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This wiki is closed in favour of the new wiki. Information shown is likely to be very out of date. |
A.S. - or AS. After Settlement (of Sirius)
A.G.S. - or AGS. After Gallic Settlement
AT - Armored Transport
"AI Consensus" - Artificial Intelligence Consensus
BAF - Bretonia Armed Forces
b/b, bots/bats - nanobots/shield batteries
BC - Battle Cruiser
BD - Blood Dragons.
BDM - Bureau der Marineintelligence, Rheinland's intelligence service.
BH/BHG' - Bounty Hunters Guild
BLS - Blue Lotus Syndicate, an Outcast player created faction based at the Omicron Alpha system.
Bots - nanobots
BPA - Bretonia Police Authority
BS/BB - Battleship
Buc/Bucs- Bretonian Buccaneers, Bretonia's generic pirate faction.
Bunboat - Bounty Hunter Gunboat
Bundies - Bundschuh
Bunter - Bounty Hunters
BWT - Border Worlds Transport
Cap/Capship - Capital ship (Gunboat, Cruiser, Battleship)
Capwhore - Reference to a player that will engage any player of any size with the largest available craft at their disposal without a second thought, though established capwhores normally do not break the rules of engagement. eg- Caps vs Traders.
Cat - Catamaran Kusari Bomber
CC - Cruiser
CD - Cruise Disruptors
Char(s) - Character(s)
Civ/Civvy - Civilian
CM - Countermeasures
CNS - Corsair Navy Ship, i.e. Legate
Codes - Usually very strong or otherwise special weapons which can only be looted from the permanent wrecks or bought from player weapon traders. Also: "Codies", "Code Weapons", and "Codenames".
CPS - Coalition People's Ship
CPW - Coalition People's Warship
CR - Colonial Republic
Dest/Dessie - Destroyer
Disco - Discovery Mod
Disco forums - The official community forum to the Discovery Mod, found at discoverygc.com.
Drift(ing) - Another term used for Engine Kill, a maneuver used in dogfighting and jousting
Duck - nickname for the Bretonia Challenger Bomber.
Duk - A shortened version of the nomad Marduk
EK - Engine Kill. A method used to preserve the kinetic energy to mimic Newtonian law. That means that the ship will continue to fly on it's vector (i.e. direction) when engine was killed.
EFL - EFL Oil and Machinery, One of the biggest corporation of Gallia,
F1 - Method of disconnected, reconnecting, or closing Freelancer. Also refers to a deliberate disconnection from the server to avoid being pirated, shot, or otherwise avoiding RP responsibilities. Against the server rules.
FA - Farmers Alliance.
FAM/FLAM - Freelancer Account Manager, a program made by Korrd to save and import/export accounts. FAM makes easy to have shared ships trhough shared accounts for clans.
Farming - Orbiting low level enemy base/planet, killing weak NPC ships and collecting pilots. It's frowned down upon.
FL - Freelancer (the game)
Flea - Starting ship, full name Starflea or Starflier, also known as annoying little bug from Sol-earth
form - Short for "Enter formation" or "Form Up"
formed - Short for "I have entered formation" or "Formed Up"
FP - Freeport
FR/Fr - Freighter
FTL - Faster Than Light
Ganking - Creating an unfair fight. Can be done via superior ship size or superior numbers.
Gazelling - A combination of small ship size, superior pilot ability (NPC and PC alike) and high ping rate can cause light fighters to jump back-and-forth erratically and be extremely difficult to hit.
GB - Gunboat
GC - Golden Chrysanthemums or Planet Gran Canaria (determine which from context)
Großadmiral - (translating in English to Grand Admiral) is the highest rank in the Rheinland Kriegsmarine. A Grossadmiral is equivalent to the currently-unoccupied rank of Gensui Taisho in the Kaigun or the rank of Fleet Admiral in the Liberty Navy and Bretonian Armed Forces. Großadmiräle command the Nordkriegsmarine or the Südkriegsmarine, and thus half of Rheinland's entire starfleet. Currently, both positions are occupied by Regie, Krieg, and Hiltraud Kaiser.
Gottkanzler - God-Chancellor, the way Rheinland citizens refer to the Chancellor of Rheinland (see KDGA)
GRN - Gallic Royal Navy
GRP - Gallic Royal Police
GS - Gunship
HF - Heavy fighter
HIKMS - His Imperial Kusari Majesty's Ship, e.g. Kusari Battleship
HL - Hellfire Legion
HMS - His/Her Majesty's Ship. Used in Bretonia to denote ships belonging to the navy, e.g. Bretonia Battleship
IC - Short for "in character". See also OOC. Also can stand for Interspace Commerce faction.
