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''' Blackpool Industries ''' <br />
''' Blackpool Industries ''' <br />
* We have agreed to ship needed commodities to build around 6 bases.
* Due to recent illegal activities by Blackpool Industries, USI has now took actions for an acquisition of the project.
* Expiration: Undefined
* Expiration: Undefined
* Link(s):
* Link(s):
** [ Exhibit A: Initial Deal]
** [ Exhibit A: Initial Deal]
** [ Exhibit B: 3rd Party Negotiations]
** [ Exhibit B: 3rd Party Negotiations]
** [ Exhibit C: Action of Acquisition]
''' Magic Carpet Jumping Services ''' <br />
''' Magic Carpet Jumping Services ''' <br />

Revision as of 14:26, 9 September 2013

This is a player faction. For the affiliated NPC faction, see Universal Shipping

Universal Shipping Incorporated
USI Logo.png
Origin Flag-liberty.png Liberty
Affiliation Universal Shipping
Alignment Lawful/Corporation
Recruitment Click Here
Date of founding 150 A.S.
Founder(s) Erik T. Demoses & Michael Trenton
Current leader(s) Charles Bell & James Miller
Base of operations Trenton Outpost, New York
Primary ID Universal Shipping ID
IFF Universal Shipping
Tag(s) [*USI*]


The Beginning

Before trade lanes and the new age technology of jump gates, there was hard work and the original space transportation company, Universal Shipping.

They were pioneers who spent time and resources moving materials the old fashioned way, by cruise travel, from one system to another. Originally moving silver from California to Colorado in order to terraform Los Angeles, Universal Shipping earned their place as a vital part of the Libertonian society. However, as time progressed transportation became easier. Ageira Technologies and Deep Space Engineering grew in power as their technologies allowed ships to travel above and beyond what was thought possible.

Good news for humanity as a whole, bad news for the once all powerful Universal Shipping. As trade slowed down and commodity prices were lowered, the industrious workers and miners of Colorado were laid off and eventually pushed into a small mined out asteroid field. Once employees to Universal Shipping, these disgruntled blue-collars turned rogue and took on the name of Xenos. Even after becoming outlaws the previously employed miners decided not to attack their employers, in exchange of course for the occasional donation of credits.

Age of Discovery

In 181 A.S. Universal Shipping finally secured a foothold in modern Libertonian society. A contract was made between Ageira Technologies and Deep Space Engineering that allowed Universal to move cargo between their bases. This enabled the company to once again rise in power as the number one transportation company in Liberty. This, however, was a short lived prosperity.

After the age of Discovery, new groups came to dominate Universal Shipping's sector of the market. Both Ageira and Deep Space Engineering started up their own shipping branches and independent trading companies emerged; One being the Independent Neuralnet Division, who took over as the leading haulage group. And after the group known as the Kings of Freight was contracted, the mainstream workers of Universal experienced a lack of livelihood and many decided to join the Xenos and wage war against the upper-class and foreigners.

This went on until two major events took place. One was that the tensions between Liberty and Rheinland mounted until they were pressed into war. The second was that the Kings of Freight broke their major contract with Universal Shipping and set-up their own base in the system of Minnesota. A new market for military supplies sprang up, and two men saw this opportunity and struck with all the force they could muster.

Erik T. Demoses and Michael Trenton had not known each other long, but they became instant business partners. Both had been Universal Shipping employees, and both had risen through the ranks at tremendous speed.

Erik was a master of manipulation and a true patriot to the Liberty sector. He could charm even the hardest business man into selling his contract for a fraction of its real worth. However, his belief in honor was unquestionable and his word was true. Now as president of Universal Shipping he seeks to once again raise the main branch back into its period of prosperity. Little is known about where he came from.

Michael Trenton comes from a quarreled family, his mother's side are Xeno's and his father's side are all Universal traders. When he was a young pilot, he left Universal and his father, to live with his mother on Ouray Base. He was trained to be a fighter pilot there, and was promoted to a 'Royal' in the Xenos ranks. However, even though he wanted to be loyal to his family, he just didn't have the same moral values as them.

He was allowed to leave the Xeno Alliance, without any hindrance thanks to his mother. After he was accepted back into Universal Shipping (player faction), he made a lot of changes to the company. He trained the escort pilots, some say better than Liberty's finest.

He showed the employees new and safer routes. Then after his father passed away he met Erik T. Demoses.

The New Era for Universal Shipping, Inc.

