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Gallic Royal Navy (player faction)

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This is a player faction. For the affiliated NPC faction, see Gallic Royal Navy

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"Vive Le Crown!"
File:GRN banner.JPG


The Gallic Royal Navy was formed shortly after the crippled French sleeper ship reached Ile-de-France in 84 A.S. At first, its main agenda was space exploration and searching for other sleeper ships of the former Alliance. Later, when space flights became accessible to many groups and corporations, including criminals, the Navy switched to internal security tasks, while still maintaining a large number of capital ships, and constantly researching new ways to upgrade the ships and their weaponry in case a war with other Houses ever occurred. Today, the Navy is a powerful military force that can counter any threat to the Crown, both from within Gallic borders, or from outside.

The Royal Navy has been fighting a long war with Gallic rebels known as the Council since 748 A.S. over their misguided ideas that the Royal’s policy of isolation and preparation for total war of detriment to Gallia. The war ended for a time but the rebellion that started in 794 A.S. on the planet Marne is universally considered the beginning of the Second Gallic War which has continued to this day.

The current long range goal of the Royal Navy is a war to end all wars against the other former Alliance Houses. The Royal Navy has been moving forward almost non-stop building ships, researching military technology, gathering intelligence, stealing technology, and training new recruits to make war. This ultimate goal, however, was put on hold by the Council when they managed to capture the Languedoc system, break through the mine fields there and in Lorraine, and make first contact with the other Sirius Houses. The Royal Navy is currently dealing with the threat of the rebels and does not have the resources to worry about the foreign houses until they are put down.

Character Information

Characters are named as follows:

  • GRN|Firstname.Lastname for normal enlisted soldiers
  • GRN|Firstname.Lastname|RF for members of the Gallic Royal Family
  • GRN|RNS-Shipname or GRN|Shipname for capital ships

Characters use a Gallic Royal Navy IFF and Gallic Royal Navy ID.

Code of Conduct

By decree of the Royal Grand Marshall LaCroix, with the approval of the Royal Crown of the Kingdom of Gallia, the orders hereby issued are to be applied and enforced by every men and women of the Gallic Royal Navy.

  • Discipline and Loyalty. Men and women under the military service of the Crown are required to be diligent in the execution of their orders, this in regard to the chain of command which must always be obeyed to. The refusal to comply to orders of a superior will result in a court martial and if found guilty, will result in the dishonorable discharge of the accused in question, and may be followed by public execution. Desertion, espionage and treason are crimes punishable by death.
  • Respect and Image. Men and women representing the Royal Kingdom of Gallia are expected to be respectful toward the Gallic citizen, be him or her of noble blood or commoner. All soldiers of the Crown are expected to talk in a civilized manner. An inability to do so is to insult the language of the Kingdom, and will be considered a crime. To voice an opinion that may directly or otherwise support the enemies of the crown, to speak against the Royal is forbidden and will be punished severely.
  • Valor and Courage. Men and women under the military service of the Crown are expected to obey his orders with no hesitation. The enemies of the Crown are expected to be hunted down and disabled by the soldiers unless otherwise specified by the chain of command. To land a hand to a comrade in need is a compulsory act of comradeship. A valorous and courageous soldier is a good soldier. The soldier refusing to abide by these principles may be executed for grave charges of cowardice and his or her name will be dishonored.

Zone of Operations


Burgundy is the seat of Royal power in the Gallic Border Worlds, and the primary defensive operating area of the Gallic Royal Navy, given its proximity to Council-controlled Champagne and its status as the second line of defense against intruders from Omicron-80.

Owned bases :

Allied bases :


Champagne is fully controlled by the Council. The Royal Navy may occasionally send expeditions to test the defenses of Planet Marne and other installations, but generally stays clear of the system.


Dauphine is the primary staging ground for the Gallic Royal Navy's forces. Every day more ships arrive in the system, and the Crown plans to launch a massive assault on Languedoc within the year. Dauphine is also the sight of several major battles in the Second Gallic War, most notably Bourgon-Jallieu and The Gap, and as such significant forces are always on patrol in the system in case Council launches another attack.