ID - Identification card. Identifies player's inclination/faction.
IFF - Identify Friend or Foe, i.e. one's tag and reputation.
Import - A ship model or faction from another science fiction universe, eg Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica or Homeworld. Import models were common in 4.84, and are gradually being phased out to be replaced with unique Discovery models.
IND - Independent Neuralnet Division.
Indie(s), Independent(s) - Players who carry out acts according to a role they play without belonging to a official faction, i.e. carrying a "Police" ID and scanning for contraband without being member of one of the Player Factions.
Ion Storm - Term used to describe server crashing and rebooting. It is also used to describe lag.
Jellies - Nomads.
JG - Jump gate connecting two systems.
JH - Jump hole connecting two systems.
Jousting - Head to head firefight. Usually ships move in more-less straight line towards each other shooting with all guns. They turn after each pass and repeat.
KDGA - Kirche des Grünen Adlers, translates to Church of the Green Eagle. Rheinland state religion, worships the Chancellor as a god.
Keiretsu - In corporate culture, keiretsu refers to a uniquely Japanese form of corporate organization. The keiretsu system is based on an intimate partnership between government and businesses. It can best be understood as the intricate web of relationships that links banks, manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors with the Japanese government. For more information see Keiretsu.
KNF - Kusari Naval Forces
KoS - Kill on sight
Kriegsmarine - German name for the Rheinland Navy.
LABC - Liberty Assault Battlecruiser.
Lawndart - Upholder.
LF - Light Fighter
LH - Lane Hackers. Computer nuts, these fellas will hack just about anything.
LL - Luxury Liner.
LNS - Liberty Navy Ship, e.g. Liberty Dreadnought
LNT - Liberty Navy Transport, e.g. Armored Transport
Lolwutter/Lulwutter - A player who does not bother with proper roleplay, goes out of character and uses chatspeak. Held in very low esteem by other players.
LPI - Liberty Police Incorporated, a corporation working for the Libertonian government that profits off the fining or imprisonment of law breakers.
LR - Liberty Rogues, the stereotypical pirates based in Liberty.
Lunchbox/Handbag - the 4.84 Corsair Gunboat.
Merc - Mercenary.
Metagaming - Gaining knowledge outside the scope of the game, such as through forum posts or Skype chat, and then acting on the knowledge which the person's character would not normally be privy to. Considered OOC behavior and strongly frowned upon, and against the rules (though hard to report).
MNS - Maltese (i.e. Outcast) Navy Ship. E.g. Outcast Battleship
MR - Mini Razor or Molly Republic (dissolved faction)
MIA - Missing In Action. A person or ship that has gone missing while on active duty. Generally implies that they are dead/destroyed or captured.
NB, nanos - Nanobots, items used to repair hull damage. Can also mean the New Berlin system
NFZ - No-Fire Zone of 5k around Freeports put in effect by Zoners
NL - New London system
NLH - Nature's Last Hope, a Gaians player faction
Nommie(s)/Noms - Nomads
NPC - Non Player Character, i.e. a ship controlled by the game's AI.
NT - New Tokyo system
NY - New York system
OC - Outcast Drug addicted pirate nutsos. Known to fly a really dangerous ship, the Sabre.
OCV - Order Capital Vessel. This is the game tag for The Order caps. Used by both indies and the Order|.
OOC - Out Of Character. Expressing oneself in a manner not suitable for roleplay on the server. Should be avoided if not necessary. The commonly used notation for something which is OOC is "//" (//Please do not re-engage). OORP, Out Of RolePlay, is also a term used for this.
OORP - out of role play. See RP.
OSC or OS&C - Orbital Spa and Cruise.
PC - Player Character, i.e. your or another player's ship.
Perishable - Items listed as Perishable and Highly Perishable degrade over time. If you are carrying these items you will notice a slowly decreasing bar under the icon. This shows the spoilage of one unit of cargo. When the bar reaches zero one unit will be deducted from your cargo and the bar will fill again for the next unit of cargo. During a normal run (For example New London to Denver or Kurile to Cambridge) you can expect to lose about 10 units of cargo depending on trade lane disruptions and your docking quickness. The number lost is not based on your cargo size. Losing 10 cargo out of 80 might not be worth it, but losing 10 out of 5000 is negligible.
Powergaming - The use of exploits, loopholes, borderline RP behavior, or roleplaying another player's character without consent to gain advantage over other players. Extremely frowned upon.
