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Republica de Malta

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Republica de Malta

La República Democrática de Malta Libre y Unificada

MR logo.png
Origin Flag-outcasts.png Outcasts
Affiliation Outcasts
Alignment Quasi-Lawful
Date of founding 823 A.S.
Founder(s) 72nd Fleet Remnants
Current leader(s) Presidenta Gabriella de la Zerda
Base of operations Liner Barcelona
Secondary Base Lipari Colony, Borneo
Primary ID Outcasts ID
IFF Outcasts
Tag(s) *MR
Primary role
Formation of a lawful Maltese government by any means necessary.
Secondary role
Prosperity of the Maltese people.

General Information

The Republic of Malta (Officially: La República Democrática de Malta Libre y Unificada) is the organized term for the self-declared micro-house of Maltese nationalists staging an open revolt against the allegedly compromised ruling body of Malta. Originally formed in 823 A.S. after the disappearance of numerous Maltese Naval warships, the Republic stands as a beacon of purity among a cloud of detritus surged from the homeworld, offering safety and peace for any and all within their jurisdiction. The Republic styles itself, both internally and externally, off the example of the other houses of Sirius, primarily the Republics of Liberty and Crayter, and as such maintains a strongly democratic method of governance.


The Republic of Malta is not a new concept of governance for the Maltese people. Years before, the people of Malta were once united after the fall of the Council of Dons. A short lived but fair government also calling itself the 'Republic of Malta' shared many of the same beliefs of the Republic of today, albeit with certain stipulations. Prosperous and free, the only obstacle to the growing governing body was the rise of the Tarxien Order, the symbolic name for the infamous Crimson Cross. An imperialist regime by nature, and corrupted by the devious Slomon K'Hara, the Cross swept across every nature of Maltese society. Attacks on the defenseless, invasions of neutral systems and the complete lack of mercy are what stirred the crew of a loyal Republican warship, MCS-1597/01 (better known as the Santa Maria), to break course from an inbound Cross invasion group bound for the free Zoner installation at Freeport 11. Through stark defiance, the Santa Maria and her escorting gunships and fighter wings were fired upon by the imperialist Cross flotilla. Through blind luck, the 'Storta'-class destroyer slipped into the edges of the interstellar median, using the ship's reactor to fuel their needs in the cold emptiness of interstellar space.

Upon arrival in the Tau cluster, the ship's crew began to take stock of their options and their availabilities. Through acts of subterfuge and deviation, the crew of the Santa Maria, backed by numerous Republic-era pilots, crew and personnel, worked with the remaining pilots of the famed 'Swords of Malta' to commandeer and steal the former flagship of the squadron, MCA-8057/9f (better known as the Aurora). With a flagship in tow and contact made with some of the numerous enemy factions of the Cross, the fleet, soon being reformed into an organized military thanks to the minds aboard the ships, began to bite back.

With the fall of the Cross in 823 A.S. and the subsequent rise of the National Council thereafter, the Republic's forces found themselves in a bind. Their opponents in the Cross were gone, and a new government aimed to lead Malta towards greatness. In addition, the Republic's formal ties to the Crayterian Republic and cooperation with the IMG and the Hellfire Legion had earned them the ire of a significant portion of the Maltesian populace. However, these ties to these so-viewed paragons of freedom gave the Republic a new goal to achieve. The Council's adoption of the Cross' former personnel into their ranks only added to this desire, and thus the silent application of the Republic's influence to the Maltesian populace began once more.

With the assaults on Bretonia and Roussillon by Gallia, the Republic has been forced to take a defensive stance. Working with their allies is a must, and all eyes must be focused on the immediate threats: Gallia, the Slomon K'Hara, and their misguided brethren back home.

Objectives and Long-Term Goals

The goals and overall objectives of the Republic stem from their desire to make Malta a profitable state within the Sirius Sector as a whole. A basic overview of the Republic will note that the simple export of Cardamine from the homeworld is seen as insufficient to the growth and stability of the Nacion. This reliance on cartels and families, while seen as a marker of the heritage of the Maltese, controls too much for the success of the Nacion to be seen. In addition, the reliance on Cardamine spreading across Sirius creates many enemies that could be instead used as conduits to fuel the economic growth of Malta, and fuels alliances built out of fear alone instead of trust.

