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::Incoming transmission::
:TongueID: Kyouko Kirigiri::
::Location: Planet Cambridge::

Greetings, gentlemen.
The United Exploratory Corps. presents oneself as independent scientific organization originating from GMG. UEC's primary duty is to study anomalies, jump tunnels and faraway worlds and develop new ways to move through space such as hyperengines. We are defending ourselves against Rheinland's attacks because they've destroyed our previous research installation, Maebashi Station.

We're just scientists that are looking for new opportunities to get back to our main work - development of an ultimate engine.

UEC will comply all laws in Bretonia space.

Best regards, UEC Administrator Kirigiri.

\*{Playing Transmission}*/

Hello there, my name is George Cavendish, and I have come here to confess my sins and beg for your forgiveness, you see I have made a grave and terrible mistake and I hope that we will be able to rectify the issue as soon as is humanly possible.

Now I understand that ignorance of a law is no excuse for breaking it in the first place, however I do so hope that we can resolve this matter diplomatically and to such a degree that we will reach a resolution that will not harm anyone and will satisfy all.

With that in mind, I must confess for I have broken a number of laws, to be exact; Section 5, subsection 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 & 5.4.
For your convenience I have highlighted taken the following quotes from the Laws of Bretonia:

Section 5, sub section 5.1:
"All bases must be registered before construction commences."

Section 5, subsection 5.2:
"The location and name of the base must be explicitly detailed (can be broadcast privately for the sake of confidentiality).
The base'€™s intended purpose and duties must be explained.
Entities to be permitted docking rights must be listed.
A 50,000,000 credit deposit must be filed with the QCG|HMS-Victory or QCG|HMS-Endeavour (subtracted from zoning costs)."

Section 5, subsection 5.3:
"Permission must always be sought prior to construction being initiated."

Section 5, subsection 5.4:
"All stations must have docking permission at all times for Bretonian law enforcement agencies: this includes the BAF|, BIS| and BPA)."

For breaking these laws I must let you know, I am truly sorry and I know that I am not deserving of your trust or even my freedom, however I have been made aware that in the past certain figures have been allowed a chance to rectify their mistakes, and I hope that you will be able to offer me the same chance to rectify my own mistakes.

You see a small while ago I was approached by a few scientists from the Heisenburg Research Station whilst I was delivering supplies within the Koeln system, they wanted a chance to study the space anomaly, among other things that I am told resides in the -{ENCRYPTED}- system. At first I said no, but it turns out that these people had something that I was in rather dire need of - money. I was offered a substantial amount of money, and in return for their generosity they charged me to oversee the construction and administration of a modular space station known as Sark Station in the -{ENCRYPTED}- system.

In my haste and to some degree my greed to gain this needed money, in order to pay off my debts, I begun the construction of this space station without properly understanding the laws of the local area, only now do I truly understand the mistake I have made.

Now you understand the mistakes that I have made, I hope I will be able to put it right, I hope, no I beg of you to allow me to do this without interrupting the scientists work, for I can not allow my mistake to harm them.

So, here is the information about this modular space structure:
-This station is located in the -{ENCRYPTED}- system, at the sector -{ENCRYPTED}-.
-The administrator is myself, George Cavendish and other than this mistake I would call myself a loyal citizen of Bretonia.
-Formally the station emits a Freelancer IFF as neither myself nor the scientists on board work for any corporation.
-No entities considered hostile to Bretonia have been given docking permissions, nor will they ever be.

If you should be able and willing, (although after my treacherous transgressions of the law I would understand if you did not bother) please can you have someone contact me directly, if you can do that for me I will be able to grant docking permission to the Bretonian Law enforcement and pay any fines, which I understand will most likely have been incurred after my disgraceful actions, along with the needed processing and registration fees. I will also be able to address any further queries you may have.

For now, I wish to apologise for what I have done, and wish you a good day.




[Image: 8d264b4e-1b55-454b-8136-718990685bc1_zpsda61aa1e.png]




=Z= ZONER WINGS, Colony & Enterprises
Mr Steven Lovelight

Kingdom of Bretonia, Bretonian Police Authority
the Secretary of State for Trade and Economics of THE REPUBLIC OF LIBERTY




Dear Representatives of the Bretonian Police Authority,

THANKS for helping us with the registration of our station and getting permission of the REPUBLIC OF LIBERTY.

We finally received an answer from Mr. William Hawthorne, Secretary of State for Trade and Economics of Liberty.
He ordered us to pay a registration-fee for our base and to permit docking for Liberty-First-Fleet-vessels.

Now, as we complied, we will be added to Liberty's list of registered facilities.
This means that we have fulfilled the last pending caveat from your side!

See our communications with Liberty here:
Comm-Channel Liberty <-> =Z= Zoner Wings

=Z= Zoner Wings again wants to THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all your efforts.

You're always welcome to contact us if you need any additional Informations or if our help is wanted.

