performance on the yearly performance examinations. A dockport is also the place where new crews are assigned, after passing the simulator tests. It works as a ship warehouse, where new and old ships alike are stored waiting for reassignment or decomission. One of these dockports houses "The prison", where captured pilots, mostly Hessians, are taken before being delivered directly to the Rheinland federal police or military. The Dockports are located at Hamburg, New Berlin and Holstein. The dockports are very secure and can host hundreds of ships and service dozens of them at a time. Truly they are landmarks on themselves and a mark of Rheinland's industrial might.
==Daumann Landmarks(Just for RP purposes)==
'''Daumann Mansion'''
Located in New Berlin, the mansion is a landmark of great interest by tourists and residents alike. Hundreds of years of history lie behind the reinforced plating walls and anti air defense systems of such a magnificent place. It has been target of revolutionary attacks and has survived, below lies a bunker with enough resources to accomodate the Daumann family for 5 years without resupplying, It is mainly used as a base of operations and company parties every now and then.
==Daumann Museum of Industry==
The mueseum of Industry is a huge museum located in New Berlin, which covers most of the corporate history of DHC; and the industrial history of Rheinland. The museum works as a main front for corporate propaganda.
'''The Dockports'''
The dockports are the great hubs of the transport fleet and the escort wing. These great planetary "Airbases" are used for a variety of tasks; each one hosts a series of Simulator to train new pilots and captains, and to examine their performance on the yearly performance examinations. A dockport is also the place where new crews are assigned, after passing the simulator tests. It works as a ship warehouse, where new and old ships alike are stored waiting for reassignment or decomission. One of these dockports houses "The prison", where captured pilots are taken before being delivered directly to the Rheinland federal police or military. The Dockports are located at Hamburg, New Berlin and Holstein.
=Ships used=
==Known Bases==
{{Ship List/begin}}
{{SL | [[Camara]] | Freighter | Camara-s.png}}
{{SL | [[Ragnar]] | Battlefreighter | Ragnar-s.png}}
{{Ship List/end}}
{{Ship List/begin}}
Light Fighters
{{SL | [[Surveyor]] | Primary Light Fighter | Dsy_miner_lf.png}}
{{SL | [[Griffin]] | Secondary Light Fighter | Cv_fighter.png}}
{{Ship List/end}}
{{Ship List/begin}}
Very Heavy Fighters
{{SL | [[Eagle]] | Primary VHF | Cv_vheavy_fighter.png}}
{{SL | [[Wraith]] | Secondary VHF | Rh_elite.png}}
{{Ship List/end}}
{{Ship List/begin}}
{{SL | [[Roc]] | Primary Bomber | Civbomb.png}}
{{SL | [[Bergelmir]] | Secondary Bomber | Rhbomb.png}}
{{SL | [[Arrastra]] | Auxiliary Bomber | Dsy_miner_shf.png}}
{{Ship List/end}}
{{Ship List/begin}}
Medium-sized combat vessels
{{SL | [[Ahoudori]] | Primary Gunboat | Dragongb.png}}
