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Lee del Sol Verde

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Lee del Sol Verde
Lee verde.jpg
Lee Verde
Origin Flag-outcasts.png Nación Maltesa
Occupation Freelancer
Gender Male
Affiliation Freelancer
Outcast 16 years
Rank Guard
Status Active (819 A.S.)
Born 23 May 798 A.S., Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha
Died Still alive.

Lee del Sol Verde, used to be an Outcast since he left Omicron Alpha in search for a better life as Freelancer.

Lee's Diary

Original Forum Link

1. Entry - Backstory

• Date: 20 May 819
• System: Omicron Alpha
• Location: Planet Malta, Meteora Bar
• Topic: Backstory

So I'm sitting here... again. Meteora Bar (#82). I remember, when I worked here in the summer holidays for like a month. That was now almost six years ago. And it feels like it was just yesterday. I wished I'd be fourteen again. Life was so much easier when being just a teen. I had my family, I had my friends and I had my home. But time won't turn back. And I made the best I could have done in my situation. I don't regret anything, I guess.

However, where shall I start? There's so much to say, but I've never been a man of much words. Hiding my feelings was what I've always been doing. I locked them into my mind, ignoring them. But then... I had to return. Mostly of because of the need of Cardamine. Four years... four damn years! I almost thought I made it without it. I mean, I always avoided any contact with it, and people said, when being still young, you could survive the withdrawal syndrome for a long time. Or even completely. So I took a breathing mask with me, which constantly fed me with air, containing Cardamine, like the air on Malta has. I've also been taking this alternative stuff I bought in Liberty from Cryer Pharmaceuticals for a freaking high sum of credits. They told me, that it was a prototype medicine. They convinced me. So I've been able to walk around at public places, without having a mask on, for a hours. And it went well for four years. Then it pulled me back.

So had to go back to Malta again. Breathing the air, drinking the water, eating the food, produced there. And I recovered within just a week. It's incredible.

But returning did not only recovered my body. It also brought back all the memories, which I locked away, from before I left this place. And it turned into a nightmare. I need to close that chapter now. I don't want to go mad. So I decided to write everything down. Maybe that's the way how I can work off all what happened in the last twenty years. I wouldn't know, how else to get rid of it. The only thing I know is, that I have to. The sooner the better.

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Cardamine fields on Planet Malta.

2. Entry - Backstory

• Date: 21 May 819
• System: Omicron Alpha
• Location: Planet Malta, Meteora Bar
• Topic: Backstory

When looking back to the past. My childhood, the young days. I do see darkness, mixed with a bit Orange and a green flare. Es verdad, that I don't really have that many memories from that time. But I can remember, that people were talking about the 'Orange Dream'. In my opinion, it was the "Orange Nightmare"!

I've always been different. I wasn't like the other childs, listening to their parents, what is good for them, and what isn't. I had my own vision of the situation. I've been thirsty for knowledge, I wanted to know everything: "From where did we came from?", "Why do we never leave Malta? I do want explore systems!", "Papá, I don't like to drink that water, it's polluted!". It wasn't normal for a child in that age. My parents worried about me. But whilst my friends were playing in the orange Cardamine fields, I ate one Holo-Book after the other. "Sleeper ships, Hispania, Cardamine, DNA alteration, Corsairs". I slowly began to understand what was actually happening with us.

They all knew it. I felt like being in prison. Malta was my prison. But what could I have done? I've been just fourteen at that point. I didn't finished my education yet. Si claro, I went to a military school. Not many maltese children had this privilege to get such a qualitative and, most notably expensive training. However, my parents where both soldiers of the primary maltese fleet. And we lived in luxury. I've been an only child and they wanted all the best for me. I hated them for being 'Killers', I abhor violence. Ever did for some reason. Although it was the most well-respected work you could get as Maltesian. And I wouldn't have gone to that school, if I didn't wanted to.

