- This is an NPC faction. For the rules for this particular faction, see Gallic Gendarmerie ID.
Gallic Gendarmerie
Confederacy of Gallia
Date of founding
84 A.S.
Base of operations
Primary role
Protecting Gallic space
Secondary role
Secure the new State
The Gallic Gendarmerie was founded of people from the former Gallic Royal Police after the end of the Gallic Kingdom. Today it is the primary law enforcement organization of the Gallic government and operates in every gallic system and most of systems bordering Gallic systems.
The Gallic Royal Police
In some of the more dangerous and remote systems, Police patrols are replaced with more experienced and better armed Royal Navy detachments. To the general public, however, the Gallic Police became a symbol of corruption and decay during the centuries of its existence. Journalists who tried to gather and publish accusatory reports on the Police were often found dead, or simply disappeared for good. In recent decades, the Crown announced a program of extirpating corruption from the Royal Police, and it did succeed on a limited basis. However, in space, where control is loose and mass media is not poking around, some Police pilots freely collaborate with criminals and are involved in a large array of illegal activities.
Fighters & Bombers
Transport Division
Known Bases
- Aubigny, Ile-de-France
- Compiegne Space Colony, Ile-de-France
- Dijon Station, Burgundy
- Fleury-Merogis Prison Station, Ile-de-France
- Fontainebleau Residence, Ile-de-France
- Gap Station, Dauphine
- Montmartre Space Colony, Ile-de-France
- Planet Amiens, Picardy
- Planet Blouis, Orleanais
- Planet Metz, Lorraine
- Planet Nevers, Burgundy
- Planet New Paris, Ile du Palais, Ile-de-France
- Planet New Paris, Saint-Denis, Ile-de-France
- Planet New Paris, Saint-Germain, Ile-de-France
- Planet Orleans, Orleanais
- Saint-Quentin Space Colony, Picardy
- Vandoeuvres Space Colony, Orleanais
- Vendome Residence, Orleanais
- Versailles Residence, Ile-de-France
Faction Relations