{{SL | [[Armored Transport]] | Light Anti-Snub Vessel | Transport_armored.png}}
{{Ship List/end}}
{{Ship List/begin}}
{{SL | [[Behemoth]] | Primary Basic Transport | Behemoth.png}}
{{SL | [[Heron]] | Secondary Basic Transport | Dsy_trainx2.png}}
{{SL | [[Uruz]] | Battletransport | Dsy_rh_c_trans.png}}
{{SL | [[Titanic]] | Heavy Tanker | Hvytanker.png}}
{{SL | [[Colossus]] | Rheinland Advanced Train | Rheinlandtrain.png}}
{{SL | [[Stork]] | Civilian Advanced Train | Dsy_trainx4.png}}
{{Ship List/end}}
{{Ship List/begin}}
Mining Ships
{{SL | [[Arrastra]] | Primary Miner | Dsy_miner_shf.png}}
{{SL | [[Hegemon]] | Secondary Miner | Dsy_mining.png}}
{{Ship List/end}}
{{Ship List/begin}}
Special Purpouse Ships
{{SL | [[Repair Ship]] | Technical Support Vessel | Repair.png}}
{{Ship List/end}}
=Known Bases=
*[[Planet Holstein]], [[Frankfurt]]
*[[Planet Holstein]], [[Frankfurt]]
*[[The Ring]], [[New Berlin]]
*[[The Ring]], [[New Berlin]]
Line 115: Line 146:
*[[Solarius Station]], [[Omega-11]]
*[[Solarius Station]], [[Omega-11]]
{{Faction Diplomacy/begin}}
{{FD | Profits| +1}}
{{FD | [[Republican Shipping]]| +0.9}}
{{FD | [[Rheinland Federal Police]]| +0.8}}
{{FD | [[Rheinland Military]]| +0.8}}
{{FD | [[Buro Der Marineintelligenz]]| +0.8}}
{{FD | [[Samura Industries]]| +0.7}}
{{FD | [[Kishiro Technologies]]| +0.5}}
{{FD | [[Bounty Hunters Guild]]| +0.5}}
{{FD | [[Interspace Commerce]]| +0.5}}
{{FD | [[Gas Miners Guild]]| +0.4}}
{{FD | [[EFL Oil & Machinery]]| +0.4}}
{{FD | [[Synth Foods, Inc.]]| +0.4}}
{{FD | [[Planetform, Inc.]]| +0.4}}
{{FD | [[Bretonia Police Authority]]| +0.3}}
{{FD | [[Bretonia Armed Forces]]| +0.3}}
{{FD | [[Kusari Exiles]]| +0.3}}
{{FD | [[Border World Exports]]| +0.3}}
{{FD | [[Kusari State Police]]| +0.3}}
{{FD | [[Kusari Naval Forces]]| +0.3}}
{{FD | [[Ageira Technologies]]| +0.3}}
{{FD | [[Deep Space Engineering]]| +0.3}}
{{FD | [[ALG Waste Disposal]]| +0.2}}
{{FD | [[Junkers]]| 0}}
{{FD | [[Zoners]]| 0}}
{{FD | [[The Order]]| 0}}
{{FD | [[Gateway Shipping]]| 0}}
{{FD | [[Cryer Pharmaceuticals]]| 0}}
{{FD | [[Orbital Spa & Cruise]]| 0}}
{{FD | [[Ile-de-France Shipping]]| 0}}
{{FD | [[Kruger Minerals]]| -0.2}}
{{FD | [[Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing]]| -0.29}}
{{FD | [[Hogosha]]| -0.29}}
{{FD | [[Colonial Republic]]| -0.3}}
{{FD | [[Independent Miners Guild]]| -0.3}}
{{FD | [[Mollys]]| -0.69}}
{{FD | [[Gaians]]| -0.69}}
{{FD | [[Farmers Alliance]]| -0.69}}
{{FD | [[Blood Dragons]]| -0.69}}
{{FD | [[Golden Chrysanthemums]]| -0.69}}
{{FD | [[Outcasts]]| -0.69}}
{{FD | [[Corsairs]]| -0.69}}
{{FD | [[Universal Shipping]]| -0.69}}
{{FD | [[Liberty Police Incorporated]]| -0.7}}
{{FD | [[Liberty Navy]]| -0.7}}
{{FD | [[Liberty Security Force]]| -0.7}}
{{FD | [[Sirius Coalition]]| -0.7}}
{{FD | [[Landwirtrechtbewegung]]| -0.7}}
{{FD | [[Unioners]]| -0.7}}
{{FD | [[Das Wilde]]| -0.89}}
{{FD | [[Nomads]]| -0.89}}
{{FD | [[Red Hessians]]| -1}}
{{Faction Diplomacy/end}}
*[[dgctopic:59272|Message Dump]]
*[[dgctopic:74589|Faction Status]]
[[Category: Rheinland]]
[[Category: Rheinland]]

