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Cerberus (Player Group)
- This is an unofficial player group. For the affiliated NPC faction, see The Order.
Cerberus | |
Origin | ![]() |
Alignment | The Order |
Profile | |
Date of founding | 31.07.816 A.S. |
Founder(s) | Colonel Jack Aubrey |
Current leader(s) | Colonel Jack Aubrey |
Base of operations | Lisbon Station, Omicron 100 |
Primary role | |
Protecting Humanity from the Nomad/Phantom/Wilde threat. Cerberus Operatives work Sirius-wide often acting in undercover. | |
Secondary role | |
Enforcing the Order defence in Omicron Minor,Omicron 100 and Omicron 92 |
Cerberus is a well known paramilitary organization that is currently operating in the Omicrons.They are known to be affilated with the Order,but some recent events that implied denied their affilation with the said faction.Their core belief is that the Order is too harmstrung by the general oppinion to truly defend humanity from the growing and incessant Nomad threat.
They distinguished themselves in some recent events that implied their involvment,one certain thing is that they are the responsables for the bombardment of Tripoli Shipyard,a key Corsair shiypard that served as the local repair and construction site of the Corsair local Fleet.In other episodes they helped the Zoners with the evacuation of Freeport XV,and the bombardment of Yaren Base.
Because of some recent events,Cerberus started to develop a highly efficient alliance with The Cincinnatus Guard.They cooperated many times with the said faction,like the time when the Outcasts invaded Omicron Minor,Cerberus received a highly professional help from them,and together they managed to strike back on the Outcast invading fleet.
They are known to be quite effective.And their Elite Wing is known to be the most ruthless assault squadron in the whole Edge Nebula. Some recent reports showed that they have some infiltrated members in the Bretonian Armed Forces,in the Liberty Navy and in the Gallic Royal Police.
TAG: Cerberus
NPC Alignment: The Order
ID: The Order Guard ID
Faction tags: Cerberus|
Naming Convention: Warships Cerberus|{Section}-<name> Small Crafts Cerberus|<rank>.<Initial letter of your firstname>.<lastname>
Faction Biography
Cerberus was founded by an ex Bretonian Armed Forces veteran,Jack Aubrey.Together with the help of a well known Deep Space Engineering scientist and researcher,Dave Synk.Jack Aubrey was in the Bretonian Armed Forces when The Phantoms releashed a MOX warhead in the atmosphere of Planet Cambridge,the planet on which Jack's familly was living.Destiny had it that the Wellington District was hit by the warhead,and Jack lost in a matter of seconds his parents and his friends.He managed to see the atrocity from space,in his Templar,without the possibilty to do nothing.He eventually remembered that he read something about a faction deep withing the Edge Nebula,the Order,that was fighting the Phantom presence in Sirius,so he packed his Templar and he left for the last known location of the said faction,Omicron Minor.He met on the way there a scientist that was working for Deep Space Engineering,on the local trade lane between Cambridge Jumpgate and the local freeport.He saw that the lane was disrupted and the scientist was surrounded by some pirate vessels.When the pirates threatened the scientist that he will open fire on his vessel,Jack engaged the vessels.After a long fight,the combat skill of the Bretonian Armed Forces officer prevailed and with one bomber down and the fight retreating,he managed to save the live of the Deep Space Engineering scientist.
The scientist to be grateful that he was still living he asked his saviour if he wanted to have a drink on Freeport 1,Jack later discovered that the scientist's name was Dave Synk,a well known researcher of Liberty that worked with Ageira several times in the attempt to update the current Jumpgate sistem in order to travel longer distances in less time.
He found that Dave Synk leaved Liberty after a financial disaster in which Deep Space Engineering was involved.In their long conversation about the Slomon K'Hara and the Phantoms,Jack discovered that he had a vast knowledge related to xenoarcheology.His passion derived from the fact that his father worked with the famous Roland Quintaine.At this point Jack explained his story and asked Dave if he wanted to join him on his voyage towards the Edge Nebula.