That wish of becoming a soldier grew extremly, at that time when my father got back home all alone. He was totally distressed and downfallen when he spoke to me: "Mí hijo, we need to be strong now. Your well beloved mother has gone from us...". After those words, I fell into a deep sadness. Everything around me fell apart. I didn't heard, what my father was telling me. I just heard words like "Corsairs", "ambush" and "Omicron Eta". I wished I could have ran away. But to where? There was only Malta. I noticed how the cross bars of my imaginary prison got tighter.

That happened when I was still fifteen.

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The never-ending war against the Corsairs.

3. Entry - Backstory

• Date: 23 May 819
• System: Omicron Alpha
• Location: Planet Malta, Meteora Bar
• Topic: Backstory

So I was still here. Still caged in that kind of prison. I was still breathing the 'contaminated' air on Malta. When looking at the oldest generations - 200 years old men and women, living for that long, thanks to the Cardamine. Pah! I wouldn't want to life that long anyways. And just imagine - those people did never... not a single time, left Malta's safe borders. They wouldn't make it even one day out there, due the lack of Cardamine. They need Malta's air to survive. I don't. Yet!

I played with the thought of getting away from this hell-like place, for months already. But I never really had the chance to do so, though. I had no ship. Merde, I don't even knew how to fly those things. Sure, I went to a considerable military school. But you had to be sixteen years old for doing your pilot's license. No exceptions. Ha! I knew how to fly a Sabre anyways. My papá gave me 'private flight lessons' when I was just twelve. I never really thought about, what'd have happened to him. I've got that letter here... explains it all pretty much, but still... However, I'll get to that later again.

En fin, I did it. At the same day, I got my pilot's license, I left Malta. I took my father's high-end Sabre, which was primary built to encounter Corsair forces, constructed in the top-secret construction facilities of the Corsica Outer Sanctum. At least, his father told me that once. He never talked much about his work. All I knew, was, that he was a former member of the "Ghosts of Razgriz", until he retired, when my mother died...

I'm sure, my mother would have been proud of me, for taking my own life into my hands. So would my father have been. He had a premonition of me, leaving soon anways. And he even approved it. Everything was perfect. I had a well-protected ship, being able to survive in the harsh Omicrons. I had an entirely updated navigation map. And last but not least, a seemingly inexhaustible amount of Sirius Credit cards. Thanks to my papá. I promised him to stay in contact with him. And yes, I always did. Until I recieved no more answers on my messages. But as said, that's another story to be told.

It should sound exciting, but there isn't really much to say about. I left Planet Malta. In 814 AS. I've been a thrill. I really thought, that it'd be the last time, being here, on Malta. But I was still young. So what? It was the only right thing in my life, of what I'll always be proud of, for having done it.

And that feeling to be free. To be not only an Outcast, but also a Freelancer! It was far beyond words! The first time in my young life - I felt freedom!

This day was my sixteenth birthday. And that was the best birthday present I ever had, and ever will have had.

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Leaving Planet Malta. Taking a last view back.

4. Entry - Backstory

• Date: 24 May 819
• System: Omicron Alpha
• Location: Planet Malta, Meteora Bar
• Topic: Backstory

So... I've been free. A so-called 'Freelancer'. I didn't really had any aims, and never knew, where I'd have gone next. But it was a great feeling. Being independent - well not at all actually. There was still that problem with my passive Cardamine addiction. But each day which has passed by, I felt how the stroong pull that threatened to take my back to Malta, died down. It worked well. For four years! But then I recieved that message... but yes - that's another story.

I can't really tell, where exactly I've been in those four years. It felt like I've passed every planet, jumped through every Jumphole, landed on every capital Planet of all houses in Sirius. I meet lawfuls, I had business with criminals, I've done dirty business. And the other day, I've been helping civilians against pirates. I didn't knew who I was. I've forgotten my origin. I wasn't able to stick to anything. I've traveled around disquietingly. But still, it was a great feeling. I never really cared about anybody, just for me. And that was the only way to survive in space. I rarely trusted anyone. Even though, I made good experiences when I did. And the fact, that I'm still alive, sitting here, writing down my lifetime experiences. Those four years have changed my whole life.

