..:Resending transmission:..
' Wrote:...Incoming transmission...
...Comm ID: Samuel Colt...
Good day, Sirs. I have heard about your assasination board. Looking forward to work for you.
My papers:
good relationships with hackers
...transmission terminated...
..:transmission lost:..
*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc.Holliday
To: Professor Clay
Kallisti, Sir,
It is true that Med.Force.One has the best equipment that I can find, constantly being updated and improved as we can but the replicator I purchased some time back from a Lane Hacker aboard the Genesis has become a big subject of positive conversation. It is a testament to Lane Hacker inginuity and to be honest, I wouldn't mind having Lane Hacker minds to improve what we have even further.
I have little that I can offer. In the past, I have done some business with Paco Pistols in exchange for some intelligence. I paid him in credits and even made a delivery of requested goods to Mactan. I'll search my files for the proof of that transaction if it will please you. I guess the best I could do is to offer payment to the Lane Hacker leadership, perhaps deliver some goods of request and maybe even share some of the information of the equipment on my ship. Whatever is decided, I'm sure we can work a mutual arrangement. I am willing to fly to Mactan to meet you if you wish or you can send a delegation to meet me at Med.Force.One, my home at Tombstone or Canaria Medical.
This would be a transaction between the Hackers and myself, not TAZ as this is my at my own request.
I await your reply,
Dr. John Henry Holliday
Konnichiwa or... respectful salutations, Hackers.
I'm not sure at all whether the relations between our groups ever reached a very friendly peak, but again, since I couldn't rely on any source about this matter, I'll merely ask for a confirmation coming from your side.
However, I'm aware about a past deal between the former Rōjū Yuuma Saburo and a member of your organization under the name of Mr. Sanguinetti. Such deal was never officialized over any communications channel, so I believe it died as time passed. It involved the Dragons supplying you certain commodities to your base in the Galileo system in exchange of your Counterfeit software stocked there. So here is my offer: We will send our Big Dragon transports filled with Artifacts to Leiden and we will head back to the upper sector of the Crow Nebula with your Counterfeit material.
That's everything I can say, I'll patiently await for your response.
<div align="right]
Shōgun Itagaki Dato
![[Image: hideyoshisignature.png]](http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/8714/hideyoshisignature.png)
[color=#FF0000]In Hideyoshi's Memory
Shogun Dato
It is an honor to recieve such a proposal from the Blood Dragons. Although our organizations may differ greatly in opinion and method I see no reason to let this get in the way of a healthy and productive relationship between us.
I know of the previous deal between your Roju and Professor Sanguinetti; although much time has passed since then our respect for the Blood Dragons has not lessened and The Rising Sons are still welcome to trade with Leiden base.
...signal.sniffer.activated... sniffer.log...
-7 channels confirmed....
+"JOB BOARD"...commence.decryption.protocolv...
anti-security measures: blind.spot.protocol.implement.doppel
...comm.id.[alias].recognized...uploading data...
[body of message]
...encryption.in.progress...hack terminated...
anti-security measures: blind.spot.protocol.complete.doppel
...comm.id.doppel.injection...uploading data...
Greetings, challenging security measures, and farewell.
Allow me to introduce myself. I am known as 'Doppel.Ganger' to those that know me, and well, there aren't many. I am sure you can understand how a man can forget something like a name. If I indeed had one, I have long since forgotten what it was. The same goes for family. If I have one, which I assume I do, somewhere. I have no recollection of them.
I am interested in doing some work for your organization. It is rare I have to write a program anymore, but I actually had to in order to open the doors I was looking for. I extend to you my sincere respect.
Anyone can build a reputation, few live up to it.
I will look back in to see if you respond as I'd hope. Positively.
Feel free to ask anything you wish, I do not promise to reveal answers to all of it. However, I will provide you with proof that I am indeed an acceptable candidate for such work, upon your response.
I look forward to your attempts at tracing this, and to working with you.
...encryption.in.progress...hack terminated...
...comm.id.doppel.injection...uploading data...
My appologies. At times, I forget my manners. A bad habit picked up by the ever increasing lack of responses from targets, when they get told they are a target.
I am an independant contractor. A mercenary some would say. However, I am a self made man, really just getting going. I know, you guys don't usually take on what some would call green, but, I assure you that I am quite capable.
You can also look at it from another point of view, if I can't perform, it will make itself clear fast enough. Wouldn't you agree? Thus, nothing lost, nor even risked. However, if I do turn out to have some worth, it's not a missed chance.
'Rep Sheet Verification, Timestamped for assurance of recent status'
'ID Verification'
If there is more information you require, just let me know.
...encryption.in.progress...hack terminated...