The year is now 817 A.S., exactly one year after Universal Shipping underwent its change in management. As a result of fresh leadership, bright new ideas have broken through the rusted mold that was once Universal. Both the Department of Trade, and the Department of Security have been renovated to be as effective as possible in current times. These renovations have led to new positions of leadership, which are being filled by Liberty's finest.

Aside from this miniature renaissance, Universal has formed many new contracts with groups and individual pilots throughout Liberty. However, the most major of these contracts is the one that is closest to Liberty. The organization of a military supply route between the Liberty Navy and Universal Shipping may lead to victory in the war against Rheinland. With a constant surplus of new ships and vehicles, as well as various other commodities, sent directly to the front lines of the war, the forces of Rheinland cannot hope to last for long against the full might of Liberty and her people.

Besides reinforcing Liberty's own forces, Universal has decided to expand outwards and claim new areas of trade that have previously been undiscovered. With the prospect of new alliances at hand, Universal is bringing as much business to the outer sectors as possible while maintaining Liberty. Hopefully, with the aid of new resources from the outlying colonies, Liberty will be able to crush Rheinland.

The Recovery of 817 A.S.

In late 817 A.S., President Erik T. Demoses was kidnapped by a group of Lane Hackers. The Chief Security Officer, Jeffrey Adams, put the Vice President, Michael Trenton, into protective custody. After, Mr. Adams stepped down from his position and decided to deal with his past. He attempted to find his long-lost sweetheart who was previously kidnapped by unknown slavers and possibly find the whereabouts of Mr. Demoses. With Mr. Demoses, Mr. Trenton and Mr. Adams not available, the former manager Denny Crane took over as the President of Universal Shipping. He appointed Jack Hammerson as the new Chief Security Officer and waited for Mr. Trenton to be released from protective custody to resume his position as Vice President. Now with a new leader of USI, a 'clean-up' was initiated and more recruits for Universal were hired. Most of the current employees were promoted and just a few were laid off. New contracts, training and plans for more bases were found and established. Although Universal was dealt a hard blow when Mr. Demoses was abducted, the recovery was a success and the corporation is now stronger than ever.

The Descent and Rebirth

Recently, USI has gone through several changes of leadership. Araevin Teshurr was a major President of Universal Shipping Incorporated. His Vice President was Jason Sawyer, who ended up being a corrupt individual, arranged to have Araevin kidnapped and Jason took his place as President. Eventually, Jason was killed, and Araevin took back his place as President. Harvey Davidson became the new Vice President, but then resigned after a few months. Since then, the corporation slowly started to fall apart. Many changes in leadership, power struggles, and many employees have left or decided to no longer show up. Now a Board of Directors has taken the place of leadership. Denny Crane is now currently the Chairmain of the Board and is now attempting to rebuild USI towards its former glory.

Purpose of Corporate Entity

Mission Statement

We have four important goals at USI that declares our purpose as a company and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions upon: (1) To ship high-risk, high-value commodities to our affiliates and allies to become the number one trading corporation in Sirius and to better supply Liberty’s and our allies’ economy and lawful forces. (2) To assist affiliates and allies by actively securing trading routes, bases, and convoys in order to better serve the free-trade market and to protect the lives of traders. (3) To aid in the war against Rheinlanders by targeting their economy so that our Liberty Navy can succeed. (4) To provide philanthropic services to Libertonians and her allies to better their lives and allow them to be contributing members of their nation.

Vision Statement

In the near future, USI will once again become the number one trading corporation in all of Sirius, help win the war against Rheinland, be a name that makes pirates tremor, and be the mentors all traders dreamed about. We’ll do this all by training recruits to be family, be consistently reliable to our affiliates and allies, and by taking a moral stand for those who are needy.

Public Ordinances

[1.0] Corporate Ordinance Applicable Domain
[1.1] The following corporate ordinances of Universal Shipping Incorporated (“USI”) applies to anyone who comes in contact with USI personnel, operated and affiliated bases, and/or individuals or groups doing business with USI.
[1.2] The “area” for which USI extends its domains, our Zone of Influence (ZOI), of a base is a 10km radius.

[2.0] Base Conduct
[2.1] Any vessels requesting to dock with a USI owned base are welcome to. Exceptions are for those who break any of the following base conduct rules below:

  • [2.1(a)] Contraband is not permitted. A list of contraband can be found in the Liberty Ordinances.
  • [2.1(b)] If a vessel was commanded by a USI employee to leave our ZOI of the owned/affiliated base, the aforementioned vessel must leave the area. The reasons of the USI employee must be justifiable.
  • [2.2(c)] No one shall threaten, harm, or attack any owned or affiliated USI bases.
  • [2.3(d)] Any vessel/call-sign that is known to be hostile to USI, USI’s affiliates, or USI’s allies, must immediately state their reasons for contact once they have entered our ZOI. Failure to do so may result in a prompt defensive action that may include the destruction of your vessel.

