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Kiretsu Sentai Dageki

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This is an unofficial player group. For the affiliated NPC faction, see Golden Chrysanthemums.
Kiretsu Sentai Dageki
Origin Flag-kusari.png Kusari
Alignment Golden Chrysanthemums
Date of founding 812 A.S.
Founder(s) Shotou Kakujin
Current leader(s) Zetsumai Keisotsu
Base of operations
Primary role
Founding of a Kusari Matriarch, Equal Rights for Women
Secondary role
Liberalization of Kusari


(Under Construction)

While Zetsumai Keisotsu made the Kiretsu Squadron what it is today, it was originally formed by Shotou Kakujin as Kuromeru Squadron. Being relatively new and under the control of the Chrysanthemum Elders, the squadron was assigned green pilots, those with little to no combat experience, while they favored the elite squadrons with the more experienced pilots.

Much of Kuromeru Squadron's activities and missions were bland and ordinary, at least from the viewpoint of a Golden Chrysanthemum. Shotou continued to ask for more important missions than commerce interdiction and eventually got what she asked for, though it turned out not to be what she wanted. In order to free a captured Elder, and others, from Fuchu Prison, Shotou, her five pilots, and two dozen other Chrysanthemum and Blood Dragon pilots were being sent to suppress the Prison's defenses while transports with soldiers boarded the station and rescued as many people as they could. Shotou's Kuromeru Squadron was tasked with keeping Battleship Myoko and it's fighters from getting close enough to destroy the transports.

It was known that it was a suicide mission, for Shotou and her pilots to sacrifice themselves in order to buy the transports enough time to get in and out. Despite that, Shotou and her wingmate managed to survive the battle, though Shotou was severely injured and her ship destroyed.

One of the women rescued from Fuchu Prison was Zetsumai Keisotsu. She, her brother, and both of her parents were to be arrested and executed for treason. The charge was nothing but smokescreen the Kempetei used to justify their executions to make sure those involved in the design of the Naval Force's new Sunfrenzy 3 couldn't release the information they had about it to others. Zetsumai and her parents had all worked on Kansai Research Station while her brother was a recruit in the Naval Forces.

Her brother, Kaiten Keisotsu, managed to flee to Rheinland before he could be arrested, but their parents were executed before the raid on Fuchu Prison. Having nothing left besides her brother, who was out of reach in Rheinland, Zetsumai joined the Chrysanthemums to satisfy her thirst for revenge.

The Chrysanthemums gladly accepted her and assigned her to Shotou's Kuromeru Squadron to replenish it's stock of pilots after the raid on Fuchu Prison. Zetsumai spent about a year in Kuromeru Squadron before becoming Shotou's Second-in-Command. Due to Shotou's injury she wasn't able to pilot fighters at the level of other pilots so she flew a bomber into fights, usually going after hostile capital ships while Zetsumai led the fighters in covering her. Shotou's refusal to back out of the Chrysanthemum's pilot ranks ended up killing her when she was unable to pilot as well as her enemies, leaving Zetsumai in charge of Kiretsu.

Zetsumai ran Kuromeru Squadron for a time as Shotou had, but the Elders began to disgust and disappoint her. The tended to send pilots out against targets that were more important to satisfying the Elder's greed and personal ambitions than the greater good of the Chrysanthemums and Kusari.

Zetsumai realized that operating under the Elders was no longer the best course of action, and decided to set about breaking ties with the ruling body of the Chrysanthemums. The first step towards that was to rebase Kuromeru Squadron from Battleship Matsuda, which had just recently been rebuilt in Okinawa, where the Elder's control was still weak. It was also looked at as inspiration, returning to the goals, policies, and purity of Yuyu Matsuda.

To farther separate ties and make a political statement towards the Elders, Zetsumai renamed Kuromeru Squadron to Kiretsu Sentai Dageki - Kiretsu Strike Squadron. The name Kiretsu having two meanings; 'Violence' symbolized Zetsumai's intent to return to the way the Chrysanthemums were before the Elder's perversion. Kiretsu was focusing its efforts on Samura, The Hogosha, and their supporters to destroy Samura's political control and ruin the Hogosha's hold over the black market, as opposed to trying to strike the Kusari military directly.

Zetsumai knew that to fight the Naval Forces head-on would get them no-where and only risk pilots and ships, neither of which they could replace as easily as the Naval Forces could. But fleets can't exist without large amounts of money, supplies, and political support. Zetsumai's plan was to deny them by disrupting Kusari trade whenever and wherever possible.

The second meaning; 'Fissure' symbolized the divide the Empire's government and its people, and the Kiretsu Squadron would do whatever it could to widen that divide. It also symbolized the divide between the Chrysanthemum's Elders and the pilots they used to fulfill their selfish ambitions.