Latest revision as of 02:20, 16 February 2013

This is a player faction. For the affiliated NPC faction, see Daumann Heavy Construction

Daumann Heavy Construction
Fin Daumann.png.png
Origin Flag-rheinland.png Rheinland
Affiliation Daumann Heavy Construction
Alignment Corporation
Date of founding 54 A.S A.S.
Founder(s) Alexander Daumann
Current leader(s) Rebecca Daumann
Base of operations The Ring, New Berlin
Primary role
Heavy Industries and manufacture
Secondary role
Take over Sirius Sector



Daumann Heavy Construction is the largest mining and manufacturing firm in Rheinland Producing both military and civillian ships, personal weapons, equipment and processed products.


DHC was founded in year 54 A.S by Alexander Daumann, and has since then been the leading manufacturing and indsutrial firm in Rheinland. Today the corporation is led by Rebecca Daumann, and covers a very wide market, including mining and processing of industrial ore, construction of civilian and military ships, weaponry research and production and even processing industrial waste into fertilizers. Together with Republican Shipping as our main corporate ally, DHC still holds dominancy in most of Rheinland's industrial markets, and everyday looks to expand and increase the well being of Rheinland population.

On its eraly years, DHC was the sole researcher and producer of ships, from surveyors and the first Hegemon vessels, DHC was known for its production capabilities, quickly filling up the colonies warehouses with materials. The most famous explorers like Von-Rohe, came from Daumann and it was thanks to the combined efforts of the explorers and the corporation that Rheinland quickly developed a powerful fleet.

When Liberty was discovered, DHC was in charge of designing and producing the military warships, the first gunboat models and the first cruicers were Daumann's invention. Soon DHC turned its minerals into strong alloys to build ships, and developed weaponry and systems for the Imperial Fleet.

DHC has acquired several minor corporations to expand its market, an the members of the Daumann family have merged their own enterprises into the corporation. One of the big mergers came in the 7th century, when Henrik Daumann took ovr the corporation, merging his personal weapons company into what is known today as Daumann Arms Division. DHC quickly became the biggest arms manufacturing company in Rheinland.

Our Goals:
As the most powerful and important firm in Rheinland, it is our duty to maintain Rheinland's place in the Sirius economy. We will ensure that there is a constant supply of our products to be used at home and exported throughout the colonies, and to this end we will continue to expand into new mining fields. We will make jobs for the Rheinland people, and we will produce only the best products. We will never stop growing, and we will never stop providing our customers with the finest ships and weapons in all of Sirius.


Daumann Arms Division

Daumann Arms is the main producer of personal weaponry, combat equipment, and combat vehicles of the corporation and Rheinland. Among the most famous weapons are the Daumann Shredder and the Solar flare grenade. In Nuremberg, D.A.D works closely with Republican to produce military vehicles.

Kaufmann Interstellar Freight Company

Kaufmann Interstellar was a medium freight company operating in Rheinland's core worlds. DHC initially bought them to depend less on Republican supply lines, so they could focus in the shipping of goods while DHC supplied its own bases. Eventually Kaufmann was completely absorbed and the freighters were retagged as DHC. Today Kaufmann the only Kaufmann vessel in existence is a security eagle in the Daumann Museum of Industry

Adler Private Security

Another forgotten firm, Adler was initially founded as a mercenary corporation during the turf wars of Omega space. Eventually after the turf wars ended and the mining groups came to agreements, most of the mercenaries were offered a job as DHC security pilots, while others decided to leave and find luck somewhere else in Sirius. Nowadays, Adler remains as a back up force in case of need, and several of the company's warehouses in Stuttgart are filled with Adler combat ships, mothballed and some, even brand new, packed up for an eventual conflict.

West Rheinland Fleet

The WRF was a joint project between DHC and Stuttgart local government to increase the security of West Rheinland. While officially the fleet was a provincial army, under the jurisdiction of the Stuttgart government and RMHC, it actually was a private army for the corporation, enforcing rheinland law in Omega space, and created to reinforce the Adler wings. Eventually, with the turf wars over, Adler dismantled and problems between the corporation and the government due to the influence DHC had over the fleet, the fleet was dismantled, and the bases in Stuttgart purchased by DHC and repurposed as warehouses to store the WRF and Adler ships. Today all of the WRF fighters and bombers remain stored, some even new straight from the production line, and the flagships were reassigned to the miltary reserves. Several WRF pilots were offered jobs as security pilots while others retired or joined the reserves.

Daumann Indsutrial Research Facilities

Holstein, owned by DHC has seen many independent firms rise just to be later bought by the corporation after most of the hard work is done, one of these firms, was Holstein Energy Corporation. Initially the firm was a conglomerate of energy corporations before DHC acquired Holstein. After the planet was bought, DHC injected investment capital to several corporations, including HEC. When the corporation grew it was acquired by DHC. HEC was not only dedicated to supplying power to the millions of families in the planet, but also research of new energy sources. Quickly the corporation started working on an old filed project, the Fulcrum Generator, which is nowadays, a ongoing project. Two more victims of the Daumann obsession with market controls, Engel fertilizers, and Holstein Water Services. Engel fertilizers was an agricultural research and production company, who utilized industrial waste to produce fetilizers. It was merged into Daumann, who used Holstein as the dumpster of unusued materials and now instead, used the waste to make more products. Holstein Water services was a major company in Holstein, owning nearly 70% of the water supply business. WHS produced bottled water, processes salt water into fresh water, and supplied most industries and homes with tap water. With so many corporations the board of directors decided to merge all into one, and with so manny acronyms, they had no option but renaming the conglomerate DIRF. Today DIRF supplies the planet with energy and water, but also produces fertilizers, industrial research, industrial use water and processing, and supervises the terraforming project in planet Holstein. Together with the corporate government of Holstein(Being the planet private property, thus governed by DHC under Rheinland Law)are the first succesful corporatocracy in Sirius.