[3.0] Personnel Conduct
[3.1] If asked to halt by a USI employee/affiliate, you must halt. The reasons for a USI employee to halt a vessel must be justifiable. We hold the right and the means to scan cargo for any contraband. We also hold the right and the means to prevent a preemptive attack on another vessel.
[3.2] We value “Freedom of Speech,” although if our USI personnel feel threatened, they are instructed to command you to leave the area. If the vessel does not leave the area, they will be breaking our corporate ordinance 3.3.
[3.3] Harassment or threatening behavior and conversation will be considered a risk and will be dealt with justifiably by USI personnel.

[4.0] Matters of Being Affiliated with Rheinland or Supporting their Cause
[4.1] All vessels and call-signs who support the Rheinland economy or war efforts in any way are considered extremely hostile to USI personnel. We hold the right to pursue with extreme prejudice.

[5.0] Justifiable Consequences and Punishments
[5.1] Breaking any of the USI corporate ordinances may result in the following actions:

  • [5.1(a)] We hold our right to a Citizen’s Arrest. An insubordinate vessel may be commanded to be under arrest and escorted to another system, an authoritative figure, or to a prison base for due processing.
  • [5.1(b)] An insubordinate vessel may be commanded to be halted until released to an authoritative figure or to another USI personnel/affiliate.
  • [5.1(c)] If an insubordinate vessel is considered a threat or hostile, we reserve the right of Self Defense and will use necessary force to either destroy your vessel or compel you to flee. USI personnel hold the right to chase fleeing insubordinate and hostile forces.
  • [5.1(d)] Any hostile or incident caused by a possible hostile will be placed under investigation by our Department of Security or Department of Internal Affairs.
  • [5.2(e)] Hostiles may find their call-signs being placed on USI's bounty board.


Q: Who is eligible to request for a new loan?
A: Anyone in Sirius is permitted to put in a request for a new loan. Assuming they are of a lawful affiliation.

Q: Can I take out a loan for any reason?
A: Your reasons for a loan must be stated in the request. It's up to the Treasury (Executive Administration) whether or not your request will be approved.

Q: What are the terms?
A: Unless you have established a relationship with us in the past, you have one week (7 days) to pay back the principle (original amount loaned) and all accrued interest.

Q: How do you guys choose who gets approved and who doesn't?
A: We will first see what kind of relationship you have with Universal Shipping Incorporated. Then we'll do a background check and measure how much of a risk you are based on your established integrity. The last thing we do is decide whether or not your submitted request is reasonable: replying with a counter-offer is common in these situations.

Q: Can I have a cosigner?
A: We will definitely consider cosigners in the request. Cosigners have equal responsibility for paying for all debts owed.

Q: What's the interest rate?
A: We are proud to say that our interest rates are negotiable, but the following are our fundamental interest rates:

  • 6.125% (APR) - Standard Rate: All non-universal and lawful personnel.
  • 3.6% (APR) - Affiliate Rate: All secondary Universal personnel.
  • 1.5% (APR) - Family Rate: All [*USI*] personnel.
  • 0.0% (APR) - Recruit Rate: All new members of [*USI*] on first loan.
APR - Annual Percentage Rate
We use the Pert Formula - This means interest is compounded continuously

Q: What happens if I don't pay on time?
A: If you break the agreement by not paying on the specified day, your interest rate will double starting the day after the default, and it will be more difficult for you to be approved for future loans. The best thing to do if you can't pay on time is to talk to our Treasury (Executive Administration). We understand how hard it can be out there. Plus, we're nice people.

Q: How much can I take a loan out for?
A: This truly depends on your background check and the purposes of the loan. Make a request, and if we think we can help you we'll reply with a counter-offer if the amount requested is too high.

As for our new members, here is a list of no-interest, maximum loan amounts you will be eligible for:

  • Cadet [CA] - 15,000,000 Credits
  • Trainee [T] - 12,000,000 Credits
  • Coordinator [C] - 5,000,000 Credits
Term: All first loans to new members must be paid back within one month from receiving the loan.