Owned bases :

Allied bases :


The Gallic Royal Navy has been all but pushed out of Languedoc, retaining control of only the Jump Gate to Dauphine. The system is still patrolled in an effort to contain the tide of Sirius explorers coming in from Orkney, and on occasion the Navy sends a task force out to meet Council in battle and gauge the strength of their defenses.

Owned bases :


Lorraine is one of the two systems that contain Jump Holes from the Gallic Border Worlds to Sirius. While mostly cut off from reinforcements due to the Council takeover of Champagne, the Gallic Royal Navy does not shy away from using the jumphole from Burgundy when necessary. Defense of the system is mostly left to the Battleship Epinal, and it rarely receives patrols from the main fleet.

Owned Bases :

Allied bases :


  • Grand Marshall: The Grand Marshall is the supreme ruler of the Gallic Royal Navy in the King's absence.
  • Duke: A Duke is one of the greater powers in the Gallic Royal Navy. Having only the King and Grand Marshall above him, a Duke holds responsibility over a specific area in Gallia and its forces.
  • Margrave: A Margrave is directly responsible for the protection and immigration difficulties within a border system. A Margrave holds great responsibility due to the fact that they are in charge of keeping intruders out of Gallic space.
  • Comte: A Comte is a member of a Duke's administrative staff. Holding power over a small part in his Duke's area of responsibility, all Comtes report directly to their own Duke.
  • Baron: A Baron is directly in charge over a certain space station or planet; taking care of its import and export of supplies, as well as handing out assignments to the Royal Police and Navy task forces.
  • Knight: A Knight is a member of the Gallic Royal Navy that has set his or her first steps towards nobility.
  • Sergeant: A Sergeant is a respected soldier within the lower ranks of the Gallic Royal Navy, and one step away from Knighthood.
  • Man-at-Arms: Men-at-Arms are well trained, well supplied front line troops figthing in the King's name.
  • Levy: The riff-raff of the Gallic Royal Navy. Levy's are nothing more than recruits and cannon-fodder.


Grand Marshall
Lilith LaCroix (Exile)
Josef Revenant (Josef Revenant)
Bruce Montague (Sovereign) Blaise Mersenne (shazbot111)
Mathieu Archambault (Entrepreneur) Henri Blanc (felix (notequinoxe) )
Adrien Lambert (Nathrael)
Leon Chevalier (JihadJoe) Jacques Archambault (Entrepreneur) Claude Chantal (Altaris)
Jacques.Roussel (teschy) Eugene Archambault (Robin) Pascal Devereux (Agent56) Zane Lumiere (Raisu) Leo Berlioz (Sead)
Currently vacant
Stellar Meffre (NinjaKitten) Godfrey de Blanchefort (Nerevar)
Currently vacant
Missing in Action
Sco Rooj (Saint Malo) Sinistre Leoncoeur (Swift)

Ship Usage

XJ-1 Caracal
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  • Easily replaceable light fighters usually piloted by Levy's and trainees.

  • Required rank: Levy
XJ-2 Serval
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  • Heavy Fighter in use by the more "advanced" recruits.

  • Required rank: Levy
XJ-3 Lynx
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  • This VHF is the sword and the shield of the Royal Navy, flown by the royal guard and combat troops alike.
  • Required rank: Men-at-Arms
BXJ-5 Cougar
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  • The Gallic Royal Navy's bomber is the bane of capital ships both foreign and domestic.
  • Required rank: Men-at-Arms
*Perilous Class Gunship
  • Light support Gunship often spotted accompanying larger patrols.
  • Required rank: Knight
Obstinate Class Cruiser
  • The Obstinate is said to be the heart and soul of the Royal Navy.
  • Required rank: Comte
Valor Class Battleship
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  • The Valor Battleship class is often considered the pinnacle of capital ship evolution and the most advanced craft ever designed by human hand. Sporting an excellent armoury, generous armour plating, a gargantuan power plant and commanded by some of the most veteran captains in Gallic space, the Valor is truly a force to be reckoned with.
  • Required rank: Duke


Faction Relationship
Gallic Royal Police
EFL Oil and Machinery
Ile-de-France Shipping
Gallic Metal Service
Everyone Else
Bounty Hunters Guild
Independent Miners Guild
Gallic Brigands
Colonial Remnant
House Militaries
The Phantom Empire
Unione Corse
The Maquis
At War
The Council
At War