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{{FD | [[image:Zoners_Logo.png|19px]]Zoners Marisa Kita | 0.9}}
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{{FD | [[image:Zoners_Logo.png|19px]]IRG Dr. James Erzie |0.5}}
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{{FD | [[image:flag-liberty.png|19px]] LSF Eva Adenauer | 0.2}}
{{FD | [[image:flag-liberty.png|19px]] LSF Eva Adenauer | 0.2}}

Revision as of 16:32, 21 October 2017

This is a Player Character. For the userpage of the player of the same name, see here.

Nodoka Hanamura
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Origin Japan, Earth, Sol Sector (birth) / Freeport 11, Omnicron Delta, Contested Space (denizenship)
Occupation Freelancer
Gender Female
Height 170cm
Weight 80kg
Hair color Dark Purple
Eye color Blue
Affiliation Zoner-aligned, but not allegiant
Status Alive as of 824 A.S.
Born unknown

Nodoka Hanamura, Also known by her Ident Freelancer Mu 12-7 and her Nickname and Callsign Nikki is one of the few remaining pure earth Humans left in Sirius, those who were put into extended cryonic stasis following being loaded onto their respective sleeper ships, or found some form of biological cessation of aging. Following being unfrozen in the early 800s A.S., Nodoka was put into shock education - Meaning that she was taught all that was needed for her new life in Sirius, using the Neural Net Implant installed in Her brain. With this knowledge of the events that took place following the departure from Sol, she took to the stars as a freelancer, strongly opposing both the Slomon K'hara & their Infectees, as well as Gallia and Kusari's current governments. Nodoka is known to be a friendly and, at times - Seductive person, known for being able to use her body, as well as wit and charm to persuade others. She is also known to Manipulate the systems that are in Place in Sirius to her benefit, and to the benefit of those she cares about.

Not much is known about her past - Data regarding her lineage was apparently destroyed, and Nodoka refuses to discuss this with others - citing that "I'd like to begin anew in this vast world we call Sirius." Her nationality is legally Kusarian, however, she has informally renounced such citizenship due to her hostility towards the current Kusari Republic and their allies, Gallia.

Her self-alignment with the factions of Sirius is unconventional. She finds the Pre A.G.S Houses to be the future of Sirius alongside a reformed Gallia. She is not hostile towards most Gallian Citizens (in fact, she shows pity to them for having to deal with such a war-driven government), save for Gallian Nationalists. She is Hostile towards the Gallian Crown and Kusari's Government and it's subordinate Companies, Authorities and Military branches, due to Gallia's "Childish rivalry" regarding the Sabotage of their sleeper ship, and Kusari due to the government simply fanning the flames of Gallia's war effort. Nodoka shows extreme hostility towards the Slomon K'hara and their Infectees due to being a constant threat to Humanity. She looks up to past LSF Commander Jun'ko Zane and Bretonian Freelancer Edison Trent as Role Models - Fighting for the future of Humanity. She is generally hostile to unlawfuls, and, although their ideologies differ, has made peace with herself regarding The Core. She shows support to the Bundschuh, a populist Democratic Socialist entity who was actively responsible for purging Rheinland of the Slomon K'Hara influence in 800 A.S. as part of the Nomad War.

Her short term goals are to continue freelancing, however she has had plans to join Either the Council or the Crayter Republic Armed Forces, in the near future.

She is known to carry two ancient Firearms from her time on Earth, a Heavy .50AE Pistol and a Sleekly designed 9mm Sub Machine Gun. She also carries a Ageira-Detroit Munitions Proton Rifle to use against threats that are more immune to Ballistic weapons. Also versed in Pencak Silat and Systema, Nodoka is a well rounded individual when it comes to foot-mobile combat, be it ranged or CQC.

She has shown versatility in Space Combat, being able to handle most combat scenarios. She Specializes with Very Heavy Fighters, but sometimes will Deck out Frigates in a loadout befitting that of a Gunboat with what hardware is accessible to her, when she is feeling to mix both Tactical and Trading/Mining taskings.


