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Revision as of 20:27, 3 June 2018 by Xiphos (talk | contribs) (NPC Pilots cargo space oversights fixed)
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This article has not been verified to be up to date for the latest version of the Discovery mod. The last edit was made on 03.06.2018 (DD/MM/YYYY). You may help by updating it, often by using the code generator.

This is a list of all items that can be bought and/or sold in the Discovery universe, excluding ship equipment.

Items marked as contraband are prohibited by one or more house Police factions, and may result in your ship being marked as hostile. Refer to the House Laws for more information about prohibited items.


Name Default
Mineable Flag-liberty.png Flag-bretonia.png Flag-rheinland.png Flag-kusari.png Flag-gallia.png
Ablative Armor Plating $500 1 0
Alien Organisms $100 1 1 Yes
Aluminium $100 1 0
Ageira White Boxes $5000 1 0
APM Advanced Hardware $1000 1 0
Artifacts $500 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Basic Alloy $200 1 0
Beryllium $100 1 0
Bio-Neural Processors $250 1 0
Bio-Stability Monitors $200 1 0
Black Market Light Arms $250 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes|
Black Market Munitions $250 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes|
Blood Diamonds $250 1 0 Yes
Blue Diamonds $500 1 0
Blue Jillies $100 1 0
Boron $100 1 0
Cardamine $500 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes|
Cigars $500 1 0
Cobalt $100 1 0
Consumer Goods $50 1 0
Copper $100 1 0
Counterfeit Software $200 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cracking Catalysts $100 1 0
Cryocubes $250 1 0
Deuterium $500 1 0
Diamonds $250 1 0
Drill Bits $100 1 0
DT Fuel $419 1 0
Elixirs $500 1 0
Energy Field Equipment $200 1 0
Engine Components $500 1 0
Fertilizers $100 1 0
FloraGro $250 1 0
Fluorine $100 1 0
Food Rations $50 1 0
Furs $500 1 0
Gadolinium $100 1 0
Gaian Wildlife $1000 4 0 Yes Yes
Gate/Lane Parts $1000 5 0
Gin $100 1 0
Gold $250 1 0
H-Fuel $100 1 0
HazMat Canisters $100 1 0
Helium $50 1 0 Yes
High-Temperature Alloy $200 1 0
Holmium $100 1 0
Holo-Tainment Bands $250 1 0
Holosculptures $500 1 0
Human Organs $500 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hydrocarbons $100 1 0
Hydrogen Cyanide $200 1 0 Yes
HydroGro $250 1 0
Hypnotainment Bands $250 1 0 Yes Yes
Industrial Materials $200 1 0
Ingenuus Power Cell $100000 1 0
Iridium $500 1 0 Yes
Junyo Fire Pearls $2500 1 0
Kemwer Munitions $1500 1 0
Kyushu Rice $100 1 0
Lanthanum $100 1 0
Lasers $200 1 0
Leather $499 1 0
Liberty Ale $100 1 0
Light Arms $100 1 0
Liquefied Petroleum Gas $200 1 0
Liquid Cardamine $2000 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Luxury Consumer Goods $250 1 0
Luxury Food $250 1 1
Magnets $200 1 0
Manifolds $100 1 0
Med-Stasis Bands $200 1 0
Military Vehicles (Liberty) $1000 5 0
Military Vehicles (Rheinland) $1000 5 0
Mining Machinery $100 1 0
Mobile Medical Unit $100000 2 0
Molybdenum $100 1 0
MOX $250 1 1
Munitions $500 1 0
Nanocapacitors $250 1 0
Nanotubes $200 1 0
Neodymium $100 1 0
Neon $100 1 0
Nickel $100 1 0
Niobium $250 1 0
Nomad Power Cell $4000000 1 0
Nox $1000 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Nuclear Devices $1000 2 0 Yes Yes Yes
Oil $20 1 0
Optical Chips $200 1 0
Optronics $250 1 0
Oxygen $10 1 0 Yes
Palladium $200 1 0
Pearls $500 1 0
Petrochemicals $200 1 0
Pharmaceuticals $100 1 0
Pineal Amulets $100 1 0
Plastics $200 1 0
Platinum $250 1 0
Plutonium $500 1 0
Polymers $200 1 0
Promethene $500 1 0
Prometheum $1000 1 0
Propaganda $10000 1 0
Quantum Multiplexors $500 1 0
Reconnaissance Module $100000 2 0
Research Corps $100000 2 0
Rheinbier $100 1 0
RoboCultivars $500 1 0
Robotics $100 1 0
Rum $100 1 0
Sake $100 1 0
Samarium $100 1 0
Scrap Metal $5 1 0 Yes
Shape-memory Alloy $200 1 0
Ship Hull Panels $100 1 0
Ship Hull Panels (Gallia) $100 1 0
Side Arms $100 1 0
Silver $100 1 0
Solar Panels $200 1 0
Sorted Artifacts $1000 1 0 Yes Yes Yes
Stabiline $200 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sunbucks Coffee and Donuts $50 1 0
Super Alloy $100 1 0
Superconductors $100 1 0
Survey Team $100000 2 0
Synth Gel $200 1 0
Synth Paste $10 1 0
Synthetic Marijuana $200 1 0 Yes Yes Yes
Tantalum $100 1 0
Tea $500 1 0
Tellurium $100 1 0
Terraforming Gases $100 1 0
Thorium MOX $250 1 1
Titanium $100 1 0
Tobacco $100 1 0
Toxic Waste $10 1 0 Yes
Tungsten $200 1 0
Ultralloy $200 1 0
Vanadium $100 1 0
Vodka $200 1 0
Volgograd Ordinance $1500 1 0
Water $30 1 0 Yes
Whiskey $200 1 0
Wine $250 1 0
Xenobiotic Filters $250 1 0
Yttrium $100 1 0
Zinc $100 1 0