I'm a new man. Full of hope. A man with a great joy of discovery. In the last four years, I've learned how to survive in open space. Although I never really traveled that far yet. But I can feel, that I'm ready now. Ready for something new. This letter. It was my fathers last message to me. He gives me fresh energy to go out again, and discover life. He would have wanted it to be so. It was his last wish.

It's time to leave Malta (#83) a second time. And only time knows, when I'll be back home again.

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Open space. Freedom. Infinite space.

5. Entry - Into the Omicrons

• Date: 24 May 819
• System: Omicron Delta
• Location: Freeport 11, Emerald Star Bar
• Topic: Into the Omicrons

So my journey began. I had everything I'll need on my Sabre. Ready to start. Nothing was holding me back. And I did it. I left Malta today. For the second time now. My destination? I've got none!

I started my ship a last time from my home planet, and I didn't hesitated, and turned straight towards the Omicron-85 Jumphole near the Siniestre Cloud. There arrived, I flew through the Austera Nube to the Corsica Outer Sanctum. This amazing station got build on the remains of 'Corsica' a planet who got destroyed by a graviton storm, caused by the nearby black hole. That's what my parents told me years back, when I was still a child. Once, my parents took me with them to show me where they mainly work, as 'Guards'. However, I've been still young, and I can't remember everything. So I docked there (I was flying my fathers Sabre, and the people there knew me by my name). My fathers letter said, that they owe him a favor. So I decided to ask the engineers there, to turn my Sabre into a more secure and stronger vessel. They also removed all signs from it, that it used to be a vessel of the Outcast primary fleet. And they exchanged the tech with civilian stuff. So I'll be able to pass even the house systems later, without getting problems. I also had to get new papers, a new pilot's license and a completely new ID. From this moment on, I've been an Outcast only by my origin. Now I was Lee del Sol Verde, Freelancer.

Soon after that procedure, I entered Omicron Eta. I had a bad feeling when passing this system, since my mother got killed here, somewhere in the Ragusa Asteroid Field. So I quickly moved through the hole of the minefield, which the Outcasts have constructed to avoid Corsair forces to move their Capital Vessels deeper inside the system. While flying through that hole, I noticed an old destroyed base, floating in a small debris field. Nothing special though. Once entered the Ragusa field, I hurried and moved as fast as possible through the Omicron Lambda Jumphole, to avoid any contact with Corsairs. Sure I've been a Freelancer now, but I wouldn't have been able to explain them, from where I did come from...

Lambda. Quite a dark system. This must have been the place, where shadows were born. It had something mystic as well as dangerous. And there was a the 'Ciutadella Outpost', run by the Corsairs just besides the jumphole. Man, I nearly pissed my pants! They noticed me of course. And just a few breaths later, I had a patrol of four Titans on me. But hey! They just kindly asked for a few credits, to use 'their' system, to pass by. Heh, of course I payed. Didn't wanted my head nailed at their bloody ships. So I went on. My eyes fell on a huge planet, filled with darkness. My neutral net told me, that it was called Planet Marratxi. Hm weird name. However I went on, flying through the Palma Dust Field, towards the Kappa Jumphole. If my navmap was right, I had to come to pass this system too, to get deeper into the Omicrons.

Right after the jump, I got a queasy feeling. I took a fast look around and everything seemed to be so familiar. But that wasn't possible! I never have been here before. But still, something in my head told me, that this place knows me! It was a strange feeling. As if something foreign was entering in my mind by force. I didn't respond to it, and locked myself from it. So I hastily moved on, ignoring those exotic asteroids and green lights which were floating around, as if they were organic.

A Freeport! It was the first, which came into my mind when I got there. I cruised towards the station immediately. Only now I noticed the beauty of this system. That view made me get goose flesh. I even had tears in my eyes. It was so wonderful. I decided to dock at the Freeport 11, taking a break. I've already herad about those 'Zoners'. Only good things, without exception. So I didn't hesitated, ordering a room for two days. The rooms were quite expensive though. They said, that it wasn't easy to build biodomes in this far-away and dangerous system. I agreed. And to be honest - the last thing I lack was credits.