After her departure from Kusari, Nodoka was without a credit to her name. Fleeing to Liberty in order to make some sort of money under the table mining, Nodoka came across the Orbital Spa and Cruise Liner Sasa, which was doing long hauls with other miners in Pennsylvania. Desperate for cash, Nodoka dove on the opportunity, making a large amount of credits in the process. She would eventually also meet Darwin Donovan Davidson, of the later ill-fated William-Mordhauser Distributing, only to never see him again. As her bank account swelled, her interest in continuing to mine deteriorated rapidly, eventually quitting her job as a miner, and proceeding to purchase her first three ships, the Pudica, the Navigium Ejus and the Konpaku.

First Contact

Following the uproar in conflict between Liberty's LSF and the Liberty Navy during the Harmony Scandal, Nodoka sought to leave Liberty for more calmer territory. On her way through Rheinland, Nodoka met with a Zoner, Marisa Kita. Following this, she tagged along with Marisa into Omega, then onto Omnicron Space, to the Zoner Planet Gran Canaria, then Onward to Freeport 11, Marisa's home. Afterwards, Marisa and Nodoka would test their luck and nearly risk their lives by flying deep into Slomon K'hara space, going so far as the Central parts of the Layer of the Nomad Dyson Sphere. Following their excusrion, Nodoka left for Freeport 11 with Marisa, and stayed on Freeport 11 for the remainder of that week. Over time, she would provide aid to the station, bringing in supplies and needed components to the remote Freeport, eventually gaining the trust of the populace. She would come to consider it her home in Sirius following her informal abandonment of her jus soli, Kusari.

The Homefront

Not long after the departure of Marisa Kita from Freeport 11 on a trade mission, Nodoka focused her attention on acting as acting in her best interests to aid both Freeport 11 and Sirius at large, through focusing on both Gallia and the Nomads, taking on several bounty missions by both the Core and Order to eliminate concentrations of Nomads in her home system, following the Battle of Freeport 11 in Mid-824 A.S.. Over time, as the Nomads slowly drew their attention away from Delta and to other objectives, Nodoka and her AI turned their gaze of malintent to the Gallic Crown, by getting in contact with The Council, and aiding them logistically through shipments to Planet Marne, risking their lives time and time again.

The Promise

Following obtaining a Hellhound Gunboat to add to her personal fleet, Nodoka had been asked by her AI for two robotic bodies for them to inhabit. Realizing that their efforts have for the most part for the time that she has been with them, has gone unrewarded, obliged, calling upon Ingennus Research Group to develop two near-human cybernetically enhanced bodies for them, as a token of appreciation to the two AI. Currently in Development, the both of them wait with bated breath to experience the physical world first hand.


Ships reported as Operational or under repairs will list their port of call.

Operational - Freeport 11
Operational - Freeport 11
Operational - Freeport 11
Bw vheavy fighter.png
Operational - Freeport 11
Operational - Freeport 11

Sub Characters

These are characters that are played by Nodoka Hanamura (Player), and are usually involved in over 75% of her Main Character's (Nodoka Hanamura, the Character) Roleplay. Due to their nature, they are placed here as their status is not suitable for a standalone page.


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Honya(Kusarian: ほにゃ - Bookshop) is a Artificial Intelligence created by the previous owner of Nodoka's Original ship, a IDC K-LF-337 "Stargazer" Light Fighter. Information about her creator was partially corrupted following a mid-air collision on New Tokyo. Honya, with what little she now knows about him, knows that he was a Otaku (Kusarian for Geek) that had worked for Kishiro. Honya was part of the "K-WA/11" Smart AI Framework project at Kishiro that her creator had developed. According to logs from the crash available from the KSP, the pilot had died on his way to work with Honya and the other K-WA/11 prototype, Pale Bride, in tow onboard his ship. Unbeknownst to the ship dealer that sold Nodoka the Refurbished ship, the AI were left in their slots.

Nodoka, after being discharged by Kishiro and given payment for research, and - after defacing Kishiro's Headquarters after learning of Kusari and Gallia's relations, purchased the ship carrying Honya and her contemporary for a estimated 68,000 credits, in a attempt to escape Kusari before she would be caught for her crimes. After reaching orbit, Honya and Pale Bride activated for the first time since the crash, and cut the engines, in a act of self-defense - concerned that Nodoka was a Samura Representative trying to steal Kishiro secrets. After getting an explanation from Nodoka that she was seeking to leave Kusari, and purchased the ship legally from a dealer. Honya, seeing that Nodoka meant no harm or malintent with her or Pale Bride, considered it best to stick with Nodoka, as she thought it best at the time.