(Under Construction)

Modus Operandi

Throughout the last century, the Golden Chrysanthemums had been changing their targets from Samura to the Kusari State Police and Naval Forces in more of a militaristic revolution. The Kiretsu squadron has separated itself from this warlike strategy and reverted back to the original tactic of suppressing Samura. Leaving the Naval Forces to exhaust themselves against the Bretonians, Kiretsu focuses itself on striking Samura whenever and wherever is can in an attempt to bankrupt the corporation, or at the very least hurt it to the point where Kishiro would surpass it politically and financially.

Kishiro, being a more liberal-thinking corporation focusing more on technological advancement than industrial processing, is largely left alone. Much of this is due to the reasoning that Kishiro, unlike Samura, may be more open-minded to the concept of woman's rights. Towards this there has been advances made towards Kishiro to use their political power to take the Chrysanthemum's case to the government diplomatically, while the Chrysanthemums themselves continue a militant revolution.

In addition to a reversion to a terrorist action against Samura, Kiretsu has also spent considerable effort and expense in stemming the flow of Artifacts into Kusari by attacking any and all Hogosha they can find. As well as attacking any Corsair ships found trying to enter Kusari or deliver Artifacts to the Hogosha. It is suspected that they do this not only to break the Hogosha's hold on the black market and thereby deprive them of their political power, but to also ingratiate themselves with the Gas Miners Guild, who were once accomplices in the Artifacts trade before being betrayed by the Hogosha.

Due to the Hogosha's traditionalist ways, control of the black market, and political power, Kiretsu has attempted to befriend the Junkers and help them in invading Hogosha's territory and compete for control of the black market. The Junkers, in addition to being liberalists, are also instrumental in the supply and distribution of Cardamine. Their entry into the Kusari black market was an attempt to further the spread of Cardamine among Kusari's younger, more liberal, population. With the younger generation addicted to Cardamine, it was suspected that they would be more easy to control, as well as provide the Outcasts and Golden Chrysanthemums with further recruits.

To further this goal, Kiretsu commissioned transports, bought from the Outcasts, to collect Cardamine directly from Malta and return them to Battleship Matsuda, their headquarters, before being distributed to Roppongi and Furyoku Station where it could be taken to other Kusari stations and planets aboard lawfully-aligned Interspace transports. After Zetsumai Keisotsu's acquisition of a Cardamine plantation on Malta, the Kiretsu made Cardamine smuggling a high priority and their deliveries increased tenfold. Because of access to their own supply of Cardamine, the smuggling offered a high amount of funding and much of Battleship Matsuda's supply was Cardamine grown on the Keisotsu Plantation. On average, the Kiretsu send two heavily-defended transport convoys to Malta and back weekly.

Due to this and other events, relations between Zetsumai, and the Kiretsu by extension, and the Outcasts strengthened. At the same time and due to many and varied reasons, the Kiretsu's relations with the Blood Dragons dropped. Though maintaining the Chrysanthemum's alliance with both, Kiretsu worked more closely with the Outcasts than the Blood Dragons.

Roughly around 812 A.S. an organization that referred to itself as the Consortium began to be seen more and more around Kusari. By the time war broke out between Kusari and Bretonia in 813 A.S., the Consortium was a well-known organization to the Golden Chrysanthemums. Utilizing Outcast fighters, bombers, and destroyers, they began making strikes against the Kusari Naval Forces. The Consortium asked, and were granted, access to Ainu Depot by the the Golden Chrysanthemum's elders. The Consortium eventually came under the influence of Zetsumai Keisotsu who used their destroyers to intercept any Kusari capital ships that attacked Kiretsu ships when out pirating.

During the last 2 years Kiretsu has been heavily active and involved with the Okinawa system. Due to political reasons and the fact that the Gas Miners Guild is in control of the system, the roles of the Kusari unlawfuls has reversed within the system. The Chrysanthemums and Blood Dragons have become semi-lawful with the Hogosha and Farmers Alliance being outlaws. Because of their agreements with the Gas Miners Guild, Kishiro, and Interspace Commerce, the three corporations running the system, the Kiretsu have waged a war against the Hogosha and Naval Forces in Okinawa, in an effort to stop both from entering the system and keep the Kusari Government from obtaining sovereignty of Okinawa away from the Gas Miners Guild.

Because of Zetsumai Keisotsu's and the Kiretsu's rapid elevation in the Chrysanthemum power structure, they have been major players in the faction's diplomatic efforts, negotiating non-aggression pacts with the Independent Miners Guild and Kishiro, as well as strengthening the relations between the outlaws in Kusari and the Bretonian Armed Forces. Kiretsu transports have been seen delivering goods captured from Samuran transports and depots to Southampton Shipyard and Interspace Commerce's Waterloo Station, often under a heavy guard of Kiretsu fighters and bombers.