In addition, the Republic's goals stem farther than simple governance and economic prosperity. The Department of Civil Development, part of the cabinet and a key part of the leadership and organization of the Republic, has considerable investment in the development of Cardamine-based products that could prove far more profitable than a simple euphoric drug. While slow, these developments could prove to be a boon to the failing Maltese economy.


  • Rebuild the Fleet - The Armed Forces is capable, but is undermanned and underpowered. To take on the homeworld and the many other enemies of the Republic, it needs to be strong. With the help of their allies, this can be achieved relatively quickly.
  • Reshape the Maltese Symbol - The Republic is built on the ideal of civil freedom and representation, far from the current symbol of fear and criminal intrigue of the homeworld.
  • Repurpose the Republic's Assets - Many of the Republic's ships, buildings and locations are currently in a legacy state from the period of the 72nd Fleet. These need to be retooled into functioning assets that can serve a growing nation.


  • Defeat the Gallic Invasion - The Republic is in a heated struggle against the Gallic war machine. With the help of their allies, they need to be pushed back and removed as a threat to the Maltese people and Sirius at large.
  • Reform the Maltese Government - The people of Malta are living under a chaotic government that has no quarrels with impeding the Nacion's progress or survival. They need to be repurposed or brought down and subjugated beneath a leadership that can provide Malta with a proper future.
  • Exterminate the Nomads - The Nomads are a pestilence that has corrupted the Maltese people for generations. They need to be stopped, and the Republic will stop at nothing until the Maltese are free from their influence.
  • Establish Contact with the Outside - While the Republic may work openly with the likes of Crayter and the Commonwealth, many outside of Malta are still unknown, and if the Maltese are to prosper, then they must know what lies beyond the Edge Nebula.


The Republic of Malta is a wholly democratic society, based on the successes of the minor house of Crayter and the major house of Liberty. As such, the structure of the Republic is divided into segments, each relying on the coordination and capabilities of those below and above to do that same.


Following the traditions of a democracy, the Republic is lead by an elected President and their cabinet of department officials. Below the cabinet lies the departments of the Republic, the heads of which reside in the cabinet to assist the President with leadership of the nation. Below them are the civilian directorates, national corporations and citizenry of the nation.


The cabinet of the Republic of Malta is comprised of 10 individuals: The President, the Vice-President, and each of the eight department heads. Each department head relays their department's issues and situations to the Secretary of State, who serves as the in-between for the department heads and the Presidency.

In the event of a decision by congress, the members of the cabinet convene to decide a vote. While there are only ten members of the cabinet, a tie is readily possible. This is broken by the decision of the '11th Citizen', a randomly elected individual from outside the cabinet, usually from the military, who declares the deciding vote. This deciding vote is irrefutable, and cannot be changed, and once that person has decided, they are never allowed to take the position of '11th Citizen' ever again. This ensures a clean and efficient decision process.


The Eight Departments of the Republic of Malta are as they sound. These eight departments direct the day-to-day business of the Republic, with the exception of the Department of State, which directs the rest of the Departmentship as well as the treasury. These eight departments are as follows:

  • The Department of Defense is responsible for the deployment of the Republic's military arm in defense of the nation's interests. Holds nearly absolute power over the military, with veto power from the President being the only unlimited regulatory power over them.
  • The Department of Colonial Affairs is responsible for the development of the Republic's claims and operations relating to the affairs of the Republic's colonial expeditions.
  • The Department of State is responsible for acting as an in-between for the department heads and the Presidency, as well as overseeing the well being of the cabinet and the treasury.
  • The Department of Foreign Affairs is responsible for advocating on the Nation's behalf when required, representing the Republic's civil interests and organizing formal agreements between the Republic and other governing bodies outside Malta.
  • The Department of Education is responsible for the guidance and learning of every Maltese citizen, from the young to the old, on matters relating to general education to information on benefits for veterans and those on the poverty line.
  • The Department of Commerce is responsible for the trade and commercial aspect of the Republic's government. Trade regulations, imports and exports go through their department, and are the backbone off which the rest of the nation works off of.
  • The Depertment of Civil Development is responsible for the technological end of the Republic's government. From civil architecture to reverse-engineering of pre-existing developments, as well as exploration into unknown fields, including the dangerous route of Cardamine Integration.
  • The Department of Homeward Defense is responsible for the security of the Nacion, both from in and out. Effectively the intelligence branch of the Armed Forces, but funded separately from the rest of the Government's Agencies. Often flies undercover to gather intelligence.