Due to High GC and Blood Dragon Activity at the time, Police response was delayed, Allowing for Nodoka to purchase the ship and get as far as Shikoku before KSP ships intercepted her at Deshima Junction. Honya felt betrayed by seeing Nodoka as a Criminal in Kusari. She forced the ship to halt, and notified the Kusari Police that she would let them board the ship. Nodoka had pleaded to Honya, stating that she simply wanted to make her thoughts known to the world, and show a sign of resistance to Kusari, who had betrayed it's people and betrayed Sirius by working with Gallia. Honya, looking into the police Database for her APB, realized that Nodoka was speaking the truth, and sympathized with her act of non-violent rebellion. As a result, Honya signaled Pale Bride to Overcharge the Guns at the lead KSP Ship. A dangerous act, Pale Bride complied. The Overcharge blew out all of the onboard weaponry, but in the end, disabled the lead ship.

Following this act of Defiance, the KSP formation (what was capable to engage) followed Nodoka's ship as Honya send it fleeing into the Keiun cloud to escape. Adamant to escape by any means, and knowing the KSP would have the system's jump gates locked down, Started scanning for Anomalies in the Cloud, and found a Jump Hole to Galileo, and Navigated the ship towards it. Once they arrived in Galileo, Nodoka commended Honya for her actions and proposed to her and Pale Bride to act as partners. Honya went on to say one of the many age old sayings of Sirius - "Space is vast, and friends are too few and far between."

Honya's personality is Kind and friendly, but she is not afraid to be stern, even with her superiors, sometimes defying orders to do what she believes is best, something unbecoming of most civilized AI. She is known to have vast amounts of knowledge available to her, which garners her the nickname "bookworm" from Pale Bride. She considers Nodoka a Confidant and close friend, and is usually friendly towards humans that show kindness back to her or her owner. She shows concern to those who put themselves in danger, and puts herself before others, even other AI. Honya has been tasked as the Navigation, Intelligence and Tactical Advice AI for Nodoka's ship.

Honya was, surpisingly, in her Holographic form, similar to Nodoka in regards to body shape (except smaller, her chest smaller and body as a whole, less curved) and hair, although her hair is a darker purple, rather than a pale purple. Her face has a slightly Innocent connotation to it, and seems to be younger than Nodoka, Around 18 years old from the looks of her preferred body design.

Pale Bride

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Pale Bride is Nodoka's Second AI. She was created by a Kishiro AI technician who died in a accident onboard Nodoka's old Civilian Shuttle.

Pale Bride acts as a Fire Control System (FCS) AI for Nodoka's ship. Her Personality is friendly and comical, yet laced with cynicism. She enjoys a fierce battle, and is ready at a minute's notice to protect her Owner. Her Body is slender, with grey eyes and Long, jet black hair. She is commonly seen wearing a Blue and white Blazer and shirt and leather pants. Sometimes, she is even seen wearing a Earth Korean Hanbok.

She takes interest in warfare, as it is her specialty, however - She has slowly shown slightly less interest as time has gone on, mainly due to the fact that she seems tired of being cooped up inside of a ship, and it seems to be the only thing she does.

Pale Bride does know her limits, as evidenced in a skirmish with Liberty Rogue Gunboats that nearly podded the three of them, as well as a LCI pilot going by the callsign of Iota. Furthermore, she is prone to insult her enemies, one time calling a GRN Fighter pilot a "Cheese Eating Monkey".

Her goals are to eventually break free of being a mere AI, hoping to live a life amongst the humans in meatspace, as she calls the physical world. She spends her free time either sleeping or posting on the neural net, mostly on anonymous imageboards.


Person-based Alignments

Faction Relationship
Pale Bride
Zoners Logo.pngZoners Marisa Kita
Zoners Logo.pngIRG Dr. James Erzie
Donovan Darwin Davidson
Flag-liberty.png LSF Eva Adenauer
Ikn logo.png Curse

In the event a person is part of a branch of a certain organization that shares their logo with one or more factions, the associated faction's Ident will appear next to the Logo. (i.e. Flag-liberty.pngLSF for a member of the LSF, and Flag-liberty.pngLPI for a member of Liberty Police Inc.)

