Light Transport Graviton Shield | |
Price | 6,000$ |
Capacity | 19,800 |
Regeneration Rate | 330 |
Offline Rebuild Time | 20 |
Rebuild Power Draw | 2640 |
Constant Power Draw | 0 |
Offline Threshold | 0.15 |
Technology | s_graviton01 |
CG-4C "Kite" Transport Graviton Shield
A simple transport shield, the CG-4C "Kite" has lower damage capacity but is rapidly-regenerating. Often the first choice for civilian traders, this shield is a common piece of equipment in Sirius, and can even sometimes be found on cargo interdiction transports, when they want to draw energy from defensive systems and divert it to produce more firepower. This is a graviton-based shield that provides improved protection from laser and photon weapons.