Powertrading - Related to powergaming, the practice of repeatedly performing a trade run for profit rather than roleplaying reasons, and not responding to any RP by other players (pirates, other traders, etc.). A person who does this is a 'powertrader'. Not against the rules, but bad form.
PvP - Player versus player combat.
PVP Whore - Refers to a player who's near soul purpose in the game environment is the uberpwn destruction of other players.
Red Cat - Red Catamaran Blood Dragon Bomber
Regens - Shield batteries and nanobots.
Rep - Reputation. Indicates the attitude towards the other factions. Scales from hostile to neutral to friendly.
Rep fixing - Changing oneself's reputation toward a NPC faction to fit one's character concept or to get a certain tag.
Rep hack - Regards to the reputations that can not be changed, or are set to a certain value after a specific event. i.e. putting on a pirate ID will make police hate you until you swap out the ID. Then you must still fix your rep.
RFP - Rheinland Federal Police
RH - Rheinland/Red Hessians. Latter is more common.
RHA - Red Hessian Army. player created faction.
RM - Rheinland Military.
RNC - Rheinland Navy Cruiser or Rheinland Navy Capital ships, e.g. Rheinland Battleship. This is the game tag for Rheinland Military caps. Used by both indies and the RM.
RNS - Royal Navy Ship, used by the gallic royal navy to indentify Capital class ships,
RP - Roleplay. Acting and conducting oneself in a manner that fits the player's current status and his factions modus operandi.
RT - Raven's Talon "Elite" VHF
Run - Trade run from point A to point B and back.
Sairs - Corsairs
Sanctionlancer - A term used to describe the act of posting sanctions on a hair trigger instead of an attempt at reason, or just letting the incident slide.
SCRA - Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
S/D - Search/Destroy Agency or Strontium Dogs, a (now defunct) player Bounty Hunters Guild faction
SF/Starflea - Starflier
Shield camping - Trying to dodge when you lose shields in a battle so you don't lose your hull. Once you get your shield back, you continue with the attack. It is considered 'unfair' by some, but is in fact a legal and commonly used strategy.
Shieldrunning - Shieldrunning is when a ship cruises away to recharge shields, then reengages with his shield and hull at full strength. Due to cruise drain, nowadays we call shieldrunning the act of dodging mindlessly without attacking every time your shield goes down. It's usually a QQ from people who can't hit a running target.
Sirian - Person who lives in sirius but outside Gallia, Only Gallic citizens use this term to define people from outside Gallia
SHF - Super heavy fighter
SLF - Super light fighter; Interceptor class
SN - Supernova Antimatter Cannon
SNAC - Supernova Antimatter Cannon
SNACCED/Snacced - getting shot by/killed by a hit of the Supernova Antimatter Cannon
SP - Freelancer's Single Player mode
SRD - Sirius Research and Development
SRP - Special Roleplay Request. Needed to be filed to the forums to play with an unusual ship/ID/weapons combination. More info here
Squids/squishies - Nomads
Speed docking - Cruising or thrusting very close (usually 100m or so) to trade lane ring, docking ring or station hangars and pressing F3 which initiates the docking cut-scene (you are immune to fire if you are docking a planet or station). Some consider it oorp since it leaves very little time scan the cargo for example for lawfuls to scan the ship for contraband.
Screen, SS - Screenshot
Tag or Player Faction Tag - prefix or affix used to indicate player's NPC faction. See also: "Clan Tag".
TCD - Train Cruise Disruptor
Tech Chart or Guidelines for Technology Usage - A component of the rules that determines what guns and ships any player may use as determined by their ID.
The Angels - Discovery Angels Organization, a player created faction helping new players and Veterans alike. Can usually be found in New York system, and are expanding to cover all of the major houses.
TL - Trade Lane
Toaster - nickname for Harvesters
Torp(s) - Torpedoes
TR, Tr - Transport
USI - Universal Shipping Incorporated: a Liberty Corporation based at Trenton Outpost in the New York system.
VF - Volksfront player created faction (Bundschuh)
VHF - Very heavy fighter
Whale - One of two ships; either the Kujira - T-482-T GMG Transport or the ZBT-100Z 2 - Zoner Borderworld Transport
Xeener - A nickname for Xenos.
ZBT - Zoner Border Worlds Transport
ZOI - Zone Of Interest (also known as Zone of Influence, Area of Interest/Influence) A collection of systems where a faction's presence is acceptable in their normal role play.
ZOO - Zone of Operations, See Zone Of Interest
Z-whale - See ZBT