Now I'm sitting here at the The Emerald Star Bar (#2), drinking a so-called 'Beer'. It's almost empty. And the people seem to be nervous for some reason. But I don't really care much about now. I'm just going to enjoy the awesome panorama, I'm having here, right next to the window...

6. Entry - From aliens, monkeys and robots

• Date: 26 May 819
• System: Omicron Theta
• Location: Freeport 9, Bar of Freeport 9
• Topic: From aliens, monkeys and robots.

Tons of 'beer' and two days have passed. Man, that 'beer' really was delicious. I heard that it got directly imported from Rheinland. I guess, that'll be my next hold. Rheinland it is. Now I just need to find a safe way there...

However, I refilled the Narcotic with H-Fuel, and bought some food rations and undocked from Freeport 11. I stayed at the station for another few minutes, watching an Order prison liner disappearing into the Kiribati Asteroid Field. I wondered what it was hauling... Just a few seconds later a 77th Core Guild Battlecruiser reached the Freeport, followed by a Zoner Destroyer and trader. After a short talk with the 77th pilot, I moved on, back to Omicron Kappa from where I came from.

Then - I had this feeling again. Warmth as well as deadness. And then, all of a sudden those blue ships appeared. I paniced. Once they've been in range, they started firing at me. They looked strange and scary. And could swear, that their ships hull was organic! It was no ship. They were alive...

I ran. In the distance, I saw an inhabited planet. I cruised there quickly and for gods shake, they let me dock. Whatever that was - it tried to kill me! That planet I've just docked at was called 'Planet Primus'. Never heard of it. But when I entered the bar, I shocked. That planet was occupied by human monkeys! Wow. That was interesting. They behaved like human, but they looked like animals. Weird. Nevertheless, I had a short talk with some of them, and after some repairs, I left that planet again.

Undocked. And there - I've seen those squid-like things again. But this time, I didn't let them come into my ships range and started my cruise engines. They hunted me! What are they? And there, again, another planet, just on the other side of that mystic system. So I decided to take a look there aswell. Maybe I'll get some informations about those unknown lifes.

Again, I first entered the bar... and - wow! Are you kidding me? Robots? Seriously... well sure. I didn't excepted to find humans here. But robots? Those "tin cans" didn't really noticed me. So I went back to my ship and started again. I can't believe it!

This time, my scanners didn't showed any hostile sightings. And so I moved on quickly to the Omicron-74 jumphole. I've heard rumors, that this system is owned by the Zoners. I moved through this system without docking anywhere. I've seen another Freeport there though, but didn't considered to dock. So I jumped into the next system...

Omicron Theta. My first thought was. "Hm seems to be quite simliar to Omicron Delta." Well, guess why - the first thing I saw was 'Freeport 9' just to my right. Being tired and hungry, I decided to rest here for another few days. It was the perfect place torecover my strength. So I took a room there (less expensive this time), and checked the bar later on. There I had time to think about what I've experienced this day. Squid-ish aliens, human-like monkeys and robots with artificial intelligence...

Life Story

Lee del Sol Verde, born in 798 AS on Planet Malta at Omicron Alpha, is a common Freelancer with a more uncommon life story.

Childhood - 798-812 AS

Lee was born and raised up in a rich maltese family as only child. The little Lee was a clever and cautious little youngster. He was always quite interested in history and so he also knows well, that he should be aware of the Corsairs. He never really understood, from where actually all the hate between them came from, but he knew, to not ask questions about. Knowing, that his parents are officers of the premier Outcast Guard fleet, the 101st Outcast Guard made him totally proud. Since he was young, he always wanted to become like his parents.

Tragic Birthday - 813 AS

Lee never saw a Corsair from face to face before, until his 15th birthday in 813 AS. In the morning of this day, Lee got waken up by an insanely loud warning sirene. He'd never heard this before. In the moment, he wanted to get up, his parents ran into his room and told him to stay here. Apparently, the Corsairs did just entered their system, Omicron Alpha. Lee has never been far away from Planet Malta, but he learned, that there are hundreds of other system, partly inhabited, partly even unexplored. There has been sometimes intruders in Omicron Alpha, but his parents always tried to hide this fact from their son. But this morning it was different. They were in such a hurry, that they forget about Lee's 15th birthday. The last thing they said, which he can remember, was, that they need to defend Planet Malta and whatever will happen, they'll be with him. This was the last time he saw his parents.

