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Joe Grant

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Joe Grant
Joe Grant in 814 AS
Origin Flag-bretonia.png Bretonia
Gender Male
Affiliation Bretonia Armed Forces
Convoy - Bretonian Merchant Navy Some weeks
Rank Petty Officer
Status Active (818 A.S.)
Born 20 May 785 A.S., Planet Leeds, Leeds
Died Still alive.

Joe Grant is flying a Shire and a Challenger for the Bretonian Merchant Navy, the Convoy.

Life Story

Joe Grant was born in 785 AS in Leeds at Planet Leeds.

There's not much known about his childhood at all. The last thing he remembers, were when he recieved the message, that his parents did both tragically died in the war against Kusari. They'd been Soldiers of the Bretonia Armed Forces and we're involved in a fight against the Kusari Naval Forces. Outnumbered, they'd found a fast dead.

From this day on. Joe swore himself, that he will serve his loved country as best as he can. In the end, the most important thing in the war is the supplies. Leeds, which was under continuing bombardment by the KNF was in need of high amounts of supplies, such as Military Vehicles, Nuclear Devices and so on. There are also a lot of Refugees which look for a better life far away from Leeds. In the late 818 AS, Joe joined a group, which calls themselfes, Convoy – Bretonian Merchant Navy. Beeing a sub-division of the [[BAF], serving for her majesty, Queen Carina 1th.

Activities and Zone of Operations

Since the Convoy provides supplies for the Bretonia Armed Forces, it needs to leave Bretonia. Actual partners for supplying the military are Liberty, which as Bretonia's ally is at the first position, and Rheinland, which can be entered, too.

For both houses, there are actual valid contracts, regarding the permission of foreign military warships operating as escorts in their space.

Rheinland permissions:

Oder Shipyard/The Ring, New Berlin

Planet Nuremberg, Munich - Sigma-13 Gate, Frankfurt

Bautzen Station, Dresden

• The space between, all signed by entering via Omega-3/ Omega-7

Liberty permissions:

Planet Pittsburgh, New York

Planet Denver, Colorado

Detroit Munitions

Philadelphia Station, Pennsylvania

Fort Severn, Ontario

• The space between, all signed by entering via Magellan / Cortez.

Gas Miners Guild Permissions:

Gas Miner Naha, Sigma-13

• the space between, all signed by entering via Frankfurt.


• Shire: Royal-58

• Challenger: Musket-18


Current ships:

Bret ctrans.png
Large Transport
Heavy Bomber

Current Equipment:



• 12x 4-9r "Splitter" Bretonia Tachyon Turret

External Equipment:

Enhanced Thruster
SG-lt Adv. Transport Graviton Shield

Internal Equipment:

Capital Ship Armor Upgrade Mk VIII
Advanced Cargo Scanner



• 4x G2 LS82-1 "Render" Energy Cannon
• 1x G2 LS82-2 "Render" Energy Turret
• 1x AN-3 "Supernova" Antimatter Cannon
• 1x ANC-2 "Nova" Antimatter Torpedo Launcher
• 1x CD98Rc Reinforced Cruise Disruptor

Combat Systems:

M485 "Screamer" Mine Dropper
CM-4 Enhanced Countermeasure Dropper

External Equipment:

Enhanced Thruster
SG-d2 "Advanced Protector" Freighter Graviton Shield

Internal Equipment:

Universal Armor Upgrade Mk VIII
Advanced Cargo Scanner

Current Status

His ship identifications:

• Shire: [Convoy].Torrey_Canyon

• Challenger: [Convoy].Canyon


Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Petty Officer


Faction Relationship
Bretonia Armed Forces
Borderworld Exports
Bretonia Corporations
Liberty Navy
Rheinland Military
Liberty Corporations
Rheinland Corporations
Foreign Criminals
Bretonian Criminals
Kusari Corporations
Kusari Naval Forces
At War
At War
At War

