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Gate/Lane Parts

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Revision as of 14:42, 28 December 2017 by Xiphos (talk | contribs)
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Gate/Lane Parts
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Cargo Space 5
Decay Rate no decay
Default Price 1,000

Gallic Jump Gates and Trade Lanes were developed by EFL and greatly improved travel throughout Gallia. While EFL handles the primary business, Solar Engineering is licensed to transport components, service existing installations, and even participate in manufacturing some components. EFL handles all new installations, and jealously guards the technological secrets that make the Gallic Gate and Lane networks function.


  • 1 unit of Gate / Trade Lane Parts takes up 5 units of space in your cargo hold.

Buy/Sell Locations

The following bases either sell the item, or buy the item at a non-default price (possibly lower).


The data listed on this page was generated from the default server configuration files on 28/12/2017. Server-side data may be changed on any server at any time, without any notice to the user community. The only authoritative source for in-game data is the game itself.