Current Contracts

Judicial Corps

Blackpool Industries

Magic Carpet Jumping Services

  • We pay them 5 to 10 million credits in exchange for jumping services.
  • Expiration: Never: Ongoing
  • Link(s):

BPA - Bretonian Restricted Goods Licensing

  • We purchased a Tau Trading License
  • We are allowed to transport goods through and within the Tau Systems.
  • We are exempt from all blockade taxes
  • Expiration Date: March 1st
  • Link(s):

The Xeno Alliance

  • We are considered neutral, and both sides refrain from negative confrontation.
  • In exchange for their "off the record" assistance, we supply their bases with needed commodities.
  • It has been defined that independent Universal vessels are not included in this agreement.
  • Expiration: Undefined
  • Link(s):

Universal Shipping, Inc. Bounty Board

Employee Rules & Information

Code of Conduct

  • Always be true in your service to Liberty and our allies.
  • Respect the laws of each system and organization. This includes giving your full cooperation to authoritative factions.
  • Be loyal to USI. Do not sell or give any information that could harm USI or its members in any way.
  • Do not ship contraband that is against the laws of Liberty and our allies.
  • Be honest. This entire corporation is based on honesty and we expect all of our members to show integrity.
  • Respect all members of the USI. Treat others the same way you would like to be treated.
  • //In order to join, you need a valid real-life contact point. For example: E-mail, Steam, Skype, or Forum ID. In fact we prefer you to have a Forum ID and a Skype account (both are free).
  • //Follow the server rules. Depending on the severity of the situation, you may be sanctioned by USI as well.

Convoy Conduct

  • You must stay in your designated position in line, unless changes have been made by the convoy leader.
  • Respect everyone in the convoy. A team is nothing if they don't have each other's backs.
  • No 'testing weapons' on members (or anyone else for that matter)
  • Convoy leaders must state what to buy next and where before the convoy reaches their immediate destination.
  • You must pay the required fees after your convoy has reached its final destination.
  • Listen to your superiors and scouts, they know what's best for the convoy.

Convoy Procedures & Fees

Convoy Leader - The Convoy Leader has the following responsibilities:

  • Organizing the official convoy via Skype.
  • Establishing the Line-up of all vessels and changing the Line-up when necessary.
  • Directing all vessels to each destination.
  • Being the negotiator during stressful situations or appointing a member of the convoy as the negotiator. Negotiators try to find a compromise between the convoy and a unit or group of interest (usually pirates).
  • Must make sure all fees, insurances, and rewards are taken care of during and after the convoy.
    • Fees are charged to all Trading Vessels (Convoy Leader is not excluded).
    • 5% goes to each escort; 20% goes to the USI bank, [*USI*]Deposit.
    • If rewards or insurances are paid to any member of the convoy, a request for reimbursement from USI should be made on the USI Forums or through Skype. USI covers all insurances and rewards.

Trading Vessels - All trading vessels are charged the following fees after any/all completed destinations, regardless whether they are flying solo or with a convoy:

  • 5% of their profits should be sent to each escort.
  • 20% of their profits should be sent to [*USI*]Deposit.

Security Vessels - All escorts are expected to receive at least 5% of each trading vessel's profit. There are three positions an escort can take:

  • Scout - Takes "Point" or leads the convoy. Their main purpose is to identify any hostiles ahead of the convoy and inform the Convoy Leader.
  • Shield - Takes "End" or trails closely behind the last vessel in the convoy. Their main purpose is to sabotage any and all hostile interceptions or chases.
  • Support - This position is versatile and may be given to any rank, class, or ship. Their purposes vary on the convoy or operation.

General Convoy Procedures (Step by Step)

  • Convoy Leaders will communicate via Skype or in our Private Forums when the next convoy will take place (along with all the necessary information).
  • The Executive Administration is allowed to substitute members for the following reasons:
    • If they feel that one member hasn't been given the opportunity to be in a convoy enough.
    • If a member has broken the Code of Conduct.
    • If they feel a member needs more training
    • If a designated member was chosen for a mission for RP purposes.
  • At the start of a convoy the Convoy Leader will check attendance and give a brief on the assignment (Route). If there are any Trainees, they will be briefed on engagement rules and evasive maneuvers.
  • When the assignment is completed, the credits are distributed appropriately.
    • Use the following website to help you calculate fees: Percentage Calculator
    • Or just use your own calculator:
Profit = (Selling Price per Commodity - Buying Cost per Commodity) X Cargo Capacity
20% Fee = 0.20 X Profit