Each governmental department oversees their area of operation, and cannot under any circumstance bypass a department head without convening with the Secretary of State beforehand. Should this happen, it is known as Bypassal, and can be punished depending on the severity of the crime up to and including exile or death. This is a rare occurrence however, and is usually handled on a case-by-case basis within the cabinet itself.


The Armed Forces of the Republic of Malta is directly overseen by the Secretary of Defense, and is the main fighting arm of the Republic of Malta. Consisting of veteran pilots, captains and commandos that have served the Republic for over three years, the Maltese Armed Forces are highly trained, highly disciplined and exceptionally competent at what they do.

Chain of Command

The Maltese Armed Forces follows a strict chain of command that follow the chains that bind, a decree that orders from on high must follow the chain of command, and that no man may give orders to his subordinate's own subordinate. This policy does not extend the the battlefield, or to situations where it would be otherwise illogical to proceed, such as a gap in the chain of command or an open firefight. In the absence of the ability to directly follow the chain of command, superiors are authorized to give orders to their continued subordinates as they see fit until a new direct subordinate is declared or makes themselves known.

The ranks of the Maltese Armed Forces are as follows:

The Admiralty
  • Almirante de la Flota (Fleet Admiral) - As the name implies, the Fleet Admiral is the governing head of the Armed Forces in the field. They oversee all active Military operations and are the direct link between the Department of Defense and the rest of the Armed Forces.
  • Almirante (Admiral) - The Admirals of the Fleet operate under the direct supervision of the Fleet Admiral, and are the conduit through which their orders flow. There may only be two Admirals at any given time within the Armed Forces, and each commands their own theatre of war: One in the Omicrons, and one in the Homeward Sector (Taus, Kusari, Independent Worlds).
  • Vice Almirante (Vice Admiral) - The Vice Admirals of the Fleet, of which there are four (two per theatre), operate under their respective Admirals, and are commonly seen operating as warship and task force commanders.
  • Contraalmirante (Rear Admiral) - A Rear Admiral often acts as a wing or fleet commander under their respective Vice Admiral. Each is assigned a specific role, such as support staff or direct command. There may be no more than eight Rear Admirals at any given time.
The Mid-Command
  • Coronel (Colonel) - Colonels are a rare command, and are often reserved for those who have acted with distinction, but are not yet ready to ascend to the Armed Forces' Admiralty. Most Colonels act as support staff, such as on-sight negotiators or advisers to their superiors, and may at times operate alone in the field as semi-covert operatives. There may only be four Colonels assigned within the Armed Forces at any given time.
  • Commodore - The Commodore is the highest earnable level of the Armed Forces ranking structure. They are elite field commanders and adept at what they do, which can involve a wide variety of items. These can range from squadron and warship command to advisory roles within the Admiralty. They are directly responsible for the subordinates below them within the mid-command.
  • Capitán (Captain) - Captains are warship commanders or wing leaders that have proven themselves valuable to the flow of the Armed Forces' operations. They are often seen at the helm of heavy warships such as battleships, but it is not uncommon to see them commanding the strength of dreadnoughts as well.
  • Comandante (Commander) - Commanders are tested veterans of the field, and are capable leaders in their own right. They are often seen at the head of leadership for destroyer divisions, and may even be seen as executive staff aboard battleships.
  • Teniente Comandante (Lieutenant Commander) - LCs are capable leaders, accepted for their ability to lead smaller divisions and wings of fighter and bomber pilots. They are locked to gunship command, however, and may only ever serve as support staff for destroyers at best.
The Low-Command
  • Teniente (Lieutenant) - Lieutenants make up the bulk of the Armed Forces' personnel. They are capable and qualified wing commanders, and are trusted for their ability to keep focused in tight situations. Lieutenant is the level many within the Armed Forces hold, and are restricted to strikecraft command, be it fighter or bomber wings, and may only ever serve as executive officers aboard gunships.
  • Bandera (Ensign) - Ensigns are the newly promoted of the aspiring stock. They hold many responsibilities, yet few privileges, and are required to follow the orders of their squadron commander.
  • Cadete (Cadet) - Cadets are the aspiring stock, and are the newly admitted men and women of the Armed Forces. They are required to complete basic combat and command training (CCT) before they are able to properly contribute to the Military. Unlike any other rank, a Cadet may lawfully received orders from any superior within the Armed Forces, from the Admiralty to their direct superior, without violating the chains that bind.

