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Victor Cross {Kuthumii}
Gabriel Caudill {Stygian}
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*'''Recruit Escort Pilot''' - The initial rank for all new escort pilots. Recruits are restricted to the Kingfisher heavy fighter for a trail period of 5 runs. After the trial period is over they can move up in to the Marauder heavy fighter. They receive 10% of cargo runs' profits for their escort services. Promotions are possible after 10 successful escort missions for OSI pilots.
*'''Recruit Escort Pilot''' - Time as a Recruit will be a probationary period. This will give them time to see if the Zoner way of life is right for them. Recruits have access to the Switchblade heavy fighter and earn 10% of a cargo runs profit. Promotion requirement is five escort missions and review by the Board of Directors.
*'''Escort Pilot''' - Can use fighters from the heavy and very heavy fighter list, excluding the Raven's Talon VHF. Gets 15% of cargo run profits for services. Promotions are possible after 30 total, successful, escort missions.
*'''Escort Pilot''' - Escorts have access to our full line of available fighters and earn 15% of a trade runs profit. Promotion is possible after 25 escort missions.
*'''Master Escort Pilot''' - These pilots have completed at least 30 escort missions and can now use heavy, Very heavy fighters and the Civilian bomber models. They can apply to pilot the the Kaichou bomber, if they so choose. They Get 20% of cargo profit for escort services.  
*'''Master Escort Pilot''' - Master Escorts are considered the best of the best when it comes to getting you there safely. This earns them access to our available bombers and 20% of trade run profits.  
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*'''Recruit Transport Pilot''' - Pilot that has completed under 8 cargo runs.
*'''Transport Crewman''' - Time as a Crewman will be a probationary period. This will give them time to see if Zoner life is right for them. During this time they will have access to a limited number of ships. The Dromendary, Pelican, Gull, and Albatross. Promotion is possible after completion of 15 trade runs and a review by the Board of Directors.
*'''Transport Pilot''' - A pilot that has completed between 8 and 35 cargo runs.
*'''Transport Pilot''' - The backbone of the transport fleet. Pilots have access to the Border Worlds Transport and Heron. Promotion is possible after completion of 30 trade runs.
*'''Master Transport Pilot''' - A pilot that has completed 35 or more cargo runs along with having done every single official trade run listed at least once. Master pilots who pursue and achieve excellent status with our guard folks will be permitted to pilot our Heavy Tanker Transports, The Zoner Whale or the Advanced Train Transport (Must have guard tag to use).
*'''Transport Captain''' - Captains have access to our full line of available transports. These include the ZBT-100Z "Zoner Whale", Stork, Titanic, Prison Liner, and the Kujira.

Revision as of 17:40, 16 July 2010

This is a player faction. For the affiliated NPC faction, see Zoners For the server rules for this faction, see Omicron Supply Industries ID.

Template:TOC Faction Infobox

Global Sirius Organizations Registry Information

Name: Omicron Supply Industries

NPC Faction: Zoner IFF, Zoner Guard IFF

ID: Zoner ID, Zoner Guard ID

Faction tag: OSI-

Code of Conduct

  • You must follow the server rules. Minor sanctions offence and you will be given a warning. Two minor offences and you will be kicked out. A major sanction offence and you will be kicked out immediately.
  • If you have been sanctioned before, you need to inform us.
  • PvP Skills are not a necessity, RP skills are. If you do not RP very well, but show a drive to learn, we will accept you and show you the ropes of RP.
  • Treat other players as you would want yourself treated
  • No out-of-role play messages in system chat, including those marked with '//'. Avoid using OORP chat in Local, unless an urgent situation needs to be mentioned (example, incoming disconnect, disengagement, etc). In PMs, use '//' to mark out-of-character chat.
  • Absolutely no cap ships will be part of this faction. We are a trading company.
  • Members are encouraged to make separate characters for fighters/bombers, transports and miners.




Omicron Supply Industries is a growing trade company that runs equipment and supplies to the outer reaches. Based out of Freeport 14 in Yukon, they bring the fruits of Zoner labour into house space. These commodities are then traded for items that are needed on the outer rim stations. Having a small office at Freeport 6, OSI also moves goods to and from Zoner installations wherever possible to strengthen the local Zoner economy. To do this OSI uses transports ranging from the smaller armoured transport to the large Zoner Whale.

Operating in the outer reaches is a dangerous place and as such, OSI also employs an escort wing to ensure that their transports are safe. Starting with the Switchblade heavy fighter and ranging up to bombers the OSI escorts are a tough group of individuals used to operating in the deep and wild Border and Edge Worlds.