Employee Benefits


  • Our Payroll System applies to all members who complete eligible assignments, such as:
    • “Official Convoys”
    • Mandatory Meetings
    • Any other assignments that are awarded as “Tallys.”
  • Ranks that are not on the payroll:
    • Trainee (Department of Trading)
    • Cadet (Department of Security)
    • All ranks in the Executive Administration are not on the payroll, and instead receive bonuses based on the retained earnings of Universal Shipping, Inc.
  • Each member in the convoy will also receive a "Tally" for each completed assignment.
  • At the end of the month, the Treasury will count each tally earned and pay each member by their rank, certifications, achievements, and bonuses. Here is a basic payroll based on rank (Tally is represented as "t:” 1t=500,000 Credits):
    • Employee and Security Officer: (1t)
    • Coordinator and Lead Employee: (1.5t)
    • Supervisor and Patrol Leader: (2t)
    • Manager and Senior Security Officer: (2.5t)
    • Chief Security Officer, Chief Logistics Officer, Chief Affairs Officer: (3t)

[NOTE: Certifications, achievements, and bonuses can all add to a member's payroll based on rank]

Convoy Rewards

In the likely case that we are confronted by Pirate(s)/Terrorist(s) and the Convoy Leader gives the order for engagement, Rewards are given as follows:

  • IF we win, each Escort and the Convoy Leader is given 2,000,000 Credits for each hostile destroyed.
    • All Trading Vessels must survive.
    • At least one Escort must survive.
    • A win is if the hostiles flee or are destroyed.
    • Doesn't matter who took the last shot - We're a team, we all get paid!
    • Convoy Leaders must pay out the rewards initially. They will be reimbursed by the Treasury once they applied for reimbursement.
  • IF one of our Trading Vessels are destroyed, please look at Insurance.

[NOTE: If the Official Convoy was incomplete or has failed (destroyed by Hostiles), then the assignment will NOT be counted as a Tally on the payroll]


As a Trader for Universal Shipping Incorporated, you are covered under our private insurance. Here is some information on our Insurance:

  • There are no deductibles and no monthly payments. We are proud to be able to provide this to our Traders.
  • Our insurance only covers the loss of cargo. However, we have a fantastic team of mechanics and engineers to bring your ship back to life – 2 hour guarantee!
  • If your trading vessel was destroyed while on your duties, we will disburse to you 500,000 Credits for the loss of cargo.
  • Procedures for receiving the disbursement:
    • If your trading vessel was destroyed during an Official Convoy and you were hauling cargo, you must request immediate disbursement from your Convoy Leader (in-game).
    • If your trading vessel was destroyed during any other time, you must request disbursement from the USI Treasury (Either via Private Forums, or via Skype). Please provide us with as much information in your claim.

[NOTE: With the information provided in your claims, we will identify the hostile, assuming it’s not a planet, and we’ll place him on our Bounty Board.]

Other Benefits Coming Soon!

Benefits such as Bonuses, Certifications, Achievements, Work Credit Offers, Loans, Legal Support, and more are coming soon to our Wiki.

Structure of Ranks

Call-Sign Convention

Trading Vessel: [*USI*]Vessel.Name[TAG]
Security Vessel: [*USI*]F.LastName[TAG]

Trading Vessel Example: [*USI*]Atlas[T]
Security Vessel Example: [*USI*]J.Smith[CA]

The “TAG” of all vessels reflects the member’s current rank within the department. For the full list of tags and ranks look at “List of Ranks.”

List of Ranks

Executive Administration

  • President - [P]
  • Vice President - [VP]
  • Chief of Staff - [CS]
  • Vice Chief of Staff - [VCS]

Department of Internal Affairs

  • Chief Affairs Officer - [CAO]
  • Chief Coordinator - [CC]
  • Coordinator - [C]

Department of Trade

  • Chief Logistics Officer – [CLO]
  • Manager - [M]
  • Supervisor – [S]
  • Lead Employee - [L-E]
  • Employee – [E]
  • Trainee – [T]

Department of Security

  • Chief Security Officer – [CSO]
  • Senior Security Officer – [SSO]
  • Patrol Leader – [PL]
  • Security Officer – [SO]
  • Cadet – [CA]

