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This wiki is closed in favour of the new wiki. Information shown is likely to be very out of date. |
The Brotherhood
The Brotherhood | |
Origin | ![]() |
Alignment | Unlawful |
Profile | |
Date of founding | unknown |
Founder(s) | Elder Alexander Cross, Elder Atilla Farquar |
Current leader(s) | Elder Juanez Buonocore |
Base of operations | Battleship Prox, Omicron 91, Mindelo Base, Omega 50 |
Primary role | |
Serving the Corsair nation by using force | |
Secondary role | |
* Helping other Corsairs with their tasks (missions, navigation)
| |
Table of contents | |
- This is a player faction. For the affiliated NPC faction, see Corsairs
The Brotherhood's history
There are a lot of fellowships among the Corsairs. The Brotherhood proudly claims to be the oldest one. We are a militant group of radical Corsairs who prefer to achieve their goals by force than by using diplomatic ways as the diplomacy has repeatedly proved to be useless and leads to corruption rather than to its intended goals. This is especially true in recent days, where the Council of Corsair Elders has proved to be a body of men that are more interested in talk and diplomacy for the sake of talk and diplomacy, instead of as a tool to be used against the enemies of the Corsairs.
The Brotherhood is led by a group of older and skilled Corsairs, the Elders. They are the most respected ones among the rest of brothers, but once they get too old, they optionally step aside, take on the title Un Sabio and let the younger ones take their place. The word of the Elder is a rule and is always obeyed.
Our sworn enemies are the Outcasts (in the first place), Bretonians and Rheinlanders, particularly the Red Hessians. We take every chance to fight them but this is not the only way to make them weaker. The other way is piracy. The more traders we pirate, the less profit they bring to their houses. And hunting a Cardamine smuggler has always higher priority, then hunting an ordinary trader. However if you spot a smuggler with load of Alien Artifacts, or a trader bringing resources to our home system, it is wise to leave them alone or escort them safely to their destination.
We have fought many battles over the years, against all of our major foes. Our history is lined with the names of those who have fought and given their lives in the service of the Corsairs and the Brotherhood. We lost many in our attempt to fulfill the Road to Rheinland plan set fourth, and were forced to retreat. Many valiantly sacrificed themselves, including the Brotherhood's main flagship at the time, the Altaneria. We achieved more success against the Outcasts in Omicron Eta, where we managed to stand our ground with our other brothers, despite many offensives by the Outcasts. The Bretonians, held down by their war with Kusari, have their backs open to attack. Despite being a well-trained military force, we have been able to raid them numerous times and damage their shipping. More recently, we have set in motion a plan to reclaim our rightful place in Sirius, stolen from us by the four houses eight hundred years ago.
The Road to Rheinland plans have been set back by the unpredicted resistance of both the Blood Dragons in Sigma 13, and the Rheinland Military in Frankfurt. However, the plan has been extended and is waiting to begin after the current offensive on Bretonia is successful.
Faction Details
- Corsair tag
- Corsair ID
- [TBH] tag after ship name
Firstname.Lastname[TBH] Rank.Lastname[TBH] Callsign[TBH] Rank.Callsign[TBH] Shipname[TBH]
Ship Restriction
- Usage of Corsair ships is highly encouraged, however commisioning of cruisers and battleshisp requires approval of Elders. Ships from hands of our allies or neutral parties are allowed with permission from allies and Elders. Usage of civilian ships is discouraged strongly.
Corsair shipline is defined as Decurion, Centurion, Gladiator, Titan, Praetorian, Imperator, Praefect, Legate, Osiris.
Equipment Restriction
- Always prefer Corsair weapons and equipment, we are lucky that the spectrum is quite wide. Never use any kind of Nomad equipment! Risk of possible infestation is too high!
Brotherhood Fleet
- Battleship Prox (decommissioned) - The oldest Osiris class battleship of the Brotherhood, commanded by Elde Alexander, decommissioned and replaced by Altaneria, used fot the protection of Gamma, helped in many victories. Stationed now in Omicron-91 as first line of defence.
- Battleship Altaneria (lost in action) - The Legend among Corsairs, Osiris Class, commanded by all the Elders, led several victorious offensives in the past, was lost in the attempt to invade Frankfurt, there are still its wrecked parts floating in Sigma-17.
- Battleship Memoria - the brand new flagship of the Brotherhood, Class Corsair Dreadnought, commanded by all the Elders.
- Battleship Artemis - secondary battleship of the Brotherhood, Osiris Class, commanded by all the Elders and Centurions.
- Cazadora - the only cruiser of the Brotherhood, Praefect class, commanded by all the Elders and Centurions.
- Banco - primary bank/storage ship of the Brotherhood, access granted to all the Elders.
- Arca - secondary bank/storage ship of the Brotherhood, access granted to all the Elders and Centurions.
Goals of the Brotherhood
- Keeping Omicron Gamma nice and safe place, engaging enemy ships who entered the system, helping other Corsairs with their tasks (missions, navigation).
- Pirating traders, demanding safe-passage fees, destroying those traders who choose to ignore such demands, attacking Cardamine smuggling routes and smugglers, supporting Alien Artifact trade and other vital products needed on Planet Crete.
- Performing military operations against our enemies in their Systems, weakening their economy by all means, destroying their ships and expanding into their territory.
- Uniting brother corsairs under our organisation, helping them with their reputation issues, equipment and ship selection, etc.
Assisting our allies, and friends in their missions if there is no collision with the above goals.