Department of Development

Development oversees mining operations, DIRF, DAD, the Nuremberg factorioes and the surveyor crews. It's main job is to ensure the constant advancement of the corporation production and the constant expansion into new territories, and new products to sell. The Mining Fleet is under direct control of this department.

Deparmtent of Commerce

Commerce supervises the entire transport fleet, internal supply lines(Ex-Kaufmann Interstellar), and is in charge of deals with other corporations and the stability of the corporate bases and their constant supply. The transport fleet is under direct control of Commerce.

Department of Security

Security is in charge of Daumann escorts and patrol wings. Aditionally it supervises the mercenary wings, bounty contracts and early warning systems in corporate bases. In the pas Security also oversaw Adler and WRF operations. Security also provides training to new pilots and constant supply of combat equipment.

Daumann Landmarks

The corporation takes advantage of its position to produce pro corporate proganda. By turning several of their unused buildings and building new projects, the corporation keeps a positive reputation among general population.

Daumann Mansion

Located in New Berlin, the mansion is a landmark of great interest by tourists and residents alike. Centuries ago, it was a magnificent mansion located in a private island just outside the coast in the Government district; nowadays the water was replaced by artificial structures to support planetary expansion, and the island is now part of the mainland. The magnificent mansion is now a heavily fortified fortress, complete with underground bunkers, air defense systems, radars, and an entire regiment of Daumann security personnel stationed permanently inside the reinforced plating fortress. Inside the mansion lives the main branch of the Daumann Family, and a few members of the secondary branches, while most of the remaining family lives in Holstein and a lower number in Nuremberg.

The Dockports

The dockports are the great hubs of the transport fleet and the escort wing. The huge privately owned "Airbases" are used for a variety of tasks; each one hosts a series of simulators to train new pilots and captains, and to examine their performance on the yearly performance examinations. A dockport is also the place where new crews are assigned, after passing the simulator tests. It works as a ship warehouse, where new and old ships alike are stored waiting for reassignment or decomission. One of these dockports houses "The prison", where captured pilots, mostly Hessians, are taken before being delivered directly to the Rheinland federal police or military. The Dockports are located at Hamburg, New Berlin and Holstein. The dockports are very secure and can host hundreds of ships and service dozens of them at a time. Truly they are landmarks on themselves and a mark of Rheinland's industrial might.

Daumann Museum of Industry

The mueseum of Industry is a huge museum located in New Berlin, which covers most of the corporate history of DHC; and the industrial history of Rheinland. The museum works as a main front for corporate propaganda.

Ships used


Rh armored trans.png

Light Fighters

Dsy miner lf.png
Primary Light Fighter
Cv fighter.png
Secondary Light Fighter

Very Heavy Fighters

Cv vheavy fighter.png
Primary VHF
Rh elite.png
Secondary VHF


Primary Bomber
Secondary Bomber
Dsy miner shf.png
Auxiliary Bomber

Medium-sized combat vessels

Primary Gunboat
Transport armored.png
Armored Transport
Light Anti-Snub Vessel


Primary Basic Transport
Dsy trainx2.png
Secondary Basic Transport
Dsy rh c trans.png
Heavy Tanker
Rheinland Advanced Train
Dsy trainx4.png
Civilian Advanced Train

Mining Ships

Dsy miner shf.png
Primary Miner
Dsy mining.png
Secondary Miner

Special Purpouse Ships

Repair Ship
Technical Support Vessel

Known Bases


Faction Relationship
Republican Shipping
Rheinland Federal Police
Rheinland Military
Buro Der Marineintelligenz
Samura Industries
Kishiro Technologies
Bounty Hunters Guild
Interspace Commerce
Gas Miners Guild
EFL Oil & Machinery
Synth Foods, Inc.
Planetform, Inc.
Bretonia Police Authority
Bretonia Armed Forces
Kusari Exiles
Border World Exports
Kusari State Police
Kusari Naval Forces
Ageira Technologies
Deep Space Engineering
ALG Waste Disposal
The Order
Gateway Shipping
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Orbital Spa & Cruise
Ile-de-France Shipping
Kruger Minerals
Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing
Colonial Republic
Independent Miners Guild
Farmers Alliance
Blood Dragons
Golden Chrysanthemums
Universal Shipping
Liberty Police Incorporated
Liberty Navy
Liberty Security Force
Sirius Coalition
Das Wilde
Red Hessians
At War
