[13.01.2015 23:16:21] 2015-01-13 23:16:26 SMT
[13.01.2015 23:16:21] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: *hacks*
[13.01.2015 23:16:22] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: sure, works well
[13.01.2015 23:16:31] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: Well met, Hacker
[13.01.2015 23:16:39] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Ahem greetings
[13.01.2015 23:16:51] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: I heared there was some strife. Any problems ?
[13.01.2015 23:16:59] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Do I speak with a responsible person within the T&T?
[13.01.2015 23:17:31] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Someone that can represent T&T?
[13.01.2015 23:17:36] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: well... Im a senior Skipper, jes. Fynn is our Foreman, but hes not on Board. ( // Player : jes, Character : no )
[13.01.2015 23:18:08] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: That's too bad
[13.01.2015 23:18:24] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Do you know where I could find one then?
[13.01.2015 23:18:28] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: well, I can pass him a message. Whats up ?
[13.01.2015 23:19:21] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: A T&T transport of yours had a lengthy discussion with me. I am Goro Yoshida if you are unaware.
[13.01.2015 23:20:15] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: And he said that you're a small Liberty firm that they do not get well with "unlawfuls" and do not want to have any
[13.01.2015 23:20:19] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: connections with them.
[13.01.2015 23:20:27] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: The name sounds familiar, but I dont really place it. A conversion on what ? Trade ? Intel ? Diplomacy ?
[13.01.2015 23:20:40] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Obviously, based on that description, I treated him as a Liberty corporate dog.
[13.01.2015 23:21:16] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: ah, ... well. We pay fealty to Mokha, and to Liberty Forces too. Its not that we are lawful zealots... we trade for a living
[13.01.2015 23:21:23] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: His refusal was so absolute that he didn't even meet my demand.
[13.01.2015 23:21:33] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Well I am not a Rogue as you can tell.
[13.01.2015 23:21:40] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: we do what we m,ust to survive, as we are no big three company. We are family
[13.01.2015 23:21:49] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Yet your friend didn't
[13.01.2015 23:22:06] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: And the hull of his ship is now drifting somewhere in northern Liberty.
[13.01.2015 23:22:28] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: -- But --
[13.01.2015 23:22:31] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: I heared, jes. I usually pay, if the demand is not unreasonable. And mostely it was not so far
[13.01.2015 23:22:50] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: but ?
[13.01.2015 23:22:54] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: I was informed by my colleagues that T&T is in fact a respectful group who had dealings with the Hackers.
[13.01.2015 23:23:44] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: well, dealings . We have no treaty, and we offered support. So far it was never needed. We dont fit your target sceme
[13.01.2015 23:24:07] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: sometimes its good to know who is not your enemy.... but that does not make you friends
[13.01.2015 23:24:16] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: So that matches the story I've also heard.
[13.01.2015 23:24:40] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Your "family member" should have also shared it and things would have been developed differently
[13.01.2015 23:24:52] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: I know my action caused him <pain>.
[13.01.2015 23:24:58] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: sure. We play straight... perhaps with a trick or two, but honesty pays out in the long run. He will learn
[13.01.2015 23:25:20] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: So I have two requests
[13.01.2015 23:25:21] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: he lives, that is the important thing
[13.01.2015 23:25:26] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: jes ?
[13.01.2015 23:25:26] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: which I'd like you to bring to your leader
[13.01.2015 23:25:31] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: will do
[13.01.2015 23:26:05] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: First, please inform your T&T members about our 'dealings' in order to avoid future implications.
[13.01.2015 23:27:57] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Are you still here?
[13.01.2015 23:28:01] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: First : will do. But we do not "command" our skippers
[13.01.2015 23:28:14] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Excellent.
[13.01.2015 23:28:29] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: Every man decides himself. We like it that way, and mostely it works well. We are no company slaves
[13.01.2015 23:28:45] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: We are free men, working together
[13.01.2015 23:29:03] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Secondly, this relationship should be renewed once in a while, yes?
[13.01.2015 23:29:45] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: sure. What do you suggest ? A glass of wine or something else ?
[13.01.2015 23:29:57] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Sometimes our ships pick some loot from corporate wrecks
[13.01.2015 23:30:18] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: So we need to sell it somewhere, if you get what I mean.
[13.01.2015 23:30:33] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: Well : both sides trade with AFC . BP66 is an ideal turnpike for both of us
[13.01.2015 23:30:47] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: We even suggested something along that lanes already
[13.01.2015 23:31:04] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: And we are allied with AFC. They are friends
[13.01.2015 23:31:11] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Oh, I see...
[13.01.2015 23:31:42] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Then please allow me to restate my second request
[13.01.2015 23:31:57] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: We have open docks here for Liberty forces as we need no Libertonian Capship taking aim again...
[13.01.2015 23:32:09] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: sure, Im listening
[13.01.2015 23:32:59] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: We have cargo sometimes
[13.01.2015 23:33:05] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: that needs to go to Manhattan
[13.01.2015 23:33:22] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: as long as its no Cardamine or other contraband we are interested
[13.01.2015 23:33:23] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Of course as you realize, we have no docking access there.
[13.01.2015 23:33:49] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Hmm. It is contraband last time I checked. Though it's not cardamine, I assure you.
[13.01.2015 23:34:02] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: Hm... software ? Or what ?