Breakdown of Ranks

Executive Administration
Rank Tag Overview Requirements Signing Bonus
Director of all operations, departments, and finances
  • Appointed or voted in.
  • First in Command
  • Access and Control of all Assets
  • Including Flagship Vessel
Vice President
Vice Director of all operations, departments, and finances
  • Appointed or voted in.
  • Second in Command
  • Access and Control of all Assets
  • Including Flagship Vessel
Chief of Staff
Chief Director to the Chief Security Officer and the Chief Logistics Officer
  • Appointed or voted in.
  • Third in Command
  • Access and Control of Most Assets
  • Shared Luxury Liner or Yacht for HR purposes
Vice Chief of Staff
Vice Director to the Chief Security Officer and the Chief Logistics Officer
  • Appointed or Voted in.
  • Fourth in Command
  • Access and Control of Most Assets
  • Shared Luxury Liner or Yacht for HR purposes.
Department of Internal Affairs
Rank Tag Overview Requirements Signing Bonus
Chief Affairs Officer
Autonomous director of the Department of Internal Affairs
  • Appointed or voted in.
  • Cost for the purchase of the L-584 "Enterprise" Luxury Liner
  • Access to all necessary Assets
Chief Coordinator
Assistant Director of Internal Affairs
  • Must be able to assist the duties of the Chief Affairs Officer
  • Must have knowledge of all DIA systems and procedures
  • Must be a mentor
  • Must complete at least 4 jobs in the prior month
  • One of the jobs must be a new or renewal of a contract
  • Cost for the purchase of the "Democritus" Luxury Yacht
  • Access to all necessary Assets
  • Must complete the 3-step recruitment process (Click Here)
  • Must be approved for hire
Department of Trade
Rank Tag Overview Requirements Signing Bonus
Chief Logistics Officer
Autonomous director of the Department of Trade
  • Appointed or voted in.
By default authoritative rank
  • Appointed or voted in.
  • Must sustain at least the minimum activity requirements for a consistent 3 months
  • Must be able to assist the duties of the CLO
  • Must be a mentor
  • Must know and enforce all internal rules
  • Must know all trade routes and logistic plans
  • Costs for each Call-Sign
  • Cost for the purchase of a Freighter/Transport for HR purposes
  • 35,000,000 Credits for Bonus
Directs convoys and other operations
  • Must sustain at least the minimum activity requirements for a consistent 3 months
  • Must have contributed more than 50,000,000 credits in logistical transportation to [*USI*]Deposit
  • Costs for each Call-Sign
  • 20,000,000 Credits for Bonus
Lead Employee
Most active and highest paid Employee
  • Must sustain at least the minimum activity requirements for a consistent 2 months
  • Must have contributed more than 25,000,000 credits in logistical transportation to [*USI*]Deposit
  • Costs for each Call-Sing change will be given
  • Cost for the purchase of an Armored Transport
  • 12,000,000 Credits for Bonus
Established trader
  • Must sustain at least the minimum activity requirements for 1 month
  • Must have contributed more than 12,000,000 credits in logistical transportation to [*USI*]Deposit
  • Costs for each Call-Sign
  • 8,000,000 Credits for Bonus
  • Must complete the 3-step recruitment process (Click Here)
  • Must be approved for hire
  • Loan for the purchase of a new trading vessel. (See "#Loans" for more information)
  • 2,000,000 Credits for Call-Sign
  • 2,000,000 Credits for Bonus
Department of Security
Rank Tag Overview Requirements Signing Bonus
Chief Security Officer
Autonomous director of the Department of Security
  • Appointed or voted in.
  • Cost for the purchase of the "Enterprise" Luxury Liner or the "Democritus" Luxury Yacht
  • 75,000,000 Credits for Bonus
Senior Security Officer
By default authoritative rank
  • Appointed or voted in
  • Must sustain at least the minimum activity requirements for a consistent 3 months
  • Must be able to assist the duties of the CSO
  • Must be able to train in fighting techniques, escort techniques, and contract negotiations
  • Must be a mentor
  • Must enforce all internal rules
  • Must know all rules of USI trading and security protocols
  • Must know all trade routes and logistic plans as well as contracts
  • Cost for the purchase of a Freighter/Transport for HR/Support positions
  • 48,000,000 Credits for Bonus
Patrol Leader
Prestigious master escort and fighter
  • Must display exceptional fighting techniques
  • Must display an initiative by either establishing a new contract or leading an operation
  • Must sustain at least the minimum activity requirements
  • Cost for the purchase of the T-833-GB "Ahoudori" Kusari Explorer Gunboat
  • 32,000,000 Credits for Bonus
  • Must complete the 3-step recruitment process (Click Here)
  • Must be approved for hire
  • Loan for the purchase of a new escorting vessel. (See "#Loans" for more information)
  • 2,000,000 Credits for Call-Sign
  • 2,000,000 Credits for Bonus

Areas of Operation

The Republic of Liberty

Liberty is our home, yet we are accepted in all major systems, as well. At this point in time the only systems in Liberty that we are not permitted to enter are Ellesmere, Puerto Rico, Illinois, Virginia, and an unknown system that does not exist. However, we are still called by our Authorities to enter these systems.

