Official Player Factions

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Revision as of 09:59, 15 May 2008 by Nodwick (talk | contribs) (The LPI is not an official faction, according to the thread Igiss linked.)
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This page contains information about official player factions. For unofficial ones, see Player Groups.

General info, statistics, and links

  • Current # of Official Factions: 32
  • Pirate/Unlawful: 16
  • Military/Police/Lawful: 9
  • Corporate: 2
  • Other: 5

Faction info on Discovery forums:

Liberty Player Factions

Name Tag Affiliation Home system Description
Hellfire Legion [HF] Lane Hackers Vespucci System
Independents [IND] Interspace Commerce
King of Fighters KoF Universal Shipping
Lane Hackers LH Lane Hackers
Liberty Rogues LR Liberty Rogues
Liberty Security Force =LSF= Liberty Security Force
Southern Alliance [SA] Liberty Navy Virginia System
Xeno Alliance XA Xenos

Bretonia Player Factions

Name Tag Affiliation Home system Description
Nature's Last Hope NLH Gaians
Queen Carina's Royal Fleet QCR, QCO, QCP Bretonia Armed Forces / Mercenaries Consists of Queen Carina's Regulars (QCR), Queen Carina's Own (QCO) and Queen Carina's Privateers (QCP)
Union of Gold .:UOG:. Mollys Londonderry System

Kusari Player Factions

Name Tag Affiliation Home system Description
Black Dragon Society -{BD}- Hogosha
Golden Chrysanthemums [GC] Golden Chrysanthemums Tau-65 System
Kusari Naval Forces [KNF] Kusari Naval Forces Hiroshima System
Nova PowerGen (NovaPG) Blood Dragons Tau-63 System

Rheinland Player Factions

Name Tag Affiliation Home system Description
Red Hessian Army [RHA] Red Hessians
Republican Express Coproration RepEx- Republican Shipping
Rheinland Federal Police RFP Rheinland Police
Rheinland Military [RM] Rheinland Military Braunschweig System

Hispania Player Factions

Name Tag Affiliation Home system Description
The Blue Lotus Syndicate [BLS]- Outcasts Small Outcast faction dedicated to smuggling Cardmine from planet Malta, and fighting for freedom.
The Brotherhood [TBH] Corsairs
Corsair Benitez Family -Benitez Corsairs
Reapers of Sirius [RoS] Outcasts
The Outcast Guard [101st] Outcasts

Other Player Factions

Name Tag Affiliation Home system Description
Black Squadron Bs| The Order Omicron-100 System
Colonial Remnant =CR= Independent Miners Guild
Darkwing DW Mercenaries
Discovery Angels Organization [The_Angels] neutral
Jupiter Guild [\JG/] Mercenaries
The Keepers Keepers. Nomads
Mandalorian Mercenaries [M] Mercenaries Mercenary faction with a base of operations in New London.
Phantom Empire [Phantoms] Phantom Omicron-80 System
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army RA** (** replaced by ship class) Coalition Omega-52 System
Temporary Autonomous Zoners [TAZ], [~V~] Zoners Baffin System