Identification & Technology

The Republic makes use of most typical Maltesian spacecraft for their general use, in addition to the commonly used Border Worlds™ line of rugged exploration vehicles. A full listing of the vessels utilized by the Republic are as follows.

CQ "Conquistador"-series

CQL-Gen I "Gladius"
Light Fighter
CQH-Gen I "Carabela"
Heavy Fighter
CQV-Gen I "Rapier"
Very Heavy Fighter

Border Worlds™ series

Bw fighter.png
Series CX "Scimitar"
Light Fighter
Bw elite.png
Series QX "Switchblade"
Heavy Fighter
Bw vheavy fighter.png
Series Z "Sabre"
Very Heavy Fighter

He aesir.png
BWX-F1A "Bayonet"
Heavy Fighter
Lh fighter.png
HFX-F1A "Falchion"
Very Heavy Fighter

Known Republic Assets


  • Liner Barcelona - The de-facto capital of the Republic, and the center point for all governing aspects of the Nacion.
  • Frigate MRV-Delphi - Designated hospital ship during times of war. Survivor of the Locklear Incident.


Tridente-class Gunship
Oc destroyer.png
Xiphos-class Destroyer
  • MNS-Guadiana - Typical RM-3C Tridente-class gunship. Acquired 822 A.S.
  • MNS-Santa.Maria - Older RM-1B 'Xiphos'-class destroyer. Acquired 821 A.S.
  • MNS-Navarra - Modernized RM-2A 'Storta'-class destroyer. Acquired 823 A.S.
  • MNS-Abaddon - Older RM-1E 'Storta'-class destroyer. Acquired 825 A.S. from Hellfire Legion.
  • MNS-Aurora - Custom 'Aurora'-class battleship. Flagship of the Fleet. Acquired 822 A.S.
  • MNS-Ravager - Older 'Perpetrator'-class Dreadnought. Currently under construction. Acquired 825 A.S. from Hellfire Legion.

Known Bases



Faction Relationship
Crayter Republic
Hellfire Legion
Maltese Exiles
Independent Miners Guild
Commonwealth of House Liberty
Bretonian Armed Forces
The Order
Bretonian Police Authority
Gateway Shipping
Independent Maltesians
Blood Dragons
Covenant of Auxesia
The Council
Universal Shipping Inc.
Ageira Technologies
Deep Space Engineering
Rheinland Military
Rheinland Federal Police
Kruger Mineralien
Daumann Heavy Construction
ALG Waste Disposal
Republican Shipping
Liberty Separatists
Bretonian Intelligence Service
Red Hessians
Gas Miners Guild
Liberty Navy
Liberty Police, Inc.
Golden Chrysanthemums
Lane Hackers
Liberty Rogues
Samura Heavy Industries
Kishiro Technologies
Liberty Security Force
Sirius Coalition
Kusari Naval Forces
Kusari State Police
EFL Oil & Machinery
Ile-de-France Shipping
Gallic Metal Service
Bounty Hunters Guild
The Commune
The Core
At War
Leadership of Malta
At War
At War
Gallic Royal Navy
At War
Gallic Royal Police
At War
Gallic Royal Intelligence
At War