}--Incomming Un-Authorised Signal--{
>>>Action?- Blocked
}--Frequency Chenged, Sender Location-Static--{
>>>Action?- Access Forced- feed intiating.
***Incomming Transmission***
>>>Recipiant Adress: Phate, Sanguinetti, Morriarty
>>>Encryption Level: High
>>>Sender ID: Chenzo
>>>Sender Location: Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha.
>>>Topic: Equipment deals.
**(A tall man apears on screen, with a booming voice begins to speak)**
Hmm, Hola, You need to fix this channel, it's almost impossible to send a feed through.. or maybe that's what you want, Hey, i'm not made for hacking.
Adressing Morriarty, sanguinetti and Phate Only
Anyways, Greeting's.
I have had a few brief disscussions on private secure channels, for which I have recieved confrimation to finally make a recorded log of negotiations. In the interest of the Maltese capital fleet, I am requesting the use of one of your more advanced technologys.
For testing and System defence purposes only, I am requesting to aquire 11 Hacker Battleship Turrets being the offocial technolagy request (for the record.)
This will not only bennifit each of our polotical inteests, but giving much needed funding to the Hackers. Also feedback will be given as to how the technology works alongside Outcast vessles and powercore capabilities.
The technolagy modifications will affect the "MNS-Loyalist" under heavy 101st contoll.
I can regularly be found in my private Sabre acompanying the 101st squadrens supporting your cause in the Liberty area.
The MNS-Loyalist and her loyal crew over time have earnt the trust and respect of all of the maltese fleet.
My superiour Admiral will contact you to arrange the transfure of funds and equipment , aswell as aranging some of your engineer's to mount the techology, plus teach my personal engineer's how to do so via private Secure channels should you accept.
Should the bennifits not already out-weigh in your favor, I personally am wiling to negotiate in what ways that need be done to aquire a arangement that works in both of our favours. I will also be diverting somemore shipments of Cardimine to the locations you ask, Current destination is the Mactan base. There's only so much that can be hauld there, if you get my drift.
Thankyou for your time. I am contactable on channel 243690, Encryption code 846.
>>>Initiating encryption and lock down---Complete
***Transmission Terminated***