08-16-2013, 09:43 AM
***New Transmission***
From: "Loue"
Location: Gunboat Spectrum
Position: California system, Alcatraz area
From: "Loue"
Location: Gunboat Spectrum
Position: California system, Alcatraz area
Hey there Lane Hackers! How things goes?
So, we are Liberty Rogues, and we are inside Gunboat Spectrum. And, we would like to make some bussines with ya guys! There are lots of badass guys around, and we kick many of them.
So....what we will give to ya:
Any ship piloted by those freaks went KAAAABOOOOM
If we managed to track life pod...if it's a guy...we will give it to ya, if it's a girl...Hehe, well you can understand us, what we mean...we all humans, so we will leave girl to ourself.
What we want to ask from ya....
We need very advanced scanner array. Dun ask, why we need it, Mkay?
We ready to give first 3 bounty kill for no payment, but for exchange for advanced scanner and sensors array.