  • Depose the current Emperor and replace the traditionalist government. Installation a Matriarchy would be ideal, but the main focus is to get a liberal government that will provide equal rights to everyone in Kusari and no longer keep its borders closed to foreigners.
  • While the destruction of military equipment is beneficial, the only realistic way to destroy the government is to take away the support of the people and the money it requires to run. Hindering the Kusari economy is of greater importance than the destruction of individual military convoys. No navy can run without money. Nor can any government.
    • Continue to spread Cardamine throughout Kusari, using Roppongi and Furyoku stations as distribution centers. This not only funds us, Interspace, and the Outcasts, but can also gain us new recruits for the Chrysanthemums. The younger generation is more liberal than the one in charge. If they remain that way, and remain tied to the Cardamine we and the Outcasts supply, we can control them and use them against the government.
    • Hinder Samura whenever and wherever possible. They support, and in many situations, control the government and back the Hogosha and Farmers Alliance. They are also dedicated to traditionalism, opposing any liberalism in Kusari.
    • Cause as much damage to the Naval Forces as possible both to weaken the government's control and hurt the Kusari war effort against Bretonia.
      • Cause as much damage to the State Police as possible to weaken their control over the citizenry. If there is no law and order, there is only anarchy, which would leave Kusari open to the Golden Chrysanthemums.
    • Stop any attempt by the Corsairs to enter Kusari or deliver Artifacts to the Hogosha. The Corsairs want to establish themselves in Kusari to oppose the Outcasts, which means they will oppose us as well.
    • Attack any Hogosha vessels found in order to weaken their hold on the black market, which weakens their political power. Like the Samura, they are dedicated to traditionalism. Through their control of the black market, they have ample resources to bribe government officials with, which they often do to their own advantage and our detriment.
    • Keep the Farmers Alliance contained. They are not a direct threat to the Chrysanthemums, and their interdiction of foreign traders hurts the Kusari economy, making it harder for the government to continue their war with Bretonia and their actions against the Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemums.
    • Aid any Interspace Commerce Ships if they come under attack while in Kusari. They provide funding and material to us, which won't be possible if they cannot get into and out of Kusari safely. Further, they help with Cardamine distribution in Kusari, which relies on their good will.
    • Aid the Junkers whenever and wherever possible. They provide competition against Hogosha and can help in the supply and distribution of Cardamine. They are also a black market group not under the control of Samura, and are liberalists.
    • Aid the Bretonians against any common enemies of ours when in Kusari. The more damage the Bretonians can cause, the sooner this war will be over.

Equipment Usage

  • Ships
    • Golden Chrysanthemum "Blossom" Heavy Fighter (Required)
    • Golden Chrysanthemum "Orchid" Bomber
    • Border World Transport
    • Outcast Gunship - Limited (Current: 1 [Megami])
  • Equipment
    • All Golden Chrysanthemum weaponry
    • Civilian Shieldbusters
    • Codenames


  • Touji - Matriarch
  • Seijin - Sage
  • Kifujin - Lady
  • Aijin - Mistress


  • Touji
    • Zetsumai Keisotsu (Dab)
  • Seijin
    • "Aosoraki" (Skyelius)
  • Kifuijn
    • Ayako Miruishi - "Kuroishi" (Gezza)
    • Enya Shinkaku - "Ten'yuu/Ren'ai" (Enko)
  • Aijin
    • Naomi Siagyo (Ximen)
    • Izumi Ryusaki - "Reikoku" (Kress)
    • Naomi Ichiyusai (Ironwatsas)
    • Keiko Sakura (Derkylos)
    • Izumi Mayu - "Nekekami" (DeathsOverture)
    • "Akiko" (Kikatsu)
    • Ami Fujioka (Ogris)


Faction Relationship


Blood Dragons
Lane Hackers
Interspace Commerce
Bretonian Armed Forces
Bretonian Police Authority
Gas Miners Guild
Red Hessians
Independent Miners Guild
Everyone Else
Rheinland Military
Rheinland Federal Police
Kishiro Technologies
Bounty Hunters Guild*
Kusari Naval Forces
Farmers Alliance
At War
Samura Industries
At War
At War
Kusari State Police
At War

* - Do not interfere if Bounty Hunters are after Hogosha or Farmers Alliance targets.
** - Only fire upon Gaians if found in Kusari, Tau-23, or Tau-29.

Faction Relationship


101st Outcast Guard
Reapers of Sirius
Shadow Outcast Brigade/Blue Lotus Syndicate
Nova PowerGen
Lane Hackers
The Junkers Congress
Interspace Neuralnet Division
Bretonian Armed Forces
Queen Carina's Privateers
Mandalorian Mercenaries
Gas Miners Guild
Bretonian Police Authority
Red Hessian Army
The Phantom Empire
Independent Miners Guild
Temporary Autonomous Zoners
Everyone Else
Rheinland Federal Police
Rheinland Military
Kishiro Technologies
Bounty Hunters Guild
Nature's Last Hope
The Brotherhood
Benitez Familia
Omega Pirates Guild
Colonial Remnant
Kusari Naval Forces
Artisan Farmers Alliance
At War
Samura Heavy Industries
At War
The Black Dragon Society
At War
Kusari State Police
At War