Dave accepted and he accompanied Jack in Omicron Minor,but he didn't knew that he will become a very important element of Cerberus.
They reached Omicron Minor with the help of some Zoner pilot in a Conference gladly accepted to accompany them towards the Order homeword,of course charging a fee for that service.After a long trip they finally arrived in Omicron Minor.Following the instructions from various reports of the Bretonian Intelligence Service,they discovered that the Order had the control of a planet.
They started to navigate towards the center of the sistem when their scanner detected the gravity well of a "terrestrial" planet.The inscription on the Docking Ring even if rusty had the clear mark of,Planet Toledo.
The weather on the planet was cold and inhospitable against the warm and hot weather of Planet Cambridge of whick Jack was used to.The first night on Planet Toledo is still imprinted in their minds,a cold and unforgivable frost.They rapidly started to move towards an undergound bunker deeply carved in the west side of a Mountain Belt.When they entered the underground bunker the rapidly started to accomodate to the new environment.They started to ask some Order pilots if they knew a zone where to take a bear and talk.But they only received a cold reply or in most cases they were ignored.
After various attempts in the numerous levels of the underground facility they found a sign bearing "Bar" writed in a cubital font.When they entered the bar they found that it was rather dark inside and Jack eventually tripped in a chair and hit a someone.That someone was a guy named Big Mac,an Order independent pilot who was known to love a good brawl after an abundant drink.Big Mac initally insulted Jack's mother because he hit him,even if it wasn't intentional.Jack,still frustrated about his loss on Planet Cambridge rapidly turn and hit Mac in the face with his right fist.Big Mac was clearly pissed off,he grabbed a seat and he tried to launch it on Jack,but he missed the target and he hit Dave,without knowing that Dave had the courage to face Mac,Jack was the witness of the most strange fight in his whole life.Dave charged on Mac and in less than 4 seconds managed to deliver a hand-load of fists on Mac.Clearly pissed because of the cold,and of Mac,Dave left Jack to finish the job.Jack eventually started to beat up Mac without any kind of remorse when Mac fell down unconscious.Eventually the fight was over and to avoid that Jack killed Mac with a chair he was blocked by a an ex-Mercenary,Cayle Swanson.
In order to calm themselves up,Jack and Dave asked the barman for a drink,when the barman didn't replied,Jack raised up and shouted if he want the same thing that Mac had to do with.The barman clearly scared shouted towards their table that he will grab some drinks for them,and they will be free of charge.Jack eventually invited Cayle to their table.
After 20 minutes,Jack managed to gain a new companion.A Liberty mercenary,that left Liberty after the death of his sister.When they finish their talking subjects they decided that it was time to find a place somewhere to sleep.Jack told them that they were free to do whatever they wanted to do,and he left the bar.
Jack went outside in the frozen environment on the outside of the Bunker with only a few signal lights marking the path back towards the landing pad.Eventually he managed to find his Templar again,he opened the cabin to retrieve a familly pendulum.The pendulm had some strange markings on it that beared the following writing: Per Aspera ad Veritatem.
The next day they were selected by an Order officer and ordered to scout the sistem known as Omicron 92.Luckly Jack managed to convice the officer if he could add his friend,Dave Synk for the mission.The officer accepted and Jack Aubrey and Dave Synk later distinguished themselves in the annihilation of a Nomad Gunboat.
Three years passed since those events.And now that small group is known to be Cerberus.
The Nomads
The Keepers
The Aoi Iseijins
The Das Wilde
What is our goal?
Their main goal is not only restricted to the Edge Nebula but they have been seen to operate Sirius wide.Their main goal is to defend humaity from the costant and incessant Nomad threat.Their preoccupations recently regarded a report of the Bretonian Armed Forces that stated the the Gallic Kind is possibly infected.Since then Cerberus displaced an assorted number of undercovers agents deep withing the Core Worlds of the Gallic Kingdom.
Their secondary role is to enforce the security in the Edge Nebula.After some recent events in which the Zoners were bounty hunted by the Corsairs they were selected to enforce the security of some key Freeports in the zone with the help of the The Cincinnatus Guard.After the fall and disbandment of the Zoner Alliance,the Cincinnatus Guard and Cerberus moved in Omicron-74 when the Zoners started to leave Sirius aboard one experimental sleeper ship.