[13.01.2015 23:34:06] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: We will do it secretly and quickly. When noone else is around
[13.01.2015 23:34:22] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Blood Diamonds
[13.01.2015 23:34:49] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: You will keep a share of the profits so we will both profit from this little deal.
[13.01.2015 23:34:55] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: ah, we have no problems with that. After all, Blood diamonds are not illegal in Liberty, and we do not plan to haul them in Rhd
[13.01.2015 23:35:04] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: Rheinland
[13.01.2015 23:35:47] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Aha, excellent then.
[13.01.2015 23:36:20] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: We can set up about ... lets say 20.000 units of cargo space , for you to use with neutral ships.
[13.01.2015 23:36:23] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: I am glad that we can see eye to eye, sir.
[13.01.2015 23:36:37] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: we have more space than we need, that is no problem.
[13.01.2015 23:36:53] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: In your little base down in Texas?
[13.01.2015 23:37:15] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: *laughs* we have built no weapon platforms, so we have enough space for cargo
[13.01.2015 23:37:58] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: lets say : If somebody really wants to siege with warships, we will not be able to stop them, jes ?
[13.01.2015 23:38:28] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: So why try and play big bad Junkers, while we can make profit from being harmless and neutral ?
[13.01.2015 23:38:37] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: see my point ?
[13.01.2015 23:38:37] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: If someone attacks T&T with warships, I assure you the base would be the last thing to be nervous about.
[13.01.2015 23:38:57] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: we agree, and plan accordingly
[13.01.2015 23:39:28] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Do you require the display names of our neutral ships
[13.01.2015 23:39:35] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: or your base is open to the public?
[13.01.2015 23:40:02] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: we have restricted docking. And the docking registry is open to libforces checks. But ...
[13.01.2015 23:40:18] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: These ships are fully lawful.
[13.01.2015 23:40:18] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: I guess convincing ttransponders are no problem for you
[13.01.2015 23:41:03] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: send FynnMcScrap or Sturm Winger the transponders and negotiate a price and this should be... profitable
[13.01.2015 23:41:39] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: And if I want to procure exotic items from the Sirian market?
[13.01.2015 23:41:51] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Is the T&T in position to sell me such things?
[13.01.2015 23:42:18] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: Well... we can fly nearly everywhere, and we run a blokade or two, like to Council space or Leeds
[13.01.2015 23:42:40] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: I am referring to nomad remains.
[13.01.2015 23:42:40] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: Only rule is : we carry no Orange, jewelry or Fireworks
[13.01.2015 23:42:47] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: ah, hm....
[13.01.2015 23:42:59] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: that couts as very expensive fireworks I guess
[13.01.2015 23:43:14] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Oh but I will pay. Handsomely.
[13.01.2015 23:43:33] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: That would be something to discuss, but I think that most of us would probably say no.
[13.01.2015 23:43:49] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: I am sure some of your "family members" are more daring than others.
[13.01.2015 23:43:52] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: Too many fanatics who would blow up our families to kill a single smuggler
[13.01.2015 23:44:04] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Why don't you ask John, my dear friend to do this for me
[13.01.2015 23:44:14] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: might be, and that could be possible. But as single sjkippers, not as a group
[13.01.2015 23:44:50] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: Your dear friend John ?
[13.01.2015 23:45:12] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Yeah T&T.Blacksomething
[13.01.2015 23:45:47] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: Ask him. Theres no court without somebody accusing you. He could try it, but he would get no backing from the Haven.
[13.01.2015 23:45:58] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: No you are going to.
[13.01.2015 23:46:16] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Before John's ship was about to blow up he called us "suckers".
[13.01.2015 23:46:41] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: Hm. So thats what you want to... be friendly again.
[13.01.2015 23:46:44] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: You understand that I cannot work with you guys if I am to encounter such prejudice
[13.01.2015 23:47:05] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: I need John to convince me that he is okay after all this
[13.01.2015 23:47:33] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: I understand you are driving a bargain. And using the words of a single skipper. Well, lets see what happens
[13.01.2015 23:47:36] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Give him this task. Find for me 5 small nomad remains and we will have a deal.
[13.01.2015 23:47:47] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: I will talk to him, but I do not promise anything
[13.01.2015 23:48:00] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Very well
[13.01.2015 23:48:31] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: But I warn you, this deal will blow up if John refuses.
[13.01.2015 23:48:53] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Doing business means there is trust and John needs to earn that trust.
[13.01.2015 23:49:17] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: As I said : we do not command our Skippers. And trust is in bargains, in deeds. You made your point.
[13.01.2015 23:49:59] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: The bargain is in trade, the trust you demand is a test.
[13.01.2015 23:50:25] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: Well, I can accept that, but I am only a Skipper. I will pass it on.
[13.01.2015 23:51:24] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: I will pass it on then that T&T is to be welcomed and excempted from our cargo intediction operations.
[13.01.2015 23:51:47] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Until John contacts me of course, in the Communications channel and tells me his decision
[13.01.2015 23:51:52] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: Hm. Well we will see if we will be able to strike that deal.
[13.01.2015 23:52:08] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: I hope you remember my name so John will know where to send his message.
[13.01.2015 23:52:12] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: Its a intriguing trade, interesting...
[13.01.2015 23:52:21] T&T/.Tinkers.Pride: I have my backlog, no worries
[13.01.2015 23:53:08] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: Excellent.
[13.01.2015 23:53:20] LH~Cochrane.Traverser: I will be eagerly waiting in hearing from John then.