Being true Zoners, OSI transports not only bring in supplies to the Freeports, we also make deliveries to the other inhabitants of the Border and Edge Worlds. Food deliveries to Crete and Dabadoru, and supplies to the Order are among some of our other deliveries. OSI does looks down on smuggling and will not tolerate it trade pilots doing so. Shipping contraband in no way helps our Freeports. We run a reputable business here and plan to keep it that way.

Our main goal, here at OSI, is to increase the quality of life for those who live in the outer reaches. We live life in the roughest part of space and if we are flourishing then we have succeeded.


Samuel Nichols was born on Freeport 2. His father and mother were part of the Zoner movement that left house space over 60 years ago. To make money for his family, his father Jacob ran supplies to other Freeports and did the odd escorting job. After Freeport 9 was built Jacob moved his family there to assist in making sure the folks out there survived.

Samuel was brought up in and around transports and fighters. His father would take him along on the safer shorter runs to teach him the family business. Samuel watched as his father would broker business deals on stations to get the best price for his cargo, and negotiate with the pirates that tried to take them. He learned quickly that a few well placed words can be the equal of a few well placed blaster shots. Once he turned eighteen, Samuel was given charge of his father’s old armoured transport. He and his father worked the supply lanes together for several years before his father retired.

After half a decade of making independent runs to and from Freeport 9 and 11. He saw how the unorganized supply lines to and from these deep stations was causing trouble. Certain high dollar items were brought in till the price plummeted and much needed items that were not a large profit went sorely lacking. It was at this time he first came up with the idea for OSI. He started talking to the other traders, organizing convoys and hiring escorts on a percentage of the profits instead of flat fees. By examining which supplies were most needed and balancing it with the higher profit runs, he make a rotating schedule for some of the local traders that not only kept the Freeports in what they needed but made a tidy profit for all.

Samuel also did a study on which ships fared the best in this arduous environment. While the larger ships had the chance to make a larger profit, he found that they were pirated more and had a larger difficulty handling the nasty asteroid and debris fields. Deciding that getting through to make the profit was better than potential profit he decided on a set of ships with the Border Worlds Transport as his top choice. Its survivability and manoeuvrability got his cargos to station.

After most of decade of working together with other independent traders, Samuel finally decided to form the Omicron Supply Industries. He had the capital to purchase ships and equipment and the clout to broker good deals all around Sirius. Filing the Charter, he started hiring. Several transport pilots came over quickly and the profits flowed. With the increase of the Nomad threat, escorts were added. OSI now keeps the standard of living at these deep stations higher than it has ever been before. Samuel looks to the future in this ever changing universe and will mould OSI to fit. Ever looking for new opportunities you can guarantee OSI will be supplying the deep space stations for a long time to come.

A few weeks prior to Samuel Nichols death (see Neural Net Entry: Death of Samuel Nichols) OSI relocated it's offices to Freeport 10 in Tau-37 and started up a small wing of mining-vessels, to exploit the various clouds around the station.


OSI is a Zoner trade faction. We do require both the Zoner IFF and ID or Zoner guard IFF and ID.

All new transport or mining pilots will be given 10,000,000 credits to purchase a transport from our allowed ship list. Escort pilot recruits will be given 4,000,000 credits to purchase a Kingfisher heavy fighter and outfit it with our allowed weapons.

Pilots willing to branch into our mining wing, are also given a bonus of 4,000,000 to finance a mining vessel.

Promotions will be based upon performance and reports from fellow members. Trade and escort reports should be posted on our company network upon completion.

OSI Zone of Influence

Home System

  • Yukon, Freeport 14 (HQ)
  • Tau-29, Freeport 6 (Office)

Trading Zone

  • Omicrons
  • Kusari
  • Rheinland
  • Liberty
  • Bretonia
  • Omegas
  • Sigmas
  • Taus

For ease of overview, here is a map of all allowed paths (Jumpgates and Jumpholes) OSI members may use and thus the systems we may visit:

Link to the full sized version

The map's Legend is pretty much self-explaining. For the restricted systems and jumpgates/-holes, the restrictions are as follows:

  • Omicron Alpha, Omicron Gamma and Omicron Minor can each only be entered with the cargo and procedure denoted in the Diplomacy section below. For the first two, try to take some legal cargo to the next zoner freeport or planet on your route.
  • The connection from the Liberty system of Texas to the Rheinland system of Hamburg - either via Bering or Hudson - is subject to the blockade due to the war between those two houses. We can still take cargo to Freeport 2 in Bering, but not take any cargo from one side to the other.

DO NOT enter any guard system, excluding Omicron-74, for any reason. We respect the sanctity of those systems.

