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Xeno Alliance

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Xeno History

Xeno Alliance
Origin Liberty
Affiliation Xenos
Alignment Unlawful
Date of founding 590 A.S.
Founder(s) Leo Mathews

David Chambers

Nathan Williamson

Caeon Lewis

Current leader(s) Jonathon Jones
Base of operations Ouray Base, Colorado
Primary role
Disposing of any foreign influence in Liberty
Secondary role
Disrupting foreign trade in Liberty

The Xenos... Xeno, title branded to our movement long ago. Something which put our struggle and our ideology into a nice little box. Something you could look at and shake your head, or scorn over the evening news, as members of the aristocracy curse our names after another shipment of whatever fine trinket they were hoping from Kusari or some other damn place was denied them for but a day was pulled out from under their feet by some Xeno pilot risking all to pit his will against impossible odds.

The movement got its name in 600 A.S., but the origins of the movement can be traced along a series of profound incidents that took place throughout her history. The most noted of these are the double blow of the exhaustion of Colorado's natural resources and the great Texas incident of 500 AS. With Colorado's massive labor based economy barely sustaining itself upon a rapidly faltering practice of chemical remining Houston's own population was subject to Deep Space Engineering and Ageira Technologies both departing the planet, along with anyone who could afford to do so, leaving in their wake a population derived almost entirely of those impoverished to escape the sudden collapse of the economy.

This teeming population of the poor and disgruntled lead to the construction of Huntsville prison for the system's, and eventually Liberty's, hard cases in addition to the steady development of labor workcamps for the planet's ever increasing criminal populations. The rapid expansion of these camps at the exclusion of any other real development of sincere labor programs incensed many sectors of the local population, feeding into its own system of frustration and distrust. These were the days of the great trade embargoes between Liberty and her neighbors over Interspace's corporate greed, every home noticed how easily Liberty trembled when cut off from the goods of her neighbors, she having imprisoned the hands she might feed herself with.

Things came to a head in 590, when the last shipyard in Colorado was shut down in favor of Kusari business, removing one of the last major employers in the system. A number of violently incensed workers seized the station in a demonstration against the perceived callousness of the act. The minor rebellion was put down as quickly as it started and just as violently.

600 AS is when our kind first found the title Xeno adopted to them, as Colorado and Houston both fostered a new generation of those who felt their livelyhoods had been snatched from them in favor of cheap foreign competition. They nursed a hatred for both foreign entities in addition to the aristocracy of Liberty and the forces that toiled to preserve the status quo, the navy and police.

The police. The formation of the LPI is what truly galvanized our movement. The conversion of the labor camps that so many had come to know as a fact of life were revolutionized, brutalized, to turn a profit. Slag camps were raided for fresh bodies, those within society who had no advocates were certain to find themselves on the wrong end of petty infractions with hefty trials of service. The LPI were lauded for turning the idle of Liberty to honest work, turning a profit in consumer goods to tickle the fancy of the same foreigners who had stolen their livelyhoods, now were being amused by the produce of a virtually enslaved population.

Colorado, too, formed additional hotbeds as Denver was seized by the elite. Turning the planet away from dirty industry to serve instead as the latest world designed to cater to their particular tastes built upon the money gleaned from Ageira and Interspace Commerce interests. Those sects of the population whom were deemed undesirable were relocated and subject to the process of police oppression as their contemporaries in Houston.

As generations came and went the radical enclaves of dissident citizens caught in an endless cycle of hard time and hopelessness formed the early core of what was to become the modern face of the Xenos. Focused on settling blame upon the import of cheap foreign goods as being the root cause of the hardship of the Libertonian working class, those that could secure vessels began to prey upon transports moving goods through the California and Colorado systems, taking advantage of bases carved from the asteroids from which that their ancestors had once gleaned a living.

Subtle sponsorship was gained from Universal Shipping, to exchange for security of passage and to further their own ends of sabotaging the markets of their competitors, in addition to millions of grassroot supporters.

With each subsequent captured Xeno returned to Huntsville serving as another voice of the cause, and the youth of Houston and Denver rallying, the numbers of the Xenos continue to swell; outracing that of their closest rival, the Liberty Rogues, and granting the possibility of a greater edge against the Junkers.

Those who act against us enjoy rankling on what we lack. Our ramshackle vessels glean cries a plenty of duct tape. Our weapons gutted from the remnants of those we've torn asunder or bartered from Zoner merchants garner no end of scorn for their inelegance. But our lack is the fire that keeps our movement alive despite its short comings. When Liberty's trials evaporate so will we. That our numbers swell with each passing year fills my heart with sorrow, we are progressing but we are not winning. But progress is made. Our weapons are inelegant, our methods barbaric and we often venture towards the lanes in the heart of the most heavily armed nation in Sirius in ships that have lost their ability to hold atmo... Somehow to emerge time and again as victorious.