Defeating the Corsairs - 813 AS

The Outcasts pushed them Corsairs back, but when they chased them to Omicron Gamma, they got cought in a ambush. Outnumbered and carried to end from the fight before, more than the half of the fleet tragically died during one day. There've been just a handful of survivors which got back. The bloody war against the Corsairs took Lee's parents before he wasn't even full age.

Parentless - 814 AS

Most of his relatives were dead or hadn't that much time for a pubescent teenager. Lee was a cautious boy and since his parents died, he always kept distance to others. He became a very locked person. In the end there was not much left which hold Lee to stay in the Edge Worlds. More and more, he became inquisitive and distrustful to his strict foster parents and finally in late 814 AS, Lee left Omicron Alpha with "The Narcotic", the the well-equiped Sabre of his dead father, the only memory which they'd left behind.

Only beeing in possession of "The Narcotic", the savings of his family and loads of Cardamine, he began his new life as a Freelancer.

Life as Freelancer - 814-817 AS

The last three years, Lee traveled through systems of which he not even knew, that they exist. He met a lot of intresting people and made a lot of good and bad experiences. He also learned a lot about life and dead in this time. There's not much known about what he exactly does in this time.

At least he doesn't want to talk about.

Homecoming - 818 AS

Although he was only four years gone, he discovered more than even healthy for one lonely person. He found out, that the endless space can't push his bad memories into the dark. He knew, that there won't be another way than dealing with his problems.

So he decided to visit his homeplanet.

Suprisingly, he felt much better when he arrived there. The Outcasts gave him a warm welcome as some of them recognized him. Because things seemed to get better, he bought a little house at Malta and made it to his residence. Although he has several other residences all over Sirius, because he always tried to begin a new life somewhere. But in the end, his feelings took him back to Omicron Alpha.

He also rejoined the Outcast Guard to help fighting the Corsairs. He bought a small scimitar which he flies under his short name: "Lee.Verde".

Driven by curiosity - At present

Anyway, he actually didn't stayed at Planet Malta for now on.

Driven by curiosity and ambition he still tramps around with his ship, "The Narcotic", discovering more systems and cultures. The bottom line is, that exploring is, what he lives for.

To be continued...

Zones of Interest

Based on his liking to explore. He's actually interested in all system in whole Sirius.

But there are some places where he's often around:

Outcast Space:

Omicron AlphaOmicron-85

Nomad Worlds:

Omicron Delta

Edge Worlds:

Omicron ThetaOmicron EtaTau-37

Border Worlds:


Independent Systems:





New YorkCalifornia


Lee speaks mainly English and Spanish but he also learned to speak German and French if neccessary.

The Narcotic

Current ships:

Sabre - Series Z

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Very Heavy Fighter
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Light Fighter

Current Equipment:


• 1x C242 "Cannonball" Missile Launcher
• 1x X45 "Firestalker" Homing Missile Launcher
• 1x CP-r "Debilitator Mk.II" Civilian Advanced Pulse Turret
• 1x Outcast "Inferno" Pulse Cannon

Combat Systems:

MX-17 Nuclear Mine Dropper
CM-4 Enhanced Countermeasure Dropper

External Equipment:

Cheetah Thruster
SG-e2 "Advanced Champion" Heavy Fighter Graviton Shield

Internal Equipment:

Universal Armor Upgrade Mk VIII
Advanced Cargo Scanner

Current Status

His ship identifications:

• [FL]-Narcotic - (Cutlass)
• Lee.Verde - (Scimitar)
• Lost.Immunity - (Democritus)

Narcotic's Arms Store


Wiki Link

Forum Link


Faction Relationship
101st Outcast Guard
House corporations
House police
House militaries
Bounty Hunters Guild
At War
At War


Narcotic Wiki Entry

Narcotic Forum Account

Narcotic's Arms Store Forum Post


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