As the main exporting and importing company in Liberty, we ship most commodities and equipment needed by other corporations such as, but not limited to: Deep Space Engineering, Liberty Police Incorporated, Interspace Commerce, and Orbital Spa & Cruise. Our main shipping contract within Liberty is with the Liberty Navy, as we are their main suppliers for all Military commodities, equipment, rations, and other goods.

License (transmission #107): Unlimited use of Liberator & Executioner crafts, 4 Guardians, 2 Avengers and 1 decommissioned Liberty Gunboat for training purposes.

Kingdom of Bretonia

Since we consider Bretonia a sister to Liberty, and because they are at war with Kusari, we feel the need to assist them in any way possible. By contract, we are allowed to travel through most of the Bretonian systems. In fact, the only systems that we are not permitted to enter are Salisbury, Londonderry, and Poole - unless granted access by the system owners. Though we are neutral with Kusari, we are aware of the trade embargos that both Bretonia and Kusari have set between themselves. We will not take any lanes to Stokes Mining Station in the Leeds System.

U.S.I. is considered to be a powerful allied-corporation to Bretonia. Like Border Worlds Exports, Universal will assist the local police or military whenever needed; meaning we supply the Bretonia Armed Forces with Military commodities, like Light Arms and Military Vehicles. Some of our traders have been made famous for saving the lives of V.I.P's and War-veterans in the area. Our traders have also moved refugees from Leeds to New London to give them hope and a better life. And because of the growing relationship between ourselves and Bretonia Mining and Minerals, we are now considered their main haulers of Gold and Gold Ore.

Republic of Kusari

This section of Sirius can be ghost-like at times yet can turn deadly without warning. We are merely business associates in this area when you are passing through act appropriately; even if the people there are not treating you the same way. Due to our current relationship with the corporations in Kusari, we are granted to travel through the main systems. Although, some systems like Tottori, Fukuoka, and Hiroshima, are ones that we are not allowed to enter.

Sadly, most Kusarians see Universal as a selfish, credit-driven, Liberty corporation; they don't see the helpful and friendly family that we have today. They believe we are the cause of their strife and that we have somehow hurt their economy. If only they could see that we wish for their economy to grow. Currently, because of the newly-established embargo, Universal shipments in Kusari have been decreased.

Nevertheless, our relationships with the corporations within Kusari are still under development. We hold temporary contracts when available, but we have no major or official contracts yet.

Federal Republic of Rheinland

Rheinland is a sector that we do not enter, unless given a direct order by a higher authority. However, we are allowed to travel to as close as the border worlds in between Liberty and Rheinland. The only purpose to travel to those worlds would be to supply and repair the Navy vessels stationed there.

Universal Shipping is strongly disliked in Rheinland. We represent the growing infrastructure of Liberty and we are very successful at shipping military equipment and commodities to any destination. Universal also donates credits to Liberty and her proud navy, which allows the Navy to train the best pilots and to have them fly the best ships. Because of this, we are willing and ready to aid our navy in combat if it comes to total war.

There are shipping corporations in Rheinland that we may meet during our assignments. As such, we should exercise extreme caution (despite our past relationship with Republican Shipping). The only Rheinland corporation that we are considered neutral with are the ALG Waste Disposal - We need them, and they need us... It's a healthy relationship.

Kingdom of Gallia

Gallia is located outside of Sirius, not many know the location. The major obstacle when negotiating in this mysterious place is actually the 'lawful' authorities. They blame the people of Sirius for abandoning them a long, long time ago during the settlement. Therefore, they don't appreciate Sirians trading or even entering in their space. Although, there is one group in Gallia that appreciate our presence. Their organization is called the "Republique de Gaule" and they represent the Council - An exiled community and government of Gallia.


The Taus sectors are also quite far from our home. In the northern sectors there is a large activity of the Outcasts, but sometimes Universal shipments enter them in order to deal with the local Independent Miners Guild. In the southern ones, the presence of the Kusari Naval Forces is very strong and since Tau-31 remains a war zone we try to avoid them.


Most of the Omega Systems are under the control of large unlawful organisations. It is probably the most dangerous sector for our convoys to travel, therefore only the best and bravest pilots are assigned to these convoys. Furthermore, most of the times, the Universal shipments are sighted in Omega-49, Omega-50 supplying Gran Canaria or various other Zoner installations or Omega-3.


We don't go there. We hardly know anything about these systems. The sole exception is Omicron Theta, which is primarily used to pass from the sigmas to the omegas or the opposite. In this system a Zoner group called The Phoenix is sighted, but currently we don't have any contacts with them.