The Sections
In order to keep the rigid line of "organization" Cerberus is known to be split in various sections.These sections are controlled by a Lieutenant Colonel,or by a Director in the case of the Reseearch Wing.The main and most important section of Cerberus is the Main Wing,in which their heavy and light capital Ships are present.The entry in the Main Wing is granted only to the respective members who gained the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
Escort Wing Bastet Escort Wing Nephthys |
The escort wing is one of the primary wings in which the newly recruited members will serve.This section in mainly formed by very heavy fighters,their role is to defend the main wing or the shock wing from the attacking enemy forces that represent a clear threat to the safety of the said section.
Shock Wing Sekhmet Shock Wing Kaichou |
The shock wing is mainly formed by experienced escort wing pilots who passed the 2 weeks test in Cerberus.Their role is to heavily hit the enemy capital ships.Only after a harsh training you will gain entrance in this section.But we still don't assure you that you will be accepted in this section.
Support Ship Hathor Support Ship Resheph |
The support wing is one of the most vital section in a combat.They provide a higly professional support in combat against enemy bombers in action against the main wing.Or against enemy very heavy fighters that are aiming on our bombers.
Elite Wing Virage |
The elite wing is a highly efficient section of Cerberus.Only the best pilots are accepted in this wing,after the period of three months in Cerberus.The leader of the section is nontheless the Colonel in person,Jack Aubrey.All the members who enter the elite wing gain access to a highly modified Bastet very heavy fighter,this particular ship was created by a team of engineers from both Cerberus and the Cincinnatus Guard.Since the components used for these experimental very heavy fighters are quite rare,oftenly including a weapons loadout of experimental weaponry that features the codename known as CERBERUS.
Research Wing Luxury Liner Research Wing X-Shuttle |
The research wing is the main section of Cerberus in which important discoveries and studies are made.The research wing is implied directly in research missions.Like the Primus Cluster survey,lead by Lieutenant Colonel Dave Synk,or the study of the Ragriz Black Hole.In short words,the research wing is involved directly with everything linked to research purposes.
Main Wing Osiris Main Wing Geb |
The main wing is the main section of Cerberus,in which the respective Lieutenant Colonels of all the sections are.They are known to form the main wing.The main wing is mainly formed by capital ships in which Cerberus installed all the equipment necessary to operate deep within Sirius.The main wing is implied directly when Cerberus is sure that they will encounter heavy enemy capital ships,or in the case that a heavy bombardment is requested.
Ship Register
Tactical Support Ship: Legion Geb Tactical Support Ship: Metafora Geb Tactical Support Ship: Camelot Geb Tactical Support Ship: Antares Geb |
Shock Wing: {SW}J.Wiersma Sekhmet Shock Wing: {SW}M.Wiersma Sekhmet Shock Wing: {SW}J.Aubrey Sekhmet |
Support Ship: Hussar Hathor Support Ship: Quandil Hathor Support Ship: Nostromo Hathor |
Escort Wing: Cpl.J.Wiersma Nephthys Escort Wing: Ens.M.Fenix Nephthys Escort Wing: Cpl.M.Wiersma Nephthys Escort Wing: ADir.D.Synk Bastet Escort Wing: Ens.J.Willow Bastet Escort Wing: Capt.E.Jurgen Bastet |
Research Wing: Dtr. Dave Synk Luxury Liner Research Wing: Spr. Jack Aubrey X-Shuttle Research Wing: Ass. Ulrik Johansson X-Shuttle |
Members Register
Main members: Jack Aubrey,Dave Synk,Michiel Wiersma,Jeroen Wiersma,Marcus Fenix,Ian Moss,Justin Cheezcat,Michael Arnett,Elijah Jurgen.
We are a faction that recruits only the best pilots that we can have.If you think that your worth the shoot,contact our Channel on the SKYP3 frequency.
General Relations