Liberty Laws
Bretonia Laws
Rheinland Laws
Kusari Laws
Gallic Laws
Name Default
Mineable Flag-liberty.png Flag-bretonia.png Flag-rheinland.png Flag-kusari.png Flag-gallia.png
Artifacts $500 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Black Market Munitions $250 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Black Market Munitions Rheinland $250 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Blood Diamonds $250 1 0 Yes
Cardamine $500 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Counterfeit Software $200 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gaian Wildlife $1000 4 0 Yes Yes
Human Organs $500 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hypnotainment Bands $250 1 0 Yes Yes
Hydrogen Cyanide $200 1 0 Yes
Liquid Cardamine $2000 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Nuclear Devices $1000 2 0 Yes Yes Yes
Slaves $500 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sorted Artifacts $1000 1 0 Yes Yes Yes
Stabiline $200 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Synthetic Marijuana $200 1 0 Yes Yes Yes

Human Cargo

Name Default
Mineable Flag-liberty.png Flag-bretonia.png Flag-rheinland.png Flag-kusari.png Flag-gallia.png
Ambassadors $500 1 0
Arbiters $500 1 0
Casualties $500 1 0
Colonists $100 1 0
Courtiers $1000 1 0
Crew $2000 1 0
Criminals $500 1 0
Criminals-Bounty Hunters Guild $500 1 0
Criminals-Liberty $500 1 0
Diplomats $1000 1 0
Emissaries $1000 1 0
Envoys $1000 1 0
Excursionists $1000 1 0
Exotic Entertainers $50000 5 0
Fugitives $500 1 0
Homesteaders $1000 1 0
Marines $500 1 0
Passengers (Bretonia) $500 1 0
Passengers (Gallia) $500 1 0
Passengers (Generic) $1000 2 0
Passengers (Kusari) $500 1 0
Passengers (Liberty) $500 1 0
Passengers (Rheinland) $500 1 0
Passengers (Zoners) $500 1 0
Pilgrims $1000 1 0
Pioneers $100 1 0
Prisoners (Generic) $500 1 0
Prisoners (Liberty) $500 1 0
Refugees $1000 1 0
Royal Marines $500 2 0
Scientists $500 2 0
Settlers $1000 1 0
Sightseers $1000 1 0
Slaves $500 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Socialites $1000 1 0
Tourists $500 2 0
Travelers $1000 1 0
Vacationers $500 2 0
VIPs $2500 5 0

Mineable Commodities

Name Default
Mineable Flag-liberty.png Flag-bretonia.png Flag-rheinland.png Flag-kusari.png Flag-gallia.png
Aluminium Ore $250 1 0 Yes
Azurite Gas $250 1 0 Yes
Beryllium Ore $250 1 0 Yes
Cobalt Ore $250 1 0 Yes
Copper Ore $250 1 0 Yes
Cryo Organisms $250 1 0 Yes
Gold Ore $250 1 0 Yes
Helium $250 1 0 Yes
Helium-3 $250 1 0 Yes
Iridium Ore $250 1 0 Yes
Military Salvage $200 1 0 Yes True
Niobium Ore $250 1 0 Yes
Platinum Ore $250 1 0 Yes
Platinum-198 Ore $250 1 0 Yes
Premium Scrap $250 1 0 Yes
Raw Hydrocarbons $250 1 0 Yes
Silver Ore $250 1 0 Yes
Uncut Diamonds $250 1 0 Yes
Xeno Relics $250 1 0 Yes