Faction Relationship
Liberty Navy
Liberty Security Force
Liberty Police Incorporated
Deep Space Engineering
Ageira Technologies
Interspace Commerce
Other Liberty Corporations
Ables Aces
Kingdom of Bretonia
Xeno Alliance
The Council
Everyone Else
Colonial Republic
Unlawfuls (General)
Unlawfuls (Liberty)
At War
Kingdom of Gallia
At War
Federal Republic of Rheinland
At War

Permitted Ships

Fighter Class

Cv starflier.png
CTE 750AE "Starflier"
Civilian Light Fighter
Li fighter.png
LZF-6364 "Patriot"
Liberty Light Fighter
(Tech: 90%)
Cv startracker.png
CTE 1270AV "Startracker
Civilian Light Fighter
Cv fighter.png
CTE 1500 "Hawk"
Civilian Light Fighter
Dsy civilian shuttle.png
CTE L-337-K "Civilian Shuttle"
Civilian Shuttle
Cv starblazer.png
CTE 1440AV "Starblazer"
Civilian Light Fighter
Li fighter.png
LZF-9805 "Liberator"
Liberty Light Fighter
(Tech: 90%)
Cv fighter.png
CTE 4000 "Griffin
Civilian Light Fighter
Dsy miner lf.png
MV-422-B "Surveyor"
Civilian Light Miner
J3P 5S "Hayabusa"
Civilian Scout Fighter
(Tech: 75%)
CLI-11000 "Arrow"
Civilian Light Interceptor

Li elite.png
BDR-337 "Defender"
Liberty Heavy Fighter
(Tech: 90%)
Li elite2.png
Liberty Heavy Fighter
(Tech: 90%)
Hw p2 hf.png
CTE-HF "Kingfisher"
Civilian Heavy Fighter
"Moldy Crow"
Civilian Heavy Fighter
Dsy renzu hf.png
Renzu Corp "Saishi"
Civilian Heavy Fighter
Cv elite.png
CTE-3000 "Falcon"
Civilian Heavy Fighter
BYC "Marauder"
Civilian Heavy Fighter

Dsy renzu shf.png
Renzu Corp "Touketsu"
Civilian Very Heavy Fighter
Li elite.png
BDR-804 "Guardian"
Liberty Very Heavy Fighter
(Tech: 90%)
Cv vheavy fighter.png
CTE 6000 "Eagle
Civilian Very Heavy Fighter
Renzu Corp "Wasupu"
Civilian Very Heavy Fighter
SV-17 "Virage"
Civilian Very Heavy Fighter
IR-7 "Raven's Talon"
Civilian Very Heavy Fighter

XB-2 "Havoc Mk II"
Civilian Bomber
CTE 19000 "Roc"
Civilian Bomber

Freighter Class

Li freighter.png
EL-HiL27 "Rhino"
Liberty Freighter
Dsy civilian freighter.png
CTE FR-2303-K "Civilian Freighter"
Civilian Freighter
DSE-720 "Camara"
Civilian Freighter
X shuttle.png
X11 "X-Shuttle"
Civilian Freighter
YX "Dromedary"
Civilian Freighter
Dsy renzu fr.png
Renzu Corp "Anki"
Civilian Freighter
DL-Hai "Grizzly"
Liberty Shuttle

Transport Class

Transport armored.png
Civilian Armored Transport
Transport small.png
CT-49x "Gull"
Civilian Transport
EL-HiL51 "Mammoth"
Liberty Transport
Transport large.png
CT-39X "Albatross"
Civilian Transport
Dsy trainx2.png
CT-53 "Heron"
Civilian Train
Civilian Transport
Series "DL" "Border Worlds Transport"
Civilian Transport
Dsy trainx3.png
CT-69 "Crane"
Civilian Large Train
Liberty b cargo.png
Class C5 Liberty Transport
Liberty Transport
Dsy trainx4.png
CT-73 "Stork"
Civilian Advanced Train

Special Vessels

E78-12 "Spatial"
Civilian Deep Space Explorer
"Repair Ship"
Repair Ship
Heavy lifter.png
Civilian Base Construction Platform
T-833-GB "Ahoudori"
Kusari Explorer
Luxury Yacht
Luxury liner.png
L-584 "Enterprise"
Luxury Liner
Prison liner.png
"Prison Liner"
Prison Liner
Ind liner.png
Renzu Luxury Liner
"The Barge"



Populated / Influenced

Important Links