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Independent Miners Guild (player faction)

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This is a player faction. For the affiliated NPC faction, see Independent Mining Guild

Independent Miners Guild
Origin Sirius
Alignment INDEPENDENT (Lawful)
Date of founding unknown
Founder(s) Trevelyan
Current leader(s) Nickolas Hargreaves (Encheta), Syana Khan (Seth Karlo)
Base of operations Aland Shipyard
Primary role
Natural resource speculation and mining
Secondary role
Exploration, research and ship development


The Independent Mining Guild (IMG) is a loose confederation of miners who work those fields that have thus far remained undeveloped by the larger mining companies. Conflict between IMG and BMM in Tau space was one of the primary causes of the war between Bretonia and Kusari.


Seeking to follow their profession freely, the Independent Miners Guild was founded by Rheinlandish laborers who felt systematically exploited by Kruger and Daumann. Being a small and poor group of workers, not capable of defending its mining rounds in the new, and for most parts unexplored, solar systems of the Omegas, the IMG got threatened and expelled by the security wings of Rhineland’s corporations. Forced to leave home, they settled in Bretonian space. Not accepted but tolerated, they managed to keep their independence and even grew constantly as disappointed, unemployed or even abused laborers of the Bretonian corporations joined the Miners Guild for decades and centuries. Only some old Rheinlandish slang words remembered of the guild's origin until the year of 702 A.S. Due to the economic crisis after the 80-Years-War, masses of unemployed workers from Rheinland joined the IMG.

Objectives and Characteristics

The Independant Miners Guild focuses heavily on providing honest labor for all it's members. The conditions under which work is done aren't always optimal, however, every member is guaranteed to be entitled to the true value of his or her work done, rather then the tithe that the corporations offer their workers. This has two benefits: The Guild members, receiving a greater share of the profits of their labor, can more easily invest in security and escort - as a result, you will often find Bounty Hunters patrolling our base perimiters. It also allows guild members to attract escort pilots directly - resulting in the formation of our defense wing, and the development of our own defense craft.

The IMG openly denounces the exploitation of Bretonian and Rheinland laborers as it always did. However, being independent is the most important characteristic of the Guild. For that reason it does not participate in local politics. The IMG is deeply troubled by the ongoing war between Kusari and Bretonia. With its assets split across the front lines the IMG is currently pursuing a peace settlement between the great Houses.

In present time the IMG continues to focus on providing labor for all it's members. Being not as profit-focused as the house corporations, the Guild will often invest in developing mining sites that the larger house corporations deem economically unfeasable, or too dangerous. As a result, IMG is often at the edge of known space, and pushing that edge back. The conflicts in the Tau systems and Leeds, as well as those between Rheinland and Liberty, have caused a lot of the local workforces there to become displaced. Some have sought refuge within the IMG, most notably in the Aland facility.

The IMG, being a smaller organization than the large house corporations, finds it hard to compete in civilized space. For this reason IMG has staked a large investment in its outposts in the Border Worlds and in Deep Space Exploration, attempting to find and exploit natural resources. Because they operate so far from civilized space in systems infested with Corsairs and Outcasts the IMG has built up a sizable defense arm to protect its assets, and continues to develop and refine it's ship designs.


The IMG is led by a Commons Council of senior members who direct policy and conduct foreign relations. This council is in charge of every policy put in place by the IMG, though most work will be handled through the various division directors. The Commons Council consists of every member of the IMG (player faction) and holds the power to elect or call a no confidence vote against any director.
The four divisions are: Defense, Mining, Trade and R&D. Combined, they conduct the day to day operations of the Guild. The divisions are allowed to act freely within their own field, however their actions may be reviewed at anytime by the Commons Council. Currently the makeup of the IMG division leadership is as follows:

Nickolas Hargreaves - Guildmaster
Zenth Kynolm - Mining Director
Ron Matterson - Director of Defense
Gene Starwind - Trade Division Director
Johnathan Sanders - Research and Development Director


IMG|Char.Name[D] - Defense fleet characters
IMG|Char.Name[M] - Miner characters (includes both fighter and transport miners)
IMG|Char.Name[T] - Trade fleet (All non-mining transports)
IMG|Char.Name[E] - Exploratory fleet
(The [D], [M], [T] and [E] suffixes are optional. Players who prefer to go without them, may do so.)

ID: Independent Miners Guild ID. Independant Miners Guild Guard ID is optional for the Defense fleet.
IFF: Independent Miners Guild IFF. Independant Miners Guild Guard IFF is optional for the Defense fleet.

Current Fleet Pool:
All vessels currently freely allowed by the IMG are listed below. Generally, IMG vessels are restricted to the Guild and it's closest allies. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Council on a per-case basis.

Escort/Defense Vessels
The bulk of the escort fleet is made up of strike craft, mostly Nyx class fighters and Pytho class bombers. Gunships are uncommon, and the Argus and Zephyr class vessels outright rare. The Argus and Zephyr capital ships are typically used in the defense of remote bases, such as those in the Tau systems, or used on deep survey missions. They are not allowed to enter house space, and therefor unsuitable as heavy escorts.

All Civilian fighters and bombers
Charon Fighter
Raven's Talon Fighter
IMG "Nyx" Fighter
IMG "Pytho" Bomber
IMG "Hydra" Gunboat
IMG "Argus" Battlecruiser (Restricted in both operational area and availability)
IMG "Zephyr" Carrier (Restricted in both operational area and availability)

Trade Vessels
The trade fleet is made up of a variety of vessels. The IMG Atlas transport is frequently used, but the Titanic tanker and various supertrains are also commonly seen.

All Civilian Freighters
Border Worlds Transport
IMG "Atlas" Transport
GMG Kusari Whale (GMG permission needed)
All (Non-Gallic) House Civilian Trains
All (Non-Gallic) House Civilian Transports (Excluding ALG Mover - that vessel requires ALG permission before use)

Mining Vessels
These vessels are used by the IMG for the purpose of mining. The Hegemon is the most frequently used mining vessel, although a few miners favor the Mafic as a hybrid fighter/bomber/miner for mining and escort.



Faction Relationship
Colonial Remnant
Temporary Autonomous Zoners
Gateway Shipping
Red Hessian Army
Nature's Last Hope
Interspace Neuralnet Division
Liberty Security Force
Republican Express
Rheinland Military
Hellfire Legion
Kusari Naval Forces
Bretonia Armed Forces
Lane Hackers
Liberty Rogues
Xeno Alliance
Artisan Farmers Alliance
Blood Dragons
The Brotherhood
Corsair Benitez Family
At War
At War
Reapers of Sirius
At War
101st Ghosts of Razgriz
At War

Known Bases