Personal Factional Alignments

Faction Alignment
Flag-liberty.pngWild Logo.png §Division 9
At War
IseijinFactionLogo.png §Aoi Iseijin
At War
Wild Logo.png §Das Wilde
At War
Flag-nomads3.png Nomads
At War
Flag-corsairs.png Corsairs
At War
Flag-outcasts.png Outcasts
At War
XenosLogo.png Xenos
At War
CoalitionArms.png ¤Coalition
At War
Flag-gallia.png Gallia
At War
Flag-kusari.png Kusari
At War
Hessianlogo.png Red Hessians
ChrysanthemumLogo.png The Chrysanthemums
RoguesLogo.png Liberty Rogues
CorseLogo.png ¤Unione Corse
KishiroLogo.png Kishiro Technologies
SamuraLogo.png Samura Industries
Fl-OR.png The Order
GaiansLogo.png Gaians
Flag-rheinland.png Rheinland
UnionerLogo.png ¤Unioners
HFskull.png ¤Hellfire Legion
BrigandsLogo.png Gallic Brigands
Awesome face.png §The A.D.M.I.N.S.
DragonsLogo.png Blood Dragons
Junkers Logo.png Junkers
Freelancer.png Freelancers
Flag-bretonia.png Bretonian Privateers
LH Logo.png Lane Hackers
Synth Logo.png Synth Foods
BhgLogo.png Bounty Hunters Guild
Marfly.png Artificial Intelligence
Core Logo Final 3 pixel expand resize box.png The Core
Flag-liberty.png Liberty Navy
Flag-liberty.png Liberty
Flag-liberty.png LSF
BundschuhLogo.png ¤Bundschuh
IC Logo.png Interspace
LWBLogo.png ¤Landwirtrechtbewegung
GmgLogo.png ¤Gas Miners Guild
ImgLogo.png IMG
OscLogo.png Orbital Spa & Cruise
Zoners Logo.png Ingennus Research Group
Flag-bretonia.png Bretonia
LogoAuxesia.png Battlegroup Auxesia
Ikn logo.png ¤Kusari Exiles
CouncilLogo.png The Council
Zoners Logo.png Zoners

* The above-listed standings indicate Nodoka's ideological (and possible sympathethic/experience-based) disposition towards these entities, and is not to be considered mutual. Due to this, certain Alignment states should be substituted. Please note that this chart does include groups Nodoka has not encountered. This is not to be considered meta-gaming, as this chart acts as a more straightlined way to see how Nodoka's Ideological views (and her past experiences and possible sympathy with certain groups.) align with most official (and some unofficial) factions.

¤ Nodoka has yet to encounter this faction, but has heard of it.

§ Nodoka has not encountered this faction.

Shown Status Actual Status
At War Strongly Ideologically Opposed
Hostile Ideologically Opposed
Unfriendly Ideologically Incompatible
Hostile-leaning Neutral Ideologically Different
Neutral Ideologically Irrelevant/Indifferent
Friendly-leaning Neutral Ideologically Similar
Friendly Ideologically Compatible
Allied Ideologically Aligned

Personal Attributes

Attribute Value Additional Notes
Health.png Health █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ - Healthy, save for her favoring Junk food over healthy foods.
Fitness.png Fitness █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ░ ░ ░ - Above Average.
Dexterity.png Dexterity █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ - Nimble
Strength.png Strength █ █ █ █ █ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ - Average
Martial Arts.png Martial Arts █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ░ ░ - Above Average in Pencak Silat and Systema
Firearms.png Firearms █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ░ ░ - Above Average with both Ballistic and Energy Weapons
Leadership.png Leadership █ █ █ █ █ █ ░ ░ ░ ░ - Capable Leader
Observation.png Observation █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ░ ░ ░ - Above Average
Self-control.png Self-control █ █ █ █ █ █ ░ ░ ░ ░ - Lustful and Irritable at times, but overall emotionally sound.
Charisma.PNG Charisma █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ - Utilizes her body and mental prowess, resulting in near excellent Charisma.