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Lutsa' grammar errors spits here an'ere. Fix 'em ye cow, or I'll be sure to take care of it myself with a Kitteh-Hammer. --[[User:Baphomet|Baphomet]] 02:53, 8 May 2011 (UTC)
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[[Category:The Order]]

Revision as of 02:53, 8 May 2011

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Lutsa' grammar errors spits here an'ere. Fix 'em ye cow, or I'll be sure to take care of it myself with a Kitteh-Hammer. --Baphomet 02:53, 8 May 2011 (UTC)

Michal Golanski
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Michal Golanski, Gran Canaria 818 A.S.
Origin Edge Worlds
Occupation Order High Command member, Wedjat Spymaster
Affiliation The Order, Zoners
Rank Rear Admiral
Status Active (819 A.S.)
Born 30th April 798 A.S., Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma
Feel free to kill me... many tried, everyone fallen. - Golanski to bounty hunters before battle.


Golanski is an Order Primary Fleet officer, former Zoner born on planet Crete in trade post belonging to his family. Recruited to Order by covert recruiter onboard Java Station. His duty in primary fleet began after the invitation from captain Eriksson Ravenov.

Early life and descendant

Golanski was sometimes mistaken as Corsair, due to the place from where he was born. But his parents were Zoners of not clear descendant, possible similar to East European colonists from the overloaded Hispania that later usualy mixed into other houses or SCRA. He spent his early life in Omicrons. He lived mainly on Freeport 9, being trained in piloting a fighter when he was 16. His life was hard as the Edge Worlds offer a relative safe following idea stay away from any troubles.

Freelancer career and Order

Freeport 9, to which station Golanski affilates himself to.

Finaly Omicrons were too small for him. In 817 A.S. after being captured by Das Wilde and by miracle avoiding infection, he decided to start a freelancer career in house core space. He piloted the Charon and the Kingfisher fighters keeping low profile. During his visit on Java Station he met an Order recruiter who took him to Omicron Minor. Under the callsign 'Omicron' he worked in secondary fleet, later under command of colonel Kell Tainer. Then he was introduced slowly to the inteligence division (Called the Wedjat), becoming a prospective operative. He signed up for primary fleet after his friend, Chris Leigh quickly reaching officer status in the fleet. He is very proud of it, soon joining science division when he heared that they need experienced pilot for research team, objective was secret but after the mission he stayed serving as liason officer and explorer.

In the fleet

Live in The Order changed him, but not many people remember or knows that. He slowly became more ambitious, xeno-phobic and mad as his wingmans describe him. He still keeps on good terms with Zoners, particulary The Omicroners and value independent groups like GMG. His aversion to house goverments is known but so far he didn't took any actions against with exception of his battles within Alaska system as part of respond missions concerning Liberty Navy and LSF hostilities in Omicron sector and open dissaprove of Kusari recent affairs. He is known to be loyal and friendly specialy to his crewmembers and officers serving together with him. His one of best actions included saving cruiser CV-Spectre from destruction due to massive Nomad assault, including two Nomad 'guardians'.

Rumours and facts

  • He is rumoured to be a agent who made accurate maps of Gallic Border Worlds. In fact that he dissapeared for some time but files are classified to this day.
  • Golanski was recruited to Order by lieutenant Matt Tucker.
  • He is sometimes mistaken as a Corsair due to his place of birth which was a coincidence.
  • His Karasu is modified and serviced by himself.

Career service record


Joined Order secondary fleet as operative. Assigned to CV-Sajuuk as pilot.


Duty as Preserver agent under command of Colonel Kell Tainer


Accepted into primary fleet as ensign. Assigned to CV-Isis as pilot.


Promoted to Lieutenant. Assigned to CV-Aresephes as blue wing leader.


Promoted to Commander. Assigned command of CV-Spectre.


Promoted to Captain. Assigned command of CV-Sajuuk.


Promoted to Major.


Promoted to Colonel.


Aquired "Spartan" callsign


Promoted to Commodore. Member of OHC


Rank restructurization, now Colonel in rank.


Promoted to Rear Admiral

Most known vessels

"Predator", an T-493-HF 'Karasu', Michal's primary fighter.

"Predator" - T-493-HF Karasu GMG Heavy Fighter.

Colonel Golanski fighter, aquired by his private deal with GMG and heavily modified in Evora shipyard this unique snubcraft serves as Golanski main fighter. Observing BHG fighters like Sea Serpent, nomad 'Labraid' type and increasing ammounts of Kusarian military grade ships getting in hands of infectees Golanski decided to find aproriate vessel to deal with situation. Karasu here came in handy. While delivering punch comparable to very heavy fighters, agility stands on level of some light fighters.

  • Loadout:
    • H16 "Reaper" Order Neutron Cannon Mk V x4
    • CP-e "Debilitator" Civilian Advanced Mk II Pulse Cannon x2
    • Starkiller torpedo launcher x1
    • HM-i "Ripper" Homing Mine Dropper x1
    • CM-4 Enhanced Countermeasure Dropper x1
"Morning star", an XB-2 'Havoc mk2', Michal's primary bomber.

"Morning star" - Havoc mk II - XB-2 Civilian Bomber

Serving Golanski from ensign days in primary fleet, that Havoc mark 2 seen a lot of battles. Ship itself was 'liberated' directly from Ageira, and is one of finest model of that production line. Golanski choosed that vessel over Sekhmet Order bombers due to increased agility and ability to fly vessel without co-pilot who's not always available, with maximum efficiency.

  • Loadout:
    • G2 LS92-1 "Lacerator" EMP Cannon x4
    • ANC-2 "Nova" Antimatter Torpedo Launcher x1
    • AN-3 "Supernova" Antimatter Cannon x1
    • MX-17 Nuclear Mine Dropper x1
    • CM-4 Enhanced Countermeasure Dropper x1
"Sajuuk", an CV-1 'Osiris', Michal's flagship.

"Sajuuk" - CV-1 Osiris Order battleship.

Constructed in early 817 A.S. Sajuuk is modified Osiris class battleship, with increased carrier capacity allowing to house two times more snubcrafts as normal osiris. Formerly under command of commander Lee Scott, Sajuuk was Golanski's first place of deployment and later was assigned to command that battleship itself. Equipped with advanced Order technology, still being uptated from time to time Sajuuk is one of most advanced warships still in service within Order fleet. Recently a identical to Sajuuk ship was built: CV-Hiigara commanded by captain Forge. Now those 'sister' ships roam Omicron sector together and are serious threat to everyone and everything that opposes Order.

  • Loadout:
    • GMG battleship primary turrets x11
    • "Mortar" artillery turret x1

Personal point of view

Faction Relationship Factions
Hellfire Legion
Blood Dragons
At War
Faction Relationship Individuals
Commodore Kell Tainer
Colonel Eriksson Ravenov
Captain Carmen Richards
Colonel Jeremy Hunter
Commander Rika Dimitrova
Vice Admiral Caja Collister
Colonel Dave Synk
Bo Keek
Georgi Dimitrov
Sequoia Hart
Christopher Dangen
Colonel Jack Aubrey
Fleet Admiral Julia Benford
Premier Alvin Katz
At War