OSI Diplomacy

It is required that all employees have the same relations with the folks listed below. It will make everyone’s life a lot easier. Do not attack anyone unless provoked. Any reports of our pilots engaging without provocation will be disciplined. Avoid hostile targets if possible.

The Order

As per agreements with the Order, no pilots will enter Omicron-100, ever. All shipments made to Omicron-Minor will be delivered to Battleship Isis. Do not land on anywhere else. Pilots are also advised not to linger in Minor out of respect for the Order. All escort pilots will only defend transports against the Nomad vermin. Order pilots should not hassle you. However, pilots must comply with all directives given by them.

Gas Miners Guild

Currently we have an agreement with the GMG to haul H-fuel from the Fujisawa Mining Facility in Okinawa for our Freeports and planets (Gran Canaria and Erie). We have also been allowed to purchase 4 of their Kaichou bombers to use in our escort wing. Further relations and contracts may be forthcoming.

Independent Miners Guild

We have a standing contract with the IMG to supply their bases with basic goods (Food Rations & Consumer Goods), as well as commodities they require for their mining operations (Mining Machinery & Robotic Components).

Furthermore we are allowed to conduct mining operations in Tau-37 and buy off Niobium Ore from IMG| tagged vessels.

The detailed conditions can be found in the contract.

Bounty Hunters Guild

We currently only deliver food rations to Dabadoru Station as per an agreement with Jeff Phelps, CEO, APM. Under no circumstances should we drop off any Synth Paste; it angers the Hunters.


As per a communications with the Corsair council we will deliver humanitarian aid shipments of food to the planet Crete. All escort pilots will wait for their transports outside of Omicron Gamma. All shipments of supplies going to Crete must be announced and docking permission asked for.


With OSI relocated to Tau 37, we have started delivering humanitarian aid shipment - namely Consumer Goods - to Malta, as this is one of the things almost never delivered to them otherwise. When entering Omicron Alpha, announce your presence and cargo and wait for instructions. When planetside, make sure to wear a breather mask to prevent getting a Cardamine addiction. Escort pilots will have to stay in Tau-37.


Faction Relationship
Gas Miners Guild
Temporary Autonomous Zoners
The Order
Zoners Trading Consortium
Zoner Ore Extraction
Pioneer Corporation (Zoners)
Independent Miners Guild (player faction)
Other trade factions
House Military
House Police
All other factions
Gallic Royalists
The Phantoms
Gallic Royal Navy
At War
Nomads (Keepers)
At War
The Wild (Das Wilde)
At War

Ships, Weapons & Naming Conventions

OSI Allowed Weaponry

  • All Zoner weaponry
  • All GMG (non-Capital) weaponry
  • Civilian line of weapons
  • Mini Razor hull breacher
  • Super Nova Antimatter Cannon
  • Codename weapons
  • Any missile
  • Any Torpedo
  • Any Mine

OSI Allowed Ships



  • We fly no light fighters due to survivability issues. They would also be no help against our main enemy, the Nomads.


Very Heavy:



Mining Ships

Naming Convention

Trade ships

OSI-<Ship name> (i.e. OSI-Gull)

Mining Ships

OSI-M-<Ship name> (i.e. OSI-M-Ishimura)


OSI-<Pilot's first name>.<Pilot's last name> (i.e. OSI-Reisiger.Duke)

Bomber Pilots

OSI-<Pilot's first initial>.<Pilot's last name> (i.e. OSI-R.Duke)

Ranks, Divisions & Privileges


Gabriel Caudill {Stygian}

Human Resources Coordinator

Joseph Abusaid {Aphil}

Security Division Coordinator

James Fletcher {Thurgret}

Security Division

All escort pilots are required to escort all transport pilots regardless of what type of ship they are in. Helping the smaller transport ships make successful cargo runs allows them to buy bigger ships, which helps us all.

  • Security Division Coordinator - Promotes Security personnel. Assists in hiring recruits, assigns pilots to escort services. Assists new personnel with combat training. The SDC will be filled from Master level Escort pilot ranks.

  • Recruit Escort Pilot - Time as a Recruit will be a probationary period. This will give them time to see if the Zoner way of life is right for them. Recruits have access to the Switchblade heavy fighter and earn 10% of a cargo runs profit. Promotion requirement is five escort missions and review by the Board of Directors.

  • Escort Pilot - Escorts have access to our full line of available fighters and earn 15% of a trade runs profit. Promotion is possible after 25 escort missions.

  • Master Escort Pilot - Master Escorts are considered the best of the best when it comes to getting you there safely. This earns them access to our available bombers and 20% of trade run profits.