Player Base Materials

Name Default
Mineable Flag-liberty.png Flag-bretonia.png Flag-rheinland.png Flag-kusari.png Flag-gallia.png
Argentium Silver $200 1 0
Armaments $500 1 0
Bio-Neural Arrays $300 1 0
Critical Temperature Alloy $300 1 0
Fusion diodes $1000 1 0
Gravity Field Stabilizers $5000 1 0
Heat Sinks $500 1 0
High Performance Alloy $300 1 0
Hull Segments $200 2 0
Industrial Hardware $200 1 0
Magnetic Superconductors $350 1 0
Nanomembrane Filters $250 1 0
Optronic Arrays $350 1 0
PlasFoam Conduits $250 1 0
Plasmonic Metamaterials $500 1 0
Quantum Arrays $750 1 0
Reinforced Alloy $250 1 0
Robotic Hardware $250 1 0

NPC Pilots

Name Default
Mineable Flag-liberty.png Flag-bretonia.png Flag-rheinland.png Flag-kusari.png Flag-gallia.png
Blood Dragon $3500 1 0 Yes
Bounty Hunter Pilot $3500 1 0
Bretonia Armed Forces Pilot $5000 1 0 Yes
Bretonia Police Pilot $5000 1 0 Yes
Bundschuh Pilot $2500 1 0 Yes
Civilian Pilot $2500 1 0
Corsair Pilot $4500 1 0
Council Pilot $2500 1 0 Yes
Cruiser Commander (Liberty) $50000 4 0 Yes
Cruiser Commander (Bretonia) $50000 4 0 Yes
Cruiser Commander (Rheinland) $50000 4 0 Yes
Cruiser Commander (Kusari) $50000 4 0 Yes
Cruiser Commander (Gallia) $50000 4 0 Yes
Farmers Alliance Pilot $2500 1 0 Yes
Fleet Admiral (Liberty) $100000 8 0 Yes
Fleet Admiral (Bretonia) $100000 8 0 Yes
Fleet Admiral (Rheinland) $50000 8 0 Yes
Fleet Admiral (Kusari) $100000 8 0 Yes
Fleet Admiral (Gallia) $100000 8 0 Yes
Freelancer (Pilot) $2500 1 0
Gallic Royal Navy Pilot $7000 1 0 Yes
Gallic Royal Police Pilot $5000 1 0 Yes
Gaian Pilot $2500 1 0 Yes
Gallic Brigand $5000 1 0 Yes
Gallic Royal Navy Pilot $7000 1 0
Gallic Royal Police Pilot $5000 1 0
Gas Miners Guild Pilot $2500 1 0
Golden Crysanthemum $2500 1 0 Yes
Gunboat Captain (Liberty) $25000 2 0 Yes
Gunboat Captain (Bretonia) $25000 2 0 Yes
Gunboat Captain (Rheinland) $25000 2 0 Yes
Gunboat Captain (Kusari) $25000 2 0 Yes
Gunboat Captain (Gallia) $25000 2 0 Yes
Hogosha Pilot $2500 1 0
Independent Miners Guild Pilot $2500 1 0
Kusari Naval Forces Pilot $5000 1 0 Yes
Kusari State Police Pilot $5000 1 0 Yes
Kusari Wild (Pilot) $2000 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Lane Hacker Pilot $2500 1 0 Yes
Liberty Navy Pilot $5000 1 0 Yes
Liberty Police Pilot $5000 1 0 Yes
Liberty Rogue Pilot $2500 1 0 Yes
Liberty Security Force Pilot $15000 1 0 Yes
Maquis Pilot $4000 1 0 Yes
Molly Pilot $2500 1 0 Yes
Nomad Battleship Remains $45000 8 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Nomad Fighter Remains $5000 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Nomad Gunboat Remains $20000 3 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Outcast Pilot $5400 1 0
Pirate Pilot $2500 1 0
Red Hessian Pilot $2500 1 0 Yes
Rheinland Military Pilot $5000 1 0 Yes
Rheinland Police Pilot $5000 1 0 Yes
The Order Pilot $3400 1 0
The Wild (Pilot) $6000 1 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Unione Corse Pilot $6000 1 0
Unioner Pilot $2500 1 0 Yes
Xeno Pilot $2500 1 0 Yes
Zoner Pilot $2000 1 0


The data listed on this page was generated from the default server configuration files on 3/06/2018. Server-side data may be changed on any server at any time, without any notice to the user community. The only authoritative source for in-game data is the game itself.