Zone Of Interest
- Omicron-91 - home system of the Brotherhood
- Omicron Gamma - home system of Corsairs
- Omicron Kappa, Omicron Delta - Yaren Base - smuggling route into NY, defense against Nomads
- Omega-41, Omega-5, Omega-47 - Leon Base, Cadiz Base, Battleship Fes, Casablanca Base - offensive against Red Hessians and Bretonians, piracy
- Omicrons, Sigmas, Omegas - systems with Corsair presence, piracy, attacks on military/police targets
Brotherhood diplomacy
- Elder - Juanez Buonocore <a.k.a. madvillain>
- Elder - Miguel Sephardi <a.k.a. Zelot>
- Elder - Rafael Montoya <a.k.a McNeo>
- Elder - Ramirez Gonzales <a.k.a Ivr56>
- Elder - Globalo <a.k.a globalplayer-svk>
- Tribune - Werss <a.k.a. Werss>
- Tribune - Skyelius <a.k.a Skyelius>
- Centurion - Juan Montoya <a.k.a McNeo>
- Centurion - Emilio Ferucci <a.k.a Elven>
- Centurion - Alberto Rodriguez <a.k.a. Crohn>
- Centurion - Mia Rosa <a.k.a. DarthBindo>
- Decurion - Alphonso Perez Di Martino <a.k.a. madvillain>
- Decurion - Ricardo Trujillo <a.k.a. acexrecon>
- Soldato - Jim <a.k.a. Jihad Joe>
- Soldato - Dante 'Ocultado' Castro <a.k.a. Jihad Joe>
- Soldato - Ezio Ricardo Angela Della Francesca <a.k.a. DarthBindo>
- Soldato - Zorro DePlata <a.k.a. Tanker>
- Soldato - Miltiades Liakos <a.k.a. Elven>
- Soldato - Diplomata <a.k.a Werss>
- Soldato - Carlos Rivera <a.k.a Klaw117>
- Soldato - El Ninho <a.k.a. el.ninho>
- Soldato - Angelo de Cordovado <a.k.a. Tailsdoll>
- Soldato - Huan Veron <a.k.a. Jacques Brissot>
- Soldato - Carlos Vega <a.k.a. str8>
- Soldato - El Sol Sangriento <a.k.a. MareシKing>
- Soldato - Patriot <a.k.a. acexrecon>
- Soldato - Alvarez Santiago <a.k.a. Veygaar>
- Soldato - Gino 'Machete' Lobonegro <a.k.a. madvillain>
- Soldato - Leon 'Blanco' Lobo <a.k.a. Dratai>
- Soldato - Casiano 'Ajax' Ruelas <a.k.a. 6NB>
- Soldato - Cesar 'Flipado' Gutierrez <a.k.a. Exterminator>
- Soldato - Bablo.Ximanez <a.k.a. synts>
- Soldata - Tinky <a.k.a. globalplayer-svk>
- Soldata - Daniela Ferucci <a.k.a. Elven>
- Soldata - Wera <a.k.a. Werss>
- Soldata - La Luna de Carolis <a.k.a. Dr.Max>
- Soldata - Carla 'Padre' Olivera <a.k.a Kalliste>
Dead or MIA
- Elder - Alexander <a.k.a. MrSns> - Died in hospital
- Elder - Farquar <a.k.a. Onca> - Retired
- Elder - Costello <a.k.a. Equinox> - Missing or dead
- Elder - Maniaco <a.k.a. majkp> - Missing
- Elder - Carson Hawkings <a.k.a. The Master Elite> - Missing or dead
- Elder - Vincent Valentine <a.k.a Vince> - Missing
- Elder - Raul D. Yanez <a.k.a. I m rdy> - Missing
- Centurion - Ivan Voronov <a.k.a. razr> - Missing
- Centurion - Alejandro de la Vega <a.k.a pipboy> - Missing
- Soldato - Pablo Cuervo <a.k.a. Reyneven> - Missing
- Soldato - Pablo Escobar <a.k.a. Zorba-The-Kane> - Missing
- Soldato - Marcus Cora <a.k.a. Magnus 'Ghost' Bytus> - Missing
- Soldato - Cristobal Cortez <a.k.a. Elven> - Missing
- Soldato - Nicolas De'Reina <a.k.a. Saheto> - Missing or dead
- Soldato - Jonas Mendez <a.k.a Gezza999> - Missing
- Soldato - Vega <a.k.a Draconis> - Missing or dead
- Soldato - Aristotle Makrydes <a.k.a. Aristotle Makrydes> - Missing or dead
- Soldato - Tuco < a.k.a elgatodiablo> - Missing
- Soldato - Fernando Soto <a.k.a. Elven> - Dead
- Soldato - Carlito Bigante <a.k.a. Carlito.> - Missing
- Soldato - Tadeo Aaron Cortiaz <a.k.a. Midnight Hawk> - Missing
- Soldata - Vena Melanez <a.k.a Malenka> - Missing
- Soldata - Baila Morena <a.k.a. madvillain> -In prison (Traitor)
How to sign up
- You post your application in this thread, short biography, name of your character, etc.
- You receive a PM by one of the Elders or Centurions with 10 questions regarding the server and rules of the Brotherhood
- You answer them, and send the answers back
- If you are accepted then you make a post in The Brotherhood Roll Call
- You can contact any of the Elders to give you the startup bonus
Application Example
- Full Name
- Age
- Your skills
- Reason why you chose us
- Your biography (at least 10 lines)