An Escort Run is considered escorting an OSI or an allied transport on a Trade Run. If an escort is destroyed while successfully protecting an OSI or allied transport, the pilot is going to be paid his percentage of the fee anyway.

Trade Division

Transport pilots are required to pay their escorts a certain percentage of the profit of the cargo run. From 10 to 20 % depending on the rank of the escort. If an escort pilot is destroyed defending a transport, it is expected that they make at least their percentage for the run’s they assisted on.

  • Human Resources Coordinator – Promotes Trade Pilots, assists in recruiting new members and helps train and set up new members. The HRC will be chosen from the master level trade personnel. The HRC will be marked at the top of the transport pilot roster.

  • Transport Crewman - Time as a Crewman will be a probationary period. This will give them time to see if Zoner life is right for them. During this time they will have access to a limited number of ships. The Dromendary, Pelican, Gull, and Albatross. Promotion is possible after completion of 15 trade runs and a review by the Board of Directors.

  • Transport Pilot - The backbone of the transport fleet. Pilots have access to the Border Worlds Transport and Heron. Promotion is possible after completion of 30 trade runs.

  • Transport Captain - Captains have access to our full line of available transports. These include the ZBT-100Z "Zoner Whale", Stork, Titanic, Prison Liner, and the Kujira.

A Trade Run is considered a trade trip from a Zoner base over several stops back to the same Zoner base, or from a Zoner base to a house base and then to another Zoner base (not possible with the Zoner Guard ID!).

Mining Wing

Mining vessels currently operate under the structure of the Trade division and apply the same ranks and fees for escort vessels. As this wing is experimental for now, procedures are still in the process of being developed.

Partaking in a Mining Operation will count to either trade runs or escort runs per half hour of contribution.


Corporation Vessels

  • OSI-CorporateHQ - (CEO)
  • OSI-Employment.Office - (CEO, TDC, SDC, Master Rank Pilots)
  • OSI-Escort.Armoury - (CEO, SDC, TDC)
  • OSI-M-Ishimura - (CEO, SDC, TDC, Master Rank Pilots)

Transport pilots

  • Transport Division Coordinator
    • Victor Cross {Kuthumii}: OSI-Tydirium

  • Master Rank
    • Joseph "Squishy" Abusaid {Aphil}: OSI-Centurion, OSI-Crimson
    • Paddy O'Donaghue {Magoo!}: OSI-Lazarus, OSI-M-The.Wombat
    • Reisiger Duke {Reisiger}: OSI-Albatros, OSI-Gull, OSI-M-Pickaxe

  • Transport Rank
    • Gordon Michaels {Marcus Lindberg}: OSI-Chrome
    • Tier Nan Gorduin {Psychedelic}: OSI-Sonor
    • Steve Church {randomguy64}: OSI-Deliverer, OSI-M-Gemini

  • Recruit Rank
    • Bob "Bobby" O'Malley {Lanakov}: OSI-Northern.Star
    • Bryant Young {AgentMike}: OSI-Gemenon
    • John ??? {Vipera}: OSI-Trike
    • Peter Hansen {Penpen}: OSI-Kikimora
    • Ryul Yridnae {Mouth Shot}: OSI-Muffin

Escort Pilots

  • Escort Division Coordinator
    • James Fletcher {Thurgret}: OSI-James.Fletcher, OSI-James.Fletcher., OSI-James.Fletcher,, OSI-M-Penguin

  • Master Rank
    • Reisiger Duke {Reisiger}: OSI-Reisiger.Duke
    • Victor Cross {Kuthumii}: OSI-Victor.Cross

  • Recruit Rank
    • Kenneth Allen {Kaiwren}: OSI-Kenneth.Allen
    • Peter Hansen {Penpen}: OSI-Peter.Hansen
    • Robert Moors {bobbins}: OSI-Robert.Moors
    • Ryul Yridnae {Mouth Shot}: OSI-Ryul.Yridnae
    • Steve Church {randomguy64}: OSI-Steve.Church

Bomber Pilots

  • Kaichou - T-493-B GMG Bomber
    • Reisiger Duke {Reisiger}: OSI-R.Duke
    • James Fletcher {Thurgret}: OSI-J.Fletcher
    • Victor Cross {Kuthumii}: OSI-V.Cross
    • not assigned yet

Trade routes

OSI has many trade routes that are always shifting and changing depending on the times and occurrences around Sirius. They will be listed elsewhere for OSI employees.

Omicron Supply Industries - Internal Network: Trade Routes


OSI Official Faction Status Post

OSI Feedback Thread

OSI Recruitment Thread

OSI Message Dump

OSI General Information Channels