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This is a player faction. For the affiliated NPC faction, see Cryer Pharmaceuticals

Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Origin Flag-liberty.png Liberty
Affiliation Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Alignment Lawful/Corporation
Date of founding 330 A.S.
Founder(s) Maximillian Cryer
Current leader(s) CEO Timothy Cryer
Base of operations Planet Denver, Colorado
Primary role
To research and distribute pharmaceuticals
Secondary role
Profit and Market Dominance

Cryer Pharmaceuticals is a corporation headquartered in Liberty, developing and marketing a wide array of both commercially avaliable and restricted-class drugs.


Cryer Pharmaceuticals has a monopoly on the medical market in Sirius, all houses and some pirates are dependent upon them for medicines. With the intent of increasing profits dramatically they are now working on controversial research involving Cardamine, Nomads and Alien Organisms to create life-extending and recreational drugs.


Early History
Cryer Pharmaceuticals was founded by scientist Max Cryer in 330AS. The source of funding for this is unknown, although it is rumoured to come from profits gained by illegally placing addictive chemicals in medicines.

Max Cryer had developed a recreational drug from a combination of local plants and synthetic components; its effects were likened to those of an ancient drug from earth before the exodus, known only from old books and encyclopaedias. Two years later in 314AS Max Cryer started distributing it in pill form as an ordinary drug.

Shortly after this, in 320AS, Rheinland police found small quantities of this drug had been added to many medicines; after checking sales records it was found that in 316AS there was a 400-600% sales increase in many of these medicines compared to their records for 314AS. Max Cryer’s involvement was unproven. However because it showed an addictive nature, the synthetic drug was outlawed in all Houses.

Denver Research Institute
In 332AS the first Cryer research lab was built on planet Denver. Because of a lack of large-scale pharmaceutical suppliers Max Cryer used his billions to build a large factory and enjoyed instant success. Smaller pharmaceutical developers were absorbed or destroyed. Cryer had gained a monopoly on the market. This facility has grown larger since, and has become part of Denver University. Top-level students fight to come here for medical studies, as it is the most advanced medical education centre in Sirius.

Despite having a monopoly Cryer has kept their pharmaceutical prices low to avoid competition and to keep high sales.

Cambridge Research Station
In 642AS, because more people were traveling in space, many more pilots were working in zero gravity locations for long periods of time, where conventional medication wouldn’t work. In a joint program with the Cambridge Research Institute, Cryer Pharmaceuticals developed the Cambridge Research Station. The zero gravity production environment has enabled Cryer to develop many exotic drugs not creatable or usable planetside.

Advanced pharmaceutical research has now yielded an entirely new class of custom-tailored drugs. Using scanners and optronic computers, scientists can now determine the precise molecular structure required for drug to be most effective in treating a particular disease or affliction. The resulting drug is then assembled molecule by molecule from raw polymers; however, prototype drugs must be researched in zero-g to avoid the effects of gravitational pull, which could disturb the delicate process.

Also because of the Alien Import Prohibition Act of 500AS, in which importing Alien Organisms onto inhabited planets is illegal, this station enabled Cryer scientists to study the Organisms from the Edge Nebula.

Cryer often pays freelancers for Alien Organisms they have found on their travels. Research into nomadic entities is now also being conducted. Because of their different chemical structure and abilities, also their infective nature, Cryer is highly interested, however it has not got the vessels to obtain large quantities of these themselves.

Cardamine and Alien Organisms
At this time another drug started spreading across Sirius, known as the “Orange Dream.” Cardamine was much more addictive than any drug Cryer had produced. The Outcasts had been exposed to Cardamine for centuries. If Cryer could make a less dangerous version, which didn’t affect worker productivity; then they could then distribute a legal version to Sirius. If they could reproduce a less potent, more socially acceptable version then Cardamine addicts could switch to their product.

Aside from the narcotic powers of Cardamine, evidence shows it has anti-aging benefits. Cryer is trying to develop a drug that doubles the human lifespan two-fold; if they could manage it they would multiply their profits overnight. After research Cryer found that both Cardamine and Alien Organisms affect RNA and DNA in the same way - therefore the two must be linked.

Of course Cryer's efforts to adapt Cardamine have not gone unnoticed by the Outcasts. After many Cryer transports were destroyed in ‘smog alley’ - the tradelane between Leeds and the New London jump gate, the contract to bring Alien Organisms to Cambridge Research Station has been handed to Bowex. Once received they head straight to a secret laboratory where the scientists verify if its particular DNA strain has been previously characterized before releasing it to general researchers.

Atka Research Station
In 727AS the Atka Research Station was opened, for several reasons. The first being the proximity to planet Kurile, where there was an abundance of Alien Organisms. Cryer claims to be studying these, interested by their longevity-increasing and terraforming abilities. Samura generally collects these on the planet before transportation to Atka. It is a high-risk journey because of Outcast activity in the area. Robert Fitzgerald was attacked by Outcasts shortly after he left Kurile with a load of Alien Organisms. Atka picked up the distress signal but by the time fighters could scramble, the vessel had vanished into the mists of the Kunashir Cloud. Because Atka is constantly being attacked by Outcast forces Bounty Hunters are housed there to help protect the station and also acquire Outcast subjects for testing.

The second reason was to intercept passing Cardamine convoys; these fly close to Atka’s location, enabling bomber squadrons to fly sorties to obtain or destroy this cargo.

The third reason is that it is out of legal jurisdiction: Cryer's synthetic ‘marijuana’ product can be produced and distributed from here, and controversial human testing can be conducted away from disapproving eyes. As one scientist states: “We have to do distasteful things at times to provide Sirius with the finest in medical research.”


Faction Relationship
Liberty Police Incorporated
Liberty Security Force
Liberty Navy
Bounty Hunters Guild
Interspace Commerce
Universal Shipping
Ageira Technologies
Deep Space Engineering
Synth Foods, Inc.
Orbital Spa & Cruise
Bretonian Police Authority
Bretonian Armed Forces
Kusari State Police
Kusari Naval Forces
Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing
Kishiro Technologies
Border World Exports
Gateway Shipping
Independent Miners Guild
ALG Waste Disposal
Republican Shipping
Daumann Heavy Construction
Kruger Minerals
The Order
Rheinland Federal Police
Rheinland Military
Farmers Alliance
Liberty Rogues
Blood Dragons
Red Hessians
Lane Hackers
At War
At War
Golden Chrysanthemums
At War
The Wild
At War
At War

Owned Bases

Other bases occupied

See Also


Message Dump


Faction Status Post (#55)

External Links

Your Beauty System