Xeno Alliance History

The Xeno Alliance was the handle of an inter faction group of like minded Squadron Commanders who elected to pool their limited resources in order to accomplish somewhat more substantial missions, forgoing the standard practice of restricting patrol groups to limited numbers to reduce overall losses. The Alliance was initially composed of the Serpentis and Colorado Blazer Wings; lead by Leo "Cobra" Mathews, David "Copperhead" Chambers, Nathan "Coachwhip" Williamson and Caeon "Fanatic" Lewis. The Colorado Blazers quickly went defunct following the impromptu arrest of Lewis shortly after the formation of the Alliance. While the Alliance now composed of the singular, that particular bit of information somehow didn't make its way up the chain of command allowing for the Serpentis wing to operate under far greater funding than she would normally have been afforded. By the time this revelation came to light the Wing had accomplished a significant number of victories against both military and civilian targets, making a name for the Xeno cause in the process with many significant victories. The funding was continued and the Wing was permitted to continue to grow. One of the more historical moments sparked into motion by the Alliance was the forming of a limited treaty alliance with the The Order. Securing the Xeno movement a source of substantial material backing and external support for the first time in her history.

Ranking System

Squadron Commander

The Squadron Commander is the most notable member of the Xeno Alliance. The Serpentis Wing is under his command, and the Xeno Alliance resources are placed under his command. The current Commander of the Xeno Alliance is Jonathon Jones, a former Ageira employee who's employment was terminated due to a foreign company worker taking his place.

Wing Leaders

Wing Leaders of the Xeno Alliance are squadron leaders, that lead raid and attack wings into battle. They report directly to the Commander and consult with him about their activities. There are rumors of an elite of the elite wing that dwells the corners of Refugio, the Raptor wing, that is under command by an unknown Wing Leader.

High Command

The Xeno High Command, along with the Commander is the authority that deals with diplomatic issues of the Xenos. All important issues are reviewed by the High Command, and a decision is brought after deliberation that is respected by the entire Xeno Alliance.


The Royals of the Xeno Alliance are Xenos hand picked by the Commander to spread the truth in Liberty. They are also tasked by the Commander to ensure a constant flow of new members to the Alliance.


Juveniles are members of the Xeno Alliance, usually tasked to patrol around bases, and to protect the home system of the Alliance, Tau 45.

Useable Ships and Equipment


Starblazer (Ames Research, Kepler)

Hawk (Beth station, Penn)

X-Shuttle (Gonzales Station, Tau-45)

Kiith LF (Beth station, Penn)

Eagle VHF (The Alamo, Tau-45)

Crow HF (The Alamo, Tau-45)

Griffin (The Alamo, Tau-45)

Roc Bomber (Refugio, Tau-45)

Waran Bomber (Gonzales Station, Tau-45)

Mining Ship (Refugio, Tau-45)

Spatial (Gonzales Station, Tau-45)


Kiith SHF (FP 4, Magellan)

Kingfisher (Manhattan, New York)

Generic Civilian Transports upon acceptance of request by the command folks.


Anything you can buy in Tau-45 or on Ames Research in Kepler.

All Debs (For sale on Ames research in Kepler).

Zone of Influence

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Staging Grounds

The main zone of influence of the Xenos, where we are most feared. In each of these systems the Xenos hold a base from which we launch our patrols.

Regulars Operations

This area is where the Xenos conduct regular operations, feel free to go amongst these systems. Destroy all hostile and unfriendly vessels.

Restricted Access

Traversing these areas is not recommended unless its an extreme circumstance. We don't want to lose any more of the precious little pilots we have left.


Faction Relationship
At War
Liberty Navy
At War
At War
Bounty Hunters Guild
At War
Liberty Rogues
At War
Lane Hackers
At War
At War
At War
Ageira Technologies
At War
At War
At War
Everyone else
At War

Members List

Squadron Commander

Jonathon "Death Adder" Jones - Tanker

Wing Leader

Special Advisors to Xeno High Command

Jack "Sidewinder" Tar - JihadJoe

Nathan "Coachwhip" Williamson - Reverend Del

Adam "Retribution" Greerson - Laowai

Glen "Falcon" Thacker - Capt.Henry Morgan

Johnathan "Condor" Hype - Sorcha


Jake "Desert Mojave" Cutter - Centauri5Pirate

Richard "Cobra" Steiner - Xelgion

Lincoln "Venom" Knoxx - Husker


Bob "Xenopeltis" Marrick - D56

Joseph "Taipan" Wolf - Aphil

Hoops "Fierce" McCann - Hoops McCann

Joseph "Krait" Johnson - Canasius

Didacus "Machete" Jules - Naukhel

Gary "Keelback" Baldy - GaryBaldy

Robert "Boomslang" Lee - Elsdragon

William "Pitviper" Roach - Will.Clayton

Ron "Garter" Fraiser - Markam

Tyler "Sunbeam" Durden - Enojado

Jerry "Cottonmouth" Dennison - McNeo

Gerard "Lancehead" Bernadotte - Bernadotte

Annette "Coral" Patrick - Penpen

Brandon "Python" Jones - randomguy64

Amy "Viper" Rodriguez - Pilgrimagey

See Also


Message Dump


Faction Status Post