Best regards

Colony & Enterprises

Steven Lovelight

Speaker of the Colony



[Image: 2bbee495-3357-41f7-bae8-286bb30d837f_zps9cb54728.png]


Mr Steven Lovelight,

Seeing as Liberty has now Legalised your Base ,kcrma, we now now satisfied all Three (3) caveats have been cleared.

We are happy to confirm that you Base is now fully Legal under Bretonian Law.

Good luck, Sir.

George Cavendish,

We are always happy when people see the error of their ways and throw themselves at the mercy of the Law.

You are quite correct in your statement of ' ignorance of a law is no excuse' and with that in mind we have decided to allow you to keep your Base, with the view of furthering scientific understanding of these anomalies, but there are, however, certain caveats to you Base become fully Legal in the eyes of Bretonian Law. .

1) Docking Rights are given to all Bretonian Law Enforcement Agencies.
2) We receive an exact List of all Personnel, on the Base, and their Credentials.
3) That you pay a fine for your transgressions totaling One Hundred and Fifty (150) Million Credits payable to either BPA)Gerald.King[CCD] or BPA)Rose.Eddings[CCD]

We will give you Two (2) weeks, from the sending of this communique, to clear these caveats.

Once these caveats have been cleared we will enter your Base on the Register as fully Legal.

Administrator Kirigiri,

Quote:The United Exploratory Corps. presents oneself as independent scientific organization originating from GMG. UEC's primary duty is to study anomalies, jump tunnels and faraway worlds and develop new ways to move through space such as hyperengines. We are defending ourselves against Rheinland's attacks because they've destroyed our previous research installation, Maebashi Station.

We are having difficulty understanding the reasoning behind your request to build a Base within Bretonian Space.

You statement says that you are an Independent Scientific Organisation that wants to study anomalies and possibly new types of engines.

But, and this is where we are having problems understanding your reasoning, as you then go on to say that and we quote:
Quote:We are defending ourselves against Rheinland's attacks because they've destroyed our previous research installation, Maebashi Station.

In what way and for what reason are you defending yourselves from Rheinland? Bretonia is not at War with them and so we are very puzzled about you statement.

It has also come to our attention through some reports that certain of your Ships have attacked Rheinland Shipping. This does not appear to be a very Scientific Organisation if this is what you do. That being said, we haven't received any recent reports of this still occurring.

If you could answer these 'misgivings' that we have to our satisfaction then we will review your request. Until that time your request is



\*{Playing Transmission}*/

Hello, Cavendish here.

I am sorry for leaving this reply to the last minute, I hope this doesn't reflect too badly on myself, I've had to deal with a lot of administrative issues recently. I'm still adapting to this new role which I have taken on.

Anyway, let me address these issues that you have rose, firstly I am happy to let you know that all Bretonian law enforcement agencies have been granted docking access on Sark Station, the list of all personnel working on the station, along with their credentials have all been sent to yourself over secure S.K.Y.P.3 protocols in order to protect our employees personal details.

As for the fine, the full payment is being transferred as we speak and you should notice the deposit in the corresponding account within the next few moments.

***//SENDING FEE\\***

[Image: d0922aa5-71c3-4736-8ac1-3b7a721edea4_zpsdf535ba4.png]


I hope that clears things up and that our small station may finally be recognised as a legal station within the eyes of the Bretonian legal system.

I eagerly await your response on the matter and hope that this finally resolves the issues that have been caused.

Kind regards
George Cavendish

STRENGTH: ||||||||||||||| 75%
To: BPA Registration and licensing
From: [Z]DS- Zoner Distribution Syndicate
Captain Keith "Mammon" Boniface

Dear BPA Authorities,

I am contacting you to request registration of a shipping platformed used to store commodities, recently constructed in New Castle. Unfortunately, at the time of construction my corporation was ignorant of Bretonian Law, but recently got up to speed. We in no way want our continued relationship with trading in Bretonian space jeopardized by lack of diplomacy or accidental violation of the law.

My original business associates, lets say "backed out" of another installation in the TAU's system and due to the seedy nature of the business they conducted, I am glad our relationship terminated. We are a lawful organization trading throughout Sirius but mainly with IMG/GMG/Zoner installations. It was only natural, looking for a location near Outpost Holman, to jump to the New Castle system and set up shop, but again unfortunately we were ignorant of the regulations at the time.

So we currently constructed a small shipping platform in the asteroid field containing the TAU-31 JH and we are contacting you know to begin the legal registration process. We are willing to pay the fees for both base registration and a Tau trading license, besides a small fine to cover our ignorance of your laws, as along as we are provided enough time to do so as we are just beginning the infancy of our financial success.

Here is the data on the base (I will make it accessible to BPA authorities as per your instructions)

[Z]DS-New Syndicate Shipping Platform
Shield Mod Construction underway
Sector D-1

We appreciate your forgiveness and patience regarding this offense


Captain Keith "Mammon" Boniface

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