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Crayter TEW-BT Turret

From Discovery Wiki
Revision as of 16:09, 10 December 2017 by Xiphos (talk | contribs) (Stats adjusted via FLStat. Availability: Copypaste from the edited Colonial gun)
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Colonial TEW-BT Turret
Gallia cannon.png
Energy Turret
Owner Faction Colonial Republic
Weapon Class Class 1 Turrets
Turret Rotation 90 deg/s
Cargo Space 0
Hit-Points 6,752
Price 173,350

This is a particle-based weapon which, though delivers significant damage at a decent fire rate, requires enormous amounts of energy. This weapon is most effective against graviton shields, and weakest against molecular shields.

Weapon Stats

  • Hull Damage: 930 /round (2,817.9 /sec)
    4.54:1 efficiency
  • Energy Damage: 465 /round (1,408.95 /sec)
    2.27:1 efficiency
  • Refire Rate: 3.03 /sec
  • Power Usage: 205 u/round (621.15 u/sec)
  • Damage Type: Particle

Energy Pulse Stats

  • Speed: 650 m/sec
  • Travel Range: 700 meters
  • Lifetime: 1.00 seconds

Projectile Image

Please upload the dsy_col_projf02.png file.

Buy/Sell Locations

The following bases are known to carry this item, although sales may be restricted to pilots with a high positive reputation.